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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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We h@ťě Each Other

By Genevieve E.?




Reluctantly Alondria slid into the black short gown which stopped right on her knee.

It wasn’t tight at all, it was a free leather gown with one hip pocket.

She looked at her reflection in the mirror with a frown but when she saw how beautiful she looked in it, she smiled.

This isn’t bad at all, she thought checking herself out.

I think this should go with boots instead if those hills, the said to herself as she went to get the boots.

Since she wasn’t a make up person, she was done in few minutes after applying red lipstick on her lips.

Jared was already dressed and he was downstairs waiting impatiently for her.

Alondria heard a mild knock on her door, since she was already done, she grabbed her purse and exited the room.

Oh hey, she cooed when she saw Asher standing with a smile on his face.

She was surprised to see him but she would rather see him than see that jerk, she thought

You look… amazing in red and black, Asher complimented.

Thanks, she replied with a blush touching the hair pin on her hair.

That looks beautiful too, Asher said pointing at the hairpin.

And dangerous too, Alondria added with a smile making Her give her a cautious glance then covered up with a sweet smile.

Your husband is waiting downstairs, shall we?

Sure, she replied takinh his hands as they walked downstairs discussing happily.

To Alondria, Asher is the only spark and source of happiness she has in this marriage

The moment they got downstairs, the first thing Jared heard was the sound of their laughter then his eyes landed directly on her red lips..

He got lost staring at how her lips moved not making out anything she was saying…

The his eyes zeroed down to her attire.

That black leather gown and the boots she was clad on gave her a bad girl look, just how likes it.

He likes girls who dress like that, to him its a huge turn on.

How can she be so beautiful, and curvy at the same time? he thought..

Your friend is checking me out Asshy, Alondria spoke loudly snapping him out of his thoughts.

Asshy? he muttered with a frown which deepened the moment his eyes landed on their interlocked arms.

What’s with you Asher, he growled at him pulling his hands away from his wife.

What’s wrong with you? Alondria asked feigning ignorance while Asher was busy laughing.

Is this how you let other men touch you? You still haven’t realized that you are married? he asked


To who?

A $cvmbag?

A $cvmbag? Jared repeated.

If you can’t act like a gentleman then I would rather go to the one who treats me like a queen not some shameless womanizer, Alondria retorted then walked out.

He turned to take it out on Asher but he ran off before he could say a word.

Angrily he stormed out too knowing Asher will still go talk to her outside.

True to his thoughts they were talking when he got out.

He went and dragged Alondria away straight to the car.

He opened the door and forced her in.

What the hell Jared! Alondria yelled but he wasnt listening.

Before he could get to Asher, he ran off again amd entered his own car.

Alondria took the glass down taking her head oit of the car the called out to Asher.

Aren’t you going with us Asshy? she yelled.

Jared who just got in slammed the door angrily.

He’s not going with us, he growled

I wasnt talking to you, Alomdria said with an eye roll then faced Asher..

Nah, its just you and your beloved husbamd, he said with a grin.

Jared what couldn’t take it anymore, ignited the car and began driving off but those two weren’t done talking.

Oh no, I will feel so lonely without you Asshy, she said yelled as Asher ignited his own car following them.

I will come see you tomorrow, i promise, Asher said as he met up woth them.

He was driving side by side with them in speed just like Jared.

Wow,you are so cool! Alondria yelled from her car as Asher winked at her.

Seriously? Jared groaned

Why the hell is Asher flirting with his wife right before him?

I don’t like her but she’s still my wife right? he thought glaring at Asher who isn’t even looking at him.

Instead of her to complimemt his speed, she’s busy complimenting another guy?

Before Alomdria could say somethimg else, the glass went up making her stop in between her statements.

Why did you do that? he asked angrily

Jared snubbed her then increased his speed more making sure to give Asher who didn’t bother chasing after him anymore a cool distance.

Alondria knowing she succeeded in riling him up smiled in victory then she plugged her ear piece and began listening to music, singing along with her loud melodious voice.

With her eyes shut, she didnt know how much glare Jared was sending her way.


My daughter is here, Sarah cooed the moment they got down from the car.

Ignoring Jared she went to embraced Alondria who was also happy to see her.

You look skinny, have this punk not even feeding you? Sarah asked eyeing Jared who just got out.

What has that got to do with me? Jared fired angrily.

He was still boiling in anger,not only did she flirt with Asher, she also decided to disturb his ear through out the ride.

Now his mom is already accusing him of not feeding the punk.

He has been treating me badly mom, Alondria whined

What did you do to her Jared? Sarah asked.

I don’t go anything mom,can we go in already? he asked with a pathetic tone as he rushed in leaving them there.

The moment he left, Sarah and Alondria burst into laughter.

Don’t mind that son of mine, I know you are the change he needs, Sarah said leading her inside.

I’m making sure to reset his brain, Alondria replied with a proud smile.

I trust you, Sarah replied.

Welcome my daughter, come here, they heard Mr Justins voice as Alondria turned to go meet him.

Dad too? Jared thought angrily.

How did she completely steal his parents attention that they no longer recognize him?

He watched Alondria smile happily as they talked while Mr Justin led her to the dinning table.

Sarah too joined them leaving only him.

He stood feeling like a rejected puppy staring at them in disbelief.

I’m sure you would love this, I made them myself, his mom said the same words she used to say to him but this time around she was talking to Alondria while he was forgotten.

You should come join us Jared, why are you standing there? Alondria asked in a faked concerned tone.

Oh he’s shy, Mr Justin lied, Jared has always been shy among women.

What? Jared yelled in disbelief.

Really? that’s so cute Alondria replied with another fake smile.

Yes dear, I’m sure he needs you to come to him first, Sarah said in a sarcastic tone as she doesn’t out the food.

What the hell mom, that’s not true, Jared defended as he walked to the dinning table by himself.

The moment he sat down, Mr Justin stared him in the eyes and said.

What I meant is he is usually shy around decent women, you know what I’m saying Sassy? He said making Jared almost choke on his saliva.

I have experienced that too dad, I must admit his level of shyness among decent women is commendable, Alondria spoke with a smile.

Right Jared? she asked in the most genuine smile.

Stop talking rubbish, he growled under his breath.

Is that how to talk to a wife who complimenting you? Mr Justin asked.

When did dad start to talk too much,he thought.

Your dad is right, she’s only complimenting you genuinely, Sarah added sitting down.

Am I supposed to say thanks to that ? he asked with a frown

Ofcourse, you should be grateful I’m not talking about the girls at our wedding yet, Alondria said with a feigned sad face.

Girls? The Jacksons asked at the same time.

It was at that moment Jared realized the gravity of what his cunning wife just said.

His father is sure going to deal with him if he finds out here screwed a girl at their wedding reception.

He tried to signal to his wife not to say a word but who was he kidding, she was smirking.

He didn’t even have her number to text her to keep shut up.

Oh I’m so dead today, he thought pleading with her with his eyes.

For the first time, he was totally at her mercy.

Oh the girl, its…. Alondria paused then glanced at Jared who almost peed on his pants.

He gave her another pleading look but she looked away facing Mr Justin.

You won’t believe on our wedding reception I saw Jared…. dancing so beautifully that girls flocked around him but then he did something shocking.

My husband chased them away telling them he is married and would love to stay faithful to his wife, she finished with a smile.

You mean Jared said that? Sarah asked in an amused tone.

Yes mom, right sugar? she asked sending Jared who was in a daze a sweet smile which they both understood as “You owe me one”

Yes mother, you know i can never cheat on my wife, he said with so much uneasiness..

Mr Justin and his wife who knew it was all a lie gave them both a smile then they started eating in silence.

Jared knew they didn’t buy the lie, so did Alondria but its best for Jared like that, he would have paid hugely for that little revelation.

What do you enjoy doing? Mr Justin asked out of the blue

I love to Sing, I like to play basket ball and soccer too, she replied exluding the last one which is “Her love for fighting” ?

You play basketball ball too?r Justin asked in a sudden happy tone.

Sarah lifted her head to look at him , he was smiling happily as he stared solely at Alondria.

She bent her head sadly.

She knew that tone.

That look

Its all because of Ruby, she knew he saw Ruby in his daughter in law

She’s so much like her mom, they even have the same likes and talk the same way.

Jared on the other hand wondered why he was happy just because she plays basketball ball..

As far as he knows, she might not even know how to hold a ball firmly talk more of running and jumping.

I will be hosting a friendly basket ball session with close friends tomorrow, can you do me the honor of attending? Mr Justin asked humbly.

Wow… Ofcourse, I have been looking for an opportunity to this this.

Its a date then, 2pm tomorrow, Mr Justin said with a smile.

Ofcourse dad, thanks alot.

Its alright.. I should be saying thanks you to you, he said with a sad smile which none of them noticed.

About the singing, how well do you sing? he asked again abandoning his food.

Oh that?

Doing Music is like my biggest dream right now, I have few songs already but then….. she paused.

Music it is then…. honey you should contact Lilys son, that dude is all you need to be a star in few weeks, Justin said shocking Alondria who felt she was just in a question amd answer sessions.


Thank you so much dad, she screamed running over to his side as she bent hugging his legs so tight.

She felt she doesn’t have the right to stain his body with her poor body.

Get up daughter, you are family right now, Mr Justin said.

Despite her sadness, Sarah was genuinely happy for Alondria.

She already planned doing that for her but since her husband talked about, she was happy no matter his reason.

Mr Justin held her up as he hugged her, after the hug she also went to hug Sarah happily too.

Through out the dinner she was in high spirit, she didn’t even feel like taunting Jared anymore.


Jared and Alondria were on their way home.

Today seems to be the best day of her life, finally this marriage is making sense, she thought with a smile plastered on her face.

Jared scoffed when she would ocasionally sing with just anything, even the passing cars and the pedestrian’s were also added to her songs.

Can you just shut up and let me drive in peace? Jared hushed her and she paused.

When he felt she was quiet and his ears could rest, she began singing with his attitude including how his face looked as he drove in annoyance.

What the hell is wrong with you?


I’m too excited to get distracted by you, today is the happiest day of my freaking life dude, I can’t wait see Lily’s son.

What is he like?

He is nothing close to being cute, get your mind off him, I don’t even know why dad chose that punk in the first place, Jared blabbered angrily.

But I think he should be good looking right? Tell me, you must know him right? Alondria persisted.

He is UGLY, no guy should be cuter than your husband! Jared blurted out before he could stop himself.

Huh? Alondria who was confused stared at him.

Why are you acting like a jealous husband?

Jealous? You must be sick in the head, he said reducing his speed since the road they were was a bit rough.

Before Alondria could taunt him again, their car was surrounded by masked men making him halt.

What the hell is that? Alondria asked in a whisper but Jared only smirked.

They were too many and they were banging on his new car.

He knew they were Willimas men instantly but he couldn’t pull out his gun to $h00t because Alondria might get scared.

You should sit in here, don’t open this door even if they break the glass , he ordered then opened the door and stepped out.

Leaning on his car, he studied them as they made noises.

It seems you all have a death wish, he said to them in a plain voice.

We don’t have time to waste, attack, one of them said and they began rushing towards him in two’s .

Without stress, he was beating them up despite them having sticks.

Alondria watched them in surprise seeing how he beat them up.

But she noticed something, they had their eyes on his stomach and shoulder.

She watched as one of them intentionally hit his stomach so hard.

Her heart tightened when she saw him groan in pain, then his attacker took that as an opportunity to hit his shoulder at the same spot.

There and then she knew this had to do with the the reason why he came back with bullet buried in his body the previous day.

From the corner of her eyes she could see their leader come over to her side.

Immediately he got to the door, she pushed the door open and banged it on his face making him fall.

Jared heard the noise and made to come over to her despite the pain and the hungry men before him but before he could finish beating the two guys before him she already sent the guy to dream land with just a punch.

They she began taking them in twos too, beating them like its no big deal, she pulled her hairpin as she kept stabbing their arms with it before punching them.

Jared was stunned when he saw some of the men groaning in pain as she smiled at him.

You should go back inside, I can handle this, he said pinchinh the guy before him right on his eye.

He was still fighting them despite the pain and the blood all over his shirt.

You should step aside while I take care of you baby, she replird instead with a wink, before he could protest She flew on the back og the guy who wanted to attack him with a stick, using her hairpin you stab his neck the jumped down dragging him by the neck as she used his head to hit the next guy as they both fell groaning in pain.

Seeing how well she fought and how weak he was getting, Jared had to stop protesting though he was in daze.

They beat them up not allowimg any of them to escape .

In the next ten minutes, the whole ground was filled with their unconscious bodies.

I told you i would take care of you, Alondria said with a proud smile.

Jared who was amazed couldn’t help but smile.

For the first time since they met, they genuinely smiled at each other.

Get in, I will drive, Alondria said as she walked towards the drivers seat.

You should rest while I drive, Jared refused.

He felt she has done so much work and should be needing rest but she wasn’t having it.

You are bleeding, get in while I take care of you buddy, she said forcing him in.

He had to get in reluctantly then she got in too and ignited the car.

You owe me again, she said with a smirk then zoomed off.


Buddy ??
And she took care of him?

Jared you don jam oo

Finally Alondria, I can’t wait to see you blow oo

Asher sef no dey help matter ? ?

That hairpin did wonders oo

Jared better learn to respect your wife oo, make she no beat u blue and black

Now that you are owing Alondria, you go use your head pay

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