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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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THE MASTER’S SON – Episode 85 & 86

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CHAPTER 8️⃣5️⃣&8️⃣6️⃣


By: Naomi Cindy B.


They were already with each other in the next minute, kissing deeply.

It went deeper every minute, each replaying the moments the spent apart from each other in their heads till they broke it and flashed another smile at each other.

“No one else kissed you, cool” he said breathlessly.

“What were you expecting? You’re the hottest guy in the Institute, I love hot things” she replied, and he kissed her again.

“Care for morning s*x? I’m starving” she whispered when he broke the kiss.

“Was just about to say that” he replied, and they vanished.



Kira found herself in front of the coven, thudding so hard on the ground when she landed, but she spranged up immediately, breathing so hard as she remembered what actually happened.

Samara defeated her with only two spell words, so what’s gonna happen if she recites a full sentence?

She was still in shock, thinking about it when Samira landed in front of her.

“I’ve been expecting you to pay me a visit since you arrived, but you took so long. Anyways welcome” she smiled.

“I still have somewhere to go” Kira replied and made to take off…

“Let me guess…you landed here without your own permission. Did you meet my sister? Samara obviously knocked you out, i was expecting this” Samira laughed, and Kira looked at her suspiciously.

“Don’t give me that look, you’re the head of witches anyways, you should find answers” Samira said, and she finally vanished.

“She’ll be occupied with finding answers right now, time to get the sword” Agares said behind Samira, and she turned to him.

“And immediately you get it, don’t hesitate to murder the red-eye demon, then we can talk about how to get you the immortality water” Rhea added behind Agares.

Samira walked in, opening the door to the third room where Agatha is.

“Let go of me! What are you planning to do with me!” Agatha shouted.

Without replying, Samira removed a pin from her hair and threw it at Agatha.

It cut her arm, and Agatha winced as the pin went back to Samira.

She caught it and cut her palm with it.

Blood erupted, and she allowed it to drop in the fire.

She forcefully took Agatha’s bleeding arm and dropped her blood in the fire too with hers.

Smokes filled the room immediately, and Agatha started coughing.

¶Phasmatos tribum, nas ex veras, radamis phasmatos ex sonos. Resustamen ex veram vatax…

Agatha kept coughing till Samira finished reading the soul transferring spell, and when she was done, the smokes cleared, and she fell unconscious with Agatha at the same time.

A minute later, Samira woke up in Agatha’s body, smiling satisfactorily as she walked out of the room.



Orion and Samara are currently naked under the sheets. They had a really hot vampire s*x, and she’s laying on his chest.

“So…when is Kira appearing again?” She asked.

“She h@ťěs defeat, so she’s definitely find the reason you were able too defeat her before she’d come back” he replied.

“That was the first time you saw her, right?” She asked.

“I’ve seen her countlessly in my dreams. She haunts me every night” he replied, and she looked at him.

“Every night?”

“It stopped the moment you spent a night in my room. I think you’re a thr_@t to her” he replied.

“Meaning we should stick together” she said, and he smiled.

“So… Echo is still mad at me which I’m expecting to last for long, and there’s a new Chief…

“Chief North?” He interrupted.

“You know her?”

“She’s the next in line, I met her last year and she was so obsessed with me. She looks exactly like Echo but she’s hotter” he replied.

“Wait… another Chief that’s obsessed with you just like Chief Feathers?”

“I can’t help it, I’m drop-dead hot” he replied.

“I can’t believe you” she muttered, and he smiled.

“But she’s different from Feathers though. She has control, but Feathers was a freak” he said.

“Wh@ťěver, then there’s Dakota, a friendly disciple who’s a siren, and then Hades, i heard he came out of Beastly Territory or something” she continued, and he sat up.

“Hades? Out of beastly territory?”

“You know him?” She asked.

“I should probably meet him” he replied.



Orion came out to the the villas and made his way straight to Aragon’s room.

He was halfway through the walk when something landed on his head from behind.

He looked back to see nothing.

He sighed and resumed his walk, but immediately he sensed something coming again, he turned and grabbed it.

It turned out to be Hades hand, and he cried out immediately cos his bones crushed.

“I get it! Sorry I won’t mess with you anymore! Let go of me!”

Orion crushed more of his wrist bones, and he cried out again.


“Good, you know me” Orion said, letting go of his hand.

The bones reset immediately, and Hades smiled.

“This is exactly why I like you. To think you’re the only one stronger than me in this whole place”

“You appeared in my dreams a lot of times. You and Kira are my main visitors” Orion said.

“She created me and I’m her creation, so it’s balanced” he replied.

“Like?” Orion raised his brows.

“You probably know of the sword of blood right? It’s the only thing that can ki|| all your personalities at once and it’s embedded inside me. I’m the seal, Hades” Hades smiled.

“And you can’t die unless you ki|| yourself? Or if Kira ki||s you” Orion said, and Hades came closer.

He whispered something in Orion’s hear, and Orion smiled.


“Orion?” Chief North’s voice interrupted.

“See ya around!” Hades said and left.

“Bad morning” Orion faced her.

“It’s been a year since we met, shouldn’t you at least welcome me well? Oh I forgot you have a mate now. Is she pretty?” She asked proudly.

“She’s hot, you’ll get burnt” Orion replied.

“And…is she aware of what you did to her in your past lives?” Chief North asked, and Orion went closer.

“You know about our lives in the past?”

“Maybe” North replied.



“So… you’re mad at Samara for ki||ing Merlin?” Dakota asked.

She’s facing Echo, and Peony is standing in front of them.

“I h@ťě her, it’s not anger” Echo replied.

“It’s not her fault if you ask me” Dakota said.

“Everyone is saying that but I don’t care. She ki||ed her and that’s it” Echo rolled eyes

“Can we stop talking about this hatred thing? Raven and Ruthie were supposed to arrive yesterday but they’re not here. I miss them so much and it’s strange that I’m missing Agatha too. Shouldn’t they at least send a letter?” Peony said.

She looked at the door, and she smiled when she saw Samara coming.

“Samara is on her way here!” She said

“But the door is closed” Dakota said.

“She can see through doors and walls” Echo whispered.

“Oh” Dakota nodded.

Samara was about to enter the room when someone cleared his throat behind, and she turned to see a guy, obviously one of the new disciples.

“Hey, what’s…up?” She managed a smile.

“I’m from Kelpa Institute, Thanos is the name” he smiled.

“Nice to meet you, Thanos” she replied.

“Hey there!” Agatha appeared

“Agatha! You guys are back? Where’s Ruthie and Raven and Krish…

“I left them in Sullivan when I got bored” she replied, and Thanos smiled knowingly.

He detected foul play immediately.

“When are they coming back then?” Samara asked.

“I’m not sure but soon!” Agatha replied.

“Come in then, let’s go meet the others” Samara said, going in.

Agatha faced Thanos who’s still smiling, and she pulled him away from there.

“Who are you?” She questioned.

“What? Are you scared that I know you you really her? You stole that body” Thanos replied.

Samira made to attack him, but he vanished, and she smirked.

“I guess I’ll have to take care of you first”



Bathsheba came out of her inner room when she felt a presence in the open room, and just as she suspected, Kira is there, waiting beside the door.

“I’ve been expecting you to visit me” she said.

“And I guess you know what I’m here to ask already” Kira replied.

“Aren’t you the head of witches? Why do you need answers from me? You casted out Devon witches before your death remember? You separated them from other races and I’m a Devon witch, I don’t think you should be here cos I’m not ready to give you any answer. You came back to destroy your son, right? Do it if you can” Bathsheba said.

“You’re so confident about it, meaning there’s something hidden, isn’t it?” Kira smirked.

“Isn’t that a wound on your forehead?” Bathsheba replied, and Kira touched it

Truly, there’s a wound as a result of how she sank into the ground.

“I’ve been wondering the price you’ll have to pay for coming back, now I get it. Your healing powers are gone, that’s a bonus for Orion. I’m on his side if you must know” Bathsheba said.

“Millions of Orion won’t be able to defeat me in several years even without my healing ability” Kira replied.

“But Samara can. That’s why nature brought them together, and I’m guessing she gave you that wound” Bathsheba said.

¶Vijt!” Kira said, and Bathsheba started coughing out blood as her intestines started coiling.

“Be in pains for hours, and when the time comes, I’ll come to ki|| you myself” Kira said and stormed out.

“Arghh!!” Bathsheba groaned, stretching her hand to the bottle of water on the table, but the table broke, and the bottle fell, making the water wet the ground.

“Ahhh!!” She cried out, the pains coming more than before …



King Depp sent trail of guards with divers to river Delos already, and he’s waiting for their return before the end of today.

So far the grimoire is found, then Ruthie can do the spell and he’d have what he wants.

He was so restless in his court, and the shaman is with him, waiting too…

“They have to be here before nightfall” she said.

“I know, they gave me their word” he replied, facing another angle.

Meanwhile… Krishna and Mali are currently not far from the palace, just some feets away under a pine tree.

She’s holding Ruthie’s grimoire, staring at the page where the enchantment breaking spell is written.

She has been mastering it since an hour ago.

“Are you sure this is going to work? I’m not a witch Krishna, I’m a mermaid and…

“It doesn’t matter, Mali. We don’t have a choice now, we have to try it out first before concluding. She saved your life once so please…my father is a demon and leaving her in the dungeon for one more hour is dangerous” Krishna replied, and she sighed.

She looked at the spell again and spread her palm on top of it before starting to recite.

¶Cosom naben dox…

Immediately she said the one line, she began vomiting water from the mouth..

“Mali!” Krishna gasp.

“¶Cosom naben dox” she muttered again..

She vomited another round of water as the air around changed, and Krishna swallowed.

¶Cosom naben dox!” She said for the third time, and the grimoire ell from her.

She fell too, sitting on the ground.

“I think it’s done” she muttered weakly, and Krishna quickly helped her up.

“I’m fine. I need to get to the river as soon as possible. Go rescue Ruthie” she said.

“Will you be…

“I promise I’ll be fine” she replied, and Krishna rushed away.

He met Raven just by the palace entrance, he’s just coming too.

“Couldn’t find Agatha” he said breathlessly.

“Let’s solve this first” Krishna replied, pulling him in.



Ruthie’s eyes suddenly flew open when she felt the difference in the air, and she stood from the ground.

She air hit her skin again, and she narrowed her eyes.

“The enchantment is gone” she muttered and moved closer to the gate.

“Mötus!” She spat, and the metal gate fell down from the frame.

Immediately she stepped out, the guards made to attack her, but a swing of her two fingers sent them down.

One of them fired an arrow and it got her stomach.

“Argghhhhh!!!!!” She groaned, and fire began burning in her eyes as she removed the arrow,her blood splattering on the ground.

She opened her mouth wide, and fire came out, burning down the particular guard who shot the arrow.

The others stood and charged towards her again, but she raised an hand on them, sending them back down.

“I don’t want to hurt you all, lay low till I pass!” She said, but they were too stubborn.

They all stood again and started setting arrows, some Ç0çƙing their guns.

“Motüs!” She said again, and their arrows and guns fell from their hands to the ground.

She swung the two fingers again, and they all held their heads as migraine hit them.

They began crying, and she walked past them, but just as she was about to leave the dungeon completely, King Depp arrived with the shaman.

“How did she…” King Depp said shockingly, and the shaman made to start reciting incantations, but Ruthie was faster.

¶Phasmatos …. incendia” She muttered, and the shaman caught fire.

She started burning, dancing around madly as the fire consumed her.

King Depp shifted back fearfully, and Ruthie scoffed.

“For the record, you’re the vilest king I’ve ever seen. You don’t deserve to be alive” she said, remembering what she saw his citizens doing to each other in town.

The football head and the boy that was bathed with hot oil, and how he captured her not bothering about his lost daughter…

“You deserve to suffer!” She shouted, and her eyes started burning fire again.


“No!!” Krishna’s voice came from behind, interrupting the spell.

“I want to ki|| him!” Ruthie said.

“You can’t, Ruthie. Trust me you won’t like the consequences. Just let’s get out of here” Krishna replied, and the fire in her eyes went down…

“Please… Ruthie” Raven added, and she looked at King Depp who’s currently sitting on the ground.

“Make sure we don’t meet again” she said, her red hair flowing as she walked out.

Krishna and Raven followed her…out of the palace.



Mali was struggling as she walked. She needs to her inside as soon as possible so she’d get her strength back.

She’s powerless on the ground, and doing a spell when she’s not a witch only made everything worse.

She was staggering weakly as she walked, and she smiled when she finally saw water, but someone suddenly blocked her before she could enter.

“Ceres” she muttered, swallowing hard.

“I thought hard before deciding to do this. Krishna might not be with me after everything, but at least I’ll get to take his happiness away. If I’m not happy, then he should stay sad too, I want to see him cry when you’re gone” Ceres smiled, and Mali shifted back quickly.

“Please… please don’t ki|| me, I…

“Sorry, I’m too heartless to feel you” Ceres replied, baring her fangs.

Before Mali could scream, she digged into her neck, sucking her cold blood till there’s no single drop in her system anymore.

She chewed into her neck, not stopping till Mali’s head fell away from her body.

She let go of her, and her body fell on the ground.

Her head rolled into the river, and Ceres smiled, licking her bloody lips.

“Being a vampire isn’t bad after all”


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