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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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UNBREAK MY HEART – Episode 65 – 67

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{ Melt into me… }

By: Chidimma M.🥀


⚠ Don’t Copy Or Repost Please ⚠



“What are we gonna do today Gavin” Kimberly

Right now, they were having their breakfast in
family. Maxwell already went back home..

“Well have no plans for today so the choice is
all yours” Gavin said..

“Cool!! After this let’s go shopping” Kimberly

“C’mon…don’t make me regret my decisions”
Gavin whined.

“Please Gavin… I have to buy this new gown. It’s
so pretty and trending..” Kimberly pouted.

“Okay” Gavin sighed.

“Thanks, you’re the best big brother ever”
Kimberly blew her a kiss.

Their parents just watched them with smiles on
their faces as they ate their breakfast quietly…

“Let me go and change before we leave”
Kimberly stood once she was done with her
breakfast. She went upstairs…

“I’ll be in my room…” Gavin said and went
upstairs too.

Mr Robinson just watched him as he went

“He isn’t that cold like before. Maybe he’s slowly
acknowledging the fact that he’ll marry Emery”
Mr Robinson said…

“Love, we need to talk” Mrs Robinson spoke.

She cleared her throat and then looked at her

“I don’t think forcing him to marry a girl when he
loves someone else is the best idea” She said.

“Huh? What do you mean?” Mr Robinson asked.

“I think we should stop forcing Emery on him. It
won’t turn well for even if he marries Emery in
the future, he will not treat her well… It will be a
loveless marriage” Mrs Robinson said.

“But with time they’re gonna love each other…”
He insisted, taking a sip from his mug of coffee.

“No… You know your son and you know how
stubborn he is. When he says he’ll never love
her, then it’s a no and besides…that Iris girl
already occupied his mind and heart.” Mrs
Robinson said.

“I don’t want my child to live like me” Mrs
Robinson added.

Well she too was forced in marrying Mr
Robinson. The only difference is that with time,
she learned to love him…

“What of Mr Baxter… I don’t want any feud with
him for you know how dangerous he might be”
Mr Robinson said.

“I’ll talk to him and make him see things with
me then we can break off the betrothal” Mrs
Robinson said.

Mr Robinson sighed…

“Well,,,,okay” He muttered and smiled.

“Thanks my love” Mrs Robinson smiled at him
before picking up her phone.

“What are you doing?” Her husband asked.

“I’m doing the first thing I could have done as a
mother who loves his children” She said and the
person she was calling picked up.

“It’s the police force,,, what can we do fot you?”

“I’m Mrs Rebecca Robinson, I want to annul a
restraining order I filed last week” She said…
CANADA, 01:00PM**

🎼 I said I’ll catch you if you fall…
🎼 And if they laugh then f_ck ’em all..
🎼 And then I gat you off your knees
🎼 Put you right back on your feet
🎼 Just so you can take advantage of me
🎼 Tell me how’s it feels sitting up there…

Valentina sang ‘Without me’ by Halsey as she
made lunch for them. Logan and Kristina were
still asleep since they slept quite late yesterday
while Ricardo was in their room, working..

🎼 You know I’m the one who put you up there
🎼 Name in the sky, does it ever gets lonely?
🎼 Thinking you can live….without me

She kept singing as she mixed the ingredients,
completely unaware that Ricardo has entered
the kitchen and locked the door behind him..

He walked and wrapped his arms round her
waist from behind, taking her by surprise.

“I love your voice…so melodious” Ricardo
whispered to her ears and kissed her shoulder.

“Thanks hun, now you’re here. Help me slice
those onions” Valentina said.

“What? I don’t wanna cry for nothing…” Ricardo

“You must…take” Valentina handed him the

He sighed and took then kept it aside before
lifting Valentina up and placing her. He came
and stood in between her thigh.

“First, let me taste those lips.” He whispered and
kissed her lips.

Valentina kept what she had in hand and then
dipped her hands in his hairs, kissing him back..

“Bro, check out the updates… Attack On Titans
has been updated” Luca said.

“Yeah, watched it yesterday before going to
sleep… Man!, I love Eren’s charisma and did you
see how Levi single handedly ki||ed all his allies
whom Zeke turned to titans?” Gavin said.

Luca joined them to the mall, making Gavin feel
less bored..

“He’s really cool!! Just feel bad for the ones that
drank Zeke’s spinal fluid. Even Falco drank it
too!” Luca sighed.

“See the good side of things, he’s the new jaw
titan” Gavin smiled.


“Will you stop talking about your dang animes
and check me out… I’ve been standing here for
three minutes” Kimberly snapped.

“Oh sorry….you look good” Luca smiled.

“You sure, I think it makes me look shapeless”
Kimberly said, looking at herself on the mirror.

“Not at all!, you look…” Gavin paused when he
felt his phone vibrate.

He checked it out to see a message from his

💌 I removed the restraining order imposed on
Iris, we’ll talk more once you get home💌

Gavin almost fell off his chair. What’s

“Is this some kind of joke?” Gavin wondered out

“What…” Kimberly asked.

“Mom said she has removed the restraining
order imposed on Iris” Gavin said with nothing
but surprise on his face.

“What?!” Kimberly and Luca chorused.

“I’m as shocked as you two, think we need to go
back home to verify this” Gavin said, already
standing up..

“Let me change back and pay for these dresses
then we move” Kimberly entered back in the
dressing slot.

Iris looked at the time and smiled. Her working
hours were almost over.

Well since they’re still on holidays, she works till
1PM before going to chill with her friends…

A man walked in the club, wearing shades. His
scanned round the area and when his eyes
spotted Iris, he walked to her.

“Good day miss” He said and stretched a letter
to Iris.

“The first lady wants you to have this.” He said.

Iris looked at it in pure confusion. Last time she
checked the first lady is Gavin’s mother so what
does she want to do with her.

Nevertheless, Iris slowly collected the letter from
the guard who left afterwards. She slowly
opened it…

💌 Greetings Iris, I need to talk to you personally
about Gavin. Please meet me at Deluxe Hotel by

Iris read it more than twice before keeping it
back. What does she want to talk about?

“Did she perhaps change her mind about I and
Gavin?” Iris asked.

Only the thought of that made her anxious to
see her. She kept the letter aside and continued
her work…

Gavin and Kimberly have been anxiously
waiting for their mother to come back from the
important meeting she went since morning..

After a long awaited moment, Mrs Robinson
walked in the living room while putting her
phone back in her bag…

“Mom?” They both rushed to her.

“Wow…never knew my kids missed me this
much” Rebecca smiled.

“Mom… I saw the message you sent me, is it
real?” Gavin asked.

Rebecca smiled and slowly nodded her head
before looking away sadly.

“That’s what I should have done for a while
now. I’m so sorry, sorry for being a bad mother…
I should have understood you and be with you
but I didn’t. I thought that girl is a gold digger so
I tried forcing you on Emery…but I was wrong.
I’m sorry” Rebecca said sadly.

Gavin immediately pulled her in for a hug with a
smile on his face. Right now, his heart is leaping
for joy.

“Thanks so much mom, I forgive you mom…will
never h@ťě you” Gavin smiled.

“I’ll be the best mom from now on. I invited Iris
over” Rebecca smiled.

“Really?” Gavin asked as they broke the hug…

“Yeah…wait, isn’t she here already?” Rebecca
scurried her brows.

“No” Kimberly shook her head.

“Well I asked one of my guards to invite her to
come here so that we can talk and try knowing
each other. I told her to come by 7PM” Rebecca

“It’s past 7” Kimberly said

“Where could she be?” Gavin furrowed his

Iris sat back down on the bed for the uptenth
time. She came here since 6PM like it was
written on the letter but still nothing…

A hostess asked her to stay in the room while
waiting for Gavin’s mother and since then no
one showed up. She’s sure her mom is worried
sick by now..

A knock came up on the door.

“Come in” Iris said, hoping it was Gavin’s mother
but to her greatest dismay its the hostess from

“Here’s a glass of juice offered by the hotel
ma’am” The hostess smiled.

“Thanks” Iris took it and took a sip from it. She
didn’t notice the hostess smile discreetly.

“When is Mrs Robinson arriving” Iris asked.

“I don’t know ma’am…you know she’s a busy
lady” The hostess bowed and left.

Iris sighed and took another sip from the juice
before keeping it on a table nearby.

“Think I should leave…maybe she’s not coming”
Iris said and stood to leave but suddenly started
feeling dizzy making her sit back.

She held her head as she felt like places were
spinning. Before she knew it, she began feeling

Just like that, she fell on the bed. Falling in a
deep slumber…


Now, this is what we call perfectly calculated

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{ Melt into me… }

By: Chidimma M.🥀


⚠ Don’t Copy Or Repost Please ⚠


Just like that, she fell on the bed. Falling in a
deep slumber..

The hostess who earlier served her the drink
opened the door to check if Iris was asleep. She
smiled and closed back the door before walking

She suddenly stopped and looked at her sides,
there a man was standing with his hoodie on.
He removed it, revealing xander’s face…

“I already did what you told me” She said

“Good, here’s your cash as promised…” Xander
said and handed the money to her.

She counted it and then kept it in her pocket
then smiled before leaving the area.

“Now, time to have some fun” Xander smirked
and walked to the direction of the room where
Iris was sleeping.

He opened it and saw her laying there with her
hair sprawled on the bed. He walked closed to
her and sat down beside her…

“This time around I ain’t just disgracing you in
school… I’ll make sure the whole world sees it,
let me see how Gavin will want to stay with you
again. I’ll just lie to them that I was drunk…I also
wonder how it’ll feel like if you fall pregnant,
you’ll then have no choice but be mine…”
Xander said and stood up then walked to the

He placed a camera there and made sure it was
facing them before turning it on…

He walked and then sat back down then slowly
caressed her thigh since she was putting on a
bump short.

“Your body looks more pretty than last time..and
so alluring” Xander muttered and kissed her
thigh, smiling at how he foóled them all.

Well at first he had a plan to kidnap Iris but
when the spy he had in Gavin’s house told him
of the letter, he decided to tamper with the
location and time written on the letter before it
got to Iris..

“Are you sure ma’am?” Gavin said on the phone.

“Alright, I’ll try look for her” Gavin said and hung
up and looked at his mother and sister…

“I just called Iris’s mom and she says Iris hasn’t
gotten back from work since morning. She’s
really worried about her…” Gavin said.

“I just tried calling Iris for the fourth time but she
isn’t picking up…that’s so unlike her” Kimberly
said, already worried too.

“This is not good… I don’t like this feeling” Gavin
and began calling Iris too…

A car stopped in front of the police station and
a pair of smooth legs came out of the car.

Dressed in a blue pair of jeans with a thick pink
coat on top, she walked into the police station
and stopped in front of a desk.

“Good evening Sir” She said.

“Good evening Miss, how many we help you..”
He spoke.

“I’m Emery Baxter…and I’m here to file a
complain.” Emery spoke…

“There’s a case of r@pe going on right now…
and if we don’t get there earlier, it will be too

Xander finished unbuttoning Iris’s shirt. He
removed it and threw it away before removing
her short. She was only left with her P@ŋtîēṣ and

Iris’s phone began vibrating again for the
uptenth time. Xander took the phone and
answered the call.

“Iris!” Gavin immediately called when Iria picked
up. The rest looked his way immediately.

“Iris…don’t do that to us again! We were so
worried about you. Where are you right now?”
Gavin spoke but no one replied.

“Baby?” Gavin called with furrowed brows.

Xander immediately chuckled and smiled.

“Your precious Iris is having a little nap here”
Xander said.

“Xander…” Gavin said with wide eyes.

“Xander! Where’s Iris? What did you do to her!
Don’t you dare touch her!!” Gavin yelled at the
top of his voice…

“Good luck finding us in this huge city” Xander
chuckled and hung up…

“$h|t!!” Gavin cursed and brushed his hair
behind angrily..

“Did i hear Xander? Is that monster with her?”
Kimberly asked.

“Yeah…I dont know how but Iris is in danger and
the worst thing is that I don’t know where he
is!!!” Gavin yelled.

“I knew I shouldn’t have spared him… I should
have ki||ed him!!!” Gavin yelled and sat down.

“I’m calling the police force and if they can’t find
her… The FBI will do.” Rebecca dialed a number.

“It’s me…Mrs Rebecca Robinson. I want you to
locate a boy for me as fast as possible. His
name is…” Rebecca waited for her kids to tell

“Xander Tyson” Gavin replied, looking down.

“Xander Tyson… His name is Xander Tyson”
Rebbeca said.

“Mrs first lady, we have a girl who says she
knows where they are”

“A girl…” Rebecca muttered with creased brows.

“Let me see how you’ll find me” Xander smiled
and switched off her phone before keeping it
but it fell on the floor and broke making a huge
echoing noise.

“Hmm,,,where I’m I?” Iris slowly began waking

She gasped when she saw herself almost naked
and her eyes landed on Xander who smirked
when he saw she was awake.

“Look like that lady didn’t do her task well…or
perhaps you didn’t drink much from the drink”
Xander said, looking at the juice which was
barely drank.

“Xander…” Iris said with trembling lips.

“I suggest you just keep quiet and corporate and
I’ll not make it that painful like last time. This
room is sound proof so no one can hear you
except me” Xander smirked.

“No, please…not again. Please Xander” Iris
slowly began shifting away from him while
trying to cover herself with the blanket.

“No… Xander!!!” Iris screamed in tears
when Xander grabbed her by the hand and
pinned her down on the bed.

“Xander no!! Help!!!” Iris cried, struggling to get
away from him but he overpowered her.

Xander kissed her chest and sucked on her
neck, leaving an hickey there. He smiled and
then forcefully kissed her..

Iris bit his lips hard, wounding him. That made
Xander pull away and Iris spit out some of his
blood that entered her mouth.

“Ɓîtçh!!!” Xander slapped her real hard.

Iris took the opportunity and gave him a kick on
the groin.

“Ouch…” Xander winced, releasing her.

Iris quickly stood up from the bed and rushed to
the door then turned the door knob but it
couldn’t open. She began hitting her hand
severally on the door while turning the door

“Help!!! Someone open this door!!!” Iris screamed
in tears as she kept hitting her hand on the door.

Xander chuckled and stood up, cleaning his
bloody lips…

“Tonight you can’t escape from me… No one is
coming to save you” Xander laughed, coming
closer to her.

Iris pressed herself hard against the door while
covering herself with her hand. Xander grabbed
her hands harshly and pinned it on the door
with one of his hand.

He used his other one to unstrap her bra before
grabbing her B-__-bs, squeezing. Iris closed her
eyes as hot tears dropped down her cheek.

“Why?… Tell me why you do all these?” Iris
asked in tears.

“For fun…you’re my little butterfly Iris and
butterflies are always chased by their predator…
only to be locked down in a bottle where they’ll
die.” Xander pulled her and pushed her on the
bed then straddled her. He began unbuckling his
belt, loosening his trouser.

“Let me go!!! I’m not the little fearful butterfly
they you knew back then. I’m Iris! I’m..” Xander
slapped her mouth shut.

He gave her one punch on the face and that
alone made her weak, she started feeling dizzy.
Xander teared off the last garment on her body
revealing her nakedness.

He positioned himself in between and made to
dive right into her when the door to their room
was kicked open…

Xander turned back to see the police force with
Xander and Kimberly… Behind them stood

“Iris… Xander!!!” Gavin screamed when he saw
the infuriating scene in front of him.

“Emery? You betrayed me?” Xander said

Gavin rushed to Xander and pulled him off Iris
then began giving him the beating of his life…

Emery and Kimberly rushed to Iris and quickly
covered her up with the sheets. She was still
trembling out of fear…

“B@stard!! Idiót!! Your mom should have abort
you when she conceived you. Anïmal!!!” Gavin
yelled still punching him.

Right now, Xander’s face was so horrible. Gavin
pulled him up by the collar so that they were
both staring into each others eyes…

“I told you never to mess again with what I love
right? Dont you get that we’re not the same?
The difference between me and you is that I’m
the ace,, I surpass you in everything and you’re
nothing…absolutely nothing” Gavin spatted
those words on his face and released him then
gave him one last punch on the face before
leaving him for the police force who came to

“Mr Tyson, you’re under arrest for attempted
ràpe and also for ràping Miss Iris Williams
some months ago…you have the right to remain
quiet. If you don’t have a lawyer, the court will
provide one for you…” Xander was carried away.
He looked back at Gavin who was now carrying
Iris in his hands and then looked down.

The truth is that he loves Iris, was just so full of
his pride to confess to her and now that she
moved on…he became jealous.

The police carried Xander out of the building
and as expected, reporters and paparazzi were
all outside snapping and taking pictures of

Gavin cupped iris’s cheek as he looked at her
face. It was full of bruises and just by looking at
it, she wanted to beat Xander all over again…

Gavin kissed Iris’s forehead and covered her
well then hugged her tightly…

“I’m here, your hero is here. Nothing will come in
the way of our love again…absolutely nothing”
Gavin kissed.

Iris smiled before passing out in his arms…


Xander is finally out of the way💯. Emery is a
life saver. This is just to tell you guys that we
shouldn’t be too quick to judge someone for the
person you h@ťě the most in your life can
actually be your life saver and the one you call
‘brother’ is the one that can ki|| you. This is just
the irony of life.. Those who were badmouthing
Emery, oya😂 say sorry to my girl…

Unlock next chapter with: 4k+likes, 300+ long
comments, 45+ shares.

{ Melt into me… }

By: Chidimma M.🥀


⚠ Don’t Copy Or Repost Please ⚠



“How’s she doing?” Gavin asked their family
doctor whom came to check up on Iris.

She was peacefully sleeping on Gavin’s bed.
With the help of Kimberly and Emery, they wore
one of his pullover on her and equally cleaned
her up.

“She’s fine, thankfully you arrived on time. There
are only some bruises on her face which I
treated. All she need is to rest…” The doctor

“Okay, thanks” Gavin smiled.

“I’ll take my leave now..” The doctor smiled and
left the room.

Gavin looked at Peggy who was sitting beside
Iris with a worried look on her face. Well
Xander’s arrest and him trying to ràpe Iria went
viral… Peggy saw it on the news and rushed all
the way here.

“Thank you so much Gavin. You have no idea of
how grateful I am” Peggy said, cleaning her

“It’s no big deal. I’m the one you should thank…
There she is” Gavin pointed and Emery who was
watching them from afar.

Peggy walked to Emery and pulled her in for a

“Thank you” She muttered.

“You’re welcome ma’am” Emery smiled…

“Uhm Emery, can we talk?” Gavin said.

Peggy released Emery and walked back to
Peggy. Luca and Kimberly were outside
discussing with Rebecca.

“How did you know of Xander’s plan” Gavin

“Well,,,he came to my house some days ago and
proposed a deal. He asked me to help him get
Iris so that…I can be with you” Emery paused
and looked at him.

“After a while of reflection, I agreed to his idea.
He told me his plan and how it will function.
Days passed and my conscience couldn’t take
it… I couldn’t sit there and watch how he’ll take
advantage of her again..” Emery said.

“Again?” Gavin asked.

“Yeah, again. Iris was in my school till she left
after her image got tattered by Xander… I had to
do something to stop him and that’s why I came
here some days ago to inform you about his
plan but unfortunately you didn’t want to hear
me out. I had no choice but to report him to the
police…” Emery said.

Gavin took a deep breath listening to her. He
dipped his hands in his pocket… Maybe she’s
not bad like he thought.

“Emery all I have to say is thank you. Thank you
so much for what you just did.. Sorry for the
way I treated you lately” Gavin said.

“Its nothing, I would have reacted the same way
if someone told me to leave the one I love for
another” Emery smiled.

“I just want to make it clear. There’s never
gonna be a marriage between us…” Gavin said.

“Yeah, I know. I didn’t save her to gain your
attention or something. To be honest with you, I
fell for you the first day I saw you…but deep
down I knew we aren’t meant to be together. I
talked to my father and he said he’ll come to
annul the betrothal issues. He’ll be here in few
minutes I guess…” Emery said.

“Talked to my parents too. Thank you for
understanding things with me… We can be
friends, just friends” Gavin stretched his hand to

“Just friends” Emery smiled and shook his
hands. Gavin smiled at her…

“Uhm,, Gavin?” Peggy called, making him turn to

“I need to go get some few things home…will be
back in an hour time, please take care of Iris.”
Peggy said.

“Sure ma’am” Gavin smiled.

Peggy smiled and left the room. Emery walked
out of the room and joined the others…

Gavin brought out the camera he found in the
room earlier. He will give this as a proof to the
police in case Xander will try to escape the law…

He kept it back in his pocket and walked to
where Iris was laying. He laid down beside her
and pulled her closer, placing her head on his

He closed his eyes and didn’t know when he
slept off…

“How can this happen without you knowing!!
For f_ck sake, find that snitch before it’s too
late” Ricardo yelled on the phone and hung up.

“Babe, what’s wrong?” Valentina asked.

“A girl was almost ràped in my hotel. Luckily,
the police arrived before time..and the snitch is
a worker in my hotel” Ricardo said.

Well Ricardo owns Deluxe hotel (reference to
chapter 1 of the story…).

“A ràpe case? Not again?” Valentina picked her
phone. She couldn’t believe her eyes at what she

The girl who was almost ràped is none other
than her sister…

“Oh no!! Ricardo, that’s my sister!!” Valentina
exclaimed and quickly dialed Peggy’s number.

She picked at the third trial…

“Mom!! How’s Iris? Is she okay?” Valentina said

“Calm down, she’s fine…her boyfriend saved her
and that Xander dude is behind bars now”
Peggy said walking in the white house…

Valentina let out a sigh of relief..

“Thank goodness” Valentina said

“Just enjoy your holiday. Once you’re back, we’ll
gist you about every thing” Peggy smiled and
hung up.

“What did she say?” Ricardo asked.

“My mom said that Iris is okay and safe…”
Valentina smiled…

“Thank God” Ricardo smiled.

“Hey you two!! Breakfast is ready!!” Kristina

“We’re coming future Mrs Daniels” Valentina
chuckled and walked out of the room with

Iris slowly opened her eyes and yawned. She
quickly sat up in fear when she remembered
what happened to her last night.

She slowly began calming down when she saw
Gavin sleeping beside her. Wait,,, what’s she
doing here?

Iris looked around his room and looked at her
self. She was wearing one of Gavin’s pullover.

“Baby…” Gavin said sleepily, slowly sitting up.
He didn’t even know when he fell asleep.

Iris just looked at him without speaking. Gavin
smiled and cupped her cheeks…

“I’m so happy to see your beautiful eyes after a
long while” Gavin smiled.

“Ga… Gavin?” Iris called him.

“Yes babe” Gavin smiled.

Iris let out her tears and hugged him tightly,
burrying her face on his chest.

“I was so scared back there…I thought,, I thought
hell ràpe me again. I thought I’ll have to live the
nightmare I went through over again.. I was so
scared…” Iris cried.

“It’s okay.. He’s never going to harm you ever
again. We’ll be together from now on. It’s over”
Gavin kissed her hair, rubbing her back.

Iris looked at him with teary eyes. Gavin smiled
and cleaned her tears then kissed her lips.

“I love you” Gavin said.

“I love you too” Iris smiled.

Gavin leaned closer and slowly kissed her which
she quickly responded…

Gavin switched their position, such that he was
on top. He broke the kiss and looked at her

“You look cute in my dress” He smiled.

“I always look cute” Iris replied.

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