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Friday, October 18, 2024
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THE MAFIASO’S WOMAN – Episode 23 & 24

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Subtitle: (ki|| me or love me!) 🌹

“A devil guy sent to me like a New year gift…”





🦋 CHAPTER 23 $ 24 🦋

THEME : 🔥( Catch up by fate)🔥



My eyelids opened on their own and I become breathless immediately it met with his face. I didn’t move but just staring at his face, how did God took so much of his time creating a Demi God like him? with me, he is always different,

He said I got him wrapped, he even said dumbass?? I can’t help it too, I’m in love with him and his Dark world, It’s full of danger but he said he is going to protect me, I trust him. I don’t want anything anymore, just him.

I noticed him make a move, he opened his eyes and it met with mine.
“You are awake?” he asked and I nodded.
“do you feel better now?” his hand moved to my hair and stroke it down, I smile and nod.

“With you by my side, I feel much better” I mumbled and he smile moving his hand down to my lips.

“should I make you feel more better?” he smirked and leaned down taking my lips into his. He slide his tongue into mine sending tingling sensations down my body.

He pulled back and we both chuckled.
“What have you done to me?” he asked and I pouted like a baby “I did nothing” I said innocently and he eyed me.
“if you keep saying that, I will be force to prove what you did to me again” he said and I chuckled.

His phone rang and he picked it up immediately
“The basement? Good” He dropped the call and turned to me.
“Raylan got the betrayal” He said and My chest become heavy immediately, that day rewind in my head.

“Isabella” Fred held my hand, pulling my head to his chest.
“It’s not going to happen again, with you by side, I’m going to protect you” he assured.
I raised my head to him “Can I?” I asked and his eyebrows raised on their own.

* * * * * *

“Tell me why do you choose to become miserable?” He asked the guy who already looked lifeless due to the being tortured.
“Sinclair Don, He thr_@tened me, He…” before he could land, Fred kick him and he fell together with the chair he is tied to

“Motherf-__-ker, Malcolm” he took the Gun from Malcolm but I stepped forward.
“let me” He look at me in surprise when I said that,
“Isabel” I shrugged and urge him to give me the gun.

I need to learn to start taking down my enemies without feeling remorseful anymore. He handed the gun to me and my eyes moved to the betrayal.
my hand fisted into a tight bump “Isabella, you don’t have to do it if you…” before Fred finish his speech, I pulled the trigger into the Motherf-__-ker’s head.

“Wow, what a $h00t!” Malcolm mumbled and took the gun from me.
“come on ” Fred held me out of the basement to the room and I breathe out.
I just ki||ed a life with my hand for the first time in my life.

“Are you okay?” I open my eyes and nodded,
“You did nothing wrong, you have to ki|| your enemy before they ki|| you” I smile and he nodded.

“Let’s hang out today” he said but I bite my lips, what If we find ourselves in danger again?
“I’m here with you” He assured rubbing my hand and I nod, of course I trust him to protect me.
“Can we meet with my brother today?” I asked.


My breath seized on its own when we reach the front of the place I know to be my home but what happened now?

“we should get down” I turned to Fred and nodded. No more Dad anymore, everywhere is kinda silent.

I stopped on my dead track seeing Dad walked out of the house smiling,
“Dad” I raised my hand but it faded, $h|t! that was just illusion.
“Isabella” I shook my head as Fred held my hand.

“stop!!” We are stopped by few men in suit who rushed out.Not this time,
“Miss Isabelle” One of them had this ghost look walking up to me and I rolled my eyes.

“can’t you tell already? So now, I can’t enter my own house?” I hissed but his eyes moved to Fred and a glint of fear could be seen in his eyes. Fred look unbothered,

“Isabella?” The men make way and I scoffed on seeing Kelvin, My eyes moved down to his wrist waist and truly the tattoo is there, my eyes roamed to every other men there and they are all Mafiaso.

“Isabella” he looked surprise on seeing but when his eyes moved to Fred, it changed to terror.
“You can’t bring this devil here” He groaned but I scoffed, devil he said? Hie us obviously my angel under the devil’s look.

“Nice to see you again Kel” Fred smirked but Kevin fumed.
“Enough! I’m here for Clark and He is coming with me” I said.
“No way!” Kelvin refused and I was stunned when all the men raised their gun to Fred.

“Kelvin, stop this madness!” I snapped but he shook his head.

“Look like they don’t want the angel side of me, what do you think princess?? I can sort them out with my gun” Fred whisper behind my ear and I turn to him.
“No, If they are not ready to welcome me with you, then I should leave ” I took his hand about walking away but the tiny voice I heard made me turned swiftly.

“oh my God! Angel!’ my bag fell on it own, She rushed up to him and engulfed me in a very tight hug.
“Isabella ” She bursted into tears while I moved my hand to her hair, hugging her more tightly.
“Angel” she would have thought I’m dead, why Is here?

“How are you? are you hurt anywhere? I was so worried” she bursted into another tears and I can’t help mine too,
“I’m fine now, I missed you so much, I missed your craziness, what are you doing here? Did Clark hurt you? Or something?” I rasped but she shook her head.

“No, No, he didn’t but your father did” My eyebrows raised instantly,

“My father?” I asked and she nodded.
“It happened that I found out about their secret, he $h00t me right in my chest, I seriously thought I’m dead…I thought I’m not going to hear from my mum anymore or from you” She said in tears, oh $h|t! This happened to her? Dad really $h00t her?
This is crazy!

“So what happened?” I asked and she sniffed,
“Clark saved me” she said and I breathe out pulling her into more hug,

“I’m sorry you got dragged in too” I told her and she pulled away turning to Fred,
“Why…why are you with him? I thought he is…” I chirped him and shook my head.
“Not anymore, he is not going to hurt me, he is going to protect me” I told her but seems she is still confused.

“So you believe that he is not going to hurt you?” We turned to the doorway and there is Clark Standing in his glory, he looks so different now.

“Yes, he is not” I moved closer to Fred holding his hand tightly.
He looked in between us and sighed, turned to his men to stay back.
“Come with me” he turned around and walked back inside.

He is accepting Fred to come with me.
I looked at Fred and he shrugged.
“Come on, let’s go” Angel said and we walked inside, my steps slackened at the sight of the house.I missed being here,

I looked ahead of me to see Clark sitting down on the Royal couch made specially for my Father, so he took over Dad now?
“You should have your seat?” He said coldly, why does he seems so different? Not even a hug for me,

“So Isabella, what brings you here with this murderer?” Did he just called Fred that?
“Motherf-__-ker, I never ki|| your father and you are aware of that, he is a prickin coward scared of my bullets that he had to ki||ed himself” Fred spoke up before I could say a words.

“Don’t f-__-kin’ talk back to me! You are in Louisa clan now, we can do anything to you” Clark said but Fred only chuckled.
“That sounds like a joke” Fred mumbled,
“Don’t you think I deserve explanation and apologies?” I said facing Clark but he keeps a straight face.

“For?” He asked and that made me so fury that I sprang up on my feet.
“The secret you and Dad f-__-kin’ kept from me until now!” I snapped, Fred tried to Pull down but I swatted his hand away.

“Do you know how shocking and heartbreaking it was hearing from a total strangers, I was lost and confused!” Banging my hand on the table, I yelled at him and he rubbed his forehead.

“That was because we are trying to protect you!” He snapped back,
I scoffed moving my hair to the backside.
“Protect me? Do you know how many times I would have died because of this whole $h|t! He saved me all times now you called him Murderer! You’ve got to be a joker!”

“He is caused of it all, You wouldn’t have been in danger if he didn’t captured you!” Clark said but I shook my head.
“If you are just gonna be putting all blame on him and choose to be a coward, I’m going” Picking my bag, I held Fred’s hand.

“So you are picking him over us?” Clark stood up and asked, I bite my lips knowing this is not just right but I can’t help it either.
“Yes until you realize what you did wrong” we were about walking out when Angel run up to me.

“You are leaving again?” She asked but I held her hand and smile “I will be sure to be back safe and sound” I told her.

Hopping into the car, I felt my strength left me, Fred ignited the engine and drive.
“Why did you do that?” He asked and I turned to him, he glance at me before facing the road.

“I don’t know, I can’t live without you now” I leaned my head against the seat,
“I thought you’ve long to meet up with your family but now…” I chirped in,
“I want to be with you instead” I said closing my eyes.

“So you are picking him over us?” Clark’s words came again and it’s so annoying.
“Are you sleeping?” Fred asked but I sighed,
“No, I’m just tired and stressed” I told him and I noticed him Change the car’s direction.

“To where?” I asked him, without turning to me, he answered “My penthouse” He said.

“You must be filthy rich to have a huge penthouse and a mansion” I said as we alight from the car and walked inside.
“I have to be” he opened the door using his password.

Walking into the penthouse, I breathe out but I was taking aback when his gripped held my waist tightly to himself.

“Thank you for choosing me” he whispered against my ear and I relaxed.
“You Promised to protect me” I told him and he nodded.

“Yes, I will” he leaned more closer to him and moved his hand to the hem of my red blue gown.

“Can I?” I scoffed at his request “Fred doesn’t need permission before he do anything, does he?” I teased and he chuckled, pulling the gown up,

“But still you are the Queen of the Mafiaso now, I should knock before I enter” he smirked, moving his hand to the lace of my pants.

I feel more relaxed as his hand do good job against my skin.
He suddenly carry me off the ground and wrapped my legs around his torso.
“Let me make you feel better”


“You bewitched me” I chuckled at his words,
“You can’t be f-__-kin’serious” I chuckled the more and he pouted.

“I am, I’m lost in the beauty of your eyes” “d@mn! Can you stop using rizz words, you are making up butterflies in my belly” I told him and he chuckled.

The doorbell rang and we both stopped for a moment,
“You called anybody over?” I asked but he shook his head,
“I will go get it, just stay here” He said getting down from the bed, putting on just his black trousers and his gun of course.

I wondered if he called Raylan over or something,

I become impatient as he is taking longer to come back, I stood up wearing just my pants and his black hoodie.

“Fred, who is…” My heart freeze as everywhere went blank immediately.
“Fred?” I called but the next thing is a loud bang on my head.


It is finally here
What they’ve been running away from 😑😑😑

HE ACTUALLY CHOSE HIM OVER HER FAMILY 🥺🥺🤭 what is going to happen now??

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