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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( Android With No Emotions)

Theme: Making Her Feel.

Episodes 3 💞 4

Written by Authoress Dynamite O.


{A Special School}

” Fire at them!” The leader commanded and they
started $h00ting rapidly at the two men.

They climbed up the roof to the vent which was
wide enough for both of them to crawl through.
Dr. Mark help on tight to the android with an
arm and hugged Beatrice to his chest with the

” We have to find a way to get out of here.” Dr.
Chang told him.

” How could we possibly get out of here? This
place has high security, and if we get caught
well both be boiled alive. Also, how did you
know I needed help?” Dr. Mark said.

” Isn’t it obvious? I was in the office with Boss,
and she had the CCTV computer in her office. I
saw you through the CCTV and knew that you
needed help, so that’s why I’m here like this.” Dr.
Chang mentioned.

” But why would you wanna help me? I barely
know you and we’ve met just once in our lives,
and this is the second time we’re meeting!” Dr.
Mek raised his voice a little.

” Keep it down, and ask me those questions
later. Let’s just focus on getting outta here alive.
” Dr. Chang said cautiously, and Dr. Mark

They both began to crawl quietly through the
roof vent. As they went, they got to the top of a
room filled with numerous guards. There was a
net like hatch where they could see through to
the room.

” Alright. These guards probably don’t know that
there’s an alarm going off. All we have to do is
move silently till we’ve reached the other side.”
Dr. Chang whispered quietly, and Dr. Mark

As they crawled over the room, Dr. Mark had
forgotten totally about Beatrice. The pains from
her wounds hit her and she let out a loud cry, so
loud that they froze in shock and fear.

The noise got the guards attention, and they all
turned to the roof to see them crawling through.

” Hey! Who’s up in the roof?” A guard asked.

” I don’t know. But ma’am said that two doctors
just climbed through the roof with an android
and are trying to escape. I think that might be
them.” Another said.

” Fire!” A command came, and they began to
$h00t with rapid fire at the roof.

They both knew that they were screwed and
tried to crawl out fast. As they did, a bullet
unfortunately sank into Dr. Chang’s leg.

” Aaaaaarrrrgghh!” He yelled and stopped
moving, holding the bloody leg.

” Dr. Chang!” Dr. Mark screamed in horror, but
another bullet got him through the chest.

Dr. Mark began to dodge the coming bullets as
they tried to $h00t him too.

” Aaaaaarrrrgghh!!” Dr. Chang screamed again,
going down as he bled from his chest. Dr.
Mark’s eyes became wide in horror as Dr. Chang
suffered in front of him.

” Go! Leave… me here! Get out of here… before
you get shot too! I’m useless now! Just… go!” Dr.
Chang yelled with the last strength in him,
coughing out blood.

” Are you crazy? I can’t possibly leave you here!
You’ve helped me get this far and you suddenly
want me to abandon you? I won’t do that!” Dr.
Mark yelled stubbornly.

” Dr… Dr. Mark… If you want me to die
peacefully because you can’t save me now,
make me happy by getting out of this agency
alive. I can’t let all my efforts go to waste.” He
spoke uneasily and coughed out more blood,
and Dr. Mark began to cry.

More bullets rained into the vent, and he had to
keep dodging. He moved on from Dr. Chang and
left him behind, and Dr. Chang smiled, happy
that he’ll escape the agency.

A bullet shot through his forehead, and more
bullets $h|t into his body. He laid still with his
eyes opened and died like that as his blood
wetted the whole place.

Dr. Mark finally got to the end of the vent and
opened a hatch above his head. He crawled out
of the vent with the android and Beatrice,
panting so heavily that he fell on his knees
when he got out.

He looked up to find himself out of the agency,
right in front of it and night had fallen. He found
an abandoned car across the street and quickly
ran to the car.

He placed the android in the back seat and
placed Beatrice in the front seat while he sat
behind the steering wheel.

He put seatbelts for Beatrice and secured the
android too. He held the steering wheel but
paused for a minute, staring at his front.

He broke down into tears and his head fell on
the steering. He cried hard as he remembered
that he had gotten out of the agency alive.

” We made it. We made it, my treasure. We
finally escaped that mad CIA. We’re free at last.”
He cried joyfully and ignited the car.

At that moment, battalions of guards poured
out of the agency and saw the car with the
doctor in it.

” There he is! $h00t! Target the tyres!” The
leader commanded, and they all tarted to $h00t
at the car.

Dr. Mark instantly sped off with the car as more
bullets tried to hit the tyres. They were
unsuccessful after many attempts and he was
already getting far away from them.

The Japanese woman, Ms. Yasmin stepped out
of the agency, holding large bazooka. She
placed it on her shoulder and aimed at the car.

” So long, Dr. Mark.” She spat wickedly and shot
at the car. A long bomb sped out of it, going
twice the speed to the car.

It met the car at it’s trunk in no time, and an
expensive explosion happened. They car got
thrown the air and somersaulted three times
before landing on the ground in flames.


In a mansion, Dr. Mark sat in the living room
while studying a newspaper. He had reading
glasses on and was so focused on what he was

He suddenly dropped the paper, and a picture of
SpiderWall logo was in one of the pages he was
reading. He zoned out, thinking of what
happened 9 years ago.


The car exploded and somersaulted thrice in the
sky before landing on the ground in flames.

Dr. Mark and Beatrice fot thrown out of the car
while it somersaulted. Right now, he was lying
unconsciously from the burning car while
Beatrice cried beside him. Just the android was
no where to be found.

” Go search if their bodies are still intact.” Ms.
Yasmin ordered, and all the guards moved
forward at once, coming slowly though.

Something rose up from the burning car,
covered in flaming pieces. The guards stepped
back as they watched the flaming pieces fell
from the body of the person, which happened to
be the android.

She was in the middle of the burning car, but the
fire didn’t harm her at all.

Ms. Yasmin came to stand in front of the
guards, facing the android boldly from afar.

” Hello there, android.” Ms. Yasmin smiled, but
the android stared at them expressionlessly.

” I can see that you can withstand fire too, such
a unique ability. Why don’t you step forward
yourself and come to me? I could make you a
better android! We’ll take over the world together
and share it. I’ll take 50, and you’ll have 50 too.”
She said, but the android remained standing like
a log of wood.

” Does it understand English?” She whispered,
but the guards didn’t know.

” 159 people standing in front of you. 158
guards detected, thr_@ts. Destroy them all.”
Alexa, her system said, and she stood in combat
mode again.

Ms. Yasmin scoffed. ” This android doesn’t
know what’s good for herself. I’m done talking,
just go grab the android.” She spoke and
yawned, and the guards came for her

She spread out her palms like a bird about to
take off, and her fingernails grew into long
metal blades; finger blades. They attacked her
but she fought them off ski||fully, doing several
dangerous stunts at a time as the wind blew her
hair, making the scene more tense.

Out of 158 guards, only two were left as 156
were lying on the ground. They were about to
grab her when she pushed them off using the
sides of her blades, and they fell to the ground
in defeat.

Strangely, there was no bloodshed. She didn’t
injure a single one of them or make them bleed.
It was very mysterious because in the lab, her
eyes turned red and she ki||ed two guards. But
now here eyes were blue and she didn’t ki||

She went to Dr. Mark and Beatrice. She carried
Dr. Mark easily on her shoulder and hugged
Beatrice to her side, then rocket boots alerted on
her feet.

Fire came out of them and boosted her off the
ground, taking three of them into the sky. She
flew far away from them while Ms. Yasmin
stared at her, but staring blankly.

She took out something small, it was a tiny little
disk with the SpiderWall logo on it which was a
red spider. It looked like a virus.

” I’ll get you soon, android.” She said and smiled
at the tiny disk and laughed out wickedly.


That was what happened 9 years ago that led
him here. Immediately he gained
consciousness, he flew them all out of the
country to another distant country where he was
sure that SpiderWall would never find them,
New York.

Through the nine years, he spent years finding
information about SpiderWall and making sure
that they could never get to them. He picked up
the newspaper again and resumed his research.

” Dad! Can Janet help me with my homework?
It’s really hard and I can’t do it myself.” Beatrice
said from the stairs, coming down with Janet.

Dr. Mark stood up and took off his reading
glasses as he watched them come. Beatrice
was now 9 years of age while Janet was the
female android.

” Hi Dad.” Beatrice said when she got to him,
and Janet stood behind her.

” What is it Beatrice? What were you telling me
about homework?” He asked.

” Don’t tell me you didn’t hear. I have a lot of
math homework to do, and I also have to
update my social media accounts. She needs to
help me if you want everything done on time.”
She said, and Dr. Mark sighed heavily.

” For the last time Beatrice, how long do I have
to keep telling you that Janet isn’t just a robot
that you can use to your advantage?” He said

” But Dad, she is a robot! Robots are meant to
help humans, and she’s supposed to help me!”
Beatrice retorted.

They both began to argue while Janet watched
them interestedly with that same blank look on
her face.

” Janet isn’t helping you with anything, so go up
to your room and do that homework all by
yourself, now!” He shouted, and she groaned.

” Fine! I’m going to my room!” She replied and
stormed off, going up the stairs.

She banged her room door shut loudly, and Dr.
Mark fell on the chair with a heavy groan,
closing his eyes.

” Everyday, I’m always battling with this same
topic. Janet’s not an ordinary robot, she’s a part
of this family.” He muttered, forgetting that
Janet was right beside him.

” Which other Janet is part of this family?” She
asked, startling him out of his thoughts. He
faced her and gave a light smile before pulling
her to sit with him.

” Janet.” He said smiling while she looked
blankly at him.

” How are your circuits doing? Are you feeling
great?” He asked.

” My circuits are doing fine, and I don’t feel
great. I feel normal.” She replied, and he sighed.

” Dr. Mark…” She said.

” Don’t call me that again. I’m your father, your
human father. Call me Dad like your sister does.
” He said, and she nodded.

” Dad… Why do you argue with Beatrice
everyday? Has there been a long term conflict
between you both that hasn’t been resolved?”
She inquired.

” Yes, and No.I wasn’t arguing with your sister,
and we’re not in conflict. I simply told her that
she can’t keep on using you like an ordinary
tool. Ever since we’ve been living together, I just
wonder why Beatrice wants to make you feel
always left out, like you’re not a part of the
family. I h@ťě it when she calls you a robot,
because she should be calling you her sister.”
He narrated.

” You made us sisters, Dad. And Beatrice isn’t
wrong, after all I am an artificial robot.” Janet

” I agree with you. But you’re an android, way
more than a robot to me. You have these…
Impossible abilities I’ve never even seen, and
you’re even beautiful too. Family is more than
appearance, it’s about loving each other no
matter what we are, or what we look like.” He

” But, Dad… What is love?” She asked.

” Love? Well… I…” He stammered, unsure of
what to say. He didn’t know the answer, but he
wanted to avoid telling her he had no idea.

” Janet, don’t worry. One day you’ll understand
emotions, just like we humans do. You’ll soon
learn to love your family and people around you
when it’s the time. Or don’t you love us?” He
said hopefully.

” I don’t love you and Beatrice, Dad, because I
don’t know what love is. Please explain it to me.
” She requested, and he sighed hopelessly.

” I wanted to avoid telling you before, but I don’t
know. I have no idea.” He confessed.

” Then what are emotions? What is it that
humans feel like when they cry, laugh or get
angry? What is it that I’m curious to know?” She
said inquisitively.

” Well… I don’t know as well Janet. When
humans cry, laugh or get angry, it’s because
they all have a heart. A Herat is what makes us
have emotions.” He said, and Janet looked
down at her chest before looking at him.

” But… I don’t jave a heart. So I can’t have
emotions.” She muttered, and he bit his bottom

” Janet, you don’t have to have a heart before
having emotions. I don’t care what you are, all I
know is that I love you, just like my daughter.
You have to believe me.” He confessed, holding
her shoulders dearly.

” But how can I believe you when I don’t
understand what you’re talking about? How can
I live with you and Beatrice knowing that I can’t
love you both? I want to have emotions too Dad,
just like a real human being. Maybe if I’m like a
human being, we can stop hiding from
SpiderWall and they’ll stop trying to capture me.
” She spoke smartly.

” Trust me, Janet. SpiderWall will never stop
trying to find you even if it takes centuries. I’m
trying my best to protect you, please understand
that.” He said, and she nodded silently, then he
let go of her shoulders and hugged her.

She didn’t reciprocate the hug, she only stayed
still while he hugged her. The door to Beatrice’s
room opened, and she came downstairs only to
see them hugging.

She stopped on her tracks, staring at them
shockingly. Her face scrunched up painfully and
she started crying. She palmed her face and ran
back upstairs, shutting the door completely on

Dr. Mark broke the hug with Janet afterwards,
unaware that Beatrice came seconds ago.

” I’ll let you in on an idea I just got recently. If
you want to feel just humane just like us, I know
where to place you. A school will be best for you
at this hour, so I’ll find the perfect school for
you. You can’t just remain with me all day
everyday, you have to go to school like your
sister.” He told her.

” School is a place where a person goes to gain
knowledge. I don’t need to gain knowledge, I
have infinite knowledge.” She replied.

” I’m not talking about a regular school. I’ll find a
special school for you where you can interact
with people and discover friends, or even
emotions. It’ll be a special school, just for you.”
He said gladly.

” I’ll be willing to go to wh@ťěver school you
choose for me as long as I will learn about
human emotions. Thank you for this
opportunity, Dad.” She said gratefully.

” You’re welcome, Janet.” He responded and
hugged her with a big smile.

TBC. To Be Continued 🤩🤩🤩

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