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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SUDDEN PRINCESS – Episode 63 & 64

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{..Wrong place, Right time..}

Chapter 63💕64

THEME: Written again..✍️

By, 🌺Mayor🌺





It took a while before Saverina could finally get
back to herself. She rushed back towards Derek.

“It was Baal the whole time and right now, he
has Alice with him” She said quickly and Derek’s
eyes widened.

“There they are!” A guard yelled from a distance.
The palace guards are now everywhere since
they are wanted.

One of them approached Phaedra’s but got a
hard punch from Derek. Grabbing her hand
Derek ran with her. Saverina followed them.

“Where’s Alice?” Phaedra asked as the run into
the woods.

Before Derek could reply, they got sorounded by
guards drawing their weapons out.

“You are under arrest for conspiring with Prince
Zameil to murder the king,” the leader of the
guards announced in a stern voice.

“What! They think Zameil ki||ed the king? Are
you crazy?! He knows nothing!” Phaedra
exclaimed. The guard expression didn’t change.

“Saverina, you know what to do.. Phaedra get on
my back” Derek said. Saverina nodded and her
eyes began to glow.

Roaring, Derek transformed into a full wolf
scaring the men around him a little. They
immediately bought out their arrows and shot at
them. Saverina used her power to block the

“Now” Derek growled and Phaedra jumped on
his back and they ran into the woods while
Saverina distracted them.

Soon, she vanished into thin air.

“Find them!” The guard roared.


Augustus coughed so hard, his chest tighten
and hurt so badly. His body had weaken so
much he could hardly walk.

“You’re really sick brother. Does this means
you’re dying soon like the king?” Plato asked
and Augustus shot him a glare.

“Nuisance” Augustus muttered and slowly made
his way to the Queen. He haven’t seen her since
last night.

“The Queen doesn’t want anyone in, at the
moment” The guard at her doorstep informed.

“Tssk! Do you know who you are talking to. I’m
the king you dumbass!” Augustus roared but
then frowned when the face of the guard
doesn’t look familiar. “Who the hell are you?” He

The guard sighed and stepped forward.

“I’d advice you to leave mister”

“Mister?!” Julius and Plato exclaimed in unison.
Augustus chuckled. Is this a prank?

“How dare you!!” Augustus roared.

“What’s with the noise out there?” A female
voice sounded. Augustus knitted his brow. That
voice doesn’t sounds like the Queen.. but
someone else’s familiar voice.

The guard facing Augustus smirked, it seems
this man doesn’t know what is going on.

“It’s the KING, your highness” The guard replied.
He said the word ‘King’ in a mocking way.

“Oh let him in” came a reply from the woman

Hearing what he wants to hear, Augustus
immediately walked into the chamber. Instead
of his mother, he found Old Gytha dressed in a
royal robe.

“What” Plato muttered behind him.

“Isn’t this mother’s maid?” Julius asked.

“Oh my boys” Old Gytha stood on her feet.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Augustus

“What does it look like I’m doing? Of course I’m
the Queen now as you can see” She grin at him.

“This is insane” Julius muttered. “I knew my
suspect was right about this old…”

“Don’t complete that word, I ki||ed your sister
because of it” Old Gytha cut in shocking the
three men before her.

“R…Riya?” Plato lips began to tremble, he was
sensing danger already.

“Where is my mother?” Augustus finally asked.

Old Gytha raised her hands and clapped twice.
A door inside the chamber opened and Delphine
stepped out. She was dress like a maid having
some bruises on her body due to the beating
she had received from Gytha’s guard. It was just
one day and she was looking a bit unkept and
very hungry. Her eyes were red and swollen
because of of her cries.

Her gaze was down, afraid to look up, Old Gytha
is so ruthless.

“Mother” Julius wanted to stride fast towards
her but was thrown to the wall with an unknown

The men was shocked the third time. Old Gytha
possessed dark power.

“What you?” Plato stammered.

“Hmm.. now you’re asking the question I want to
hear. My name is Gytha. A higher rank demon,
released on the day Baal was released. My job
here is to have the kingdom at the palm of my
hands and waits for Baal’s return”

“The f-__-k!” Plato cursed sweeping his hair
backwards. Julius who was on the floor could
barely stand.

This must be a dream, cus never had Augustus
thought everything would twist this way. Wait?!
What about the poison he was asked to drink.

“The poison” Augustus face was so paled.

“About that.. I gave you the same poison I gave
to the king. Which means you’re going to in two
days” Old Gytha said.

Augustus looked over to the Queen, she was
silently crying.

“She wasn’t the one who ruin you my dear. You
only follow her footsteps just because of power”
Old Gytha said.

“I.. I don’t want to die. Give me the antidote.
Please I don’t want to die” Augustus said, he
slowly went on his knee.

“Then do wh@ťěver I ask” Old Gytha smirked.

“No! Don’t listen to her!” Delphine couldn’t help
but speak. She knew Old Gytha would ki||
Augustus anyway.

Old Gytha raised her hand and Delphine lost her
voice just like Riya. She couldn’t speak.

Augustus and his two brother was helpless.

‘Now let’s wait for Baal’ Old Gytha thought.


The Silver Pack. One of the largest and
strongest werewolf pack. Every werewolves take
each other as family.

Getting to large building, one can mistake it as a
Palace. Phaedra never thought, Derek’s place
will be this beautiful. It was bath with gold.

“C’mon” Derek outstretch his hand for her and
help her come down from the horse.

“Welcome Alpha” The Beta of the wolf, Kiara
greeted and Derek walked in like a king. She is
the one who look after the pack whenever Derek
is not around. She beautiful smart and many of
the pack thought she might actually be the
Luna but instead…

They saw Phaedra, they were busy staring at
her. Derek was hold her hand as they walk.

Saverina was unconcerned with everything
around her. Her main worry is to find Alice.

“How come you didn’t know he was the one.
You guys are childhood friends” Saverina said
to Derek as they were in a room meant for
private discussion.

“Baal must have known Derek so well enough to
trick him. He couldn’t do the same to Alice since
he only knew her for a short amount time”
Phaedra replied.

Derek eyes was close as he tried to think of a
way out. His jaw was harden as everything
frustrating. He knew the deal was going to be a
huge problem.

“We need to find Alice. Baal must be up to
something dangerous” Saverina said.

“But how are we going to find them?” Kiara
asked with her arms folded.

“Those human traffickers. I overheard Zameil
speaking with those bastards that drvgged us.
His name was Azazel” Derek said.

“We’ll have to merge with the people in the
kingdom to know about him. Mostly around the
west, supernatural beings mostly linger around
there” Kiara said.

“Azazel must know where to find the other
demon. We can use him to find Alice” Phaedra

“Kiara, you know what to do” Derek said.

“On it Alpha” Kiara replied and walked out of
the place.


Saverina appeared before a coven. Taking a
deep breath. She walked into the place.

“Saverina!” One of her sister stood up to her feet.

“What happened?” Saverina asked, sensing the
weird atmosphere.

After a while, Saverina face turn cold as ice.
Delilah took one of her sisters, Felicia and was
being tortured. Her fist clinched hard beside her.

“We’ll find her but we need your help” Saverina

“No! Saverina this is all your fault!” The first
sister yelled. “If you aren’t so adamant of saving
your friend then Felicia will still be here!”

“It’s not her fault, Felicia will still be capture still”
the second sister said. “Is there a way to find
her? Tell us”

Saverina let out a shaky breath. If Baal manage
to use Alice for his benefit then the whole
kingdom is ruin!

Derek and a group of werewolves and
Saverina’s sisters stopped before large territory.
The security was tight.. it was definitely

One of the guard roaming around suddenly fell
unconscious to the floor.

Same with some others around. Saverina came
out from her hiding place, with her three other

A hand wrapped around a guards neck until he
was unconscious. He fell to the floor. The next
guard was kicked on the face, send him down.

Derek came out of the darkness with Kiara and
some other werewolves. He stride towards the
huge room before him. The werewolves with
him fought with the guards on his way..

Getting to the room, he slammed the door

Azazel, who had a woman on his bed looked up
to his door and found Derek staring at him with
a hard look.

“How disrespectful, wolf, care to join me?”
Azazel asked with a smile. The woman looked
at Derek with approval.

“We need to talk” Derek said, his voice hard and

“What if I don’t want to?” Azazel asked raising
his brow. Derek tilted his head one side a little.

“Then I’ll ki|| you”


Alice’s eyes fluttered open, her whole body felt
so weak, she couldn’t move a finger. She had
perceived a strange smell that drain her energy.

Slowly, she could get some of her senses back..

“ki|| her!”

That was the first words she heard. Using all the
strength in her, she looked up with her half
closed her.

A group of people was below her, sneering at
her. They have their eyes glowing and their
cannies reveal at each side if the lips.

“ki|| her goddamit!”

Alice brow knitted. She tried to moved but her
hand were chain at each sides. Her cloth
tattered and each of her leg was chained to the

Is this the dream again? But everything felt real,
the cold harsh breeze on her delicate skin, the
cry of anger and h@ťě gaze from these people..
or Demons?

Why are they so many of them?

They all turn silent all of a sudden when a figure
stepped into the place. Alice could tell who the
person is already.

She felt his cold finger on her chin raising it up,
their eyes met. This time, Baal has his hair white
and shinny, a dark smirk on his face.

“What are you going to me? ki|| me? Burn me?
Cus trust me even if you do any of these I still
won’t let you go and ki|| you” Alice eyes was
feirced and hard, burning with anger. That’s one
of the thing Baal found amusing about this girl.
No wonder she was chosen to stop him.

“This act that you have my husband’s face on
yours disgust me” She utter through her gritted
teeth. Baal’s lips curved up the more.

“Destroying me means destroying that bastard.
Haven’t you ever think of that?”

Alice frowned.

“I’m better than Zameil, Alice… Way better. I can
make you my queen, give you everything you
want and have so many creatures bow to your
feet. You can have the power that you can ever
imagine” He said lightly.

“I’m not dumb. I’m going to fall for such a trick”

“Hm.. Is it because of him. Zameil is good as
dead. The only chance he have is till the next
full moon, which will come out in the next few
days. But I would have been done with my plan
and destroy the kingdom before then.. and you
Alice, are going to be on my side”

Alice spat on his face. Her chest heaving with

“Keep dreaming” she said.

Baal wiped the saliva off his face, his golden
yes glowed.

“That wasn’t a request” He said with a stern

Among the crowd, a woman was dragged out.
Alice eyes widened seeing her. It was just like
her dream.. Her mother..

“No!” Alice exclaimed knowing what was
coming next.

Ruth was forced to kneel, it seems she was
roughly handled before being bought here.

“No Please, don’t hurt her!” She exclaimed

“Answer me Alice, the ritual can only be done if
you say yes to my request. This witch beside
you is going to seal it..”

Alice look at her side and saw an old hag
having a red book in her hand.

“I wanted to do it while deceiving you as Zameil.
I was going to segz you so you’ll do every of my
will but that was ruined because you
surprisingly recognized me.. that was
impressive..” Baal said.

Alice’s heart was pounding so hard against her
chest. He held her chin up, staring deeply into

“All I need is you to say yes Alice, or you’ll watch
your mother die” He said with upmost

“Don’t do it Alice!” Ruth yelled from her spot. The
demon behind her slapped her hard across the

“Alice don’t do it please! Think about the
people!” She yelled while Alice froze, her eyes
teared up.

Baal got impatient, he raised his hand.
Immediately, The demon behind Ruth bought up
an axe.

“Wait, what… No!!!!!” Alice screamed insanely, as
she watch Ruth died on her spot.

“I h@ťě noise and slow answers” Baal said.

Alice lips trembled and hot tears rolled down her
cheek. She lost Ruth?!

“I’m gonna ki|| you!!!!!!!” She yelled insanely. A
streak of lightening appeared on her arm but it
disappeared almost immediately. Baal saw it
and chuckled.

The chains around Alice was a powerful one,
that seizes ones power.

Baal chuckled. “Let’s do this again”

“Stop! You’re hurting me!!” A tiny voice sounded.


Alice’s heart pounded harder than before.
Mirabel’s face was filled with tears.. How the
hell did Baal get them?!

“Alice… Help…” Mirabel’s face squeeze with
terror seeing Ruth’s dead body. The demon held
her in place.

“She’s is just a kid, goddamit!!!!” Alice yelled but
Baal’s face remain unfazed.

“Your answer, I want it fast” He growled.

Alice looked down at crying Mirabel with her
eyes closed.

“Please stop this” she sobbed.

Baal wanted to raised his hand Alice eyes


Immediately that word left her lips, the word
was sealed.





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