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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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CRAZY AFFECTION – Episode 13 & 14

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(His Rules, Her Roses…)

THEME; Perfect Chemistry.



Gbemi Writes ✍️




“Let go, Terry. You are hurting me” June said as Terry kept pulling her out of the club till they got to a discrete part.

“Are you dumb? Don’t you know what he’s after?” Terry shouted startling her for a second.

“Am not dumb and I know what he’s after, he’s just like you after all” June answered, looking furious too.

“So if you know he’s like me then why did you stand there talking to him? Spare a playboy a few minute and he will end up seducing you” Terry said more gently this time.

“Terry, am no longer a little girl. I know what is good from bad, I can take care of myself”

“I don’t think so”

“Think wh@ťěver you want. If am being seduced by a playboy that is none of your business, I don’t meddle or ask you about the girls who drift into your lives” June said losing her cool.

“June you-”

“Stop it! Like I said, I can take care of myself, stop worrying about me” she said and turn to leave but Terry held onto her hand.

“You still won’t forgive me right?” He ask and June turned to him.

“You still h@ťě me for rejecting you a year ago” Terry spoke again and June couldn’t help but to remember how she pluck up her courage to tell her best friend of her feeling a year ago only to be rejected.

“I already told you that I don’t h@ťě you and it’s all in the past, why are you suddenly bringing it up again?”

“Cause you’ve grown distant with me. It’s been a year but the look in your eyes never softened towards me, you might think you’ve hid it well enough but I know you June, I know you more than you know yourself” Terry pulled her towards him.

“What can I do to earn your forgiveness?” He added still starring down at her.

June who was lost starring at his face broke free from the spell he was weaving around her and said.

“Then like me back, if you like me back, I will forgive you”

“June you know I can’t-”

“You can’t do it” she interrupt ” And that’s because am like a sister to you and that there’s no way in hell you will ever be attracted to me and that playboys don’t do love” She added gently.

“Where on earth did you-”

“I heard your conversation with Theo on the same day I told you about my feeling. You must think me a fool right? Even after hearing what you said, I still hoped that my confession will soften your heart but like you’ve said, am only a sister to you”

“Well then brother, you can be rest assure that I don’t h@ťě you. It’s all in the past now and my feelings for you- never mind. Just keep in mind that I won’t ever bother you again on this topic and if you really think of me as a sister, I hope you won’t ever bring this up again and also I can take care of myself, there’s no need to meddle, I don’t meddle in yours after all” with that said, she went back into the club leaving a guilty Terry watching her.

“What’s this about?” Theo asked looking bored.

“Why do you keep on acting like we are strangers?” Holly asked in return looking very furious.

“Aren’t we”

“We aren’t! You and I are dating and-”

“Are you sure we are really dating?” Theo asked now looking a bit furious too.

“Well, we began dating just so I can keep the other girls away but I couldn’t help but to fall in love with you” Holly confess and that made Theo scoff.

“I told you never to fall in love with me right?”

“You did and I tried, I really tried but I couldn’t control it”

“I don’t do love,Holly. It’s a feeling have never felt before and I will never ever feel it, so quit wh@ťěver thing you are feeling for me and focus on our agreement ” Theo said icily before going into the club.

Holly stood still for a while but in the next minute, she began screaming, stamping her legs and ruffling her hair in anger.

She stood against the wall, trying to regain her wit when Xavier showed up.

“Painful right?” Xavier question drifted to her and she stared at him in anger.

“It’s indeed painful when we love someone who doesn’t feel the same” he added and Holly rolled her eyes in return.

She decided to leave but Xavier stood in her path, blocking her way.

“What are you doing?”

“Stopping you from running away” He answered, Holly pushed at his chest and in exchange, he pulled her against the wall, trapping her against him.

“What is wrong with you Xavier? Why are you suddenly acting this way?”

Cause this is the only way for me to get Brandi’s love….Xavier thought.

“Why aren’t you asking me who have fallen in love with?” Xavier said instead.

“And why should I care about-”

“You should since you are the girl am in love with” His reply got Holly mouth gasping open.

“W-what nonsense are y-you spewing? You know I have a boyfriend already!” Holly half yelled.

“A boyfriend who’s not interested in you but I am, am willing to give you all the love you deserve” he said.

Holly who was lost for words decided to get away, she push at his chest and tried to leave but before she could succeed.

She felt his arm circling her waist, pulling her towards him. Holly stood still while Xavier who was standing behind her, very very close to her began talking again.

“Running away won’t stop me from getting you. I like you Holly and wh@ťěver I like, I get. Even if I have to steal you away from your precious Theo” he whispered into her ear.

Holly felt his arm sliding around her stomach and when it slid up to cup her bre@st, Holly pulled out of his arms heading into the club for safety.

Xavier stood watching her leave and he couldn’t help but to smile. He hopes that with this, Brandi will see how much he loves her.


“Sweetie” Ross called again when Carolyn just sat still saying nothing after his confession.

Carolyn who wasn’t expecting this from someone she just met a few days ago. Picking up a glass from the table, she gulp down it’s content before realizing that it’s Ross brandy.

“Do you want me to get you a glass of water?” Ross asked worriedly but she shook her head.

“I wasn’t expecting such a confession. I mean, you just met me a few days ago” Carolyn spoke, her throat burning from the brandy.

“I did and I fell for you the first day I saw you. That’s what people call love at first sight” Ross tease wanting to soften the atmosphere between them.

“Ross I…”

“Shhh…you don’t have to give me your answer now, I certain that you might not feel the same way for me and I was expecting it but it won’t make me give up”

“I already told you that am not prepared for such things” Carolyn reminded.

“I know and I don’t care since I intend to change your mind. Give me a chance, a chance to court you” he suggest.

“Ross I think…”

“Don’t think. Just say yes, I promise not to pressure you, I will be nothing but a sweet suitor” he said sending his charming smile her way.

“And what if I still don’t like you even after your courting me?” Carolyn asked.

“Then I will give up. If you still don’t like me after courting you then I will let you go but I doubt that I will fail” Ross said.

Carolyn was deep in thought when he lifted her chin so she could stare up at him.

“Stop thinking and just say yes” Ross muttered as she felt his hand sliding down her neck.

” Am only trying to soothe your nerve but I can’t help but melt when I touch you” he added lightly and that made her sprang on her feet.

“I need to use the rest room, I will be right back” Carolyn said as she quickly hurried off.


“What’s wrong with that fool!” Holly muttered to herself as she made her way to the rest room, remembering the way Xavier touched her B-__-bs.

She was blushing furiously and h@ťěd herself for it when she heard Brandi and Danica talking inside the rest room.

She heard every of their little plan for her and immediately, she left the door way, hurrying back to the club but she collided into Carolyn who was also heading to the rest room.

Holly fell due and stained her black pants due to the bump.

“Oh no, am sorry” Carolyn apologise.

“You did this on purpose right?” Holly shouted.

“I didn’t! I just-”

“Liar, I know you intentionally hit me just so you can make me look like a fool!” Holly insisted.

“I didn’t see you coming and I already apologise, what more do you want me to do?” Carolyn asked and suddenly a thought came to Holly’s mind.

“Switch clothes with me. You are more of the same size as me, I can’t wear this dirty pants back into the club and since you are the one at fault, it’s only right that you change clothes with me ” Holly stated.

“Fine then. If it will get you to leave me alone then I might as well give you my clothe” Carolyn said and a while later, Holly left the rest room in Carolyn white dress while Carolyn was in hers.


“Where are you guys taking me? What do you want from me?” Carolyn shouted but the men holding onto her didn’t answer.

Just then someone on a bike stopped right in front of the car making the car halt quickly.

“What the hell!” One of the men yelled at the driver.

“That’s not my fault, someone over took us” the driver answered.

“Then go out there and beat his @zz!” The men yelled at the driver who got out of the car.

The man on the bike got down still having his helmet on, he walk towards the driver giving him a spinning kick which landed him on the floor.

“Who on earth is he?” One of the men ask, flabbergasted by what just happen.

“I will handle her, go stop that maniac” immediately he said that, the other guard left the car, going to attack the man with the bike but he ended up the same way as the first guard.

The door to their car open and the guard was pulled out roughly.

“Who the hell are you?” The guard yelled at the man who still had his helmet on.

“Just someone who h@ťěs stupid men like you” a feminine voice said and before he could stop her, she punch him hard on the face added with a kick.

Carolyn watch as the lady pull off her helmet, revealing herself to be a girl, though her style was boyish.

“Common, we’ve got to leave here” She said and pulled Carolyn out of the car and towards her bike.

“Who are you?” Carolyn asked just as a car slid to a stop beside them.

June came running out of it to give her a hug.

“Am so glad you are safe. I was so scared when I saw you being driven off by those men. It’s a good thing Roxanne here stopped them ” June said referring to the stranger.

“Do you know her?” Carolyn asked.

“Yes, she’s my friend and also studying at Royal high. I would have introduce you two today but she was absent” June said.

“Stop with the chattering and let the girl get some rest, she must still be shocked by the whole thing” Roxanne scolded June who glared at her in return.

“Go to the car, Theo is waiting” June said. “When I saw you being driven off and Roxanne going after your car, I went to get Theo and he accompanied me” June explained.

As soon as Carolyn got into the car, she was scolded by an angry Theo.

“Don’t you have mouth to scream? Don’t you have legs to run? How can you let them take you away! What if they succeeded in hurting you!” He yelled and Carolyn who was meant to feel sad by his angry outburst found herself smiling.

“Are you worried about me?”

“Am worried about myself cause I know that dad won’t give me a breathing space if something happens to you” he answered starring at the night sky even as the driver drove them back home.

“Am sorry, I will try my best to stay safe” Carolyn said but when he said nothing, she move towards him and lay her head on his shoulder.

“What are you doing?” Theo asked pushing her head away.

“I was almost kidnapped, instead of yelling at me, you should try to pacify me” she said as she quickly wrap his arms around her but he pushed her away again.

“Stop being cold to me or I swear am going to jump out of the car” she thr_@tened.

“Do you think am going to fall for your… Carolyn!” Theo yelled pulling her back into his arms when she open the door.

Carolyn wrap her arms around his waist and lay her head on his chest, smiling to herself for winning this round.

“The only way to get to you is by thr_@tening you. I now know a weakness of yours, Pickle head” she muttered before closing her eyes to get some sleep….


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