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Friday, October 18, 2024
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MY HIGHSCHOOL CRUSH – Episode 83 & 84

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(Crazily in love with you)



ENJOY ✍️✍️😋

CHAPTER 83 & 84. . . …

He took her to his car, put her in the back seat, got into the drivers seat and quickly drove off to the hospital.


“She will be fine, she just need some rest but you should make sure something like this doesn’t happen again else she will lose her baby. If it is

something serious in which she can’t handle then it’s either you take her somewhere far away from here or you

make sure she doesn’t see that thing which will make her breakdown again so it won’t affect the baby inside her womb. ” Doctor Matt uttered seriously.

Vince nodded, doctor Matt left the ward.
Vince took his gaze to Olivia and let out a sad sigh, he sat down beside her on the bed and took her hand into his.

“Please stay strong for me, mom, dad and the baby… ” Vince mumbled, softly and placed a light kiss on her knuckle.

The door jerked open, Michael and Violetta ran in, panting heavily.
Vince was the one who had called them.

“Oh my baby…why did you ran off like that now look at you… ” Violetta sobbed as she held Olivia’s hand.

Michael frowned,
“Why’s she like this? What happened? ” Michael asked, coldly.

“It’s really complicated dad, Alex is getting married to another lady… ” Vince muttered slowly.

“How dare him!! I’ll go over to his–

“Honey there’s no need for that, I mean let’s think about Olivia’s health first, I think she’s needs a change of environment ” Violetta retorted sadly.

At that moment, Olivia’s eyes opened and she glanced around the room, her head felt muzzy and her vision was slightly blurry.

“ ” Olivia called out, hoarsely.

“Olivia…am here, mummy’s here. How are you feeling? ” Violetta asked, anxiously.

“Am fine” Olivia mumbled, softly. Her face was cold and expressionless.

“Can I go home?” Olivia asked, coldly.

“No…you’re still weak–

“I want to go home…please ” Olivia cut Vince off, tearfully.

“It’s alright we’ll take you home, don’t cry” Michael retorted, quickly.



Olivia was seen staring out through the window In the sitting room,
She was deep in thought and hardly talks to anyone. Those brightness in

her eyes were no longer there, instead she was just like an empty vessel, face void of any emotion.

Eating became a problem that they feared that something might happen to her and her baby. Whenever she wakes up in the morning, she would always sit

beside the window in the sitting room, staring outside as though she was waiting for someone and truth be told she was waiting for Alex.

Violetta, Vince and Michael gazed at her as they stood somewhere far away from her,
“Geez if this how love is then I don’t want to ever fall in love ” Vince muttered and scoffed.

“She’s really becoming thin” Violetta muttered and sniffed.

“I don’t think I can take this anymore, am taking her somewhere far away from here, Vince get her things ready ” Michael uttered seriously.

“Will she stay there alone? ” Vince asked curiously.

“No, of course your mom and you will stay over there with her, because I’ll be going for a business trip tomorrow ” Michael retorted seriously.

“You do have a house in Paris right? we could go stay there” Violetta uttered, calmly.

“Mom I won’t be able to come too, I have some things to finish here first ” Vince retorted and Violetta nodded.

“I’ll go get her things ready ” Vince uttered and went upstairs.

“Let me get some things ready, you know we’ll be using our personal plane” Michael muttered and went outside.

Violetta strode to where Olivia sat and sat down beside her, Olivia just sat down like a statue without moving an inch.

“How sure are you that he would come back? ” Violetta muttered, calmly.

“I don’t know but I still feel like he still love me, maybe he has his reasons for doing that, but I just miss him, I h@ťě

the fact that he’s with another lady. I can’t help it but sit here and wait patiently for him” Olivia retorted, softly.

“Your dad arranged for you to go stay in Paris ” Violetta blurted out, slowly.

Olivia glared at Violetta, slowly.
“Ugh? Paris? but…i like it here” Olivia mumbled, softly.

“But we’re not okay with the fact that you’re acting like a walking corpse, we love you Olivia and we want the best for you. You can’t ki|| yourself because of a

man, yeah I know it hurt but think about your health, your baby, yourself, us…we are tired of seeing you this way so please don’t say no” Violetta uttered, tiredly.

“At least if you stay in Paris, it might help you to get over Alex quickly. “Violetta retorted again.

Olivia’s shoulder sank, she turned and gazed outside the window for a while,
“I’ll go” She muttered and Violetta smiled.

“That’s my baby girl, now come on let’s pack up” Violetta muttered, happily and they both stood up and went upstairs.

After packing up everything they needed they drove to the airport, they all got down from the car.

Michael hugged Olivia and rock her back, slowly.
“Daddy loves you so much, when am back from my business trip I’ll come stay with you and mom. Don’t think much okay? ” Michael retorted, softly.

Olivia nodded, slowly.
They disengaged the hug, he pulled Violetta into a hug while Vince hugged Olivia.

“Don’t cry too much okay, don’t worry I’ll help you teach Alex a lesson. Fighting! ” Vince muttered, trying to cheer her up.

Olivia forced out a small smile.
“Bye dad, bye Vince ” Olivia waved and got into the plane, Violetta followed.



“Oh my God, Lisa you’re so pretty ” Lana uttered, happily.

Lisa let out a wide and triumphant smile,
“Of course I am no doubt, that is why Alex left that ugly Ɓîtçh for me “Lisa uttered, pridefully.

“Finally you’re getting married to the man of your dream! ” Lily uttered, excitedly.

Lisa nodded with a wide smile on her lips,
She was putting on a white flared wedding gown, her hair was packed into a bun.

The door swung open and Lisa’s mom, Cassandra strode in, excitedly.
“Baby it’s time, come on let daddy walk you down the aisle ” Cassandra muttered, sweetly.

Lisa stood up from the chair, holding her long gown with a wide smile plastered on her lips.

“Am so happy for you baby, congratulations ” Cassandra uttered, happily as she pulled Lisa into a quick hug.

“Thank you mom, let’s go now so we don’t keep the groom waiting ” Cassandra muttered with a slight chuckle and they all left the room.

They got to where Roman was and he pulled Lisa into a warm hug,
“Oh my baby is finally getting married

to the man of her dreams, congratulations ” Roman retorted, softly and disengaged the hug.

“Thanks dad” Lisa muttered, sweetly. They entwined their hands together and strode towards the altar where Alex was.

They got to where Alex was and Roman left her there.
She and Alex stared at each other, immensely.

She stood on her toes and whispered in his ear,
“Thank you for choosing me, I promise to be faithful to you forever Alex ” Lisa whispered and went back to her position with a slight giggle.

Alex just released a faint smile, his mind was truly somewhere else.
“So…do you Alex Donovan take this lady as your lawfully and wedded wife in–

“He do already there’s no need for that” Lisa cut the priest of, happily.

The priest glanced at the both of them and cleared his throat,
“Well do you also take him as your–

“I do, I do, I do please give him the ring so he can put it in my finger and then you tell us to kiss” Lisa snapped, rudely as she gave the priest a hard glare.

Alex glanced around the hall and gazed at his wrist watch,
“Alex honey are you anxious, sorry for saying that to him but he’s just too slow with the procedures ” Lisa mumbled and chuckled nervously.
The priest brought the ring and gave it to Alex,

Alex took the ring, Lisa stretched her hand towards Alex,
“Alex please put it fast”Lisa retorted, hurriedly.

Alex smiled and was about to put it on her finger when someone screamed from the crowd,
“Lisa what are you doing?!! You’re getting married to someone else after

all the promises you made to me?! You used me you Ɓîtçh!! ” A man’s loud voice emerged from the crowds and echoed inside the hall.

Lisa flinched and fear gripped her when she recognized the voice of the person…

It was Chris Brown.

He walked up to her and stood in front of her, before you know it a loud slap echoed inside the hall and everyone gasped.

“How dare you leave me for him?!! how dare you try to give my unborn child to someone else?!! ” Chris roared angrily while Alex just stood and watched the drama with a faint smirk.

“Lisa dear, are you okay? Oh my gosh, how dare you touch my daughter are you insane?! Are you a lunatic?! Get out this instant!! ” Cassandra roared angrily.

“I understand that my daughter is a celebrity and has so many fans and you’re one of them, but please leave let this–

“Do you really think am lying? This Ɓîtçh here is my girlfriend and we’ve f_cked each other more than hundred times, she got pregnant and didn’t even tell me! ” Chris snapped rudely.

Cassandra and Roman stared at Lisa,
“Lisa honey what is going, please explain to mommy and daddy ” Cassandra retorted hopefully, by now everyone was watching them as some brought out their phones to take pictures and video.

“I…this is Alex child, you know me mum I can’t do such. He’s just here to blackmail me! I don’t even know him, I haven’t even met him before! Please young man who are you? ” Lisa lied as she feigned tears.

Chris chuckled sarcastically.
“Who am I? Am the father of the child inside your stomach. Since you had the guts to deny me then I’ll show you what am made of” Chris stated, coldly.

He took a small remote and turned on the large TV which was inside the hall, he pressed something and naked pictures and videos of him and Lisa appeared on

the screen, the whole crowd gasped and Lisa who couldn’t take it in any longer took a step back, she felt her legs go jelly and she fell down on the floor.

“N.. No…! ” Lisa screamed madly.

Erotic Mõ@ɲs erupted from the flat TV screen, some who couldn’t watch it took their gaze away while some stood and watched it.

Chris who was holding the remote felt his heartbeat increased as he shook fearfully,
Of course he was scared, if not for Alex who thr_@tened him to do this he wouldn’t have done it.

A loud clap erupted inside the hall,
“Well done Lisa ” Alex uttered, lazily and turned to go but paused when he heard his name.

“Alex….you…you have a hand in this….
right? ” Lisa muttered tearfully.

Alex scoffed, coldly. He left the hall without uttering a single word.

Lisa busted into heavy sobs,
“No! my Alex… Please don’t leave me! ” Lisa sobbed out bitterly.

“Since this guy here is the father of the child in your stomach, then you guys should get married at once” The priest uttered, thoughtfully.

Cassandra and Roman just stood like statue as they stared at Lisa as though she had grown hundred heads.

“Never!! I can’t get married to a slut! She should just abort the child or keep the child for herself! ” Chris spat out, harshly.

Lisa stood up from the ground as she dived at Chris like a lunatic, she gripped his hair tight and pulled it hard.

“You bastard! You ruined my wedding and now you want me to take care of this child alone? Never!! ” Lisa screamed, madly.

Chris pushed her off him angrily in an aggressive manner and she fell and rolled on the floor, she winced in pain when her stomach met with the floor.

👥Oh my gosh! Look, blood!

👥She’s bleeding!

👥Her gown is stained!

👥 someone please help her!

Some people gasped as they stared at Lisa, she was bleeding.

Lisa sobbed out as she felt pains on her lower abdomen, she took her gaze down and was shocked to see that her gown was stained with blood…

No…her child…the baby…
Lisa’s vision went blurry and she finally lost consciousness, the last thing she heard was,

“Quick, let’s take her to the hospital, she’s bleeding!! ” ….. ….


Olivia walked out of the house, slowly different thoughts running through her lonely mind, she gazed at her stomach which was protruding a little even when she wore a baggy top.

The cool breeze met with her face and she sniffed in the sweet air.
Her hair was packed into a lose bun and she seemed to have gained a little weight.

Paris was really a nice place, the environment in which she was staying was so cool and quiet.

This is where she wanted to visit with that one person in which she loved but things changed, Olivia’s smile faded her face turned into a sad one,

How’s he anyway?
Is he married to Lisa yet?

Are they now staying together as husband and wife?

Has Lisa given birth to the other child and is still pregnant for Alex again?

So many thoughts ran through Olivia’s head and she let out a sad sigh,
Maybe a little walk would help.

“Mom! I’ll be back let me get something in the nearest store! ” Olivia yelled.

“Alright baby, don’t stay out too long ” Violetta’s loud voice erupted from the kitchen.

“Yeah” Olivia mumbled and started moving to anywhere her mind told her to go..

Since it was evening, she saw some kids dancing on the street as passerby dropped money for them in a plastic rubber.

She marvelled at their dance steps, they were a very good dancer!
She left the vicinity and strode to a certain direction.

She halted her steps when she saw someone….his face was kinda familiar.
He was inside a classic restaurant dusting the chairs and tables.

Olivia went in and stared at the person from behind, it suddenly dawned on her…of course she knew who it was…at that moment the person turned and glared at her…

“Adrian” Olivia stuttered….


They were seated on a bench somewhere not too far away from the restaurant, Olivia and Adrian were nervous and was waiting for who would say something first.

“How have you been? ” Adrian asked, slowly.

“I…I’ve been fine and you? ” Olivia uttered awkwardly.

Adria smiled and released a slight nod, he took his gaze to Olivia, she has grown more into a pretty girl and wasn’t skinny anymore, her black shiny hair was packed into a lose bun.

His gaze landed on her stomach and his smile faded, he quickly averted his gaze.

Olivia coughed, awkwardly.
“Don’t stare at me like that again…so I won’t think you still have those feelings for me” Olivia mumbled, softly.

Adrian chuckled.
“And what if I still do? ” He asked, jokingly.

Olivia scoffed,
“Go look for a girlfriend, am already taken! ” Olivia snapped, calmly.

Adrian let out a warm laughter,
“Just joking, how’s Alex? ” He asked curiously.

Olivia’s shoulder sank and her face turned into a sad one in which Adrian saw but pretended as though he saw nothing.

“Alex? Oh..he’s fine” Olivia mumbled.

“You’ve changed…a little though ” Adrian muttered and Olivia gazed at him, confused.
“Before you weren’t bold to me, you were naive and found it difficult to say what was in your mind” Adrian blurted out, calmly.

“But you still haven’t learned how to lie, you guys broke up or…..?” Adrian retorted, coolly.

Olivia smiled, faintly.
“He just left for a while, am sure he will come back ” Olivia replied, slowly.

“How sure are you? but you still have that doubt right? then what about your stomach…you’re… ” Adrian stated and cleared his throat.

“Yes am pregnant for Alex…i do have that doubt but I’ll still wait for him” Olivia stated, firmly.

Adrian smiled and nodded.
“What about you? Why are you here? ” Olivia asked, curiously.

“Oh.. That, I want to be independent. Make my own money and have my own money, I don’t wanna depend on my parents. I just came over to Paris to start and live a new life” Adrian retorted, coolly.

“Mind explaining what happened to you and Alex? ” Adrian asked.

“Don’t really feel like bringing the topic up again, do you still see me as your friend? ” Olivia asked, slowly.

Adrian smiled and pinched her chubby cheek.
“Of course I still see you as my bestie” Adrian uttered and Olivia smiled.

“Then can I come here to visit you whenever am chanced, I haven’t made any friends yet and I feel bored. Mom wants me to look for a boyfriend ” Olivia pouted, childishly.

“Nah am afraid of pregnant ladies, wait? you came to Paris with your mom? Oh, Never mind, you can come over if you want to ” Adrian uttered, coolly and Olivia shrieked, excitedly.

“Then friends?” Olivia uttered, excitedly as she stretched her hand to Adrian.

Adrian held her hand and they shook each other and fist bumped,
“Yeah friends ” Adrian muttered, happily.

“Then friends we are and best buddies we’ll be forever! ” Olivia screamed, excitedly.


Soon, Adrian went back to the restaurant as they stood outside,
Olivia imputed her phone number on Adrian’s phone and handed the phone back to him,

“That is my number, call me or send a text so I’ll save your number” Olivia uttered happily.

Adrian nodded,
A girl walked out of the restaurant, she was putting on an apron and was looking so pretty like an angel,

She halted her steps when she saw Olivia and Adrian, she quickly bowed at Olivia thinking that Olivia was Adrian’s mother because of her protruding belly and how she has gained weight.

“Good evening ma’am ” She greeted, softly.

Olivia irked and chuckled, awkwardly. .
“Dear you’re mistaken, am a miss not a ma’am ” Olivia retorted, awkwardly and took a glance at Adrian, she saw the

way he was staring at the girl and how the girl blushed and quickly ran back Into the restaurant.

The girl was a teenager but looked kinda thin and tiny.
“Hmm, I know that look, someone’s in love! ” Olivia teased and Adrian blushed and lowered his head.

“Why are you hiding your face? What? you love that girl? you’re in love with–

Adrian ran into the restaurant leaving Olivia behind, Olivia giggled.

She turned back and headed home with a wide smile etched on her lips. …………


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