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Friday, October 18, 2024
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Subtitle: (ki|| me or love me!) 🌹

“A devil guy sent to me like a New year gift…”










“$h|t!! $h|t!” I groaned not because of the bullet that Japer pulled out of my arms but because everything I planned for has been ruined. Fred and Antonio! How could they do this to me?

“Boss” I hissed and walked past him to the table, grabbing the tequila and gulping it down.

“I will so f-__-kin’ruin them also” I gripped my bump on the table feeling nothing but anger.

“Haru is here” I scoffed, everything is gone now, the power too.

“Sinclair, is what I heard true?” He barged in anger and started ranting adding to my anger.

“Haru, shut it!” I snapped at him but he scoffed.
“You have no right to yell at me” he snapped black.

Is he f-__-kin’kidding me?
“I have no right?” I scoffed and picked my gun from the table.

“But then I have the f-__-kin’ right you $h00t your @zz” before he could say a word, I $h00t his head and he fell to the ground.

“What a bastard!”

“Boss, you ki||ed him? the Irezumi?” Jasper looked at Haru and then back to me.
“It’s f-__-kin’ gone anyways! They f-__-kin’ burn it away! No Irezumi!” I growled.


“You literally can $h00t more than me, Queen. You can do better” Hearing chatters from outside immediately I hopped down from my car.

I walked into the mansion and met my men training with guns. Raylan recruited more men last week.

Surprisingly, Isabella was among them, she was standing in the middle of them as she held the gun ready to $h00t the target board.

She is yet to know I’m back and my men didn’t bother to inform her, I watched her hold the gun expertly and before I could blink. She pulled the trigger and it hit right in the bull’s eye. She jumped up in joy and then she noticed how quiet they are except for Malcolm who had this Silly grin on his face and that is when she turned back to see me.

“Huhn Fred” she dropped the gun and rushed into my arm like a little peanut. I chuckled and hugged her head to my chest. She looked so small that my white shirt she wore reached her thigh.

“My little peanut” I mumbled and she smiled.
“You saw that right?” She asked and I chuckled.
“I didn’t know you are this expert in holding guns” I told her and she smiled.

“Raylan did a great job in training me” she replied and I smirked “You are going with us for the next deal we are shipping?” I said more like a question and her eyes widened.

“No way, I’m not ki||ing people” she rejected and I chuckled.

“Come on, let’s go” I held her hand and she nodded. I turned to Malcolm and told him they could continue their training.

“So where did you go?” She asked as we entered the room while I took off my jacket, slumping to the couch tiredly.

“I checked on Maria’s father today” I told her and she nodded, taking a seat beside me.
“Who is he really to you?” She asked curiously and I stroked her hair.
“My teacher” I replied and her eyebrows raised.

“Your teacher? What is that? Like a high school kid” she chuckled but I shook my head.
“No, He taught me a lot of things and saved me many times” I told her, I bet she didn’t even understand but only nodded.

She suddenly smiles and climbs on my lap, her both legs straddle my both legs.
“Isabella, what are you up to?” I asked him to wrap my arms around her waist and she smiled.

“I missed you or course, you don’t miss me?” She asked and I smirked.
“ I did baby” I replied and she rubbed her finger on my lips.

“I would never believe I will fall for a bad guy” she mumbled, keeping her gaze on my lips and I smiled.
“Why? Bad guys are too hot” I said but she chuckled, shaking her head.

“No, I considered them all bad” she said and I scoffed.
“I’m bad, aren’t I?” I asked but she wrapped her arms around my neck.
“I love how bad you are,” she whispered with a smile.

“I’m definitely sure your brother won’t forgive you if you knew what you turned into” I chuckled but she shrugged.

“This is the life I was supposed to live, it’s the life from my birth, I wish I met you earlier” she replied and lick her lips fixing her gaze on mine. I smiled and wrapped my arm around her properly.

“What do you want me to do to you right now?” I asked and she smiled.
“A lot, I want to feel you” she said and adjusted her butt on my lap, abruptly she jerked my manhood.

“$h|t!” I cussed and she smirked “small witch” I chuckled and she shrugged.
“What do you want to do?” She repeated her actions again and I chuckled. Is she really teasing me right now?

“You really want to know?” I asked and she nodded. I lifted her up from my lap and moved her to the bed. She giggled like a baby.

I brought my head down to her thigh and placed a soft kiss all over her thigh. I unbuttoned my shirt on her body and kissed her flat tummy up to her B-__-bs. I unclad her from her bra to have access to her B-__-bs.

“Oh $h|t!” She Mõ@ɲed immediately and my mouth came in contact with her Ɲīpplë.
“Please” she mumbled but I didn’t give her any space of Breath before taking up her lips into mine while my hand moved down to her lacy pants.

I pulled it off and rubbed her ćƖĩť, she Mõ@ɲed into my mouth yet I didn’t pull away from the kiss until I inserted one finger of mine into her and that is when her Mõ@ɲs became louder.

“Fre..Fred” she called out my name, I only sped up and changed the fingers into four which made her almost go crazy. She finished the first round and I smirked.

“Oh $h|t! You are…” she couldn’t finish her speech before I took up her lips again,
She gave in and wrapped her arms around my neck. I pulled away and she smiled “I love you Fred” she said and I smirked.

“You will love me more after I’m done with you” I told her and started unbuckling my belt, bringing it out. She only blinks and waits for it.
I parted her leg and brought it closer, at first I teased her and that made her groan.

“Free…d, Please!” She almost snapped while I chuckled. I finally put it in and she gripped tight her hand on my body. I go deeper making sure I hit the climax.

“Hmmm yeah” she Mõ@ɲed and brought my hand close to her B-__-bs, she smiled and I chuckled.
“I wonder if I’m the reason behind your badass or it’s in you before” I told him and she shrugged.

“It’s in me, you pushed it out” she answered and a smirk danced on my lips.

“Let me spoil you more then” I said….


Isabella got back her life and with Fred with her, the Mafiaso didn’t bother to trouble them on the Irezumi. She is known as Fred’s woman and no one dares touch her or hurt her.

Sinclair give up too while Antonio remains the leader of the Nosa Costra, he build a peaceful Mafiaso community by stamping more rules.


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