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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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CRAZY AFFECTION – Episode 19 & 20

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(His Rules, Her Roses…)

THEME; Perfect Chemistry.



Gbemi Writes ✍️




“Is that a thr_@t?” Ross asked knowing Theo meant everything he just said.

“I think it’s best you take it as a warning” Theo replied and immediately Ross smile fell showing his anger.

“Why is it that you always go after what I want? You did it years ago!” Ross yelled at him.

“Have never for once go after what is yours including years ago. This is the first time and don’t think I will give up for your sake, it’s never going to happen” with that said, Theo lifted Carolyn into his arms and took her into his car.

It wasn’t until the car was down the street that Ross pulled out his phone to make a call.

“Dad, can we move the date?” He said into the line.

“It isn’t about moving the date when exactly do you want it to be?” His father ask down the line.

“As soon as possible”


“If you are drunk then you should have stayed with your friends! Why stay alone with Ross to do that to you?” Theo asked as he drew a still drunk Carolyn into the mansion.

“Am not drunk….am just tipsy” she said grinning like a fool.

“What’s the difference!”

“Stop shouting at me! I haven’t found my hair yet and you keep on shouting….find me my hair!” She pout and crouch on the floor and reluctantly Theo crouch beside her.

“Why are you looking for hair when it’s on your head. You really are more dumb when you get… argh!” Theo yelled when she suddenly pulled his hair.

“Why is my hair on your head! Give me my hair” she kept screaming trying to pull Theo hair off and although it took a while, he manage to free himself.

“That’s it, am not going to be gentle with you!” He said and lifted her over his shoulder and straight to her room.

“Get some sleep you drunkard” he said as he pulled the quilt over her.

He was about opening the door when she shut it behind him.

“Why did you get up?” Theo asked, now trapped against the door, while Carolyn starred up at him.

“You didn’t tell me yet” she slurred, staggering a bit. Theo had to hold her by the waist to steady her.

“Tell you what?”

“Do you love Holly?”

“That again?”

“I need to know so I can take the next step” she said lightly hitting his chest.

“What step?” He asked while she gave him a mischievous grin.

“How many times do you kiss Holly in a day? Do you seduce her first? Have you had s*x with her?” She whispered the last question into his ear.

“Where exactly is all this question coming from?” Theo asked, a smile tilting his lips.

“I guess you kiss her all the time and the s*x part, am sure you did it already ” she hiccup lightly and continue talking. ” But as for the seduction, am guessing that it’s…”

“Am very much tempted to seduce someone right now” Theo muttered starring at her lips.

“Tch! Holly isn’t here, I better call….oh, I don’t have her number, why don’t you…” A gasp left her lips when he kissed her.

He pulled away to stare at her and when she kept starring at him without saying a word, he claim her lips again and this time it wasn’t a fleeting kiss

He plundered into her mouth, tasting every inch of her, sucking and nibbling her segzy lips that have been driving him crazy.

The kiss kept going for a while and it was Carolyn who pulled away.

“I…I can’t breathe” she whispered, her lush lips red and swollen from his kiss.

“I can’t hold back anymore, I want more” he murmur and was about to claim her lips again when they heard a knock on the door.

“Lyn, are you in there?” On hearing his father voice, he quickly took Carolyn back to her bed before going to his dad thinking of an excuse to give him.


“Cynthia, Cynthia!” Carolyn called while holding her throbbing head.

“Finally up” Theo said as soon as she walk into the kitchen.

“Are we late for school? Did I wake up late?” She asked quickly but he shook his head patting the empty chair beside him.

She went to seat beside him and he placed a plate with cereal in front of her.

“Breakfast. Cynthia went out” he explained when she gave him a puzzling look.

“Thank you” she said wondering why he’s being sweet to her.

“Do you remember what happened last night?” Theo asked as she ate a mouthful of cereal.

“I don’t, everything is completely blank. Did I do something I shouldn’t have?” She asked.

“No. You were a very good girl”

“That only makes me doubtful, tell me what I did yesterday?” Carolyn urge but he ignored her.

A while later, Carolyn got out of the house,she got to the car and was about to open the door when Theo opened it for her.

She gave him a puzzling look before getting into the car. They were on the high way when she pulled up her hair wanting to pack it but Theo stopped her.

“I like it better this way” he said making her confuse again.

What really happen last night? Why is he suddenly being nice to her? Those thought kept bothering her even as she sat in class while the math teacher tutor them.

“Why are you here, Theo?” On hearing the math teacher question, Carolyn looked at the door way and saw Theo there.

“It’s a free period in our class and I was wondering if I can join you since I have nothing doing” Theo said.

“Of course. He is the definition of a brilliant student” the math teacher praise as Theo took a seat at the back.

“Do you know why he’s here?” June whispered to Carolyn who shook her head and at that moment, she got a message from him.

★ I TOLD YOU NOT TO PUT YOUR HAIR UP ★ The message read.

★ IS THAT WHY YOU CAME TO MY CLASS ★ she texted in return.


On reading that, Carolyn didn’t bother replying him since she kept wondering what he meant.


“You really won’t help me with Terry?” Scarlett asked as they all sat at a table to eat lunch.

“I can’t” June said in return.

“Why? Am not asking you to do something hard? Just set me up with him and that’s all”

“Instead of asking her to help, why not just do it yourself” Roxanne said.

“If I do then I will be the one hitting on him first!” Scarlett half yelled.

“There’s no harm in hitting on a guy first” Roxanne countered smoothly.

“That’s easy for you to say since you’ve never done it!”

“I have,infact I told the guy have been stalking for weeks that I like him ” Roxanne said thinking about Liam.

“And what did he say?” Carolyn asked.

“He said I am crazy ” Roxanne replied, remembering how cute Liam was when he called her crazy.

“He’s right, you are crazy” Scarlett said.

“Wh@ťěver. Now that am done eating, I need to go see him, see you guys in class” As soon as Roxanne left, Theo and Terry approach their table.

While Theo sat beside Carolyn, Terry sat beside June and Scarlett.

“Why are you guys sitting here?” Carolyn asked.

“Aren’t we allowed to seat wherever we want?” Theo replied as he began to eat.

“You are but then…we got here first” June said.

“Stop being mean and let them stay” Scarlett said, her eyes on Terry alone.

“Listen to your friend and stop being mean to us” Terry said as ate June meat.

“Why aren’t you eating?” Theo asked Carolyn who was starring at him.

“Tell me the truth, did I do something wrong last night cause I don’t understand why you are acting this way?”

“Why do you think am acting this way then?” Theo asked.

“Revenge, I must have done something to annoy you and so you are trying to get back at me” Carolyn said

“Eat your food and I told you not to put your hair up” Theo said pulling the hair bun which held the hair up.

“What’s going on with the two of you?” Scarlett asked.

Theo and Carolyn looked at their friend to see them watching with keen interest.

“There’s nothing going on” Carolyn replied as she straighten her hair.

“Come to think of it, Theo has been smiling all day, is it your doing?” Terry asked Carolyn who quickly shook her head.

“But I…”

“Shut up Terry or I will make you choke out all your food” Theo thr_@ten teasingly.

“And also June, I don’t want you taking Carolyn to bars again. It’s off limit” Theo said which got both girls talking.

“He is right, those sort of places aren’t meant for you. Most especially you, June” Terry said lightly.

“Don’t tell me what to do!”

“I bet your parents will be thrilled when I tell them about it”

“Say one word to them and you are dead” June said which got Terry laughing.

Scarlett who had been observing in silence didn’t fail to notice the warm look Terry kept giving June.

At the other table, Ross sat with his friends having their own lunch.

“Tch! Why are those idiots around them and you seem relaxed about this? Aren’t you scared that Theo is going to take your girl away?” Derek asked Ross who was quietly eating.

“I have no reason to” Ross replied looking unbothered.


“No plans yet?” Danica asked Brandi as they change into their cheer leading outfit.

“Nothing ever since our last plan failed, nothing has been coming” Brandi replied.

“Well I thought of something” Danica said. ” Why don’t you try being friends with Carolyn ”

“Am not in the mood to make friends”

“Am not saying you should be friends with her, what I mean is that you should try to use her to get close to Theo” Danica explain.

“That doesn’t sound bad. Do you have an idea how I can approach her?” Brandi asked and Danica smiled while touching their cheerleading outfit.


Terry walked into the room looking dashing in his basketball uniform. Theo who had just finish wearing his head band noticed the look on his friend face.

“What’s wrong?”

“Is there a way for us to abolish the cheer leading team?”

“You know they are important to the team just as much as the players are” Theo replied.

“It’s true. I have no problem with their task and all but what I can’t stand is their outfit, it’s too short and June wearing that skimpy thing with them is annoying” Terry complain.

“Why not just tell her parents about it, they are bound to do something”

“Why didn’t I think of that. You are a genius” Terry said quickly. ” And before I forget, I saw Carolyn with them, I think she’s joining…where are you going!” Terry called after Theo who left the changing room in a rush.


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