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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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CRAZY AFFECTION – Episode 11 & 12

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(His Rules, Her Roses…)

THEME; Perfect Chemistry.



Gbemi Writes ✍️



Carolyn widen her eyes when the towel fell on the floor, slowly her eyes crept downwards and it widened more when she saw that he was naked.

A scream left her lips and she quickly turn around.

“A-am sorry-I-didn’t mean to pull your towel ” She stuttered felling so embarrassed.

“I think you did it on purpose. Are you that eager to see me naked? Then let me grant your wish ” Theo said behind her and Immediately she ran out of the screaming a loud no.

Theo stood watching the close door and without him noticing, a genuine smile spread across his face.

He was about picking his towel when he caught a view of himself in the mirror.

Is he really smiling? He thought as the smile disappear to form a frown.

Having Carolyn by his side is definitely a danger to him, the earlier she leave the better for him.


“Get out of here!” A angry voice followed Ross as he quickly ran out of the room, dodging the object that was thrown his way.

He was breathing heavily as he left the king’s chamber heading to his chamber.

“How did it go?” His mother, the queen was waiting for him.

“Terrible. Dad won’t listen, he almost ki||ed me with his sword, he threw it at me” Ross replied looking scared.

“The king and his temper!” The queen let out in anger. ” And you aren’t doing things right, why don’t you just get engage to the girl your father chose for…”

“No! I already have someone I like and am not letting her go just to marry someone else. You were the one forcing me to bring a girl and now that I have one, you refuse. What’s wrong with the parents I have?” The question got him recieving a smack on the back.

“That hurts!”

“That’s good, I wanted it to hurt you. I will speak to your dad but I can’t promise that he will accept, I will only do my best in talking to him and that’s all”

“This is why I love you more than dad” Ross said as he quickly gave her a hug, kissing her cheek too.

“You will ruin my make up” she said and pulled away from him. “And by the way, your friend was here an hour ago?”

“A friend?”

“Yes, he called himself Theo and requested to speak to your dad”

“Theo? Why the hell-

“Your words!” The queen caution which made him stop.

“Can you help me find out why he came to see dad?” Ross asked putting on his most charming smile.

When the queen left, Ross was still wondering why Theo came to the palace.


“June” Carolyn called excitedly before running towards her.

“You look cute” June said starring at Carolyn who was in a black knee length gown.

“You don’t look bad yourself” Carolyn replied starring at June’s orange knee length gown.

“Where’s Scarlett?”

“On her way, she tends to doll herself up for such occasion” June replied.

“Whose birthday party are we attending?” Carolyn asked.

“It’s William, you don’t know him since he’s from Theo class” June told her.

“Oh my God! What are you two wearing?” Scarlett yell behind them, a look of disapproval on her face.

“A dress” June was the one who answered.

“I know it’s a dress but we aren’t going to a gathering or social function, we are going to a club and this thing you both are wearing is a no” Scarlett stated

“Is it that bad?”

“It is Caro but I know what to do. Come with me” Scarlett said,pulling them along with her.


Theo was seated at a table, enjoying his drink when Terry and Holly came to him.

“I see you’ve gotten here early” Terry said while sipping a glass of Ç0çƙtail.

“That’s because I went out to attend to something” Theo replied.

“And what is this thing?” Holly asked as she snuggle close to him, breathing in his scent.

“Things that are none of your business” Holly frown at him in return.

“Is your sister coming?” Terry asked quickly.

“I doubt that, I don’t think she’s coming” Theo answered.

“Well you are about to be shock cause she just showed up and she’s also- looking segzy” Terry said, a dreamy look on his face.

Theo followed his gaze to the door way and he couldn’t help but to stare hard at her.

Along with her friends, she was dressed in a white tight fitting gown and the gown was very short, he’s pretty sure that she’s wearing nothing beneath that dress.

Who on earth gave her such clothe? He thought as he kept starring at her, his eyes drawn to her long pair of legs.

“Why did you ask me to come to this boring party?” Ross complained as he Derek and Xavier stood at one side of the room.

“Cause it’s a friend birthday and you told me that you wanted to get close to Carolyn” Derek said.

“I did but Carolyn isn’t here”

“Why don’t you turn around” Derek suggest and though it got him annoyed, he turn a little and saw Carolyn headed to the counter with her friends.

“I told the birthday boy to invite them. Aren’t you going to thank me?” Derek asked.

“Go to hell” A happy Ross answer before heading to the counter.

“Are you coming?” Derek said to Xavier but Xavier didn’t hear him since his thought and gaze was fixed on one person.

“Dude” Derek call again and that got him out of his reverie.

“Why do you keep spacing out on us? I just asked if you were coming to the counter?”

“No, I’d rather stay here” Xavier answer, his eyes still on Holly.


“See, I told you girls that we will cause chaos with our outfit” Scarlett said, feeling pleased that they stole everyone attention as soon as they walk in.

“I don’t know but this-its too short” Carolyn said feeling uncomfortable.

“It looks good on you okay and am sure that if Theo sees you in this, he’s certainly going to pull you into his arms and kiss every inch of your body” Scarlett joke.

“Theo is like a brother to me, I don’t see him any other way and I doubt if he sees me that way too” Carolyn said, knowing she meant everything that came out of her lips.

“Then why has he been starring at you for a while now?” following Scarlett direction, her eyes collided with eyes as dark as a black pit.

“Don’t you see burning passion in his gaze for you?” Scarlett asked while Carolyn kept starring at him.

She didn’t see any passion in his eyes, more like a mocking one. He sent her that devious smirk of his which got her looking away from him.

Anytime he smirk, he has something in mind but she couldn’t tell what that thing is.

“Stop putting weird thoughts in her head. If you are uncomfortable in the dress, we can just change it” June suggest.

“You can’t! Do you know how much effort I put in dolling you both up and besides, we agreed that you will help me with Terry in exchange for the dress” Scarlett said quickly.

“I didn’t agree to it. Let’s get out of this dress Carolyn” June took hold of her hand about to leave when Ross and Derek showed up.

“But I think what you are wearing suits you perfectly” Derek said starring at June.

“See, I told you so. I can’t seem to convince them but am sure that you two can” With that said Scarlett hurried off leaving the four of them alone.

“Why don’t we find somewhere more private to talk” Derek said to June who gave him a suspicious look.

“Am not interested in what you have to say” June said darting a look at Carolyn to see her in convo with Ross.

“But I am interested” Derek said.

“Why this sudden interest when you’ve always ignored me at school?”

“Perhaps, I was blinded by diamonds and failed to see a beautiful emerald” Derek replied smoothly.

“So now am suddenly an emerald to you? Is it because am dressed like this? It’s just for tonight, comes tomorrow I will be back in usual get up. I suggest you find someone else to chat up” she said wanting to walk past him but Derek arm around her waist prevented her move.

“Even with your usual get up, I still think of you as an emerald”

“What the hell is that playboy playing at?” Terry who had been watching the scene between Derek and June said from where he was seated with Theo and Holly.

“I think June is Derek next target” Holly answered.


“Don’t act like you don’t know what I mean, you are a playboy after all” Holly replied.

“I will be damned if I let that darn pest have his way with my best friend” Terry burst out and left his seat heading to where they both stood.

“Derek I-”

“Let’s talk June” Terry’s arrival stopped wh@ťěver she was going to say to Derek.

She was surprise when Terry pulled her out of Derek’s hold.

“But she’s talking to me” Derek return smoothly.

“I know what guys like you are after but you’ve got the wrong girl, stay away” Terry warned and pulled a still shock June out of the bar.

“Have never seen Terry act that way before? Is he suddenly being protective because June is his best friend?” Holly said laughingly and when Theo didn’t say anything, she stared at him and saw that his attention was elsewhere. Carolyn to be precise.

“Stop starring at her” Holly said as she pulled his head to her direction.

“You don’t tell me what to do, Holly”

“I know you h@ťě being ordered around but am your girlfriend, you should at-”

“Says who?” Theo asked making Holly angry.

“Let’s talk outside” with that said, she left the club while a reluctant Theo followed.

As soon as he left, Carolyn let out a sigh. She had felt his gaze on her all the time and that unnerved her.

“What have you been thinking of cutie?” Ross asked gaining back her attention.

“Am sorry, I was just- never mind, what were you saying?”

“I just asked you what your idle type is?” Ross asked and that made her laugh.

“Is my question funny to you?”

“No, It’s just that you caught me off by your question. Have never really thought of my idle type” Carolyn admitted having a wistful look on her face.


“Cause am not interested in such things. Am seventeen, still young to be involve with a guy, my main priority now is to my studies”

“But there’s no harm in dating and studying”

“I know but it’s something have decided a long time ago” Carolyn said sipping her fruit juice.

“And there’s no way I can change your mind ?” Ross asked.

“No way at all but why are you interested in changing my mind?” Ross didn’t bother to reply, instead he got out of his seat and came standing very close to her.

Carolyn had to bend back a little just to look at him.

“I don’t like beating around and so, Carolyn am madly in love with you” he confessed.


Danica hurriedly made her way to the rest room where Brandi had gone off to earlier.

“Brandi, have got some juicy news” Danica said in excitement.

“Only tell me if it has to do with how to get rid of Holly cause I doubt if that stupid Xavier can push through with our plan” Brandi said..

“I figured that out as well and so have got three of my father hand men outside”

“Wh@ťěver for?”

“While chatting with them earlier, they told me that are willing to do anything dirty just to get money and so I payed them to kidnap Holly and destroy her” Danica said earning Brandi attention.

“Do you told them to rape her?” Brandi asked slowly.

” That’s not a bad idea right?”

“It is. Since that will make her look like a victim and eventually bring her closer to Theo”

“What do you suggest they do?” Danica asked.

“I want them to ruin her face not her body . There’s a way they can get hold of acid right?” Brandi asked as Danica gave her a smile in return.

The three men working for Danica father stayed in the confine of their car watching out for a girl in black pants, a description of Holly given to them.

A drunk girl walked out of the bar wearing a black pant while fitting Holly’s description.

Immediately, they got out of the car, taking hold of the drunk girl they pulled her into the car.

The car began to speed off while Carolyn kept screaming for help.


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