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Friday, October 18, 2024
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SYMPHONY OF HEARTS – Episode 21 & 22

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{ ….The Sparks Within …. }

THEME; Destined To Be With You.


By, Ariel Mirabel





ENJOY!! 🧸🎀

✰{ 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝓢𝓴𝓲𝓹 }✰

“Follow me” He said

Almost immediately, the people in the crowd began throwing food and drinks at Lucia.

In a swift motion, Kingsley drew her to his arms and the food all landed on his back.

The crowd gasped when the food hit Kingsley’s back and not Lucia, Kingsley released Lucia and turned to glare at those people

They immediately shrunk back in fear. Kingsley grabbed Lucia’s arm and dragged her out of the hall.

Jayden stood on his spot as he watched them leave. He was actually going to protect her but Kingsley was faster.

Andrew watched Jayden then he looked at Kingsley and Lucia’s retreating figure. A smirk slowly crept up his lips

“This will be fun to watch”

Kingsley released her wrist and faced her when they got outside in the open air. He couldn’t hide his shock when he saw her grabbing her chest painfully as she panted loudly.

Kingsley’s eyes widened, she was having a panic attack.

“Hey, calm down.” Kingsley grabbed her arms, nudging her slightly but it didn’t help matters.

Kingsley immediately cupped her cheeks and turned her face to his.

“Lucia, look at me” Kingsley said and she did so.

“It’s alright, those people won’t taunt nor hurt you anymore… Just breath in and out” Kingsley said softly and Lucia began exhaling and inhaling slowly.

Few seconds later, she found herself calming down.

“That’s it, keep doing just that” Kingsley muttered as she heaved in and out.

“I’m okay now” Lucia muttered and Kingsley nodded, slowly releasing her cheeks.

“Thank you, for helping me out and I’m sorry about your shirt” Lucia said, looking at his stained back.

“Wow, I thought you didn’t know how to say the word thank you” Kingsley smirked before looking up at the sky.

His smirk fell and was replaced with a guilty face. “I’m sorry about that, it’s all my fault. I got you into my mess with Maggie” Kingsley said

“About your panic attack, mind explaining to me when it started” Kingsley turned to look at her.

Lucia looked down and Kingsley could sense her mood changed.

“It’s okay if you don’t want to” He added.

“It’s really complicated and unbelievable so I don’t think you’ll believe it” Lucia said

“Looks like complicated and unbelievable things usually happens to us” Kingsley chuckled and Lucia smiled.


“Lucia!!” A voice called out and they both turned to the door to see Scarlett and the others

Scarlett immediately ran to Lucia and hugged her tightly..

“We’ve been looking for you everywhere” Becky said.

“Are you okay? Are you fine?” Scarlett questioned worriedly and Lucia nodded with a smile.

“I’ll leave now” Kingsley smiled before he left.

“Gosh, I’m sorry you had to watch that video” Scarlett said and hugged Lucia back.



The party continued like nothing was going on. Maggie and her girls were sitting in a crowd of girls, drinking while chitchatting.

👥 Gosh, Maggie you were so cool back then. The way you put that Ɓîtçh into her place

👥 I love your dress Maggie, from which brands did you get it

Maggie smiled proudly at all the compliments she was getting. Sylvia kept forcing a smile on her lips, it was her birthday yet the guests seem to be more interested in Maggie than her.

👥 Jayden is coming this way!

👥 Gosh Jayden! We love you!

👥 He looks even more handsome up close.

Avery immediately fixed her skirt and smiled widely when Jayden got to them, he didn’t even cast a glance at her.

“Maggie we need to talk” Jayden said, surprising Maggie.

“What do you want?” She frowned.

When Jayden saw she wasn’t ready to cooperate, he dragged her up and pulled her out of the crowd with tons of eyes following them.

“What are you doing! Let me go!” Maggie jerked her hand off his grip

“Stay away from Lucia” Jayden said, taking Maggie off guard

“I don’t know why you’re so hellbent on making her suffer but stop that nonsense” Jayden said.

Maggie smirked. “Why… Don’t tell me you like her? How will your precious fans react when they find out that out of all the girls dying to be with you, you choose that pathetic slvt whose nude has trended in the whole country” Maggie crossed her arms.

Jayden took a menacing step closer to her and Maggie couldn’t help by shrink backwards. He looked really scary when angry

“Think wh@ťěver you wanna think but stay away from her. Trust me, you don’t wanna see my angry side” Jayden said.

He glared at her one last time before walking away. Maggie released a huge breath as she watched him walk away

Her fists slowly folded tightly. “That Ɓîtçh! What do people see in her that the two most popular boys in school are hellbent in protecting her” Maggie said and ran her hands through her hair angrily.



“That’s really bad what happened to Lucia, I hope she’s fine” Jackson spoke as she walked hand in gloves next to Scarlett.

Lucia and the rest had already gone home and Scarlett wanted to tag along with them but Lucia assured her she was fine and it will be sad if she ditched Jackson for her since they had plans of going home together.

“I’m glad she’s okay, what surprises me is that it’s Kingsley who saved her. Those two are like cats and dogs” Scarlett said and Jackson chuckled.

“Kingsley might sometimes appear like a jerk or spoilt brat but he that’s just his way of caring. Who knows maybe he’s falling for her” Jackson said.

“Really? Should we matchmake them together” Scarlett grinned.

“That sounds fun” Jackson grinned the same way as her and she laughed.

The dark sky grumbled loudly and Scarlett yelped, grabbing Jackson’s jacket. Almost immediately it began raining.

“f-__-k! That was sudden” Scarlett muttered, covering her head with her arms but the rain had already drenched their bodies

“There’s a shelter, let’s stay under there.” Jackson pointed out and they immediately rushed to the shelter.

The shelter was quite high for Scarlett short legs to reach and Jackson chuckled at her failed attempts to climb

“Shortie, let me help you” He said

A gasp escaped Scarlett lips when Jackson grabbed her waist and lifted her off the ground, taking her by surprise. She instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck.

Jackson placed her up there and she opened her eyes, a low gasp escaped her lips when her gaze met with Jackson’s eyes.

The rain was still falling on him, making his hair stick dangerously to his face. Her gaze went to his wet lips and she gulped down.

Jackson stared at her with the same intensity. Some strands of her short hair stuck to her face and he brought his hand forth, gently pushing the hair to the back of her ear before his palms rested on her cheek.

He slowly brought his face closer to hers with his gaze fixated on her alluring lips which were slightly parted.

Scarlett’s heart couldn’t stop hammering against its ribcage as he brought his face closer and closer to hers. A shiver ran through her whole body when his lips slightly brushed against hers.

“Can I… Kiss you?” Jackson muttered and Scarlett slowly closed her eyes

Jackson took it as a yes and without hesitation, he pressed his lips softly against hers

Scarlett felt her whole body wither when their lips collided. His hand was resting on the nape of her neck as his lips moved on hers.

Slowly, she began reciprocating the kiss and from the way she kissed back, Jackson could tell it was her first kiss.

Scarlett brought her hands to his chest, his heart was hammering so fast, same way as hers.

She slowly ran her hands from his chest to his hair and Jackson groaned as their lips separated.

“Don’t do that” He whispered.

“What?” Scarlett asked.

“You’re too innocent to understand” He muttered and reconnected back their lips. Scarlett’s hand buried itself in his hair as they kissed, completely forgetting that it was raining on them.



“Eva!” Lucia walked in Eva’s room to meet her still sleeping on bed.

“Unnie wake up! We have classes today” Lucia muttered, walking in fully.

Her eyes caught a pink book on the bed and she picked it

“Eva’s diary?” She raised a brow.

She looked at Eva and grinned before opening the book. Her eyes widened as she read

“Impossible… She has a crush on-“

“Lucia?” Eva moved on the bed

Sleep immediately cleared off her eyes when she saw Lucia holding her diary.

“Give that back!” Eva said and immediately snatched the book from Lucia.

“Someone here is having a crush..” Lucia teased

Eva looked away embarrassedly. “C’mon! Nothing to feel shy about” Lucia said.

“Why don’t you tell him” Lucia winked


“Hey Eva, can I borrow your bra? I forgot to do my laundry” Becky said and without waiting for a reply she was already rummaging through Eva’s wardrobe.

“My bra?” Eva raised a brow

“What? It’s not my fault we have same B-__-b size” Becky shrugged.

“Argh!!!” They heard Scarlett scream from her room.

Lucia, Becky and Eva groaned at once

“I bet it’s because of Jackson” Lucia muttered

Eva rubbed her brows. Being the leader of these three is definitely not easy.



The girls arrived the school and they could see some students looking their way while murmuring while looking at their phones

The video of Maggie humiliating her and also the video of Kingsley saving her trended in the school blog and the students couldn’t help but gossip

Some think Kingsley and Lucia are dating and just that thought made them h@ťě her even more

“Today we’ll be having a vocal training at the company” Lucia read their training timetable from her phone

“I suck at singing” Becky sighed

“Don’t worry, we can-argh!” Lucia yelped when someone bumped roughly on her that she almost dropped her phone.

She looked up to see Kingsley smirking at her.

“Hey! Are you blind?” Lucia snapped

“Oh sorry, I didn’t see you.. Bony legs” Kingsley smirked before he began walking away

Lucia glared at him. Yesterday he acted so cool that she thought he had changed, well guess she was wrong.

“You baboon!” Lucia went after him, ranting non-stop.

She suddenly bumped on someone, causing her to stop.

“Jayden” She muttered when she saw while she bumped on

“Are you okay?” He asked and Lucia nodded.

“About last night-“

“I just want to forget about it. I guess it was a bad idea attending the party, I’m fine now” Lucia said

“Okay, let’s go to class” Jayden said and took her hand.

Lucia gasped at the gestured and made to talk but when she saw the bright smile on his face, she just smiled back and they began walking

👥 Kingsley isn’t enough for her now she wants Jayden?

👥 What a Ɓîtçh!

Lucia bit her lips. “Umm Jayden, I don’t think it’s a good idea hanging out with me” Lucia stopped walking, removing her hand from his grip.

“What? Because of what the students will say? I don’t really care about what they think about me, we’re friends right?” Jayden muttered and Lucia nodded

Jayden smiled. “Great, let’s go” He said and she nodded before they resumed walking.



A lady was seen sitting in the dark with a glass of red wine in her hand. From the look on her face, she looked furious, very furious.

The door to the room opened and the light coming outside casted on her red painted lips.

“Y-You called for me ma’am” The man stuttered

“Why is she still alive?” The lady said, slowly standing up from the chair she was sitting

The man looked down, sweating profusely. The lady walked to him and slapped him loudly.

“I f-__-king asked you a question. Why is she still alive! I had everything planned out for her déad to be smooth but you ruined it. I faked that scandal! I made the whole of Korea h@ťě her and you had one, just one foolish task, to ki|| her and make her déad seem like she committed suicide yet you failed!” The lady yelled angrily.

“I’m… I’m sorry ma’am” The man stuttered.

“I give you three weeks to produce her déad body to me or else. You won’t like what I’ll do to your family” The lady said and the man nodded

“Now get out!” She yelled and the man scurried off

The lady ran her hands through her hair and walked to the pin board where three pictures were pinned on it.

Amongst the three pictures, two of them were recognizable and it was none other than the pic of chubby Lucia and K-pop Lucia.

“One target gone, remains you” The lady smirked, touching the picture of K-pop Lucia


<GRADE 12>

The students began leaving the classroom, heading towards the computer laboratory for the next lesson

Kingsley closed his books and began packing them when he noticed Lucia wasn’t moving. He turned to her to see her face was buried in her books as she slept, her hair scattered all over her face

“Hey dullard” Kingsley called out but she didn’t bulge.

He looked around to see everyone had left. He shifted closer to her and slowly removed some strands of her hair from his faced to stare at her sleeping face.

He found himself lost staring at her, her features were so delicate like a baby that he began wondering on why everyone was so hellbent on hating her.

She looks so pretty as she slept that he couldn’t help but smile as his heart skipped a beat. Kingsley’s eyes widened as his hand went to his chest.

What just happened?

He blinked and shook his head, refusing to believe what just happened.

“Mhm..” Lucia slowly rose up, rubbing her eyes.

“Where’s everyone” She asked, looking around.

“At the computer lab, get your flat @zz up” Kingsley said harshly and immediately left the class

Lucia blinked. “Why is he always so harsh with me” She frowned and began packing her stuffs.

💜 𝐓𝐨 𝐁𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝 🖤

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