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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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CRAZY AFFECTION – Episode 15 & 16

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(His Rules, Her Roses…)

THEME; Perfect Chemistry.



Gbemi Writes ✍️



“We are back home, sir” the driver said to Theo who had Carolyn still sleeping in his arms.

He stared down at the sleeping Carolyn wanting to push her head to wake her up but instead, he found himself watching her sleeping face.

With her not babbling her mouth off, he wouldn’t deny that she look pretty. A strand of hair had fallen over her face instinctively, Theo set the hair right which brought his face closer to hers.

He kept on starring until her eyelids slid open, immediately he saw that, Theo sat up right pushing her away in the process, she slammed her head against the window.

“What is wrong with you? That hurts!” Carolyn said holding onto her head.

“It was the only way to wake you and besides, you’ve been drooling all over my shirt!” Theo said and that brought her moving towards him again.

“I don’t drool, I don’t know what came over me, am sorry” She said wiping his shirt.

“Sorry won’t suffice” he muttered getting out of the car followed by Carolyn.

“Don’t tell me you plan on getting revenge on me by posting about it in the school platform, that’s definitely going to put off my admirers” Carolyn said, looking worried.

“I didn’t have the school platform in mind before but it’s not a bad idea, thanks for telling me” Theo said walking into the house, a smile on his face while a still trouble Carolyn went after him.

“Theo you….godfather” Carolyn called on seeing her godfather waiting in the living room.

“Dad, I…” Theo didn’t get to finish his words when he recieve a slap from his father.

“I know you are angry at having Carolyn around but you… how can you let her be kidnap? You should have been watching over her, you know it’s her first time in the city!” His father shouted.

“Am I baby sitter? Isn’t she old enough to take care of herself! Why take it out on me!” Theo shouted in return and headed upstairs.

“Come back here Theo! Am not done talking to you” His father yelled wanting to follow his son but Carolyn stopped him.

“Godfather, Theo is not at fault. I left the club and got kidnap and he along with my friend came to save me” Carolyn explain.

“I manage to get close to him and everything is ruined now” Carolyn muttered.

A while later, she went to Theo’s room and although she hesitate, she finally knock on his door.

“What!” He yelled as soon as he open the door starring at her with anger.

She’s back to square one, Carolyn thought as she forced herself to speak.

“I just wanted to apologise for the…”

“What happened down there isn’t your fault so save your apology and go back to your room” he said and shut the door on her face before she could say more.


Dressed and ready for school, Carolyn got downstairs hoping she could get the chance to talk to Theo but she was told by the chauffeur that he already left for school on his bike.

A troubled Carolyn made it to school just as the bell was rung and for the next four hours, she tried her best to focus in class but her thoughts kept straying to Theo.

He’s definitely angry at her and she’s been thinking of ways to make it up to him but nothing seems to come.

“Down to earth girl” June voice jolt her back to the present moment.

“Where did you go?” Roxanne who was munching on an hot dog asked.

“Let me guess. She was probably dreaming of Theo ” Scarlett teased.

“Not everyone is like you barbie doll” Roxanne said calling Scarlett by the nick name she gave her.

“I wasn’t talking to you fish head!” Scarlett retaliate throwing a book at Roxanne which she easily caught.

“Is something bothering you?” June asked ignoring Roxanne and Scarlett who were bickering at each other.

“Nothing. I just feel a bit tired, you guys can go to lunch without me, am not hungry” Carolyn assured the girls and when they left for the cafeteria, she layed her head on the desk, letting out a sigh.

“Caro” on hearing that call, she raised her head to see Ross seating in front of her.

“I saw your friends going for lunch, why aren’t you going?” Ross asked hating the sad look on her face.

“I don’t have an appetite” she replied wanting to put her head on the desk again but Ross stopped her.

“What’s wrong?” Ross asked, she was hesitant at first but ended up telling him her problem.

“He’s angry at me and I don’t know how I can get him to forgive me”

“Must you really ask for his forgiveness?” Ross ask.

“It’s my fault and besides I h@ťě feeling guilty, I’d rather apologize”

“Are you sure you are only feeling guilty? Isn’t it because you feel something for Theo?”

“Don’t ever say that! If someone heard you, they might misinterpret the whole thing. To me, Theo will only be a brother so don’t start imagining things ” she said and that pleased Ross.

“Since you are only after his forgiveness then I can give you an advice. Since he’s been ignoring you, why don’t you take him someplace where he won’t be able to escape and he will have all the time in the world to listen to you. What do you think?” Ross suggest.

“Oh my! Why didn’t I think of it. You are a genius Ross, Thanks a lot” she said and stood up to give him a quick up.

Unknown to them Theo who was walking past her class witnessed the hug between them.

“Thanks a lot, your highness” an excited Carolyn said and ran out of the class.

On the other hand Ross couldn’t stop himself from thinking that if a little advice from him could get a warm reaction from her, what would it take to get a kiss?


“What are you going to do about your bike? I wonder who had the guts to burst your tire!” Terry said as they left for home.

“I also wonder who did it” Theo muttered starring at Carolyn who was walking ahead of him with her friends and also with them was Ross.

“Do you want me to take you home?” Terry offered but Theo refuse.

“I will go back with Carolyn” Theo said and hasten his step, walking past Carolyn and her friends.

“Theo!” Carolyn called, waving at her friends, she went after him.

“Am off too, have got someone to stalk” Roxanne said before going the opposite road.

Ross driver came to pick him causing a dramatic scene as always.

“Aren’t you going home?” Scarlett said to Derek who shook his head in return.

“I’d like to spend some time with June if you don’t mind” Derek said and getting the drift, Scarlett left them alone.

“Can I buy you a drink?” Derek asked.


“Can I take you home?”


“Can I ask you out then?” Derek asked again not wanting to give up.

“Will you….” June was saved from saying more when a car stopped in front of them.

“Get in June, I will take you home” Terry said, seated in the car.

“You again? Don’t you get tired of interrupting us?” Derek asked, looking pissed.

“Not when I know what you are after” Terry replied getting out of the car to open the other side.

“Get in June, I will take you home” he said but Derek held onto June’s hand.

“I won’t let you take her away this time” Derek said with fierce determination.

“Do I really have to punch in that face of yours for you to realise that June is off limit!” Terry said walking towards them.

Knowing things might worsen, June quickly stood in between them.

“Will you two stop it! I told you not to meddle with me again and as for you Derek,am not interested!” She said pulling her hand out of his.

“At least let me take you home” Terry insist.

“I will be the one doing that” Derek stated.

While the two stood glaring at each other, June slip away heading straight to a car which she got Into.

The car was going down the highland when Theo woke up.

As soon as they left Royal high, Carolyn have tried to get his attention but he ignored her.

He didn’t feel like talking to her and so he had put on his head set to listen to some music only to doze off.

Seating up, he saw that they were on a road leading to the island rather than his home.

“Where are we going?” Theo asked turning to Carolyn who was busy with her phone.

“Didn’t you hear me?” He said again and this time Carolyn answered.

“We are going to godfather beach house”

“Who said I wanted to go? Turn the car around!” He yelled at the chauffeur.

“Keep on driving ” Carolyn ordered.

“She’s just my father goddaughter and am his son, if you don’t want to lose your job then take me home this instant!” Theo thr_@tened.

“Am sorry sir but am only following your father order” The chauffeur replied.

“So my dad is cahoots with this! Don’t you know this is kidnap!” Theo yelled at them.

“It is and it was instigated by me. So accept your fate pickle head, you’ve been kidnapped by me” Carolyn said with a smile.

The chauffeur stopped the car in front of his father beach house and Carolyn got out of the car followed by a reluctant Theo.

He was surprised to see the chauffeur drive off.

“He’s coming back tomorrow morning to get us ”

“So you plan on staying here with me through the whole night? Aren’t you scared? ” Theo asked.

“Right now, I don’t feel scared. Instead I feel sad, you’ve been ignoring me” She said wearing a sad expression.

“Can’t I? Do I have an obligation towards you?”

“You don’t but I thought…I thought we’ve gotten close and…”

“Close? You and I can never be close. To me you will always be an unwanted visitor who bombard her way into my life and I will keep on being the scary Theo to you”

“So you are saying that you don’t even see me as a friend?” Carolyn asked wondering why his words hurt.

“I choose the friends I make and you definitely aren’t one of them”

“Not even when I drown in the sea?” She asked.

“What nonsense are you…”

“I can’t swim. It’s the only thing I can’t do in sports but am going to dive into it”

“Are you thr_@tening me?” He asked and she nodded.

“It’s the only weakness I know you have and so, if I mean nothing to you like you claim, don’t try to save me but if you save me then it’s the latter”

“Tch! You think I will care if you drown yourself? Do wh@ťěver you want, I don’t care” he said turning to leave when he heard a splash.

Immediately, he ran straight into the sea and got Carolyn out of the sea.

They were both panting when they were out of the water.

“Are you crazy! Did you have to go that far?” He yelled at Carolyn who was shivering on the sand.

“I…I had to…I didn’t want you to…be distant…with me again ” she stuttered, shivering hard.

“I thought I was the only crazy one around, I didn’t know that you are much more crazier” he muttered and lifted her into his arms heading to the beach house.


Theo stood at the balcony starring at the sun set when he heard Carolyn groan.

After her crazy attempt earlier, she had gotten a fever as a result and since it will take an hour or two to get the doctor, Theo has been taking care of her ever since.

“Mummy! Daddy” she kept crying out while Theo did his best to soothe her knowing she was having a night mare in her delirious state.

“Theo” she called when she open her eyes.

“Try to get some sleep” he said moving a way ward hair off her face.

“I dreamt of my parents. I regret refusing to see them on the day they died ”

“You should stop dreaming about that day instead, you should try to dream about the good times you spent together ” He said and slowly her hand found his between the bed sheets.

“Don’t leave me, Theo. Stay by my side” she said still delirious and he nodded in reply.

He watch her go back to sleep and once again he couldn’t help but to admire her face.

Even when she’s looking as pale as a ghost, she was still beautiful. How on earth did he think her to be ugly… He thought as he lean closer to take a look.

The window he left open was bringing in the cold air, he stood up wanting to shut the window but found himself stepping on something slippery which made him fall on the bed, beside a sleeping Carolyn.

This got him in close contact with her and as if she knew what she was doing, Carolyn move closer to him, placing her lips on his….


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