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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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MY FUTURE WITH YOU – Episode 7 & 8

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{ Love Of Tomorrow }


THEME; Bounded By Fate.


Gbemi Writes.

^^ CLUB RIO ^^

“You were lit girl” Mary said as Lucy join them in their seat.

“More than lit, she was fire itself” Steve added giving her a thumbs up.

“Thanks guys but then, the guy I did it all for left already” Lucy said sadly.

“I bet he’s hiding somewhere trying to stop his heart from exploding” Mary joke and they all laugh.

“Why don’t you go and meet him? Now that his heart is going crazy, am very sure he will be vulnerable to your seduction” Steve advice.

“You think so?” Asked Lucy and Steve gave a nod.

Lucy got up and was about to leave when Bonnie called her.

“Take care” Bonnie said recieving a smile from Lucy in return.

Lucy ran out of the club and there was no sign of him. They were few people outside which made the surrounding a bit lonely.

Feeling the cold of the night, Lucy decided to go back in just as two girls grab her by the arm.

“Who are you? Let go of me!” Lucy yelled just as Giselle came to view.

“Lucy darling, you and I have some unfinish business” Giselle said and the girls walk her to the back of the club while Giselle payed the security men some money in exchange of their silence.

Back at the club,Bonnie was silently sipping her juice while Mary and Steve banter with each other.

At that moment, Donovan and Francis showed up.

“You don’t mind if we joined you, right?” Donovan asked.

“We don’t mind at all” Mary replied quickly, fixing her hair and dress.

“And to what do we owe your intrusion?” Steve asked, folding his hands against his chest but Mary hit him on the arm.

“You guys aren’t intruding. Don’t mind him” Mary said quickly.

“Am sorry if we are intruding, we just thought that since your friend like Andrew, we might as well be friends too” Donovan said as Bonnie suddenly put her cup on the table, making it clatter loudly.

“I need to get some air” Bonnie said and left the room.

“Did we do something to upset her?” Donovan asked.

“Let’s just say that you two are her least favourite people but that’s different with me, you both are really my kind of guy” Mary said flirtingly and she failed to see havoc her words caused on Steve.

On the other hand, Bonnie was stood outside, enjoying the night air when she felt a tap on the shoulder.

A frown appeared on her face when she saw Francis there.

“It cold outside, why don’t you go back in” Francis suggest.

“Go back in and act like nothing is wrong while having cosy little chat with you guys. I’d rather freeze to death than to go back in” Bonnie said.

“Then you might as well use this” Francis said and took off his coat to put it on her.

Bonnie was still surprised by his action when Donovan showed up.

“A girl who refuses to keep herself safe needs to be forced to do so” He said and took off Francis coat.

In one swift mood, he carried Bonnie over his shoulder and back into the club.

“Are you crazy!” Bonnie half yelled, hitting his arm.

“You should be thanking me that I saved you from freezing to death” Donovan said cheekily.

“And what’s with you if I freeze to death? Why do you both care!” Bonnie said as Francis join them.

“You are meant to be someone future girlfriend, if you freeze to death now, you will be leaving him single for eternity” Donovan said.

“And who told you I care?”

“All girls care since they can’t help but to fall in love” Donovan said thinking he’d won this round but what she said next, got his mouth wide open.

“I don’t do love, just like you, I f-__-k love” She said and walk off.

“Seems like she slapped you in the face with your words” Francis mock expecting Donovan to be angry but instead, he began laughing.

“Have never seen anyone like her? She’s playing hard to get and I love it. It’s been long since I chased a girl, am pretty sure, she will be worth the chase” Donovan said lightly.

“If you are planning on messing with her, I suggest you let her be”

“Have never been more serious in my life” Donovan replied, hitting his arm lightly before going in.

Slowly, Francis followed suit.


“That’s enough” Giselle said as the girls stop hitting Lucy.

“Nice, it’s a good thing you did well by not hitting her face” Giselle said and wave to the two girls to go watch the entrance.

“Why don’t you let them hit her on the face?” Lorraine asked.

“Maybe if she’s disfigured, she will stop chasing Andrew” Stella added as Lucy let out a smile.

“Giselle here is obviously scared about what our father will do to her if he sees a scratch on my face” Lucy said softly.

“Father? Are you two related?” Lorraine asked as Giselle mask her anger with a smile.

“Lucy here turns out to be the bastard child of my father. It’s a long story and I certainly will tell you about it later but then, we’ve got to finish with her first” Giselle said, changing the subject.

“The moment have been waiting for'” Stella said as she pulled out her phone.

“Where do you want me to start taking off her clothes? ” Lorraine asked as Lucy eyes widen.

“Begin from that lousy hand glove on her and move onto her top then her trouser and undies next. I want every inch of her naked body in the video” Giselle said as Stella began her task.

“Don’t touch me! Don’t touch me!” Lucy yelled trying to fob Stella off.

“Scared now? You should have been from the very beginning, I might have had mercy on you then but now…I will show no mercy” Giselle said just as Stella pulled down her zip.

Lucy was scared, she prayed silently that someone will come to her aid and he did show up.

The door burst open and the two girls guarding it fell on the floor, their mouth and face covered with blood.

A gasp left Giselle and her friends lips when they saw the girls.

The man who walked in had a cap on and a face mask was used to cover his face.

“W..ho are you?” Stella stuttered out.

“First of all, I h@ťě bullies and second of all, how dare you touch my prey?” He asked, his voice coming out thick and gruff.

By now Lucy was already loosening the rope.

“Your prey? You mean Lucy? Sorry dude but she is my prey, I saw her….” Giselle didn’t get to complete her sentence because he gave her a kick on the stomach.

“You just hit a girl! Are you crazy?” Lorraine yelled at him and he move towards her to pull her by the hair.

Two slaps on the face got Lorraine head spinning.

He turn to Stella and was about hitting her when she said quickly.

“You can take her, she’s your prey now. We won’t do anything to her again” Stella yelled out In fright.

“You are one with brain. Now, get out of here” He said and immediately, they all left leaving Lucy and the mask guy alone.

“Thank you….thank you for helping me” Lucy said as he slowly approach her.

“What makes you think that I came to help you? I called you my prey, didn’t I?” He asked a confuse Lucy.

Suddenly, his hands were on her neck, choking the life out of Lucy.

“I didn’t come to save you, I came to ki|| you” He added and pressed harder.

By now Lucy had loosen the rope and so, she kicked him hard in the groin.

Coughing out loudly, she left the basement hoping he wouldn’t follow her but the footsteps behind her made it clear that he’s definitely following her.

Lucy ran as fast as she could since the basement was a bit far from the club.

He caught up with her and pulled her by the hair but she manage to fight him off.

She kept running, fearing for her life and when she saw the club some distance away and Steve standing at the entrance.

She called out his name while running faster.

“Steve!” She called again and this time he heard.

“Sis Lucy” Steve said as he ran towards her and held her.

“Are you okay?”

“That man is trying to ki|| me” Lucy said starring at the mask man who stood some distance away watching them.

Immediately, Steve went after him but Lucy called him back.

“Let him go” she said, breathing heavily.

Some time later and after explaining the whole thing to her friends, they all set for home.

“Do you think Giselle hired that mask guy to ki|| you?” Mary asked as they all head to the bus station.

“Am not sure” Lucy said as Steve pulled off his coat to put on her.

“Don’t you think it’s best you press charges?” Bonnie asked and Lucy refuse.

“If this mask guy is hell bent on ki||ing you, he definitely is going to come back” Steve added.

“Have any idea who he could be?” Mary asked.

“I don’t and right now, I just need to get some sleep. Can you guys escort me home?” Lucy asked and they all agreed immediately.


“How do you expect me to know? Didn’t you see the way he kicked me?” Giselle asked as she spoke to Lorraine on the phone.

“Let’s save this discussion for tomorrow, I need to hang up now” She added and end the call.

“I wonder what happened to that fool? ” Giselle said referring to Lucy.

She open the door and went into the house, she ignored the maid greeting and was about to go upstairs when someone pulled her by the hair.

“Argh!” Giselle scream as Lucy tighten her hold on her hair, Lucy kicked her leg and that got Giselle falling on the floor.

“What are you…” Giselle didn’t get to complete her sentence as Lucy knelt over her and slap her on the cheek.

“Ɓîtçh! Am not going to show you mercy either” Lucy said as she tore Giselle flimsy top and began videoing her.

“Stop it! Stop it” Giselle scream trying to pull free but Lucy didn’t let her.

“Daddy! Daddy!”

“Keep screaming for dad’s help but I doubt if he’s going to show up. You had fun frightening me, you even hired that mask guy to ki|| me!” Lucy accuse.

“I didn’t! I don’t know who he is”Giselle said but Lucy didn’t seem to believe her.

“If someone hired the mask guy then it has to be Andrew! He knew about my plan, he knew everything” Giselle said and that seem to gain Lucy attention.


“Am not lying, you can ask him yourself. He might have hired the mask guy because he h@ťěs you” Giselle added in a rush and slowly, Lucy got off of her.

Giselle sprang to her feet and dash up the stairs to her room, leaving Lucy pondering on what she said.


“No one noticed what happen last night and the basement area had no CCTV camera” Steve inform as they walk into the school premises.

“What a bummer. How on earth will we be able to get that man” Mary said in frustration.

“If he’s still out there at large then it’s best you stay safe. Don’t go around without us, okay?” Bonnie asked Lucy but Lucy’s mind was occupied by what Giselle told her last night.

Could Andrew really h@ťě her that much that he would let Giselle have her way without bothering to help and most importantly, did he send the mask guy?

A car drove past them and when it stopped some distance away, Andrew got out of it.

On seeing him, Lucy took to her heels and stood right in front of him when she got to where he was.

“What is it now?” Andrew asked.

“Jerk” she said confusing Andrew for a while.

“If you are only going to insult me, I suggest you leave cause am not in the mood” he said and walk past her but Lucy went after him and hit him on the back.

“Is it a sin to be in love with you? Is that why you let Giselle did what she did last night?” Lucy asked, breathing heavily.

“Did something happen last night?”

“Acting like a novice doesn’t suit you. Even with what happen last night, I won’t give up on you. Now more than ever, you’ve fuel my determination to make you mine and I will succeed” Lucy declare right in front of everyone.

Andrew walk towards her and stopped a few places away.

“Even when am gay? You will keep coming after me even though am gay?” Andrew asked softly and this time it was Lucy who walk towards him.

“Some gays end up falling for the opposite segz and you… Will end up being one of them, you will fall in love with me” She stated and move closer to him…..


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