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Friday, October 18, 2024
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DANGEROUS EMOTIONS – Episode 23 & 24

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( Android With No Emotions)

Theme: Making Her Feel.

Episodes 23 💞 24

Written by Authoress Dynamite O.


I don’t think some of you are still interested in
this story.

Because, how can I have up to 1k followers and
be having 80 likes in a day? Is the story that

I know what I go through before typing this
story, so the best thing for you guys to do is to
at least react, drop a meaningful comment and
then share the story. Is it that hard?

If you don’t like the story, unfollow my page
immediately you’re done reading this. I can’t
keep on typing for inactive followers.

It’s not fair. After using up to 2 to 3 hours typing,
even in an uncomfortable position, you just sit
there comfortably and read for 5 minutes, then
you leave without even reacting or dropping a
comment. Is it fair?

Please guys, let’s be serious with ourselves. If
you want a constant posting vibe from me,
react, comment and share everytime you cone
across my story. It’s not everytime I’ll be telling
you to do.

{His Harmful Words}

As the plastic cloud crashed beside him, his
eyes snapped open and he separated from
Janet, stopping the kiss from ever happening.

Rocky couldn’t stop himself from smirking,
feeling too good right now for stopping the kiss.

” Holy crap!” The director and the rest gasped
when they saw the cloud crash. Janet’s eyes
had stopped being red and returned to their
original blue.

” Oh my gosh. That must be a fault from the
men who set up the stage.” The director told,
coming up to the stage with them.

” Tryout is officially over. We’ll continue this
from tomorrow, but others will be participating
in the practice too.” The director said, and like
that, they were dismissed.

They both headed for the door together, but
Brayden was holding Janet’s hand throughout.
Rocky stealthily left the stage and followed
them out too.

” Your performance was… Amazing. Quite
incredulous.” Brayden complimented her when
they got out, and Janet’s eyes almost switched

” Thank you. I must also confess that your
performance was equally professional.” She

Rocky reached the door and stood there,
watching them talk to each other while feeling
envious about their closeness.

Brayden clutched Janet’s hand tighter in his
grip. It was as if he did it to intentionally made
him mad, ‘cos it worked. He felt an
uncontrollable urge to tear them apart from
each other.

” Yunno…” Brayden said, facing Janet directly
while his hand travelled to her face, studying it

” You look quite beautiful today.” He finally
confessed, and it happened. Her eyes reddened
with love for him instantly.

He smiled at the effect he had on her and
leaned it fast, planting a kiss on her cheek. It
happened so fast that it even took Janet
sometime to process what happened.

Rocky’s eyes widened. This guy had pushed his
paitience to the wall already. He felt like ripping
him apart for some reason he couldn’t fathom
out. He frowned greatly and controlled himself
from coming over as his veins popped out of
his neck.

He didn’t know why he felt angry about Brayden
kissing her. Like, she wasn’t even his girlfriend,
and he disliked her cos she stole all his fame
from him. But… What if his feelings towards her
were changing?

He instantly denied having feelings for her and
behaved like he wasn’t even touched a bit by the

” See you around later.” Brayden said and
seprated from her, waving as he walked further
and further away from her.

Janet simply returned the waves, then she
turned to the door, only to meet Rocky staring at
her coldly.

She noticed something amiss about him. She
normally saw him with a necklace around his
neck, but his neck was currently bare.

He walked away after sometime, leaving her to
wonder where the necklace on his neck had
disappeared to.


Melody was sitting on Rocky’s bed, thinking
hard with her legs crossed and arms folded
below her B-__-bs.

When she said she had plans over Janet, she
was just bluffing. She had no idea what to do to
get rid of Janet.

Janet was a freakin’ android With long metal
blades coming out of her fingers, which she
almost used to ki|| her. What could happen if
she revealed her secret? She’d probably come
back for revenge and ki|| her eventually, which
she’s currently terrified of.

She was still thinking when a guy entered her
room. His upper body was naked, and he put on
just a single short.

” Jeremy!” She exclaimed when she saw him
and stood. He was one of her f-__-kmates that
she had fun with whenever Rocky wasn’t
around or willing to please her.

” I’m so horny. I saw a Ɓîtçh f-__-kin’ in the toilet
wíth a guy, and I can’t control myself anymore.
You know how I get whenever I’m around porn.”
He told and pulled down his short shamelessly,
coming completely naked before her. His Ďïčk
pranced up at her face immediately. It was three
times bigger than a normal Ďïčk!

” Then come over already and quit talking. I also
need a good f-__-k, so you’re here just at the right
time.” She spoke naughtily too, and they both
jumped in bed.

A few minutes later, and Melody’s clothes were
already all over the floor as Jeremy f-__-ked her
insanely from behind.

No kidding, he wasn’t joking when he said he
was horny. His Ďïčk was penetrating fast and
deep into her that it had almost pierced her
womb. He was so big! But she could take him.

” f-__-k!”

” Jeremy, give me more!”

” I love you baby!”

” Give me more… f-__-k!”

She spoke senselessly as his Ďïčk hit her again,
and this time she let out a loud scream.

The sounds of their segzes meeting was so loud
that even someone in another country could
hear it clearly. They didn’t give a f-__-k about how
loud they were.

As they kept on f-__-kin’, the door creaked open
and someone entered, but they couldn’t hear
over the loud noises they made.

His jaw dropped, and his eyes widened on
seeing the f-__-k scene right in front of him. His
own girlfriend… f-__-kin’ with another guy?

” Melody.” Rocky muttered loud enough for
them both to hear, and that was when they
stopped f-__-kin’ to see who was behind them.

Melody screamed upon seeing Rocky, and
pulled away from Jeremy while he stood from
the bed and covered his p**is quickly.

Rocky stared at them both without a word for
almost 5 minutes. He gathered the courage and
left afterwards, closing the door on them both.

” Babe! Babe!! Rocky!!!” Melody screamed and
didn’t bother to put on something, running to the
door to catch up with him.

Before she’d even touch the door, her phone
buzzed on the bed. She ignored Rocky’s case
and quickly went to check what it was.

It was a message from Rocky. Her eyes widened
and she glanced at Jeremy in surprise, but he
was already gone from the room, so she gulped
and shakily tapped on the message.

message, and she slowly lifted her head from
the phone without an expression at first.

The phone slipped from her hand and broke, ink
poured on its screen instantly. She grabbed her
head and screamed insanely, rushing to the
door nakedly.

” Rocky, no!” She screamed in her way out.


Mario was currently on a table with five girls
around him, flirting and playing with them as he
always does.

Cleo spied on him from the entrance, feeling
jealous as he smiled and laughed with other
girls who weren’t her. She wished to be the only
one he was playing with like that right now.

An idea hit her, and she quickly grabbed her
phone. She sent him a long text message with
sweet words of love in it and made herself
anonymous, then she sent it like that.

She returned her eyes to him, waiting for his
reaction when he read her message. His phone
beeped and he saw the anonymous text, but
one glance at it made him place his phone on
the table uninterestedly.

Cleo was instantly struck with pain in her heart,
but wasn’t gonna give up easily. This was just
Plan A, and Plan B was arriving shortly.

” Someone ordered this for you, Mario.” A waiter
told him, placing a food tray on the table for
him. The Platinum boys had waiters who
specially brought their meals to the table for
them at all times.

Cleo smiled on seeing that Plan B had arrived,
waiting to see his reaction.

” Thank you Calypso.” He thanked the female
waitress, then she left his table.

” What’s that Mario? Aren’t you gonna share
your meal with us?” One of the girls, Camila

” I didn’t order this food, honestly. I don’t even
know who sent it.” He replied.

When he saw a note on the tray that read ‘For
my Charming Crush ~ Secret Admirer’, he
already had a clue where it was from and

” This must be from one of my many admirers.”
He muttered to the girls around him.

Cleo blushed on hearing him say that, fanning
herself repeatedly with her hand just so she
won’t pass out.

Without wasting time, he started to eat the food
with delight. Cleo was still eager because the
main gift wasn’t the food at all, but he’d still
find it.

As he ate on, the more her hopes went high for
him to discover her gift. He had already eaten
half the food already.

He began to share with the girls around him,
feeding them so caringly like they were his
girlfriends. Cleo was blinded with jealousy and
wished she could go there and rip the food out
of their stomachs.

Little did she know that her Plan B was going to
backfire hard against her.

Something strange happened immediately.
Mario bent over the table as if to spit something
out, and Cleo squealed. He finally found her gift!

She waited for him to spit out the ring she
placed in his food, but he didn’t stop. He started
to gasp and choked heavily on the ring. It
seemed that it got stuck in his throat!

Mario tried to talk… But he choked even more,
making the situation even scarier than it looked
like. The girls around him panicked and
screamed horrifiedly.

Cleo palmed her mouth,and her eyes widened
on the realisation of ehat she had done. In a bid
to get her crush’s attention, she just made him
choke uncontrollably, possibly to death!

She bit her fingers regretfully and nervously.

” I’m so stupid!” She said to herself.

What would he think of her if she showed up as
the person who placed the ring in his food that
choked him? He’d h@ťě her for life! Her crush of
3 years would be in vanity!

She watched on worriedly as many students
gathered around Mario. A strong boy mounted
him on his back and carried him out quickly
past her, then the rest of the students followed,
leaving the cafeteria empty.

Tears escaped from her eyes with instant regret,
and she started to cry out her eyes painfully on
the spot.

” Cleopatra Santiago?” Janet called behind,
startling hell out of her.

” Aaaaaarrrrgghh!” Cleo flinched in tears and
turned back to see it was Janet. She just kept on

” What is the matter? What is the cause of the
liquid coming out of your eye sockets?” Janet

” They’re called tears, Janet.” Cleo spoke

” Then… Why are your eye sockets producing
tears?” She asked again.

” I ki||ed Mario. I ki||ed him already. I’m a f-__-kin’
murderer. I have his blood all over my hands.”
Cleo said over-exaggerated and sobbed

” But I don’t sight any blood on your hands,
Cleopatra.” Janet said, and Cleo looked up at

” I didn’t actually ki|| him. I accidentally choked
him with a ring, and now he’s probably battling
for his life. He’s going to h@ťě me!” Cleo said
pathetically and cried her eyes out.

” How soon was he attended to? To save him
from choking?” Janet asked.

” He was taken away a few seconds ago,
probably to the school clinic. Why do you ask?”
Cleo asked and stood on her feet again.

” If that is the case, then he still has a 70%
percent chance of survival. Therefore, it’s fairly
possible that he can still survive.” Janet
explained, and Cleo sniffed, stopping her tears.

” Thanks, Janet.” Cleo muttered and pulled her
into a short tight hug.

” So, how was your story? Did everything go well
with the school play tryout?” Cleo inquired.

” Everything went normally, except for a strange
incident that happened. A plastic cloud crashed
beside Brayden.” Janet said.

” Oh no! Did he get hurt?” She asked

” No, he didn’t get hurt. He’s currently unharmed
and safe.” Janet told her.

” And… Did anything happen after that?” Didn’t
you like…talk to each other or something?”
CLEO asked.

” Yes, we talked, but we only exchanged a few
words. After that, he kissed me on the cheek

” Wait, he kissed you?” Cleo exclaimed.

” Yes, on the cheek. Then he waved at me and
left.” Janet expressed blankly.

” I’m so excited for you! You got your first kiss!”
Cleo celebrated for her, but when she
remembered what happened to Mario, her
excitement died immediately.

” I’ll be back later. I have to check up on Mario to
make sure he’s okay.” Cleo said and hurriedly
left Janet.

Flash was standing at a far distance, watching
Janet silently again. He made to turn and leave
when he bumped into someone, and they both
fell to the ground.

He raised his head to see who it was, and his
eyes met with Shady’s.

” The f-__-k were you even doing there?” She
muttered and stood, then he stood up too.

” None of your business.” He spat and made to
walk off, but she pulled him back immediately
and pinned his neck to the nearest wall, then
she brought her face closer.

” You’re not going anywhere this time.” She
growled angrily, then Flash’s eyes moved to her
arm instead.

He saw the wound that was there, the wound
that she got from the last time they bumped
into each other and fell.

He stylishly separated himself from her and
pinned her to the wall instead, holding the arm
with the wound.

” Hey, what are you doing!” Shady shouted and
struggled with him, but she couldn’t break free
from him. He was stronger than her.

She punched him on his back and even tried
kicking him, but Flash wasn’t affected by what
she did as his eyes were glued to the wound.

It was still bleeding because she never treated it,
and it needed to be sealed.

He grabbed a white handkerchief from his
pocket and tied it securely on the wound, and
that was when he felt a piercing pain on his
back. Shady was bitting him.

” Aaaaaarrrrgghh!” He shouted immediately, but
he didn’t let that stop him and continued to tie
the wound.

He left it when he was done and Shady pushed
him roughly, so hard that he fell on his butt. She
looked at the wrapped wound and glared at him

” Psycho. Did I tell you that I needed a hankie?”
She muttered furiously.

” And does someone need to tell you before you
know you’re supposed to treat a wound to avoid
infections?” He replied with a question, still
feeling the pains form her bite on his back.

” I don’t care about my wounds. I let them heal
naturally and let nature take its course, and I
don’t need any psycho like you to treat it for me.
” She said nonchalantly and left, leaving him in
the floor.

Flash groaned and held his back, still feeling the
stinging pain she left there.

” She’s got a set of crazy strong teeth!” He
muttered and stood, walking away painfully.


Mario had gotten better. He had the ring pulled
out of his throat by the school nurse, but could
still feel the pains as the aftermath result of
how hard his throat muscles contracted against
the item.

He sat on the sickbed, looking at the ring which
he held between his fingers with a seriously
stern face. That’s how he’d been staring at it
and wondering which of his admirers could’ve
sent it.

” I swear. The person who sent this plans to ki||
me, and doesn’t care for me at all.” He said
loudly and threw the ring on the ground with
anger, then he stepped on it.

” I h@ťě the person who sent this, I h@ťě whoever
you are! I don’t even care what you look like
because you tried to ki|| me! That person is
basically a murderer who wants to end me at a
young age!” He accused h@ťěfully and stormed
out of the clinic.

Cleo entered the clinic after he left. Seeing the
destroyed ring on the ground, she felt like her
heart got broken. She heard everything he said.

More tears slipped out of her eyes in regret and
she fell beside the sickbed, bawling her eyes

” He h@ťěs me now. He h@ťěs me!” She cried


Janet went back to the music room. She sat in
front of the piano and played the tune of ‘ Will
you be my Romeo?” On it.

As she kept on playing the music, Rocky walked
in, approaching her with a mean glare.

Right now, he cared about nothing else than
pouring out the anger of seeing Melody f-__-k
with another guy on her.

His heart was currently in ruins, destroyed and
broken to many pieces. There was no more
space for love in there anymore.

His head was going crazy, and he just had to
pass out all the bad feels to someone else. The
only victim he could think of was Janet, and
here he was.

He was so done with that f-__-kin’ thing called
’emotions’. He even looked freakin’ heartless as
he walked towards Janet.

He smacked his palms on the keyboard,
creating an absurd noise with the keys. Janet
had to look up at him and stopped playing the
music as she met wíth his blazing hot eyes.

” I know that you’re an android… But it doesn’t
mean that you can drive me crazy with your
robot self. Your purpose in this school, I have no
idea. And I don’t even care.” He spat senselessly
and Janet stood, standing right in front of him.

” You’ve always drive me crazy. You’ve always
made me jealous and angry ever since you set
foot into this school. But I can’t handle it
anymore, so I’ve come to express myself fully.”
He said again.

This was only the introduction of what he had
in mind, the tip of the iceberg. Now he just
wanted to start the full content of his rage.

“I deserve the lead role in the play. Even you
don’t deserve your role in the play too, another
girl should replace you.” He spat coldly, then he
stepped forward to her face, bringing himself
closer as if to really mean his words.

Janet just kept staring at him, listening to every
word he said. Her processing system even
began to glitch as it found it difficult to keep on
understanding his words.

” You can never fit into this world, because
you’re an android. You were created by man,
and everything created by man will perish at
some point. You’re so useless, utterly useless
and you have no point in life. You can never
have a destiny because you’re not human, so
you aren’t relevant in this world. You’re just a
useless piece of robotics entirely.” He finally
dropped the whole bomb, and it exploded
Janet’s processing system entirely as it was
unable to take Rocky’s dangerous words

Her system crashed completely, and her circuits
got fried too. Alexa who was supposed to warn
her of the dangers happening inside her body,
suddenly stopped functioning too.

Her eye color changed from bright blue to a pale
brown, and her skin also became pale looking,
which was totally impossible for an android.

Her robot side shut down entirely, so her
ordinary side was left. These were the effects of
Rocky’s harsh and mean words on her… The
terrible, cold, tortorous effects.

Remember guys. React, drop a long and
meaningful comment. No short comments like
‘interesting’, ‘next pls’, ‘wow’, or ‘ great’ shall be
accepted anymore. I can’t type something this
long only for you to lazily type one word for me.

Happy new year in advance.

TBC. To Be Continued 🤩🤩🤩

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