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Friday, October 18, 2024
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IMMORTALS ACADEMY – Episode 11 & 12

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(…The forbidden kingdom…)

 By Felix Peter ✍

Chapter 11 ♥ 12

❌ Don’t Copy or Repost ❌


☆ ☆☆

She stood up with her sword and she put the book in her side pocket walking to the child.

” Hey child” Keisha said looking at the child while she continued playing.

The child didn’t respond to her not even turning her face as if someone is talking.

” Hey little girl what are you doing here, who brought you here? ” Keisha said.

She stood up turning looking at Keisha as she smiled at Keisha profusely.

Keisha became flurry and muddle as she stare at the girl.

” Keisha” The girl called her name.

Keisha became more astounded as the little girl acted mystically.

” How did you know my name? Who are you? ” Keisha questioned.

She smiled walking stepwise to Keisha with a flower.

” Hey stop there you demon from the cruel pit of hell” Keisha exclaimed.

” Haaaa!!!!!! ” She turned immediately to a demon woman.

” You guileful creature you thought you are smart right ” Keisha yelled.

” What the f-__-k!!!”

” Leave this place now or you will get my wrath ” Keisha said.

” How dare you challenge me? ” The demon eyes turned reddish and devilish commanding a sword as it enters her hand immediately.

Keisha th-ru_st out her sword from the scabbard walking to the demon.

They rushed into a combat fighting furiously, the demon held on of the blade of Keisha word.

Keisha furiously gave the demon a heavy head punch as the demon keel backward supporting herself with her sword stabbing it to the ground.

Immediately Bruce entered and the demon vanished as she saw Bruce.

” What is going on? Are you okay? ” Bruce rushed in.

” Why are you here? ” Keisha frowned.

” I checked I didn’t see you and I felt you are here”

” I’m fine I didn’t need you coming around ” Keisha looked pissed.

” What have I done wrong Keisha? ” Bruce asked.

” Stop following me around Philanderer” Keisha yelled walking out.

” I would not stop until you tell what’s my offense ”

Maya walked into her room as her eyes caught up with the book as it glint on the table.

She walked up to the book on the table as it opens itself and she saw the ‘Magical monkey king’

Maya started reading continuesly as she stopped in the place she saw ‘ Pure magic kingdom and the savior’ She became confused.

” Pure magic kingdom? ” She soliloquized.

Her mind flip continuesly thinking if her dad knew the Kingdom, if her dad was an immortal, if he ever visited the world.

She thought and remembered ones her dad told her a story about pure magic realm.

About the powerful monkey helping people from the Demons and Draco the king of red magic realm.

She sat speechless and astonished staring on the book till sleep caught up with her and she slept like a log of wood.


All the senior students walked out following master Jackie to the training ground.

” Today I’m going to test your abilities and strength ”

Master Shaw walked into the scene as everybody set for the training.

Master Jackie draw a cirlcle and walked inside of it

” You are going to train on your minds using our minds to control things. Each and everyone of you would stand before me using your mind to push me out of the circle” Master Jackie said.

” Okay”

Xena walked and stood before master Jackie closing her eyes tried using her mind to push him out of the circle, instead she was the one that got pushed to the ground.

Noah got out and stood before him, he tried using his mind to control master Jackie out of the circle but he failed.

Ciara tried too but she couldn’t she ended up falling on the ground blood ooz out from her nostrils.

Cheng trued but he couldn’t push master Jackie out from circle.

Keisha tried yet she failed gaspig terribly.

Whitney also tried too yet she couldn’t.

Alexis stepped out connecting his mind closing eyes and tried, he almost move master Jackie’s feet but he failed.

Rhoda also tried but she failed.

Bruce closed his eye balls and rested his mind and tried it. He almost did it but later failed.

Green walked and stood before master Jackie. Within a twinkle of an eye he pushed master Jackie to the ground with his mind strength.

Everyone was amazed how he did that even master Jackie and Shaw.

Not only pushing out from the circle but fell on the ground strongly.

” I’m sorry master”

” Sorry master” Green said with others.

” It fine, I’m happy you can use your mind control things even around you, keep it up Green I’m impressed with such powers you posses” Master Jackie said and walked out with other master.

Green couldn’t believe how he did that, he was even amaze of himself.

Rhoda smiled at Green as her eyes caught up with Green, and he gave a weak smile while they dismissed to their rooms.

” Keisha wait for me” Bruce shouted, Keisha turned and hissed as she walked quickly to her room.

Alexis, Bruce and Cheng walked together heading to their rooms.

Noah walking together with Xena gisting.

Green walked alone he doesn’t like too much company.


He kissed her on her upper lips as she Mõ@ɲ in pleasure eyes closed.

The flash of pleasure took over them and she became wet inside.

Before Bruce captured her lower lips too and the sweetness mixed together.

His hands caressing on hee hair while their lips sparks in kisses.

Suddenly a door opened, it is Noah and Alexis as they saw a junior student on Bruce bed.

The girl jumped off from the bed stupefied and ran out from the room.

Bruce stuck dump with astonishment and surprise.

” Bruce”

” Bruce what the f-__-k!!!! ” Noah yelled.

” You know…. ”

” You know what really? Kissing and bringing a junior student to your bed” Alexis exclaimed.

” Its my food you guys have forgotten” Bruce said sitting on the bed.

” You really unbelievable man”

” Ladies man”

They jacked Bruce up from the bed and left hikbon the air he landed on the bed, they smiled walking out from his room.

” I h@ťě you guys ” Bruce groan touching his waist.

” We love you nasty boy” They banged his door out.


Maya sitting on the beach side observing the siesta throwing stones into the water.

Braxton walked to her seeing her sit alone watching the water.

” Hey Maya ”

” Hey Braxton”

They smiled seeing each other after a long while.

” Look at you, where have you been? ” Maya exclaimed excitedly.

” I’ve been around ” Braxton replied.

He sat down close to Maya as smiles poop out from their lips.

” What has been going on? ” Maya inquired with a stuck seriousness.

” Nothing much, I’m good”

” Really? ”

” Yeah”

” Okay ”

” So what’s up, what about you? ” He asked.

” Hmmm I’m really worried about something wary” She voiced looking weary.

” What’s exactly is the problem? ” He inquired.

” Someone is in this town abducting children and I dint seem to understand why he’s doing that for” Maya explicate while Braxton stare at her.

” Abduct? ” Braxton yelled in surprise.

” Yeah, the other day, they f-__-kingly fired shot on me if not of my experience in driving I would have been dead by now just because I wanted saving the young girl the abducted ” Maya said.

” This is grievous”

” Absolutely, i’m gonna find out who he is and clear his table” Maya sobered up.

” Are you a cop? ” Braxton asked inquisitively.

” No”

” Why not report to the cops that risking your life ” He said.

” Don’t worry about me, I will be fine. I marked the car plate number that took them off, luckily I saved her and I will take it from there” She said dauntlessly.


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