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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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CRAZY AFFECTION – Episode 7 & 8

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(His Rules, Her Roses…)

THEME; Perfect Chemistry.



Gbemi Writes ✍️



Carolyn stood with the other students watching Theo beat the life out of a junior student.

“Too weak to talk ?” Theo asked as he continuously kicked him.

“Get up you @zz hole” He said wanting to pull the guy up but his gaze drifted to the crowd and he saw a scared Carolyn watching too.

A devilish smirk left his lips, letting go of the beat up guy, he stepped on the guy face, his gaze trained on Carolyn who was also starring back at him.

“Let this be a warning to anyone who tries to mess with me. If you know what’s good for you, stay away”

Carolyn knew that the message was meant for her and it frighten her more than ever.

“You look pale, Carolyn. Are you okay?'” June asked worriedly.

“Am sorry but I have to go” Carolyn said and left before they could stop her.

Ross was busy with his locker when Xavier and Derek approach him.

“Cold face is at it again” Derek said as he winked at two girls who kept starring at him.

“You should have seen the way he beat up that junior student. I never want to be in his shoes” Xavier echoed.

“And you never will. Theo knows that he shouldn’t mess with me or my friends” Ross stated.

“That’s the future king ” Derek said looking pleased.

“He’s only going to be king once he gets married and I don’t see that coming in ten years time” Xavier countered and that made Ross laugh.

This got some of the female students looking at him, they couldn’t help but to admire his pretty face but Ross couldn’t care less.

“That will soon change” Ross said softly.

“Really? You’ve finally met a girl who move your heart? Don’t tell me its June cause have got my eyes set on her” Derek said quickly.

“It’s not her so put your mind at ease. My girl isn’t here yet but she will the day after tomorrow” Ross added.

“At least tell me her name so I can be assured that it’s not June- wait up!” Derek called as he went after Ross.

Xavier was about to follow when he saw Brandi and Danica. A smile form on his lips as he watch Brandi walk off totally ignoring him but he’s used to it.

As soon as they went out of sight, Danica stopped Brandi.

“Is Xavier still interested in you?” Danica asked and Brandi screw up her face in disgust.

“Don’t even bring up that idiot, it makes me angry” Brandi murmured remembering the day he told her about his feelings.

“Xavier might seem like a loser but he’s definitely a hunk, I wouldn’t mind having him in my bed for a while” Danica said earning a frown from Brandi.

“Sorry. Let me get to the point, you still want Holly out of Theo’s life right?”

“You know I want that”

“Then have got a plan” Danica said as a evil smirk left her lips.


Terry walk into their private room only to see Theo in a good mood.

“Beating that fool must have made you so happy. Did you enjoy it that much?” Terry asked as he place a can of cola in front of him.

“It was fun. Seeing that frightened look on her face was worth it” Theo replied obviously referring to Carolyn.

“Were you trying to impress a girl? I doubt Holly would be thrilled about it”

“I don’t care what Holly thinks after all have gotten what I want” he said remembering the frightened look on Carolyn’s face.

“Who are you talking about?” A curious Terry asked.

“Someone I want gone” he answered knowing full well that Carolyn would definitely be gone when he gets home.


“Is my Godfather still home?” Carolyn asked Cynthia as soon as she walk into the mansion.

“He already left for work, Is anything the matter?” Cynthia asked worriedly when she saw the look on Carolyn’s face.

“I can’t do this anymore. He’s frightening and- and- Am leaving Cynthia, do me a favour and tell my Godfather ” She said and went upstairs leaving a stunned Cynthia starring after her.

Theo got back home looking happy and that’s mainly because he knew that Carolyn would have left.

“You are back young master” two maids bowed on seeing him, he was about ignoring them as usual when he change his mind.

“Tell me, Is she still here?” He asked and the confuse maids stare at each other wondering who he is talking about.

“Never mind, I will confirm it myself. Enjoy your day” he said getting the maids more confuse with his action.

He got to the landing and went straight to the room given to Carolyn. He knocked twice and when there was no reply, he open the door and went in.

A grin appear on his face when he saw no sign of her, he began whistling happily, headed for his room.

But immediately he walk in, he froze at the door way mainly due to Carolyn who’s currently seated on his bed, waiting for him.

“You are finally back” She said and stood on her feet.

“What the hell are you doing in my room?” He half yelled,annoyed by her presence.

“To talk to you”

“I have nothing to talk about with you and besides weren’t you scared by what happen at school?”

“I will be lying if I said I wasn’t but after learning things about you, I can finally understand” She replied.


Carolyn had finish packing her stuff when her Godfather walk in.

“You really are leaving. When Cynthia phone me about it, I thought she was joking but then it’s true” Ricardo said, starring at her packed case.

“Am sorry God father but I have to leave. Am not welcome here and-”

“This is Theo doing right? ”

“It’s not- I just want to -”

“Don’t make excuses for him!” Ricardo yelled losing his cool and when he saw her frighten face, he quickly took hold of her hand and made them both seat on the bed.

“Tell me what Theo did exactly” Carolyn filled him in about the thr_@ts leaving out the ki||ing of the cat and the event at school.

“Theo is a special kid. Let’s just say he’s ill” Ricardo began slowly.

“He’s suffering from a personality disorder which the doctor term as sociopathic. It all began the year his mother died which was five years ago”

“Theo never showed his feeling, it’s hard knowing what he’s thinking and if you somehow figure it out. He gets mad about it, he’s all smile in the open but a beast In the shadow” Ricardo added wearing a sad expression.

“He’s been visiting his psychologist but nothing has been done to end this disorder but recently the doctor gave me some sort of hope”

Something told her not to ask but Carolyn couldn’t help it. ” And what is the hope?”



“Not you in the you sense but you in the sense of your personality. The doctor told me that if someone with a different personality is around him then a change might occur. On the night of our first dinner together, I noticed that you had somehow spark a reaction in him. Theo never let anyone know what he’s thinking but you manage to do that which got him angry. Neither I or the maids have been able to achieve that which is why you are the only hope I can think of”

“God father I-”

“Before you refuse, watch this” he said and handed her his tab which display a clip of Theo’s therapy session.

When the clip ended, Ricardo took the tab and set it aside.

“That session happened a week ago. The doctor had no choice but to hypnotize him just to get him to talk and one of the things he said Is that he plan on ending his life” Ricardo explain to Carolyn who was still shock after watching the video.

“But he wouldn’t really want to end his life” Carolyn said trying to deny it.

“A sociopath is capable of anything and that is why I need your help. If I had my way then I would be the one doing it but Theo would never open up to me, you are the kind of person who will make him do that. And so am pleading with you to stay and help me make Theo better and also to give him a reason to live”

“If he falls in love then am positive that he will change his mind about death”

“But Theo has a girlfriend” Carolyn said when she remembered Holly.

“A girl which I doubt is really his girlfriend. He might have made it up to stop me from pressuring him, will you do it?” Ricardo asked pleadingly.

Carolyn stood up, her mind racing with different thoughts.

“Am not sure if I can do it Godfather. Theo h@ťěs me, he wouldn’t want me close to him ”

“And I know for a fact that you are someone who never gives up. You got that trait from your father” Ricardo replied as he came to stand in front of her.

“Godfather I-”

“Think about it. Don’t just refuse and give it a thought, I will give you till evening. If you still don’t want to do it then I won’t force you but keep in mind that you will not only be helping Theo but you will also be helping a father who doesn’t want his son to die” with that said, he left her alone.

Carolyn sat, thinking about the things they discuss. Can she really help Theo?

She was still thinking about it when she went downstairs for a drink. There was no one in the kitchen apart from Cynthia who just walked in.

“Have you decided to stay?” Cynthia quickly asked.

“Am still thinking about it”

“I really want you to stay. Somehow you’ve made the house lively and-” she stopped talking when her phone fell.

Carolyn was quick to pick it up and the picture of a cat was on her screen, the same cat which Theo had ki||ed.

“Is that your cat?” Carolyn asked and Cynthia nodded a sad smile on her face.

“It died recently”

“Did you perhaps know how it died?” Carolyn found herself asking.

“I do. I asked Theo to help me ki|| it” Cynthia answered.

“So you are saying that Theo didn’t just ki|| the cat but you asked him to?”

“I did, did you see him ki||ing it?” Cynthia asked.

“I did and ever since then have thought of him as a cat ki||er”

“Oh! Don’t think that way. Theo more than anyone was fond of the cat and when I asked him to do it, he refused but I kept on asking till he agreed” Cynthia explained.

“But why on earth would you guys ki|| a cat?”

“Cause it was diagnosed with a disease. I was told by the vet that the disease will slowly eat it’s intestine which will cause him a lot of pain. I h@ťěd seeing it in pain and that’s why I asked Theo to help me end his life peacefully”

“I didn’t know that and thought Theo to be cruel and- crazy”

“If you’ve spoken to Ricardo then he must have told you about Theo’s disorder. Theo might be everything but when it comes to animal, he’s as gentle as a lamb” Cynthia explained.

“If that’s true then why did he-” she told her about the dinner issue where he intentionally tripped a maid.

“About that. Grace was a maid who kept hitting on him, I was also looking for a reason to fire her when he did that. I know he’s suffering from a personality disorder but Theo doesn’t do things without a reason. Every action of his must have a reason” Cynthia replied and when Carolyn got to her room, she was more confuse than ever.

She had thought him to be a cruel and heartless person but Cynthia had explain making her see him in a new light which leaves her wondering if she can help him?


“Now that you know everything about me. Shouldn’t that give you a reason to leave?” Theo asked when she finish her explanation.

“It should and am still thinking about it but first I need you to tell me something. Why do you dislike me? Cynthia told me that you have a reason for every action and so I want to hear it”

“Must I have a reason before I dislike someone” he asked in return and watch her approach him.

“Is it because I can read yours? I was able to do It during our first dinner together. Is that why you don’t want me around and keep on trying to scare me off?” She asked, starring up at him.

“Don’t act like you know me, it’s-”

“Just answer me Theo! Don’t try to change the subject” she cut him off abruptly.

“A reason? I don’t have one but what I do know is that I want you far away from me and it seems like everything have done for the past few days haven’t worked at all, do you want me to use another method to scare you off ?” He asked wearing that scary look of his.

Carolyn took a step back knowing she had pushed him too far but he prevented that by wrapping his arms around her waist.

“Since my thr_@ts don’t scare you, my action will” he said and lifted her by the waist, walking them both to the bed where he made her lay with him on top of her.

“Theo, what are you doing!” Carolyn cried out wanting to get up but he held her back.

“This won’t be my first time having s*x,I did it once with an older lady. It was very dirty and crazy so if am rough while doing it with you, don’t take it to heart”

“You really don’t mean it right?” She asked and saw that devilish smile appear on his face.

He didn’t respond to her question instead she felt his hand crept under her top touching her naked flesh___


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