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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE DEMON I LOVE – Episode 23 & 24

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(🔥 Uncontrollable
………… Desires In Hell 🔥)

By May Maria K✍🏻


Chapter 23💛24

Her eyes opened fully and then she looked around. She definitely saw a figure that looked like that of Leroy.

Was he the one who healed her?

She sighed and then brought her hand to touch her tummy. Where she got hurt but she didn’t see any pains there.

Now she confirmed it clearly that he really did heal her. He wasn’t that heartless after all.

She sat up and groaned softly. She actually went to Leroy room to prevent Jonathan from picking a fight with his brother because Jonathan seemed angered that Leroy made her clean the stables.

Even after getting her hurt, he couldn’t still stay to look after her. She wouldn’t blame him since it wasn’t on purpose.

She lay back on the bed to sleep more so that she would have more strength cause she was feeling a little weak.

Being inside the room all day all in the name of enough rest was so boring to her.

She got down from the bed and then left the room. Maybe she would just stroll around a little and then go back.

She was tired of all the troubles already. It was just like everyday, she was getting more and more entangled with them.

She went downstairs and then traced her way out of the castle. It was her first time out of the castle since she came in.

The view was so high because it was just like the Castle was on at the top of a hill covered with dark clouds and as she looked down she could see the whole kingdom in a miniature form.

“Beautiful isn’t it ” She heard a voice beside her and she turned to see Gordon. He placed his hands at his back as he looked at her.

Echo didn’t even know how to react. She’ve never had a conversation with him before because he was barely around the castle.

Jonathan told her to stay away from him but she just thought it was because of the mutual hatred amongst them.

“Yeah I think” She replied and then he chuckled.

“Now i know why Jonathan sticks to you like a leech” He said and then she raised her brow up.

What does he think of her!

“But I can take you somewhere more relaxing and comfortable” He said but Echo refused immediately.

“Nooo.. It’s not necessary. I just wanted to take a little walk cause am bored”

“I won’t waste your time c’mon”.

Echo just had to agree because she knew he wouldn’t stop until he get’s her to agree with him and she thought within herself that it wasn’t a bad idea.

She allowed Gordon to take her small palm in his large own and then he vanished and then appeared at the top of a mountain hill.

And at the other side there was a rainfall there with a rainbow shining above it. The sight was beautiful.

The gentle breeze browing at that place was so soothing to the skin and she couldn’t help but feel relaxed.

“How did you know of this place” She couldn’t help but to ask.

“Well it was Leroy who found this place first” Gordon said and the moment she heard Leroy’s name she began wanting him to continue.

“We were little that time and anytime he got angry he would come here to get solace and he would always come with his pet. I was so curious to where he always went everytime and then he would come back at night so one day i decided to follow him”

“I got to know of this place and since then i would also come here when i also needed an alone time but till now he still dosen’t knows” He said.

Seeing how the discussion was going, Echo decided to ask, “Why do you all h@ťě each other”

She had always looking for how to ask this question but it seems even Gordon wasn’t ready to answer her cause he turned his face away when she asked that and she didn’t push the question further.

She watched the waterfall with him for more minutes. She loved to admire the works of nature.

It was magnificent!

Gordon admired her side face and he watched her hairs moved by the soft breeze and then he watchec as sge smiled looking around.

His heart which had never made any loud heartbeats began to beat loudly in his chest and then he turned away from staring from her face.

What was so special about her that she caught the interest of three brothers?

They had some fun and then discussed a little more things before he took her back to the Castle.

Meanwhile as they were there Leroy was faraway staring at them with Starlight by his side.

He didn’t want them to see him so he took Starlight back with him and they went back to the Castle.

Echo didn’t have the chance to thank Leroy. She can’t be dreaming because she definitely saw him leaving the room.

She made up her mind to just go and thank him and then she would leave. She made her way to his room and then she knocked softly on the door.

She knocked again and then the door opened and she walked into the room to see Leroy at one side of the room.

He was sitting on a chair engrossed in a book that he was reading and he didn’t even bother to look up when she came in.

“I just came to say thank you for healing me” She said but he didn’t even make any movement that he heard her talk.

She moved closer to him and touched his arm and that was when he looked at her,

“You love getting attention for yourself huh” He said as he stood up closing the book he was reading.

“I just wanted to say thank you ” Echo muttered.

“Well you can go” He said and turned away from her. Echo felt her heart clench cause of the way he spoke so cold to her.

At least she was grateful that he still had a little good in him and that was what mattered to her.

She forced a smile on her face and then left his room. As she got down she heard female voices but she tried to ignore them.

But then she started going down and then saw two beautiful ladies talking to each other as they looked around.

Her voice made them staring at her direction.

“Who are you” Echo asked staring at the two elegant ladies. They looked so noble than her. Maybe because she was an ordinary orphan.

“I’m supposed to be asking you that” One of the girls spoke as she assessed Echo from up to down.

She had an arrogant look on her face as she thought Echo to be some cheap Ɓîtçh but she had an iota of jealously in her.

Echo had a very long silky hair and she also envied her voice because it was tiny and cute and could make any man melt.

“Well you can call me Soraya” The other one said with a beautiful smile as she waved at Echo.

She seems friendly. Echo thought as she stared at the two girls who already guided themselves in.

The arrogant one who didn’t tell her her name bumped shoulder with her and she staggered backwards.

She dusted her clothes and turned back to see the girl glaring at her and then she hissed as she looked away.

“You don’t have to mind her she’ll always like that when she sees a competitor” Soraya said beside her and she turned to look at her.

“Competitor…” She asked obviously confused.

“Oh what i am trying to say is that you are so pretty and cute and she’s feeling challenged” Soraya replied and Echo mouth formed an ‘o’.

She didn’t know why she would be feeling so challenged because of her. She’s is not that pretty, she doesn’t even take care of her hair but this lady here is adorned with jewelries and she dressed so elegant like some beauty doll.

“She’s my sister and her name is Seraphina. We don’t get along too well” Soraya said to her and Echo just smiled at her.

Soraya was trying to be friendly with her so she tried to be comfortable with her.

Suddenly, Leroy showed up and the three girls attention turned to him. He was with his usual cold expressionless face.

When Echo saw him she scoffed and looked away.

It was like Seraphina was waiting all along for Leroy to show up because immediately he did, she rushed into his arms and hugged him.

“I missed you so much” She squealed.

T. B. Continued………….

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