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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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SYMPHONY OF HEARTS – Episode 5 & 6

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{ ….The Sparks Within …. }

THEME; Destined To Be With You.


By, Ariel Mirabel

✰{ 𝓕𝓲𝓻𝓼𝓽 𝓓𝓪𝔂 𝓞𝓯 𝓢𝓬𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓵 }✰


Lucia walked till she stopped in front of the dorm. Luckily a phone was on her so she dialed the first number she saw and it turned out to be Eva.

Eva gave her the address to their dorm so she walked till she got to the dorm. Her clothes had already dried up by the moment she got there

The dorm look like an apartment with a gate. Lucia slowly walked in the dorm and entered the house.

“Lucia!” Eva and Scarlett exclaimed at once when Lucia got in. They immediately rushed to her.

“Where did you go to? Are you sure you’re okay?” Eva asked worriedly and Lucia nodded with a forced smile.

She looked around, noticing the absence of Becky.

“Where’s the other girl?” Lucia asked.

“She locked herself up in her room, brooding as usual. Don’t worry Becky is quite hot tempered but she doesn’t get angry for long” Scarlett smiled, holding Lucia’s said.

Lucia looked at the hand then at Scarlett. This will be the first time someone will be acting all friendly at her and it was really weird.

“Umm so you said, we are a band right? What’s our position and all that?” Lucia asked as they sat down on the couch.

“Okay, so I’m the leader, main dancer and the lead vocalist” Eva said.

“I’m the visual and main vocalist” Scarlett smiled.

“And Becky, she’s the lead dancer and sub rapper” Eva said.

“You Lucia, you’re the main rapper, sub vocalist and center” Scarlett muttered

Lucia nodded with keen attention. “But now… We’re some sort of jobless coz our company kicked us out” Lucia said and Scarlett nodded sadly.

“Now I get why the other girl was so mad earlier” Lucia thought.

“Where’s Becky’s room, I need to apologize” Lucia asked. Eva and Scarlett looked against each other in surprise before facing Lucia

“Oh.. Uhh, it’s the first door by your right” Scarlett and Lucia nodded. She stood up and walked away.

Scarlett and Eva blinked in surprise.

“What’s happening? Lucia is normally arrogant and will never apologize even if the world is breaking down” Eva asked.

“Maybe this amnesia should last a little longer” Scarlett said and Eva hit her head

“Ouch! What!” Scarlett pouted. Her phone beeped and she immediately brought it out.

A smile grazed up her lips when she saw who texted her.


Scarlett blushed and began typing a reply. Eva just stared at her with one brows raised up.

“Don’t you think it’s weird dating a guy you met on a hookup website? You’ve never seen the guy?” Eva spoke.

“I don’t need to see him before dating him, it’s what I feel for him that matters” Scarlett said with her eyes glued on her phone

Eva just stared at Scarlett with a look of disbelief on her face. Eva sighed and shook her head.

“Being the oldest and most matured is a burden” Eva muttered, pinching her brows.


Lucia got to Becky’s room and gently knocked.

“I don’t want to see anyone of you. f-__-k off!” Becky barked.

Lucia flinched at how aggressive she sounded. She wasn’t supposed to be here to apologize but as a group, unity is the foundation of a group and it won’t be good if Becky is feeling that way.

Lucia heaved in a deep breath and knocked again. This time she heard movement and few seconds later the door opened

“What do you want?” Becky said, glaring at her.

Lucia began fidgeting. How is she supposed to start up a conversation

“Umm can we talk?” Lucia muttered

Becky hissed and made to shut back the door but Lucia immediately stopped her.

“Listen I’m sorry okay? It’s all my fault that we got kicked out of the company. I’m really sorry, but being mad won’t solve things right? Let’s be solidatory and find a way to get out of this mess” Lucia said.

Becky looked at Lucia from head to toe. Since when did Lucia know how to say sorry??

Becky looked away.

“Please huh?” Lucia urged and Becky glanced one more time at Lucia before sighing out.

“Fine, but I’m still tiny little bit mad at you” Becky said and Lucia smiled.

“Kahmsamida! (Thank you!)”

“Hey you two? Dinner is ready!” Eva came and announced before leaving.

Becky began heading back downstairs. She stopped when she saw Lucia standing there.

“What are you doing there? Didn’t you hear dinner is ready?” Becky raised a brow

“Huh? I should join you guys for dinner? You want to eat with me? I mean, sure! Let’s go!” Lucia smiled widely

This will be the first time she’s not been left out.

“This amnesia is something else.. Maybe it should stay this way forever” Becky said as they went downstairs.



Kingsley walked out of his bathroom with just a towel wrapped round his waist. Some droplets of water dripped off his Șëx¥ body as he dried his hair with a towel.

He comes to the condo when he doesn’t want to go to The White House.

He dropped the towel down and his mind went to the incident that happened earlier. He clenched his jaws immediately.

Since his 18 years of existence, no one has ever raised their hands on him and this girl almost bursted his balls for no reason.

“Just pray that our paths don’t meet again..” He muttered to himself

His gaze went to the right and it landed on his school uniform that was neatly ironed and folded.

Tomorrow will be his first day of schooling in Korea and for some reason he was excited, especially to his two friends.

He smiled and began searching for what to wear in nos wardrobe.



The aura in the dining room was lively and fun as the girls cracked jokes here and there while having their dinner.

“I’ve already told you guys it’s true love!” Scarlett exclaimed loudly

“Till you meet the guy and he turns out to be a 50 years old man” Becky smirked. Eva and Lucia laughed loudly.

“Can’t believe our two weeks holiday is over. Tomorrow we’ll be resuming” Scarlett sighed loudly.

“Really?” Lucia asked and Eva nodded.

“We’re lucky our former company didn’t take back the our scholarship. If not we would have been dropouts too” Eva said.

“So what school do we attend?” Lucia asked while slurping in the ramen.

“It’s the most prestigious school in Seoul. It’s none other than Crestwood High Academy” Becky said and Lucia immediately choked on her food.

She immediately gulped down water. Her eyes widened. Not only is the school different from what she attended but it’s the school that Avery attends. Does that means there’s a possibility for her to be classmates with Avery

A smirk in the form on a smile curved up her lips. “Perfect” She muttered.

“It’s almost 9pm, let’s go to sleep. We have to wake up early tomorrow” Eva said and they nodded before they began packing the plates to the kitchen

“Who’s to do the dishes?” Becky asked.

“Lucia!” Eva and Scarlett chorused

“Huh? Why me?”

“Because you’re the youngest” Scarlett stuck out her tongue at Lucia.



Kingsley finished putting on his uniform. He looked at his reflection on the mirror and smiled

“Always handsome” He muttered.

His phone began ringing and he picked it to see it was his father. Kingsley rolled his eyes eyes and hung up before he wore his expensive sneakers

He looked at his reflection on the mirror and smiled.

“Today, all the spotlight will be on me” He winked at his reflection before picking his backpack, leaving the condo.



The school was so luxurious, with evergreen trees planted almost every corner. A fountain with blue and sparkly water could be seen and a status stood magnificently in the middle of the school

Students, dressed in their chic uniform walked around at the vast campus, talking an discussing to each other.

95% of students in the school came from a wealthy background while the remaining 5% were the scholarship students making them easy targets to bully

The school’s scholarship exam is usually very hard to pass. So just few of the students are on scholarship.

A white car drove in the school. A driver came down to open the back door and Maggie stepped down, arrogance and pride was literally oozing from her face.

The skirt of her uniform was super short, showcasing her long legs and on her hand rested a bag coming out from the latest collection of Givenchy.

👥 OMG Maggie!!

👥 The queen is back!!

👥 Is it me or does she look more pretty!!

Maggie smiled proudly with all the compliments she was getting. Her family are super rich and they own a huge share in the school.

Maggie handed her bag to one of her minions and the student followed her as she walked, just the way a slave follows his master.

“Margaret!” A voice called and smiled as she turned to her two friends.

They were none other than Avery and another girl named Sylvia.

Maggie alone is a big time bully but Maggie, Sylvia and Avery together? That’s triple of the dose

“We missed you so much!” Sylvia hugged Maggie who smiled.

“Guess what girls? Kingsley is back for good!” Maggie squealed and the girls gasped.

“You’re not serious right?” Avery muttered

“Of course I am! Gosh, he became so gorgeous. I nearly pounced on him to kiss those lips” Maggie gushed.

Screams and shouts erupted in the school when a black limousine drove in the school. The students immediately swoon around the limousine, flashing their cameras as three handsome dudes stepped down the car

ECSTASY… That’s the name of the boy band. Just like the girl, they debuted last year but they became insanely popular.

The band is made up of three boys;

Jayden, who’s the leader and main vocalist. Also one of the most handsome guys in the school

Andrew, the main rapper. A complete bad boy and f-__-k boys.

And lastly Kyle, he’s the main dancer and the youngest, also the cutest too and the other members literally treats him as a baby even when he h@ťěs that.

👥 An autograph!!!

👥 We love you ECSTASY!!!

👥 Jayden’s face, gosh!!

Andrew winked and the girls who immediately began gasping for air. The three boys made their way to their private classroom

Avery’s eyes followed Jayden as she smiled dreamily. Maggie rolled her eyes..

“No one can replace my King” She muttered

Lucia and the girls got down the Uber that drove them to school. Lucia looked at her uniform then at the magnificent school

Never in her life will she have imagined herself schooling here. Back then, all she did was admire Avery but now she’ll finally get to step into the school

“Let’s go” Eva said and Lucia nodded

She heaved a deep breath and smiled before they walked in the school. All eyes immediately turned to them, especially Lucia

👥 Looks it’s the shameless girl

👥 I heard she tried committing suicide

👥 Why didn’t she die? Our school doesn’t need shameless slvt like her

Lucia kept her face front as she walked. She has heard far more worse, this was like compliments compared to what she heard.

Lucia stopped walking when three girls blocked her way.

“Look who we have here, the shameless slvt” Maggie smirked.

Lucia recognized her to be the girl she slapped yesterday but her gaze was focused on the girl beside her- Avery.

Lucia folded her fists tightly as she glared at Avery. Maggie pushed her, bringing her back to reality

“I’m talking to you! How dare you ignore me” Maggie barked.

“Back off” Becky advanced and Maggie smirked

“Stay on your lane.. I’m here for her, you don’t want me as an enemy” Maggie said and faced Lucia

“Are you deaf? Can’t you speak?” Maggie pushed Lucia

Eva and the girls made to intervene but Avery and Sylvia blocked their way.

👥 That’s it Maggie, teach her a lesson

“Last semester I clearly told you never to show your face ever again… Guess you want to have a taste of what I can do” Maggie said and slapped Lucia hard on the check

“Lucia!” Scarlett gasped.

Lucia held her cheek as her hair scattered all over her face. She slowly looked up as her eyes turned red in anger.

Guess it’s time for her to try out all what she has been learning in action movies.

Maggie snatched a soda from a student nearby and made to pour it on Lucia but Lucia immediately leaped in the air and gave her a flying back kick on the face.

Maggie immediately saw stars twinkle before her eyes and the force of the kick made her turn back, spilling the drink on the person behind her

An icy silence immediately descended upon the crowd when Maggie spilled the drink.

Maggie’s eyes widened.

“King… Kingsley?”

💜 𝐓𝐨 𝐁𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝 🖤

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