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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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DIRTY SECRET – Episode 17

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🥀Dirty Secret🥀.
(S£x🍑 Machine)

Episode 17.

Series: Realities Of Life.

✍️Written by Madu Shedrack.

⚠️Do Not Copy Or Repost⚠️

•Area Busy•
•Restaurant And Bar•

John couldn’t believe his eyes as he was just looking at his boy in shock.

“Ivar…. come! come over here, come to daddy!” he said as if he is whispering to him with in his eyes.

“Ivar!!! come over here!!” Emilia w.ho just stepped out of room inte.rrupted attracting the attention of the people at the restaurant and all eyes were on them.

“Mum, it’s Dad!” Ivar said out of excitement hoping that mom will be excited to see Dad too.

“I said come over here!!” Emilia yelled at him but then she has already approached Ivar so she lifted him off the ground to her arms.

Then there is this eyes she st.ared at John who stood up from his chair looking at her in surprise.

He could see that there is so much change in her now, she even look more beautiful than before.

As John was still atte.mpting to say a word Emilia has already walked in back to her office with Ivar.

John was still wondering what she’s doing here when a security guard stepped inside the hall and headed straight to him.

Then Emilia on the other side also approached, but when John saw her he was happily smiling with te.ars thinking that she’s coming to have some words with him.

“Emilia… I…” He was still atte.mpting to say while cr.ying but as soon as Emilia reached him she inter.rupted.

“It’s him that am speaking of, take him out of this place immediately” Emilia ordered and the security officer was surprised.

Wondering why Emilia we have to order him to chase away their best cus.tomer?

“But ma, this man here is the top customer…” The guard was still saying but Emilia interr.upted angr.ily.

“And I said that you should thr.ow him out of this place!!! you do what I say or you are!” Emilia ye.lled at the security officer who was donned in black up and down.

“Alright sire…. please you have heard what the CEO have said, you wouldn’t want me to you” the guard said to John and John at Emilia surprisingly.

He was wondering how on Earth Amelia get to own a restaurant as big as this, designed with gold, so many things to buy and eat.

So many expensive wines in there, where did she even see the mo.ney because the last time he remembered leaving her em.pty handed, she doesn’t even have mo.ney to rent an apartment.

“CEO…? Emilia… that aside… seriously we have so many things to discuss and fix about me! my fau.lts” John said with a cracked and weakened voice then Emilia breathes out in a sigh of relief and looks at the guard who was patiently waiting if she will still insist that he should thro.w him out.

“If this opens m.outh to say a word in here again then you wouldn’t like what will hap.pen to you!” Emilia ordered the hairs again and then folded her hands looking at him.

“Alright, man, I believe that it is time you will have to go” The guard seriously ordered but John started shedding and people were still looking at them wondering what’s going on.

Only those who know about them before could have a say, others wouldn’t understand.

While John attempted to start talking again the guard an.grily pushed him out of the restaurant and for.ced him to go home.

Though Emilia was in there looking at them, having no em.otion of pit.y for John at all, she doesn’t even fe.el anything for him again.

She only boldly watched the guard thr.ow him out then she turned to walk into her office again but discover that all of her workers were looking at the drama playing.

“And what’s with all that! get back to work everybody!” Emilia ordered and everyone of them was dismissed to the previous duties.

Then Emilia looked at her office as she was about to go in there, she discovered that Ivar has been watching them since, he even opened the door, rested his body on it and was watching her ordering the security guard to ch.ase his dad a.way.

Though, just like a kid that he is, he has no gru.dges in mind but was just looking at them quietly, same as he is looking at his mum right now.

Emilia paused, gazed at him for a few seconds then approached him and lifted him to her arms.

“Hey…. my big boy! do you want anything? you must be hungry, I know that for sure, ice scream?” Emilia asked, just trying to get his mind off what he saw.

She took him in, sit him on the white bed as the whole room was neatly designed with white including everything inside the room, even the TV and fan.

Emilia picked up her phone and ordered one of her workers who went to buy icecream for Ivar.

But after giving it to Ivar, he collected it but he wasn’t just interested in eating it.

“Hey, what’s wrong? you can tell mummy? or you want me to feed you?” Emilia asked and Ivar nodded then she collected the ice-cream and began to feed him.

•Emilia’s Home•

So today is their longest day at work, on a normal note, they returns home 6:00pm even though the restaurant is to close every 11:00pm but that’s actually for workers.

But today, Emilia stayed longer than before, Ivar was so exhausted that he slept off, as soon as they get home Emilia put him on the bed.

Then began making some foods for dinner, she wanted to eat pickled eggs so she began making it and was done before Damian’s arrival.

When she heard the sound of the car, she knew that it is no one other than Damian so she went to welcome him with a hug and bring him inside.

They sat closer on the parlor having discussion about life.

“Excuse me, where is my boy” Damian asked referring to Ivar.

“He’s as sleep, he played too much at work, destroyed things, so he was probably exhausted and get fell asleep, he is at his room” Emilia replied with smiles as Damian smiled too.

“What a strong man he is” Damian said as Emilia nods.

“Strong man indeed” Emilia responded leaving the both of them chuckling.

“So, how was work today and how is the business moving, I hope everything is alright?” Damian asked and Emilia nodded.

“Of course, everything was moving smoothly even more than as I expected, but just like always all thanks to you though” Emilia said as Damian nods.

“You don’t always have to thank me, but any ways, you look stressed?” Damian asked.

“Yeah… nothing much but just that I just finished cooking before your arrival, guess you are lucky th…” Emilia was still saying but stopped when Damian’s hand came to her cheeks and picked off some dirt’s and then they started gazing at each other.

“Such beautiful eyes of yours” Damian said to Emilia.

“Thank you” Emilia responded smiling and then felt Damian’s hand on her as his slowly smo.oching it and approa.ching her sk.irt as they keep into each other’s eyes..

He was slo.wly advancing his ha.nd into ski.rt.

….To Be Continue….

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