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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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DEEPER THAN HELL – Episode 39 & 40

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( Shadow That Dwell In Darkness)



Alucard watch her as she sleep once again in his arms, why do she keep asking about my twin, if I had a twin, after drinking my wine she has been having nightmares but what is it about.

Looking at the stars I frown, who could be giving her such fake information, I don’t have a twin and I sincerely don’t think my mother hide one from me ” could this be someone else, using my image to get to her?”

Listening to her whimper my gaze lower to hers, her hand tighten on my shirt as she repeat her words ” No, you’re not Alucard, you’re not him ”

” snow ” i touch her cheek, tap it thrice before she woke up, looking scared for the second time ” are you okay ”

She sit up then nod, smiling ” am fine, just a silly dream ”

” want to talk to me about it?”

She nod ” a guy in a coffin, dark hair, blue eyes, look just like you ” she step closer ” he keep appearing in my dreams, calling me his mate, asking me to free him”

” is he the only one there?”

Snow shake her head ” the others were in a glass fill with water ”

” do not listen to him snow ” I growl ” he is dangerous, you need to clear your head”

” I don’t understand ”

” I hope you never do ” standing up I move towards the horse ” we should head back to the palace snow ”

” No ” glancing back I watch her fold her hands, looking angry, did I say something wrong, telling her will only put her in trouble.

” what’s wrong ”

” stop hiding things from me Alucard ” she growl” how am I even suppose to trust you, maybe you’re the fake ”

” he has dark hair”

” you might have dye his hair”

” snow ”

” just tell me what I wish to know”she growl ” am not someone you can keep hiding things from, if you want this to work, you have to open up ”

” snow” moving towards her direction I mumble ” you need to know that not all things need to be told, this is for your own protection, your own safety ”

” safety?” She shake her head ” keeping me in the dark will not safe me, it will destroy the trust, why can’t you trust me ”

” I trust you snow ” placing my hands on her shoulder I mumble ” I trust you so much but you have to understand, I hardly speak of these things with people, am not use to it, I need you to trust what I say, trust me when I say you should not try finding the building, trust me when I say you should stay out of this ”

” but….”

” please snow, just do as I say….please ”

” okay ”

Leonardo watch carefully as Alucard and snow return back to the palace, as always they look happy, leaving the other girls jealous but that’s not what interest me, what interest me is that snow is still not doing anything about the dreams.

Sebastian run towards Alucard, drag him off to another duty of his and just like a gentleman I move towards snow ” milady ” she turn around, her blue eyes glittering, she truly love Alucard.

If she does then she will love Ares better ” Leo ” she smile ” do you need me for something ”

” definitely my lady ” smiling I purred ” I have lost interest in things to do, boredom is beginning to arise ”

” pardon ”

” I was hoping if you will join me for a cup of coffee in the kitchen ”

She nod, always cheerful and kind ” of course ” that’s her weakness, being kind Is not something anyone should have in this kingdom, I have studied her, what makes her smile and how to destroy her happiness.

” coffee” when we arrive I hand over her coffee, watch her drink it while I sip mine, this should make the dream last longer ” how have your day been ”

” great, busy and sleepy ” she giggle

” did you miss my presence milady ”

My words seem to have render her speechless, regardless of that she nod, looking cheerful ” you are always the calm one, its nice to see you play piano, I have missed that ”

” I can play that for you anytime milady ”

” really ”

” indeed ” nodding I smile ” but not here, am afraid my lord will get jealous if he sees us together ”

” I doubt that Leo ” she drop the empty cup then sit down ” Alucard hardly gets jealous and he knows you do not think of me in such ways ”

” I may talk calmly but I do fancy you snow ” calling her name, her eyes widen ” who wouldn’t, you’re kind, cheerful, fun to be with, beautiful ” stepping close I smile ” I can ki|| him to have you”

She fake a laugh ” you’re joking” watching her try to hide her nervousness, I step closer ” you’re loyal to Alucard”

” I am but I do have freedom to fancy whoever I want to” looking at her, I chuckle ” are you nervous milady ”

” No” she half yell ” why will I be”

” hmm” she shyly tuck her hair behind her ear then suddenly look at me.

” it is wrong Leo, I see you as a friend and I wish not to ruin that, I love Alucard, no one else ”

” do you think he is truly Alucard ” speaking her eyes widen and I know I got her ” do you think Alucard will want women touching him all over?”

” what do you mean?”

” think about snow” stepping back I smile ” think about everything carefully, will you keep staying in darkness or you should find the truth yourself and I bet you know what to do ” before she could say anything else I left the kitchen.

The smile refuse to wash off my face, all these is going according to plan, stopping at the palace glass window I stare at my reflection, liking this body I stole



Snow frown at Leo words after he left, what do he mean by staying with the fake Alucard, is he aware of my dream? Is that why he was telling me that ” what’s the meaning of all these” running my hands through my hair I step out of the kitchen, my eyes roaming around to find Alucard but he is no where to be found.

Am always alone with nothing to do and no one to talk to, moving round the palace I stare at what people are doing, the training, the maids keeping the place clean, Leo talking to a particular maid who is blushing.

He must be a ladies man.

Shaking my head I move further into the huge plantation in the palace, maize everywhere, huge and tall ones ” the farmers here seem to be very good at these things” smiling I stare at a particular garden in the middle, covered with glass walls, the flowers seem to be blossoming.

Moving closer I open the door, surprise it isn’t locked, the whole place seem calm and peaceful, looking around, a faint sound caught my attention, hiding I decided to take a peek.

I blink when the images come to my view, Alucard kissing red, everything seem to be shocking, his hands touching her all over while she Mõ@ɲ.

Unknowingly I step back, covering my mouth and shaking my head, its impossible, nothing of that such will happen, Alucard will never.

Leo words came back to me ” do you think Lord Alucard will be comfortable in women touching him” what if this isn’t Alucard, what if it really is an imposter, what if something happened to him on his way back to transviel.

Running out of the garden and the plantation I didn’t stop, tears didn’t stop flowing out of my eyes, Alucard voice startled me, I look behind to see someone confused, he is standing with two men, his brows furrow as he approach me in full speed, speed I had no idea he has.

” what’s wrong?” He looked perplex ” you’re tearing, who made you cry ”

” you were in the plantation, the one with beautiful garden ”

” they is no garden in the plantain field snow ”

Hitting his hands off my body I frown” don’t lie to me, I saw you, I saw you kissing red, that woman with red hair, you were holding her ” tears are beginning to flow out of my eyes.

” you’re wrong ”

” stop ” stepping back I shake my head ” stop lying ”

” why won’t you believe me, believe what am telling you ”

” because you’re lying ” people were starting to stare at us but that didn’t seem to bother me, I was jealous, angry and these both feelings doesn’t do well in my body.

” that’s enough ” getting hold of my hand he start to pull me into the plantation ” maybe when you see what am trying to say to you, you will believe that you have been seeing things, maybe its because it is late and your eyes are deceiving you ” he literally drag me around the whole plantation and to my surprise, they is no garden, no class garden.

” for your information ” Alucard $h00t glares my way ” red is out of the palace to communicate with the king of virnix, since am not marrying his daughter ”

” am….”

He lift his hand, cutting me off ” she is to invite him to my marriage ”

” your marriage ” I frown, confused ” to whom?”

” who do you think snow, who do you think ” he look angry ” you just yell at me without being sure of what you saw ”

” No, is not that ”

” is what snow?” He step closer and I unknowingly step back which seem to anger him more ” you do not trust me, am sure you will believe what other people say to you than what I say ”

” Alucard listen…”

” its lord Alucard ” that confirms it, he is angry ” and to think you are stepping away from me, tell me snow, are you scared, are you scared of me!!!” He yell making me flinch.

” yes” I yell back ” whenever you get angry, your image with Elis come back to my mind, so yes, you freak me out some times ”

” you think I will drink all your blood till your death?” He look disappointed ” you think I will ki|| the woman I love ?” Pain evident in his eyes ” what is it about me that you don’t trust, why won’t you learn to trust me”

” I do trust you ”

” if you did, you will never have done what you did ” he growl ” your distrust and jealousy is making you illusional, seeing lies ” turning around to leave I hold his hands.

” am sorry ” tears are building up again ” everything is beginning to confuse me, am sorry ”

” excuse me ” removing my hand from his, he leave me alone in the plantation, I watch as he leave, even staring at his back, I know his is still angry, but it seem so real, so real that I could feel the flowers, feel the scent they bring out.

Looking around I frown, my heart beating fast because the garden seem to be back in there, something is happening and I need to find out the truth.

Stepping in there I frown, Alucard is there but no red, just him smiling at me and then it hit me, his hair is dark, the Alucard I saw earlier has dark hair too ” a dream?”

” No snow ” he fast speed to my direction ” just a drug I made them put in your drink, make me able to talk to you” he smile ” my dear mate ” he touch my cheek and I flinch, stepping back.

” who are you?”

” the one made for you, the one you should be with” he clench his hands ” he stole you from me, he took you from me by locking my body up ”

” you’re sick ” I shake my head ” you might have lost it ”

” I know you’re curios snow ” he grin ” why I look just like Alucard, I will tell you but first come” he open his hands ” I want you to see something ”

” only an insane person will accept your hand ”

He furrow ” are you sure, it’s a one time offer ” he step closer and this time, I didn’t withdraw ” I will show you things, that fake won’t, trust me and take my hand ”

” trust ” I mumble while looking at his open hand and remembering Alucard words,” learn to trust me snow!!”

” which is it snow ” Alucard look alike mumble ” the truth or live in pure darkness forever”

But the saying always go, curiosity ki||s the rat or is it the other way round?


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