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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{He’s a segz freak

She’s crazy}

By Mhiz Topzy and Anny Oluchi

Genre-Billionaire romance

Not edited expect some errors



As the prison gates swung open and I took my
first steps towards freedom, a surge of
determination coursed through my veins. I was
no longer the man who had entered those
prison walls. I had a fire burning within me, a
burning desire to reclaim my life and make a
name for myself in the business world.

With a newfound sense of purpose, I reached
out to my father, eager to tap into his wealth of
knowledge and connections. It had been a while
since we had last spoken, and I hoped he would
be willing to help me on my path to redemption.

“Hello, Dad,” I greeted, my voice filled with a mix
of anticipation and gratitude.

“James, my boy! It’s good to hear your voice,” he
responded warmly. “I’ve been waiting for this
day. How are you doing?”

“I’m doing alright, Dad. I’ve made some
mistakes, but I’m ready to turn my life around,” I
confessed, my voice tinged with determination.

“I believe in you, son,” he said, his words lifting
my spirits. “I’ve been keeping an eye on some
potential business opportunities for you. Let me
send you the contacts I’ve gathered. I’m
confident they’ll be a great starting point for

Gratitude flooded my heart as I thanked my
father for his unwavering support. Within
minutes, my inbox was filled with a wealth of
names and numbers, each representing a
potential stepping stone towards rebuilding my

Armed with my father’s contacts and my own
resilience, I threw myself into the business
world. It was a whirlwind of meetings,
networking events, and countless phone calls. I
dove headfirst into every opportunity,
determined to prove myself and create a future
that would make Amy proud.

Days turned into weeks, and before I knew it, a
month had passed since my release from
prison. Despite the initial challenges, I had
managed to secure several promising deals and
establish a reputation for myself. It was a
testament to my hard work and unwavering

With each successful transaction, my
confidence grew. I began to believe that I could
truly turn my life around, not just financially, but
in every aspect. I was no longer defined by my
past mistakes but by the resilience and
determination that burned within me.

During this time, I also found solace in
reconnecting with old friends and making new
ones. The support and camaraderie I received
from my peers reminded me that I was not
alone on this journey. They saw the potential in
me and offered their guidance and
encouragement, helping me navigate the
intricacies of the business world.

As I sat in my newly furnished office, the walls
adorned with symbols of my newfound
success, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of
gratitude. My thoughts often drifted to Amy. She
had been my beacon of hope, my reason to
strive for better. I longed for the day when I
could make things right with her, to show her
the person I had become and the love I still held
for her.

But for now, I focused on rebuilding my life and
making a name for myself. The path to
redemption was not an easy one, but I was
determined to carve my own legacy and prove
that I was more than my past mistakes.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks
into months, I found myself back on my feet
financially. The business world had embraced
me, and I had begun to earn the respect and
trust of my peers.

One evening, as I sat in my office reviewing
some business proposals, my phone buzzed
with an incoming call. The familiar ringtone
sent a jolt of anticipation through my veins. It
was Amy.

“Hey, James,” she greeted, her voice laced with a
mix of curiosity and hesitation. “I’ve been
hearing some positive things about your
ventures. I must admit, I’m impressed.” She said
trying to act formal.

A surge of hope filled my heart at her words.
“Thank you, Amy. It means a lot to hear that
from you.”

There was a moment of silence before she
continued, her voice softer this time. “I’ve been
doing some soul-searching too, James. I’ve
come to realize that we both made mistakes in
the past. But I want you to know that I see the
change in you. I see the effort you’ve put into
rebuilding your life.”

Tears welled up in my eyes, a mixture of relief
and gratitude. “Amy, I can’t express how much it
means to hear you say that. I’ve been working
hard to become a better person, for myself and
for you.”

There was a pause, and I could sense the
weight of her words. “I still need time, James.
Time to heal and process everything. But I want
you to know that there’s a part of me that still
cares deeply for you.”

My heart swelled with a mix of emotions. While
it wasn’t a definite reconciliation, it was a
glimmer of hope, a spark of possibility. I was
willing to give her all the time she needed.

“I understand, Amy,” I replied, my voice filled
with sincerity. “Take all the time you need. I’ll be
here, patiently waiting for you. Just know that
my love for you has never wavered.”

As we ended the call, a sense of peace washed
over me. It wasn’t the grand reconciliation I had
hoped for, but it was a start. It was a chance to
rebuild the trust and connection that had once
defined our relationship.

In the following days, I continued to focus on
my business ventures, each success fueling my
determination to prove myself. And with each
passing day, I held onto the hope that one day,
Amy and I would find our way back to each

But for now, I had learned the importance of
patience and growth. I had learned that
redemption was not just about righting past
wrongs, but about becoming the best version of

My business was flourishing and all my hard
work paying off, but there was always a void
within me—a longing to share my success and
my life with the woman I loved.

Then, one fateful evening, I received a message
from Amy. It was a simple invitation to meet for
coffee—an opportunity to reconnect and
perhaps heal the wounds that had kept us

As I entered the cozy café, I spotted Amy sitting
at a corner table, her eyes sparkling with a mix
of nerves and anticipation. She looked beautiful,
her radiant smile melting away any doubts or
fears that lingered within me.

I took a seat across from her, unable to tear my
gaze away from her mesmerizing eyes.
We talked for a few and then she commended
my hard work.
“Thank you, Amy,” I replied, my voice filled with
gratitude. “But none of it would mean anything
without you.”

There was a flicker of hesitation in her eyes, but
her words were filled with hope. “I’ve come to
realize that we can’t change the past, but we
can learn from it. We can grow and evolve. And I
believe that maybe, just maybe, there’s a future
for us.”

The weight of her words lifted from my
shoulders, replaced by a sense of lightness and
possibility. It was the second chance I had
longed for..or more like a fourth chance for me
rather—a chance to build something stronger
and more resilient.

“Amy, I’ve never stopped loving you,” I
confessed, my voice filled with sincerity. “You’ve
always been the one for me, and I’m willing to
do wh@ťěver it takes to earn back your trust and
make things right.”

Tears welled up in her eyes, and a smile tugged
at the corners of her lips. “James, I’m not
promising an easy road ahead. We have a lot of
healing to do, both individually and together.
But if we’re willing to put in the work, I believe
we can find our way back to each other.”
“I have been pushing my wedding date with
Jayden further because I knew I could not
afford to live in a life where you do not exist.
You have become a part of me and I am so
happy at how good you have turned to be. I’m
really proud of you James.” She said.
And in that moment, as we locked eyes and
shared a vulnerable embrace, I knew that our
love story wasn’t over. It was merely entering a
new chapter—one filled with forgiveness,
growth, and the unwavering commitment to
create a future built on trust and honesty…..

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