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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE MASTER’S SON – Episode 69 & 70

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CHAPTER 6️⃣9️⃣&7️⃣0️⃣


By: Naomi Cindy B.


AN HYBRID: Is the combination of two supernatural species (Werewolf and vampire) in one body.

A TRIBRID: Combination of three supernatural species (werewolf, vampire, and a witch) in one body.

A TETRABRID: Combination of four supernatural species (werewolf, vampire, witch and a demon) in one body.

A OMNIBRID: Combination of all existing supernatural species in one body.

(The last two are according to my own thesis for this book though)

Read this and be clear before you read the below chapter.



“You’re kidding, Bathsheba” Orion said with a madly dark smirk, and the witch stood.

“My work is to tell you what i see, and it’s not in my place to lie to you Orion. I know how dangerous you are so believe me …

“How am I to believe you when you’re one of the witches!” He snapped angrily.

“I’m a Devon witch Orion, and witches from our family have been cut off from other witches since we had a feud with Kira when she was still alive. I’m the destined storyteller of your legend, and that’s why it was shown to me before it landed in Kira’s hands in the afterlife” she replied, and Orion’s eyes flashed red.

“Who wrote the f-__-king legend!”

“You wrote it yourself, Orion” Bathsheba replied.


“In your first life, with Samara” she further said.

“I have a previous life?”

Bathsheba nodded, and he smiled like a drunk person.

“Meaning I can change it. I’m the writer after all”

“You can’t change anything without taking the book from Kira”

“Says who? I’m done following wh@ťěver is inside that darn book. I’m rewriting everything from now on. I’ll take over my destiny in this life and cut it away from my previous life. Mara will forget about me? I have four partners? Bullcrap! Just open your eyes wide and see how things turn out from now in. Before daybreak, if I don’t come here with a solution, then I’m not Orion Alaric” he said and stormed out of the house.

Bathsheba sighed and faced the door with a pathetic look on her face.

“If only you know what happened in your past life” she mumbled.



Orion landed in the hallway, and as if planned, he saw Samara coming in the opposite direction, so he waited for what’s gonna happen.

She was looking so blank, and the expression didn’t change. She didn’t look his way till she walked past him, and he folded his fists

It only means one thing, his wolfmate is around.

“This $h|t is real” he muttered and went after her, pulling her back by the arm.

She faced him with a questioning look, and he sighed before letting go of her.

“You are?” She said, and without replying, he walked away, making her squeeze her face in confusion.

“What’s with the attitude” she muttered.

“Did I just hear you asking who he is?” Ruthie joined her.

“Who is he?” Samara replied, and Ruthie felt her temperature.

“Are you ok? You don’t recognize Superior Orion?”

Samara covered her mouth and started laughing.

“Orion? Sounds like Onion!”

“Sam!” Ruthie snapped.

“What? Must I know him? Let’s go to bed please” she replied and left her.

“Something smells fishy with her” she muttered.


Orion got to his dark room and he even stopped his backhand stars from shinning as he paced around, thinking hard about a possible solution.

It’s like nothing is coming to his banging head no matter how hard he thinks, and it’s making him lose his sanity bit by bit.

He held his head with an hand and made to punch the wall with the other hand, but when he remembered Samara, his hand dropped.

He started trying to summon his clones, but they’re not even ready to come out to him

“Seems everyone is against me” he muttered, and his mind quickly went to Sheila.

Shouldn’t she be here by now?

He needs her but she’s not even coming!

He paced to another part of the room, and the door opened that moment.

Master Duran himself came in, turning on the lights.

“Turn off the lights and get the hell out, Duran” Orion snarled, but Duran came in completely, and Azalea came in after him.

“Wolf boy!” She waved happily.

“I finally got to meet you after you appeared in my dreams countlessly” she said.

“She’s human as expected. You can’t possibly have another wolf as a mate despite the energy in you. Take care of her” Duran said.

“You know about my four partners?” Orion smirked.

“It’s expected. You’re a vampire, a wolf, and many others Everything is only following the rules of nature” Duran replied, and Orion sped to him, grabbing him by the neck.

Azalea fell on the ground shockingly.

He slammed him on the wall, and Duran tried to fight back, but ropes from nowhere suddenly tied his hands, making it impossible.

“You might be an immortal, but hundreds of immortals will bow in front of me Duran! You h@ťě me and Kira h@ťěs me more in the afterlife! Everyone in this Institute sees me as the devil, the owner of hell, and I’m not denying that! You chose Aragon over me a lot of times and you didn’t even mourn Sheila’s death! It was like you were too happy about it and I know if you get an opportunity to ki|| me today you won’t blow it off! It’s better to just ki|| you already so you’d go meet Kira down there! Bye Papa!” He yelled, and his nails grew into claws.

He transformed into a demon with a dark creepy face, and Azalea fainted on the ground immediately she saw that.

Orion was about to rip Duran’s heart out when Ruthie came in, and her eyes widened.

“Superior Orion!” She shouted, distracting him.

Duran released himself with the opportunity and vanished.

Orion went back to normal, and he started walking to his blood table.

“Something is wrong with Samara, right?” She asked.

“The darn witches call it their punishment cos I ki||ed a trinity, she was supposed to forget about me and she did” he replied, taking a bottle.

“What! Wh…why..” she said shockingly, and he threw the bottle with him at the wall.

It’s glass, so it broke, painting the wall red.

“I just told you the reason!” He shouted, and Ruthie held her breath.

He’s f-__-king scary right now and she’s shaking.

“And… this this… Azalea girl…she’s your… wolfmate?” She asked shakily

“Get her out of here if you have any sympathy, cos if she’s still here by the time I’m back, I’m gonna pull out her tongue” he muttered and vanished.



“Orion tried to ki|| you?” Chief Water said shockingly, staring at Master Duran’s red neck which is currently healing.

“I don’t think you should be surprised. He ki||ed his stepbrother whom he adored back then, so it’d be a piece of cake to ki|| a father who h@ťěs him” Chief Feathers replied bluntly.

“Be kind witch your words” Water faced her.

“Ask Duran himself, he knows he deserves it. Orion is already handling a lot and now four partners? The new human girl should better go back to her parents shelter, else you know what Orion can do” Feathers said and walked out of the hall.

“Make sure the human girl stay away from Orion for now. With time, he’d understand” Duran said.

“Seriously? Orion will understand or is it another person we’re talking about? Once he makes up his mind, nothing is changing it and it’s known to everybody. I’ll make the girl stay away from him though, but about changing Orion’s mind, it’d fail” Chief Water said.



Samara is currently asleep already, and both Ruthie and Peony are beside her bed, staring at her.

“She’s a witch too, how could the witches make her lose memories of Orion just to punish him?” Peony said.

“Kira is the oldest witch in history with the youngest face, the controller of the rules, so you know where this is coming from” Ruthie replied.

“Does she h@ťě her son that much?” Peony scoffed.

“Sheila was born as a human, are you aware?” Ruthie said.


“Yeah. I heard Kira made sure Sheila never got any of her powers right from the womb, and she cast a spell so Master Duran’s powers won’t be attached to her too. She was born as a human, and Kira used to love her, but then she got turned by a vampire when she turned ten, and Kira grew a sudden hatred for her cos of her vampiric powers. She tried to ki|| her, and that was why Sheila ran away from home and became a Traveller around the world” Ruthie explained.

“f-__-k” Peony muttered.

“Then Kira got pregnant again with the aim of giving birth to another human, but right from the womb, Orion’s powers has been showing, and he has been coveting her powers even before he was born. Kira tried all herbs and poisons to eliminate him, but he stayed strong as a legendary child he was, and when he was born that moonless night, I heard all supernatural species assembled and bathed him with their blood, all blood except a witch’s blood cos no single drop of blood came out of Kira. His sword came out of her and sliced her, then she died, and Orion lived, but even in the afterlife, she’s still after him” Ruthie explained.

“In one word, Kira wants to remain the most powerful being in the history of supernatural beings, and to do that, Orion has to be gone” Peony nodded.

“Superior Orion was already acting crazy earlier. I don’t know how long he’d be able to take Samara’s lost memories” Ruthie replied



Bathsheba was waiting by the window, looking to see if Orion would really come like he said.

There are just six hours left before daybreak.

As if to save her from her expectancy, Orion walked in, and she left the window to face him, meeting a knowing smile on his face.

“I’m not the type to sit around and cry like a toddler when there’s a problem. The witchy juju tricks of the council of witches are no match for me, and trust me after I finish this, I’m gonna ki|| four more witches to make seven, I swear to my ancestors” he said with a loud grin, and when he stopped, he came closer

“I only have to combine my vampire blood, my werewolf blood and my demon blood then make her drink. Once she has the three blood in her body, she will take the places of my other three partners,, and they will stop feeling the bond” he said, raising up a bottle.

“I have the mixture of my blood ready, she only has to drink” he smirked, and her eyes widened.

“But that’d make her stop being the one. She’d stop being a witch and become a tetrabrid!” She said, and he grabbed her neck.

“Remember I told you I’m ki||ing four more witches, I can just start from you” he glared, and before he she could struggle, he already vanished, and she staggered.

“This will change a lot of things, I can feel it” she said fearfully.



Bakasura is currently sitting on her throne, elbow on the chair armrest, supporting her head.

Her eyes are closed, but they flew open when she saw something sharply, and she spranged up.

“Great queen!” Agares rushed in

“The one is in danger! Her destiny has to remain intact if she’s to be useful for our sacrifice. She has to remain a witch!” She said restlessly.

“Is something about to change?” Agares asked, and Bakasura’s pin fell from her long dark hair, making it fall on the ground as a great wind entered the palace

“The cursed child is going to make her into a tetrabrid, I saw it!” She roared.

“What!” Agares stood.

“I have to stop him! He can’t!” She spat, and her two large wings grew out of her back.

She flew out of the coven.



Peony and Ruthie were still pacing around the bed, and Samara is still laying peacefully on it in a deep sleep when Orion appeared in the room, eyes raging with redness.

They couldn’t make a move till he made all of them teleport out of the room at once.

They landed in the ancient cave, and Samara’s body was gently placed on the bed-like rock.

“What are you gonna do?” Ruthie asked.

“Turn her into the first tetrabrid in existence” he replied, bringing out his bottle of blood.

“No…” Peony made to go to him, but Ruthie pulled her back.

Orion poured the blood in Samara’s mouth after opening it, and that was when her eyes opened.

“What the hell!” She blurted, sitting up immediately.

“Ruthie? Peony? Where’s this place and what happened to me why is there blood in my mouth and…

“Opposing forces will surely come, but do all you can to stop them” Orion said, facing the two

“Sure” Ruthie nodded, and and Orion grabbed Samara’s neck, snapping it sharply.

She fell dead on the ground, and automatically, Orion’s neck snapped by itself, and he fell dead just beside her.

“What’d happen now?” Peony faced Ruthie.

“I think Samara will finish her transition in her dead form, so she mustn’t come back to life before the completion, else she’d remain a witch” Ruthie replied, and just then, a black bird flew into the cave, causing them to turn.

The second one flew in, then the third and fourth, and they started pouring in till they filled the cave.

“Bakasura” they both said at once, blocking Samara and Orion’s body as the thousands of birds started trying to get to them.

They raised their hands forward at once and started reading the death spell together.

¶infero eseri gratas
disasustos vom,
mas pro je ta sue te
Victamas veras,
Phesmatos tribum

By now, the birds were starting to gather, and the two were beginning to bleed from their noses, but they continued nevertheless.

niha sue exilum
disasustos vom.
mas pro je ta sue te
Levam mina sue te

The birds finally gathered completely, transforming into Bakasura herself.

She staggered weakly. The spell definitely got a hold of her already, but she wasn’t ready to give up.

She flew to them and flapped her wings on their heads.

Ruthie got hit the most, so she passed out with a bleeding head, and Bakasura made to fly to the dead couple, but Peony ran to cover them once again, continuing the spell.

Phesmatos veras,
Phesmatos tribum
mas pro tes unnum
Victas ex melam,
Phesmatos vanem…

Peony was almost at the verge of dying at this point.

Bakasura began struggling in the air as the spell ate deeper and deeper into her energy core.

Her feathers began falling one by one, but she still wasn’t ready to let go.

She flew to Peony and tore her face with her claws.

Peony fell wounded, unable to read the last line of the spell, and Bakasura landed on her body, about to tear her to bits when Samara’s eyes opened.

The transition finished, and she spranged up in the fastest speed ever.

At the same time, Orion sped up, standing right beside her.

She turned slowly to him, and right in front of him, her hair changed from white to dark black, and he smiled.

“Rion” she muttered, her cute fangs showing among her teeth.

“That’s my girl” he replied happily, and they both faced Peony who’s still struggling with Bakasura.

Samara summoned her sword at once, and the golden emotionless sword landed on her palm.

She flew up, touching Orion’s right shoulder with her right leg before tumbling in the air.

She sped madly to them, and her eyes shone with the sword as she swung it once to Bakasura’s neck

Bakasura’s head left her body, flying to Orion.

Orion caught it and grinned like a demon.

Samara faced him with a bloody face, filled with Bakasura’s blood.

“I, Orion Alaric will have just one partner throughout my lifetime! Samara Hercules only, the first tetrabrid to exist” he said, and Samara smiled, speeding back to him.

She jumped on him, and he held her @zz with an hand, Bakasura’s head dangling in his other hand.

Their full lips collided wetly.


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