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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SUDDEN PRINCESS – Episode 25 & 26

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{..Wrong place, Right time..}

Chapter 25💕26

THEME: Written again..✍️

By, 🌺Mayor🌺




“Oh Zameil..”

Hearing her soft Mõ@ɲ Zameil’s lips curved up to a smirk. He held her waist close and kissed her neck deeply. Alice traced her hand to his hair and run her finger on it while Mõ@ɲing to his kisses with her eyes close.

His gentle kisses slowly went down her chest. Alice conciousness screamed at her to stop him, but she find herself wanting more.

A sudden emotion dived into Zameil. The feeling of taking all of her. This is not his first time with a woman before, this feeling is pretty strange. Unknown to him, his eyes flashed gold, but disappeared immediately.

He imagine himself taking her by all means, what the f-__-k his wrong with him? He held the sheet tightly and growled with eyes shut tightly.

Alice frowned. “Zameil,” she called lightly.

“Get out” he demanded with his eyes closed trying hard to fight back the urge. Her scent, touch and voice was intoxicating him. This has never happened before.. there’s only one reasonable explanation…

Baal wants her.. well f-__-k him!

“Are you hurt?…”

“I said get out!!!” He yelled this time, opening his eyes to look at her. Confusion and anger swirl in her eyes. He scolded himself inwardly with the way he had yelled.. what have he done?

Alice stormed out of the room and Zameil let out the breath he was holding. He ran his finger through his hair. How is he going to face her tomorrow.

Alice shut the door of her large room and groan out in anger.

“d@mn it Alice!” She exclaimed kicking her bed. The pain her face squeeze a little.

She sat on her bed and think of what happened few seconds ago. He kissed her neck and then yelled at her, as if she was a piece of trash…

Why couldn’t she do anything to teach him a lesson. Back in California, no guy dares treat her like this.

“I f-__-king h@ťě him. I’m so dumb to let him touch me” She muttered, feeling her heart hurt. “He’s so cold” she muttered, laying on her bed.


Riya checked out herself for the umpteenth times on the large mirror placed before her. Her lips were red and her hair packed in a stylish way.

She was on her way to see Zameil, she wished to know if he is okay.. of course the Queen would have no idea about it..

On her way, she met Augustus.

“Are you going somewhere, or is there something important that is about to happen in the palace?” Augustus asked.

“I can’t dress beautiful any longer?” Riya asked.

“I’m just wondering” Augustus smirked.

“Wh@ťěver. Just mind your business” Riya walked pass her while Augustus frowned.

He shrugged and kept walking.

Getting to his chamber, Riya walked into Zameil’s room without announcing her presence. This made Zameil frowned. The maid just finished combing his hair, she bowed and left the room..

“We aren’t that close for you to enter my room like that” Zameil said in a deep voice. His masculine feature was enough to make Riya’s heart skip a beat.

“Forgive my manners, I’m just here to check if you’re okay” Riya passed him a smile.

“I’m fine, you can leave” Zameil said, reaching for a book on the table.

“Can I check on it?” Riya asked, the atmosphere was cold and that wasn’t what she want.

“Nevermind” he replied curtly. Why is she even worried about him in the first place.

Riya took a deep breath and walked closer but stopped when Zameil gave her a cold look.

“I’ll leave, take care” Riya changed her mind and turned to leave. Getting out, her face squeeze with anger. “Why can he just look at me differently?”

“What was that” Zameil muttered, returning his gaze back to his book. He tried to read but Alice popped into his mind.

Sighing, he closed the book. “Should I go and check on her?”


“How long will it take for you to learn huh?” Mirabel asked as she watch Alice eating with her mouth full.

Alice stopped eating and look at them. One of her leg was on the chair she was sitting. A big chicken was on her hand.

“A princess takes their bite slow and tiny” Macbeth said.

“With their back straight and of course we use our cutleries in an appropriate way” Mirabel added.

“Watch us” Macbeth said. They both grab a fork and knife. Cutting the chicken gently, they picked it up nicely and put it in their mouth. They gave Alice a smile.

“Don’t eat like a begger. I understand you came for poor…” Macbeth made to speak but Mirabel hit her gently on her lap using her hand.

“Be nice” Mirabel said. She returned her gaze back to Alice. “She meant to say.. you shouldn’t eat like the commoners. You are part of the royal family now.”

Alice dropped the chicken and lean forward to them.

“Wanna do something cool?” She asked.

“What?” They both asked at the same time.

“At the garden, let’s do something nice” she smirked.


Phaedra was feeling bored as she laid on her bed staring at the ceiling. The king had forbid her not to see Derek.

Derek had promised her to solve the problem but right now, she misses him so much.

A sound came from her window and she sprang up. She saw Derek standing beside her without.

“Derek!” Her face lit up with excitement and she ran to hug him.

“Do you miss me that much?” He asked in a deep voice.

“Of course I do.. I’ve been counting the ceiling since morning.” She broke the hug and asked. “But the king..”

“No one saw me. Though it was pretty hard for me to sneak in here” He said.

“I hope my grandfather accept us” Phaedra said with a sad face.

“Even if he doesn’t, I’m taking you with me. The pack is going to love their new Luna” Derek smiled.

“You think so? I’m.. a human” Phaedra said.

“It doesn’t matter” Derek said and she smiled wider.

“Stay with me for a while.” Phaedra requested.

“I’m all yours” Derek said kissing her forehead.

Alice walked in a room with the twins and found a man painting. The middle aged man bowed before them and asked how could he help her.

“We’ll like to have your painting equipment” Alice said.

The man was a bit surprised. “Your Grace, we..”

“Just follow the order” Alice raised her brow and the man swallowed.

Soon at the large garden, Alice and the twins were all standing before a big white sheet of paper with colours set before them. An apron hanging around their neck.

“I don’t think this is a good Idea” Macbeth said.

“Mother will be mad at us if she finds us like this. I do want to paint for a long time but she always says no” Mirabel said.

“She never told us the reason” Macbeth said.

“She’ll be mad.. but that’s if she finds us. Now let’s paint something. Let’s see if you can beat me” Alice said.

“You can try” Mirabel said and they all started painting.

An hour later, Alice groaned as her neck began to hurt. Her paint looks horrible but she likes it. She painted a boy, having his head so big and his body tiny. At least she tried.

She look back at the twins and saw them so focus on their painting. She thought they were just going to draw an apple or something but when she look over their work her mouth dropped.

She had never seen something this beautiful.

“Oh my f-__-k” she muttered.

Mirabel was busy painting a landscape having flowers, trees and butterflies. It look so beautiful.

Macbeth on the other hand was busy painting a river, having a little land with flowers.

“I’ll be d@mn, you cuties are so talented!” Alice exclaimed and they both laughed.

“Can I be in the picture too?” Alice asked and ran forward and pose a beautiful badass style.

Mirabel and Macbeth looked at each other and nodded. They got serious again and began to pit Alice in the picture.

Zameil who was passing by saw this and was stun. He didn’t know when he began to smile.

In the next hour? They were done. Alice gasps again at the result.

“Why the hell did the palace not have your painting all over the f-__-king place?” Alice asked.

“Still mother” Mirabel shrugged.

“Well I’ll change that.” Alice said touching Mirabel’s cheek. The painting on her hand glued on Mirabel’s cheek.

Macbeth began to laugh and Alice smiled.

“What?” Mirabel asked but Macbeth continue laughing. She touched her face and saw the paint. She took hers and put it on Alice face too.

“You little” Alice rubbed it Macbeth face instead and that was it…

The three began to play rough, chasing each other in the garden with laughter.

At that period, Eleanor was passing by, Zameil hide himself. Eleanor eyes widened at the scene.

“Girls!!” She yelled.

The three stopped. Alice has the twins on top her as their face turn paled seeing the angry woman walking towards them.

Alice quickly stood before the twins. “I was the one who suggested this”

Eleanor saw the painting and glared at the two kids behind her.

“I thought of them having fun” Alice said.

“They are princesses Alice. You shouldn’t let them forget that” Eleanor said.

“They are talented, you should..”

“Stop!” Eleanor cut her off. “Go inside the two of you” she ordered the kids and the did.

“Please Alice, don’t ever do this again” Eleanor whispered and left.

Alice lips twisted and her face sadden as she stared at the kids painting. “What a waste of talent” she sighed

Zameil came out if his hiding place and walk towards her. Her expression changed seeing him.

Alice rolled her eyes and made to walk pass him but he held her.

“Let go” she warned.

“I’m sorry about last night” Zameil said and Alice blinked severally. Did he just say sorry?

“If you’re here to confuse me then that won’t work. Let’s stay away from each other just like how you want” Alice said.

“Fine let me make it up to you” Zameil said.

“Stay away from me” She muttered jerking her arm away and left.

Zameil sighed running his hand through his hair. Why is he like this?



A man wearing a black long cloak walked into a dark room filled with humor. A bathtub was at the middle as a lady laid in it with her eyes close. She was naked.

“What are we waiting for?” The man asked. His blue eyes glitters under the light.

“Easy my love. I want to meet him first” Delilah spoke reaching out for the cup filled with blood. She took a sip and her lips curve up to a satisfying smile.

The man could only grunt not knowing what to say.

“Very soon, we’ll rule the land.. haha..” Delilah chuckled. “I can feel the day coming close, I just need to set my eyes on him..”

Her eyes flashed red. “I’m sure he misses his bride” she muttered.



A Noble man, Jacob stepped into the palace with his sons. His first son was 23 while the other one was 14.

The king came to welcome him himself with a warm smile. They are close friends with fought wars together and have seen each other for years.

Mirabel and Macbeth lips fell apart the moment they set their eyes on the second son.

“I think I’m in love” Macbeth said.

“Me too” Mirabel said.

They both look each other with shock.

“I fell in love with him first” Macbeth glared and Mirabel scoffed.

“Have you seen Alice?” Mirabel asked.

“She had locked herself in her room since morning. I wonder why though” Macbeth shrugged.

The king decided to hold an evening feast to welcome them. His first son, Caesar was so handsome that he caught so many female guest attention.

The twins was staring at the other son, Alex the whole time. He was sitting there with his father.

“Your son is really good looking” The king said as they all eat together.

“And brilliant too” His friend Jacob said.

“Hm, perfect for my daughter” The king said.

Caesar eyes caught a figure and his smile slowly disappear. ‘Beautiful’ he thought to himself as he watch Alice looking around the hall. Is she one of the king’s single daughter? He drop his cup of wine and went towards her.

Augustus sat beside the Queen.

“You’ve been awfully silent” The Queen asked Augustus.

“Isn’t that what you wanted?” Augustus asked and stood up. He head towards his room and find a mistress to f-__-k.

Alice was woken up by the maid for the feast she obviously doesn’t want to attend to. She wished she could just get out of the d@mn palace and stroll out someday. She could have asked Zameil but right now she doesn’t want to be around him.

Not watching her step sprained her ankle and made to fall but a strong hand caught her by the waist. Her eyes met with a pair of brown eyes.

“You should be careful with your steps my lady” Caesar said with a gentle smile. His eyes staring at her with admiration.

Before Alice could speak, Another hand pulled her away from Caeser.

Her face collided with his hard chest. Looking up she saw Zameil’s face, he was glaring at Caeser.

The anger emitting from him sent a chill down Caeser’s spine.

“Hands off, my bride” Zameil growled.





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