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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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DANGEROUS EMOTIONS – Episode 11 & 12

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( Android With No Emotions)

Theme: Making Her Feel.

Episodes 11 💞 12

Written by Authoress Dynamite O.


{Beaten to Stupor}

#UNEDITED. Beware of errors.

” I said it be, Ɓîtçh. Things are gonna get messy
for you.” She muttered before walking away to
her car, driving off.


Janet arrived at school with her school bag
behind her. As soon às she stepped in, the
students went wild and crowded her again.

” Janet, be my girl!”

” I wanna have your phone number!”

” You’re so pretty!”

” I wish I were in your shoes!”

” I’m so jealous of you!”

They kept oj saying all sorts of things like that
to her. She wanted to meet Cleo, so she pushed
her way through them till she was out of their
modst and went in search for Cleo.

She went to the misic department. Luckily, she
found Cleo there, sitting in front of the piano
while playing it.

She approached Cleo and stood beside her. Cleo
didn’t even acknowledge her presence and kept
on playing the keys like no one was there.

” Cleopatra Santiago.” Janet called her by her
full name, but she ignored her and even
increased the piano’s loudness, pressing the
keys harder.

Janet called again for the second time, but Cleo
ignored her again. Having no idea what to do,
she left Cleo to herself and walked out of the

When Cleo heard her footsteps getting fainter,
she stopped playing the piano and looked at the

Janet stepped out and walked through the
hallway with no idea of what to do. The
students found her again and surrounded her,
worshipping her like a goddess.

Mario pushed through the crowd and stood in
front of her. At the same time, Cleo came out of
the music room and saw them together. She
wondered what was happening.

With the cutest smile ón his face, he went down
on one knee and held Janet’s hand. Students
went crazy with wild screams immediately.

Cleo’s eyes popped out, and she felt her heart
break. It was as if her heart got crushed by a
bulldozer and was thrown into a deep abyss.

How could he kneel in front of another girl?
After she had a crush on him for three good
years? It was so unbelievable that she wished it
was a dream. But no, it was f-__-kin’ real.

Tears streamed down her face and she palmed
her mouth. She ran away from there as her heart
couldn’t bear the heartbreak anymore.

” Will you come eat lunch with me?” Mario
asked and all the girls squealed in excitement.

” I can’t eat lunch wuth you, because I can’t
consume food.” Janet replied, and everywhere
went silent as the smile left Mario’s face.

He stood up and left her hand too.

” It’s alright if you aren’t hungry. At least just sit
with me and discuss a bit.” He persisted and but
his lip, not ready to give up.

” I do not have the convenience to sit with you. I
have to speak to someone else.” She replied and
walked off, but someone blocked her way

Rocky, and he had a proud smirk on his face as
he leaned in closer to her face.

” I hope you haven’t forgotten about our
competition.” He spoke, expecting her to feel a
bit nervous.

” I haven’t forgotten about the competition, but
you also didn’t mention a specific date for it.”
She replied, and that made his face retreat from

” We’re having the competition, right now at the
cafeteria.” He declared.

” Alright.” She simply said and walked away
from him.

Rocky stood there with a suspiscious look on
his face. Just what was making this girl so
courageous that she didn’t even act like she
was afraid of losing?

” Hey.” Mario said and approacged gim, bringing
Roxky back from his thoughts.

” If you’re gonna compete with someone, at
least do it respectfully. You think she can’t beat
you or what?” Mario said further, and Rocky

” And when did you start rooting for her? You
really think she’s gonna win?”

” Oh, I think she’s gonna win. Shell bring your
f-__-kin’ pride down and you’ll be so ashamed
you won’t even be able to lift your face up.
You’re the god of talents, right? Let’s see if you
still are after the competition.” Mario spaat
before leavíng Rocky, and Rocky turned back to
Mario’s retreating back with a scoff.

” Just how many people has this gírl charmed?”
He asked himself before leaving the spot too.


When Janet went in search of Cleo again but
couldn’t find her, she went to the cafeteria only
to meet all students of UMA waiting and
chattering excitedly for the quiz battle.

Rocky was standing in the middle, smirking
proudly. His smirk grew wider when he saw her
at the door.

” Here comes the loser.” Melody spoke beside
him and laughed.

Janet took her position beside him, not minding
anything else.

Flash stood in front of them with a list of
questions. He was gonna be handling the quiz

” First person to answer each question wins a
point. There are just 20 questions here, and the
person with highest points is the winner. Got it?”
He stated.

” Affirmative.” Janet answered, but no response
from Rocky.

” May I have 5 minutes on the clock please?”
Flash requested, and the timer was set.

The quiz began at the ringing of a bel, and time
stated to count down. As Flash read each
question, Janet was answering it all before he
could even finish. Rocky was helpless as he
hadn’t answered a single question, and there
were just two minutes left.

Students were already hyping Janet on as she
crushed the quiz and won each point. By the
moment time was up, she had answered all 20

Everywhere became quiet when the quiz was
over. Without mentioning any names, they all
knew who the winner was already.

Rocky stood with fists clenched, glaring at
Janet jealously.

” All points have been tallied. The winner of this
competition is Janet Coleman.” Flash
announced without wasting time, and the
students sprang up, roaring insanely in

Mario was smiling widely on his spot as he
watched Rocky boil on his spot while stuffing
his face with popcorn. If not that he had a
mouthful, he could’ve been laughing his @zz off
right now.

Students came to meet Janet celebrated
cheerfully around her. Two guys immediately
carried her on their shoulders, and they all exited
the cafeteria wuth her.

The three Platinum boys and Melody were left
in the cafeteria. Rocky never left his spot.

” Nice going. You challenged a girl and you
finally got beaten at your own game. Happy
now?” Flash told him.

Without another word, Rocky began storming
out. Mario couldn’t keep his laughter in anymore
and cackled loudly at Rocky as popcorn flew
out of his mouth.

Melody knew best tham to try to pacify Rocky,
so she followed him out silently.


After a while, Janet was later left alone amd she
was now searching for Cleo. The students
haven’t stopped talking about the competition, it
officially became the trending topic of the day.

Janet stopped walking in front of the restrooms
when she detected sobbing noises coming from

” I just wanna die. I wanna f-__-kin’ die. What use
is my life if no one loves me? I have no friends
and no bi is ready to even date me. I’m a
meaningless freak!” Cleo cried loudly from

” Cleopatra Santiago?” Janet called when she
recognized her voice, and cleo instantly became
quiet, also recognizing Janet’s voice.

” Can I talk to you?” Janet requested politely.

” Just get the f-__-k out of herr and never talk the
s**t ever to me again, you hear me?” Cleo spoke
meanly and resumed sobbing.

” Why are you crying in a restroom?” Janet
inquired innocently, and the door flung open
strongly, revealing Cleo’s teary face. She glared
furiously at Janet.

” I told you not to f-__-kin’ talk to me, right? You
went ahead to steal my crush even with the fact
that you’re an android, and you dare aske me
the reason why I’m crying. You think it’s easy to
love someone for three good years and still
watch them love someone else, right? You think
it’s funny!” She roared hurtfully, panting heavily.

” I don’t think it’s funny, Cleopatra. I also don’t
know if it’s easy to witness all that, especially
because I have no feelings.” Janet said, and
Cleo bursted into tears.

” You have no feelings, so it only means that
you don’t love him. You don’t love Mario and yet
he proposed to you. He loves you amd you don’t
love him, you’re only gonna use him!” Cleo
accused, crying even louder.

” I’m not going to use Mario, and he didn’t
propose to me.” Janet responded, and Cleo
stopped sobbing.

” When he knelt in front of you on one knee,
what did he tell you? Didn’t he propose to you?”

” He didn’t propose to me. He demanded that I
eat lunch with him, but I declined his request
because I can’t consume food.” Janet explained,
and Cleo’s eyes darted to the ground in

” I also came to talk to you earlier, but you
ignored me like you had no knowledge I was
calling you.” She said again, and Cleo looked up
tearily, feeling so much regret.

” But why didn’t you tell me this before? Why
saying all this now?”

” I couldn’t find you to tell you everything before.
And a while ago, I had a competition with
Rocky, the Platinum Boys leader.” Janet
narrated again.

Cleo couldn’t help but burst out tearfully, and
she pulled Janet into a tight hug, closing her
eyes shut.

” I’m so sorry, Janet. I’ve been such a Ďïčkhead
and @zzh0le. I don’t even know what to say
anymore. I’m so sorry I misunderstood you.”
Cleo spoke while crying on Janet, and Janet
reciprocated the hug.

” You don’t have to call yourself names. It’s nit
polite to do to yourself.” Janet replied.

” I deserve to call myself more names than that.
I thought he proposed to you, but I didn’t know.
I’m so sorry.” She apologized again and broke
the hug.

Janet felt different while she was hugging Cleo
earlier. It felt like a new, strange feeling; a A
feeling of safety, trust and friendship.

A phone beeped in Janet’s bag, and she took it
off to check out the phone. She saw a text
message on it from an unknown source, and
Cleo saw it too.

” Who’s that?” Cleo wondered, nit taking her
eyes off the screen.

” I have no information about the sender of this
message.” Janet replied and clicked the
message open, then they read the text together.

STUDENT TITLE. The message read.

Janet and Cleo glanced at themselves silently.
Wth various questions in their eyes.

” Whoever sent this text definitely had the star
Student title before, and that’s none other than
Rocky’s girlfriend, Melody. She must be the one
that also sent the message” Cleo stated, but
Kanet remained silent.

” What could happen when the whole school
knows your secret Janet? You told me freely,
but I’m okay about you being an android. They
could try to find and kidnap you, you could get
expelled, the government could try taking you
hostage, and I’d never see you again. Everything
will turn upside down the moment your secret
gets out.” Cleo tolf Janet with worry evidently
written on her face.

” If I’m taken hostage, I’ll never learn the main
reason I came to this school. I came to this
school to learn about emotions.” Janet said.

” If it’s emotions you wanna know about, you’ll
learn it al and remain in this school with me. I
won’t let your secret get exposed at all.” Cleo
promised and gave her a short but warm hug.

” The message states that if I don’t go to
Clubhouse Freaky tomorrow, my secret will get
exposed. What will I do now Cleopatra?” Janet

” We’ll go there together and stop her from
revealing your secret, I promise you. You’re my
best friend now, so I won’t let anything bad
happen to you.” Cleo smiled affectionately and
hugged Janet for the umpteenth time.


Melody was walking through with Violet while
talking about Rocky’s failure in the eariler

Shady was resting peacefully on a locker when
they came across her. She was a scary looking
goth girl with earrings on her purple lips and
had purple hair as well. She also had
headphones on, listening to heavy metal while
reading a horror novel simultaneously.

Melody and Violet smirked when they saw her
and went directly to her.

” Hey Ɓîtçh.” Melody called fearlessly. Because
of the loudness from her earphones, Shady
couldn’t hear her and kept on reading.

At the same time, Violet snatched her horror
novel while Melody took her headphones. She
glanced at them both blankly without moving
her head.

” Are you deaf or what? I’m calling you and you
pretend noy to hear me. Freakin’ foól!” Melody
spat and smacked the headphones to the
ground, destroying it completely.

” And why do you keep reading these dang
horror books everytime? They make me wanna
throw up backwards.” Violet also said and
ripped the book in half, throwing the pieces at
Shady’s face.

Shady watched as the papers slowly fell to the
ground. Melody then gripped her purple hair,
pulling it hard from her scalp.

Shady was once friends with Violet and Melody,
and that time they were the unbreakable trio.
But something happened that broke their
friendship, and since then they’ve become
enemies of themselves for an unknown reason.

Shady wasn’t yelping in pain or anything.
Instead, she smiled darkly as Melody continued
to pull her hair.

She gripped Melody’s hair too, but ten times
harder than Melody gripped hers. Melody left
her hair and screamed in agonizing torture, then
Shady slapped her soundly and she collapsed
to the ground.

Violet’s eyes widened as Shady faced her next.
She tried to run away, but Shady caught her
easily and sank two fingers up her nostril,
pulling it mercilessly.

” Aaaaaarrrrgghh!!!” Violet cried painfully as
blood began to wet Shady’s fingers from her

Shady pulled out after a while and Violet fell to
the ground, bleeding from her nose. Shady
inhaled the blood and smiled evilly before
licking it off her fingers completely.

” Your blood is just what I needed to quench my
bloody thirst.” Shady said and bent beside Violet
who shifted back fearfully.

” I want you to get another copy of the horror
novel you tore before the end of today,
understood?” Shady ordered.

Violet nodded without a word, then she went to
Melody who was gripping her head in pains.

Shady pulled it up and made Melody look into
her face. She cried as her scalp hurted her

” Replace the headphones you broke, or I’mma
replace it with your head before the end of
today. Ɓîtçh.” Shady spat heartlessly and threw
her head away, then she walked away from

Because she was in the martial arts department,
she was able to beat them up so easily.

” Violet, you’re bleeding.” Melody said when she
saw how blood rushed down her nose.

” Please get me some tissues.” Violet spoke in
agony, and Melody clenched her fists.

” I swear, I’m gonna make that evil witch pay for
what she did. She’s gonna regret this.” Melody

TBC. To Be Continued 🤩🤩🤩

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