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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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DIRTY SECRET – Episode 7

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🥀Dirty Secret🥀.
(S£x🍑 Machine)

Episode 7.

Series: Realities Of Life.

✍️Written by Madu Shedrack.

⚠️Do Not Copy Or Repost⚠️

“Yeah, I mi.ssed you too” Elisa responded then Ben slowly down her pa.nt and be.nt her over as she was still busy making the meal.

Then Ben sl.owly bring out his d!.CK from his trouser and used it to spa.nk her then ins.erted it into her ho.le.

“Oh my…. this fee.ling, I have mis.sed it so ba.dly” Elisa moa.ned softly as she turned and faced him.

Then they were enga.ged in a de.ep and then Elisa gently whispered in his ear.

“I want you to su.Ck me…” Elisa whispered to Ben then Ben started ki.ssing her from her down to

Then inse.rted his ton.gue into her ho.le and began to it clean.

“Owwws, you are obvi.ously hi.tting the right sp.ot” Elisa moa.ned as John put more pre.ssure taking her to clo.ud nine.

Then she gra.bbed him tig.htly on his head as her are already sha.king.

Ben removed his ton.gue then plu.gged his d!.CK and felt the warm out of her ho.le indicating that she truly mis.sed him so dearly.

•Erica’s Home•

Emilia has just finished feeding little Ivar, and he is getting better as well.

After feeding him, she stayed with him singing and cuddling him till he slept off.

Then she put him on the bed and cleaned up the things he used to eat.

After that she looked around and her eyes met the mirror.

She approached it, looking at herself for a few seconds then walked away and reached out to the window and started gazing outside.

She saw a man drove into the compound with a beautiful car and that began to remind her of how she met John.

That very sunny day, John saw her on the way, picked her up and they started getting along, and just like that things changed for her.

Well, it is obvious that things have been restored to factory settings and that’s exactly why she is seeing herself here again.

If not, then what’s her bus.iness to this place? nothing of course.

“I tol.d you but you woul.dn’t listen” Emilia heard a voice and she looked back and it was Erica stepping in with two cups of wine.

“Didn’t I?” Erica asked but Emilia totally ign.ored her question.

“I… you didn’t go to work today? thought you said you have an appointment with a cli.ent today?” Emilia asked and Erica nodded.

Then silently approached and hand.ed over the to Emilia but Emilia fully reje.cted it.

“No, thank you, am fine” Emilia responded showing no at all.

Erica states at her silently for a while then waved her head with smiles.

“This was never like you, Emilia, things have changed indeed” Erica said and gently keep the cup of wine at the corner while sipping hers.

“About my work? yes I had an appointment today but trust me, that appointment is no be.tter you” Erica said while Emilia stared at her emot.ionaly.

“You know you hav.en’t told me really happened, you got mar.ried living a ha.ppy li.fe and all of a sudden”

“I met you at the hos.pital stran.ded, like…. I don’t really know what to call it but I believe you do have some explanations about that” Erica said as Emilia swallowed her saliva in a sigh of relief.

“Even I myself doesn’t know what to call it, it hap.pen.ed so, I coul.dn’t quite put my finger on it but the truth is that, Elisa is beh.ind all hap.pened” Emilia responded.

While Erica gazes at her in surprise because she also knows Elisa as well, they were all friends before they were separated by fa.tes.

“Elisa…?? what… I mean how do you mean?” Erica asked out of surprised.

And so Emilia calmed down and explained it all bit by bit to Erica.

Erica was really surprised that Elisa would d.o such a to one of them, they are all in the same ships so why would she be.tray one of them like that.

“You mean Elisa….? di.d all that to you?” Erica asked and Emilia nodded her almost in te.ars.

“Gosh… I can’t believe it but it is still funny how you think this is all Elisa’s” Erica said making Emilia to look at her with a n.on smi.ling look on her face.

“What was that supposed to mean? she’s the and the ro.ot of all my pro.blems, what are you saying, she adviced me, us.ed the same adviced agai.nst me…” Emilia was still saying as Erica interrupted.

“Emilia please…?” Erica said as she stood up from the be.d with an unsa.tisfied look on her face.

She took the other cup of and finished it just in one tu.rn then had her gaze fixed on Emilia.

“What about your… come on everything you here are too so.ft to use and take a man aw.ay from his own wi.fe! this is to pro.of that he doesn’t you” Erica said to Emilia.

“That’s not tr.ue, you do.n’t know John, I know him…” Emilia was still saying and Erica interr.upted her.

“You know! that’s my prob.lem with you, you never take from me! at first I told you that m.en are not to be trus.ted! you shouldn’t have mar.ried him in the first place”

“You allowed him our relationship! you could have stayed with me! by now we could have achieved something greater than those years you wa.sted with that!” Erica said being so serious while Emilia was just looking at her, to see in what she’s saying.

“I lov.ed you, you know that! you left me bro.ken in the name of having a ha.ppy life!” Erica said as Emilia interrupted with a louder voice.

“Am sor.ry! okay!!! it was a horr.ible mistake and I won’t do that again, I promise! I won’t!” Emilia replied with said as Erica approached her and placed her ha.nd on her che.eks.

“Don’t be, you can just fix the mist.ake, you can see that I wasn’t able to repl.ace since when you left, I have been but now you are here with me again, let’s pick up from where we stop, for.get about John, you can prove to hi.m that a can do perfectly fine without a” Erica said as line of tears drops down from Emilia’s fa.ce as she slo.wly waves her

This is exactly why she do.esn’t want to ret.urn to this place, she knew it will res.ult to this and it’s obvious that she have no

“And coming back together, staying with you… what fa.te will that give my so.n, Ivar?” Emilia asked with a cracked voice.

“ on Emilia, this is n.ot you… I use to know? why tal.king about a ch.ild that was reje.cted by own fa.ther? you have abor.ted many be.fore, this on.e will do you no home of le.tting it go, you can just Ivar to som.eone who he will st.ay with, you can keep at the s.treet, peo.ple will pick him and take care of him”

“He is just a b.oy, and he has no prob.lem, or you can give him to the orph.anage, the real person in is you, and it is only us tog.ether with our pre.vious li.fe that can you happ.iness again, come to me…?” Erica said awaiting Emilia’s response.

….To Be Continue….

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