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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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DANGEROUS EMOTIONS – Episode 13 & 14

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( Android With No Emotions)

Theme: Making Her Feel.

Episodes 13 💞 14

Written by Authoress Dynamite O.


{Find That Android}

” I swear, I’m gonna make that evil witch pay for
what she did. She’s gonna regret this.” Melody


Cleo and Janet arrived at the club in Cleo’s car.
They both wore casual outfits unlike last time.

Janet made it out of the car and waited for Cleo
to alight.

” Go on and meet her in the club. I’ll stay back
and wait here in case you need any help. Trust
me.” Cleo told her.

” Affirmative, Cleopatra.” Janet responded.

” It’s Cleo.” Cleo corrected with a slight giggle,
and Janet went into the clubhouse.

Inside the club, partying and merrying was
going on as usual. Janet scanned around the
place with her eyes as she searched for Melody.

Her eyes stopped on a spot, sighting Melody
afar on a table. She began to approach her.

As she walked, the music stopped and everyone
stopped dancing to stare at her. They also
shifted back fearfully from her because of what
happened the last time she came here.

Melody noticed Janet before she got to her
table. She smiled widely and stood.

” Janet!” She squealed out amd went to hug her.
Janet didn’t reciprocate the hug, so she broke it.

” How’ve you been girl? What’s up?” Melody
asked like she didn’t know what Janet was here

” I’ve been normal, and the ceiling’s what’s up.”
Janet replied, and Melody smirked, but she
turned it into a smile again.

” Come, let’s sit.” Melody said and took Janet’s
hand, going to sit at a table with her.

Janet looked at the other boys that were on the
table. They were the drunk fools that came to
meet her for a dance before, and they were
staring at her with fright boldly written on their

Melody didn’t notice this and faced Janet.

” You know what? Let’s be equal. I get my Star
Student title back, and you get to stay in the
school. Deal?” Melody spoke and extended her

” Deal.” Janet replied frankly and shaked the

” Okay. We’re cool.” Melody spoke, not dropping
the smile on her face anytime soon.

Janet said nothing and faced the other clubbers
that had resumed dancing.

” Care for a drink?” Melody offered.

” I can’t consume any liquid because it interferes
badly with my system. If I come in contact with
any liquid, my system might get corrupted.”
Janet replied and faced the clubbers again.

” Really?” Melody asked, and her eyes evilly
darted to the cup of beer on the table.

She took it and made to pour it all on Janet, but
she stopped and thought twice, then she
dropped the cup.

” How about a dance challenge? You, me, dance
floor. Now.” Melody stated, and Janet turned to

” It would be unwise for be to turn down a
challenge because then I’d look like a coward.”
Janet replied.

” That’s a yes then.” Melody pulled her up and
they both went to the dance floor.

The clubbers immediately cleared the floor for
them both, and Melody made some winks at the
DJ. He gave her a thumbs up and changed the
music into a naughtily segzy music.

Melody gave a dirty smirk at Janet and began
to twist her body flexibly on the dance floor,
showing off her dance ski||s. All the men were
wowed as they got provoked by her erotic

She bent low on the ground and began twerking,
then she started to shake her butt more
vigorously. Men got excited and began to chant
loudly for her.

She raised her finger to her mouth and bit it
slightly, still shaking her butt. The men fainted
immediately she pulled that move.

Her skirt was even rising up and revealing the
pants that she wore. She cared less as long as
she could dance segzily enough.

She stopped dancing and faced Janet with a
proud look on, certain that she could never beat
that dance.

” Your turn. You can change the music if you
want.” Melody said while panting from the
energetic dancing.

Janet had a flashback, remembering that her
human sister Beatrice had a favorite song that
became her addiction; Royalty by Neoni,
Maestro Chives and Egzod. Beatrice loved the
song so much that if they didn’t play it at her
burial, she’d rise back from the dead.

” Please switch the music to Royalty.” Janet told
the DJ, and the music changed immediately.

Everywhere became quiet except for the music
playing as they waited for Janet to start

🎶They say I’m cold-hearted 🎶

🎶But I’m just getting started🎶

🎶With my eyes on the target🎶

🎶Now, now🎶

As the song began playing, Janet began moving
her body sensually to the music, surpassing
Melody’s dancing by a quadrillion times. She
was doing the dance steps so well like she had
known it all her artificial life. Her moves were so
hot that they were currently burning the whole
club down.

Everyone’s mouths were wide agape, Melody
inclusive as they watched her wreck the floor
with talented dancing. They soon started to
chant loudly for her, louder than when they
chanted for Melody.

She did a backflip so high that when she
landed, the whole floor vibrated strongly. People
screamed and cheered on for her as Melody fell
due to the ground’s shaking.

She continued to watch Janet dance from the
floor. How could she dance so superbly? Just
because she was an android? She beat Rocky in
a quiz challenge, and bow she was going to
beat her in dancing too? She had to get rid of
Janet fast before she’d ruin her reputation

Every single body in the club knew Melody for
her insane and erotic dancing. But tonight, they
were all cheering for Janet. It was all her in the

Janet conluded the dancing, and the song
ended. Melody’s ears almost went dead when
they all roared out cheerfully that even Cleo
wondered what was happening inside the club.

The normal music resumed, and everyone soon
returned to their normal clubbing. Melody glared
dangerously at Janet before approaching her.

” Let’s meet at the backyard of the club, right
now.” She sneered, and Melody led the way as
Janet followed her naively.

As soon as they stepped out of the club, Cleo
spotted them. She immediately got out of her
car and followed them carefully to the backyard,
not wanting to be caught.

They arrived at the back and Cleo hid behind a
dumpster, spying closely on them.

” For what reason did you request to meet at the
backyard?” Janet inquired, and Melody bursted
into a loud cackle, clapping her hands three

” You must be dumber than I thought. You think
I came here for games or what?” Melody spoke

” I do not think you came here for games
because I don’t know what you came here for.”
Janet replied innocently.

” Grab her!” Melody shouted, and two boys
sprang out of nowhere behind Janet, grabbing
her arms immediately.

Janet stood still and didn’t struggle with them.
Melody went to pick up an iron rod that had
dried blood on it, approaching Janet slowly.

” This backyard… Is where I take care of victims
who think they’re better than me, like you. Do
you know how many different people I’ve ki||ed
with this rod?” Melody muttered wickedly.

Janet scanned the rod curiously with her eyes.

” I detected different typed of blood belonging to
72 different people.” Janet reported.

” I didn’t know you could count that high. In fact
I’ve ki||ed so many fools with this d@mn thing
that I lost count already.” She said and laughed

” Once I smack you with this thing, I bet your
head will fall off. I’ll crush your stupid body
parts and sell them to eight different countries.
You’ll be gone for good.” Melody spat, raising
the rod to hit Janet with it.

Cleo’s eyes widened as she saw what was
about to happen. She instantly left the dumpster
amd started to run fastly to Janet.

” No!” Cleo shouted, and everything entered into
a slow motion.

The sign of danger made her dangerous
instincts come to life, and her evil side began to
take over.

” Alert. You’re about to get hit by a metal rod.
Activate ultra defence mode.” Alexa notified,
and Janet’s eyes went shut.

By the time they opened up, her blue eyes had
turned completely red, glowing so ominously
with terror and danger.

Before the rod could hit her head, she
immediately pulled one of the boys to step in
front of it. The rod hit his head instead, so hard
that his skull cracked on the forehead and blood
splashed, then he crumbled lifelessly to the

Cleo stopped running and watched with shock.

Melody stared at his dead body with wide eyes,
slowly looking up at Janet.

Janet took the second guy and hit her forehead
against his. His eyes rolled up funnily and he
fainted, then she was left with Janet.

Janet turned her face in a scary manner to
Melody, scaring guts out of her soul that she
dropped the rod shakily.

Janet began stepping forward to her slowly. She
stepped back fearfully, not taking her eyes from

” Janet!” Cleo finally shouted from her spot, but
Janet seemed not to hear her. The evil dark side
had taken her over completely.

As Melody stepped backwards, her back came
in contact with the wall, meaning the end of the
road for her. She continued to stare in horror as
Janet came closer and stopped right in front of

Janet spread out her palm. Five long finger
blades came out of her fingers instantly, and
Cleo’s eyes widened as she started running to

” Janet, stop!” She shouted. As soon as she got
to Janet, Janet striked at Melody with the
blades, and blood splashed at her face.

” Aaaaaarrrrgghh!!!” Melody screamed frightfully
and closed her eyes tightly.

She wasn’t the one who got struck. Cleo placed
an arm in front of Melody before she could get
harmed, and she got harmed instead. Blood
was currently dripping madly from the deep cut
she got.

The evil side controlling Janet cleared off her
system, and she got back to her senses. Her
eyes stopped glowing and returned to blue

Her finger blades also went in next, returning to
her normal fingernails.

She noticed Cleo first in front of Melody, who
held the arm painfully and fell on her knees
while bleeding. Melody instantly opened her
eyes and ran off like hell.

Cleo’s eyes were on her arm as it continued to
produce red blood.

” Cleopatra Santiago? You have a severe injury
on your right arm. You’re losing 4 ounces of
blood per second. Your bleeding could become
a serious thr_@t to your survival if it’s not treated
on time.” Janet spoke innocently as Cleo kept
on holding the bloody arm in pain.

” It was you who slashed me, Janet. Don’t you
know?” Cleo muttered uneasily, and Janet
became confused.

” I do not recall slashing you, Cleopatra. I don’t
understand what you’re talking about.” She said,
and Cleo stood up.

” How can you not understand? You just grew
long finger blades and was about to Melody
with them when I placed my arm in front of you
and received the cut instead. You’re the one who
just harmed me Janet!” Cleo spoke and
groaned, falling on her knees again because of
the severe pains.

” I don’t remember ever causing harm to you,
Cleopatra. Please don’t accuse me of a deed I
never made.” Janet said.

Despite the bleeding, Cleo let go of her arm like
she didn’t feel pain anymore and looked at
Janet questioningly.

” You’re seriously not playing with me right now,
right?” She muttered.

” I’m not playing with you because there’s no
fun in this situation.” Janet replied with her
blank expression.

Cleo groaned and held the arm again, crying as
she felt like hot nails were pierced into her arm.
Janet’s first aid instincts came on, and she
instantly got a white clothe from her pocket.

She went to Cleo and wrapped it ski||fully
around the bleeding cut. The white cloth turned
red with blood immediately. Luckily, it stopped
the bleeding but Cleo was still in pains.

Janet had inbuilt first aid items in case of these
emergencies. She spread out her palm and a
hole appeared in the middle, then a little bottle
popped out of the hole and the hole

She grabbed the little bottle and brought it to
Cleo’s arm. It contained a mysterious liquid that
could heal faster than normal.

” I advise to try not to scream as this liquid may
hurt you.” Janet said before emptying the liquid
over Cleo’s wound.

Cleo’s eyes instantly widened. She defied
Janet’s advice completely and screamed so
wildly that one could think she had gone insane.

The blood-stained clothe on her arm turned
white again, and she stopped screaming. Janet
unwrapped the white fabric from Cleo’s arm
amd the wound was gone. She was completely

Cleo stared at the healed arm in astonishment.

” How do you explain this now? The cutting of
my arm? Why did you try to attack Melody when
your eyes went red again?” She asked Janet

” I still have no knowledge of what you’re talking
about.” Janet responded.

Cleo paused to think and started to get some
ideas. When her eyes turned red and she began
attacking the man in the club, she also said that
she didn’t remember anything. Same thing
happened with Melody again.

” Or… Could it be that your eyes turn red, you
start to attract mercilessly and afterwards, you
won’t remember anything?” Cleo wondered.

” It might be the case because your reasoning
seems slightly logical.” Janet replied.

” And when your eyes turn red… Did you feel
angry? Any feeling of rage?”

” I didn’t feel anything like that.” Janet replied,
and Cleo looked at her worriedly.

” Come on. Let’s get out of here before anyone
spots us.” Cleo grabbed her arm hurriedly,
leaving the place wuth her.

As soon as they drove off in her car, agents
from SpiderWall raided the club immediately,
pouring in large numbers.

” Search the club. Find that android for me at all
costs. If anyone tries to act funny, blow off their
heads.” Ms. Yasmin ordered, and they all went

After 5 minutes, screams and shouts began
coming from the clubbers inside.

TBC. To Be Continued 🤩🤩🤩

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