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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE MASTER’S SON – Episode 39 & 40

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CHAPTER 3️⃣9️⃣&4️⃣0️⃣


By: Naomi Cindy B.


“Take it back, Duran. She’s going nowhere” he
said, and the smile on Aragon’s face

How the hell did he get rid of the orb without the
sunlight? How did it happen?

He was still looking dumbstruck when Master
Duran spoke.

“Respect is one of the compulsory virtues of all
the disciples here, and you lack that in every
way possible”

“Seems you forgot I’m not a disciple here, you
made me a superior yourself, and even if I were
a disciple, I still wouldn’t respect you, no one
deserves that” Orion replied and walked to
Samara who was still kneeling.

He grabbed her hand, pulled her up and started
taking her away to the shock of everyone.

Chief Water tried stopping him, but Master
Duran held him back, and he relented, then
Aragon sped to them.

He landed behind Orion and made to touch him,
but Orion’s sword appeared and wielded itself,
facing his neck, so he stopped.

The sword remained on his neck till Orion went
out of sight with Samara, then it disappeared,
and Aragon gritted his teeth.

“A disciple of this institute went missing last
night” Master Duran said, bringing them all back
to the present.

Agatha started shaking in the middle of the
disciples immediately, and when Ceres saw her,
she smirked.

“Kaitlyn, does anyone know of her movement?”
Chief Water asked.

“No. She has no friends but she recently started
moving with Agatha” a disciple replied, and
Agatha gasped.

“Agatha?” Chief Water faced her, and she folded
her hands behind herself to tune down her
shakiness before looking up.

“Yes chief, we became friends for a short period
of time and I’m also shocked by her

She turned her face back to the ground after
saying that, and Ceres smiled when she
remembered how she bumped into her last

The assembly got dismissed, though everyone
has to go eat breakfast and prepare for morning

They started dispersing, and Ceres suddenly
blocked Agatha.

“You bumped into me last night remember? By
the gate, and you were running, sweating and
panting” she said, and Agatha tried to leave by
another way.

“Let me guess… you both sneaked out to do
something bad, and Kaitlyn was ki||ed by a
demon? Or was it a beast?” Ceres said, and
Agatha froze before turning back slowly.

“Watch your mouth” she said, and Ceres
laughed, holding her lips with her hand for a
minute before letting go.

“Of course I will, but it’d only take some hours
before master finds out what happened. I’ll wait
till then, that’d be more interesting” she said and
smiled knowingly at Agatha before walking

Agatha bit her tongue and rushed off.

“Krishna!” Ceres walked fast to him when she
saw him squatting in front of Cat, playing with

“Hey, are you ok?” He asked as he stood, and
she hugged him in response.

Lissa who’s just coming out of the villa saw
them, and she went sad immediately.

“Thanks for taking me out to the library last
night. Who knew what’d have happened if you
weren’t there to take care of me” Ceres said, and
Krishna broke the hug.

“It’s fine, but I felt something strange in the
library last night though, a dark energy” he said.

“Dark energy in the library? Maybe it’s the
energy from one of the ancient books, you must
have mistook it” she replied.

“You think so?* He said, and she nodded before
grabbing his arm.

“Eat breakfast with me, Raven can join us” she
said, and he frowned.

“I know you don’t like me, but as my brother’s
friend. Just this once ok?” She said, and he


“Yes! Come with me!” She pulled him away, and
Ruthie caught sight of them as they left

The smile on her face fell, and she was staring
at them without focusing on her way.

“He gave me a peck last night, and now he’s
allowing Ceres to touch him?” She muttered

She kept staring till she bumped into Lissa who
was also staring at them.

Immediately they bumped, Ruthie felt a rush of
coldness, and her body shook. She instantly
saw a vision, but it’s not very clear.

All she could see clearly was the tail of a fish,
and the cold kept hitting her as she stood there

“Ruthie!” Peony tapped her, making her jump
back to reality.

“Peony!” She gasped.

“What were you thinking? And why are you
shaking?” Peony asked.

“She’s gone?” She replied when she couldn’t find
Lissa anymore.

“She? Who?” Peony asked, and Ruthie blinked.

“Oh… nevermind and let’s go” she said, and
Peony shook her head as they walked away



Orion took Samara in immediately they got
there, and the darkness in the room made her
gasp, but the stars at the back of his hand
started shinning, illuminating the room.

“Why did you help me?” She asked calmly.

“You didn’t do it, it was obvious. I have more
than 100 personalities in my body so it’d be odd
if I don’t detect foul plays” he replied.

“What do you mean?” She asked.

“How often do you read your family manual?”
He asked.

“Everyday” she replied, and he scoffed.

“I doubt that”

He faced the wall and glared at it, then some
wordings appeared.


“This is the only paragraph in page 60 of your
manual. I read it just once and i assimilated
everything, but you read it everyday and yet you
don’t know this? You’re foolish” he said.

“I gave my first kiss to Superior Aragon” she

“Exactly my point! Your lips were black when
you attacked me to transfer the orb to me, it
was so obvious that you got orders from your
soulmate, Aragon” he replied angrily.

“He didn’t give me any order, I did it myself, I
wanted to punish you” she said senselessly.

“I don’t expect you to be in your right senses. He
did a clean job and you probably won’t believe
anything I tell you about him till you get
cleansed by your witchy juju spells” he replied.

“How did you get up though?” She asked.

“Don’t ask me that, I don’t wanna explain
anything to you when you’re still hooked with
Aragon. I heard Sheila is missing” he replied.

“I didn’t hear about it, where could she be” her
eyes widened.

“You have to help me find her” he replied, and
she blinked.




“Are you really gonna let Orion get away with
what he did earlier? He disgraced your orders in
front of all the disciples” chief Water said as he
came in.

Master Duran is standing in the middle of the
open room, hands behind himself.

“That wasn’t the first time he did it” he replied.


“Orion is my son, and I’ll take it if that’s what I
have to do to make up for what I did” Duran cut
him off.

“What you did?” Chief Water asked, and he
finally turned to face him.

“If I had just stayed alone after Kira died, then
things wouldn’t get so tough, but I went ahead
to marry a human who gave birth to Astrid. If I
hadn’t done that, Astrid wouldn’t have been born
to die, and there’d be no reason for Orion’s
curse” Duran replied dryly.

“Astrid’s human mother, where’s she right now?”
Chief Water asked.

“Her name is Rhea, and the last I heard is that
she’s in Berlin” Chief Feathers said, walking in.

“You’re awake” Chief Water asked.

“Don’t try what you tried last night anymore”
Feathers replied sternly.

“It was for your own good, and Orion is fine
now” Water replied.

“How? How did the orb get out without
sunlight?” She asked.

“That’s unimportant right now. Finding Kaitlyn
is on top of the list” Master Duran spoke.

“We have to combine our energies at sunset in
her room, we’d find her” Chief Feathers said.

“And Sheila?” Chief Water asked.

“This isn’t the first time she left without
goodbye” Master Duran replied.



Breakfast is currently on, and as promised,
Krishna is on the same table with Ceres, eating
with her while she kept staring.

“You should eat, staring at my face won’t make
you full” he spoke.

“That’s a big lie. Your face is a whole meal” she

“If you keep talking like this, then I’m leaving
this table” he replied, and she quickly grabbed
her spoon.

“I’ll eat” she said.

Ruthie is staring at them from her table, and she
almost poured water in her food, but Peony held
her hand.

“I know you have a crush on him but stop
staring at him everytime, it doesn’t seem like
he’s interested in any girl” she said.

“But she pecked me last night” Ruthie replied.

“And you think he likes you cos of that? Listen
he has pecked me once too when we practiced
together before you came here” Peony said.

“Huh?” Ruthie replied.

“Yeah, he’s an American so he’s like that with
everybody. You better get over him” Peony said.

“I don’t want to” Ruthie replied, fighting back her

“Don’t tell me you wanna cry” Peony said.

“It just hurts to see him with Ceres” Ruthie
replied and finally started crying.

“Oh my gosh, you’re crazy” Peony said.

“What’s up!” Raven joined them

“Raven!” Peony stood, and they kissed publicly.

“Why is she crying?” He asked.

“Take a guess” Peony replied, and Raven looked

“Oh… Krishna and my sister Ceres?”

“Exactly” Peony said.

“You should get over it, Ruthie. I’ve never seen
Krishna in any relationship, he might be my
friend but he’s still so difficult to read” Raven
replied, and Peony started wiping Ruthie’s tears.

Agatha is alone on her table, picking on her
food slowly while thinking of what’d happen if
Master Duran finds out about what actually
happened to Kaitlyn.

She suddenly saw Merlin and Echo holding
hands under their table, and they smiled at each
other as they ate.

“Disgusting” she muttered, leaving the cafeteria.



Lissa is in the bathroom, standing beside the
bathtub and staring at the water.

She remembered what happened between Ceres
and Krishna earlier, and she swallowed.

“I should stop getting my hopes high, there’s no
way he’d fall for me in my kid form, and even if
he finds out that I’m Mali, he’d probably wanna
ki|| me” she muttered and squatted beside the

“I wish I could go back to my original form, I
miss the river” she muttered sadly.



The sun was already out when the men came
back into the house.

Sheila was sitting on the ground, backing the
wall in serious hunger. She couldn’t even stand
without staggering.

“Now…shall we start your punishment before
death?” One of the men said, and the window
on the roof of the room was opened.

Sun penetrated inside the room, burning her

“Argghhhhh!!!!!!!!! Stop!!!!!! Stoopp it!!!!!!!!
Stop!!!!!!!!!” She screamed out.

Flames emanated from her body, and the burn
got worse and worse as the sun got brighter.




“I can’t communicate with Mali anymore. What
is happening!” Bakasura yelled, and the snake in
her shoulder crawled away immediately, unable
to stand her fury.

“Did she transform back to her original form?”
Karazi asked.

“To Mali?” Agares replied.

“Both Mali and Lisa, none is her original, you
both know what her original form is like so stop
playing dumb and find me solution to this! She
must keep an eye on the one so losing
connection with her means danger!” Bakasura

“Great queen!” Agares knelt.

“I think I might have a connection with one of
the disciples” he said.

Bakasura smiled ominously, and she hasn’t
replied when another person entered the coven,

“Rock?” Bakasura said, and he removed his




“I thought you said I’m gonna help you get
Sheila, what are we doing here?” Samara asked
when she got to Bathsheba’s doorstep with

“I’m sure you didn’t ask these unnecessary
questions before kissing Aragon” he replied
bluntly and pulled her in.

They met Bathsheba in the the open room,
burning incense like she does.

“Here for the cleansing spell for her first kiss?”
She said.

“You must know something, so do something”
Orion replied.

“Onion, what are you saying?” Samara asked.

“You didn’t ask unnecessary questions like this
from Aragon before the kiss” Orion replied.

“And why do you keep mentioning the kiss!”
Samara shouted.

“I dunno! The voice in my head is telling me to
get jealous and I’m just following it!” He shouted
back, and her eyes widened.

“Tell me the cleansing spell for her lips” Orion
faced Bathsheba.

“Kiss her till she becomes breathless, you can’t
break the kiss till she passes out, and it must be
done on a full moon night” Bathsheba replied.

“Great” Orion said and took Samara’s hand,
leaving the place with her.

They landed in the middle of the streets.

He tried to sniff out Sheila, but he got nothing,
then he changed into a vampire, and his eyes

“What are you doing?” Samara asked.

“Quiet” he replied and concentrated, calming his

All the noises in the city began entering his ear,
and his eardrums nearly bursted.

It’s already getting dark, and noises comes
worse this period.

His eyes twitched when Sheila’s voice suddenly
entered his ear.

“Blood, I need some blood”

“She’s trapped, I think” he said.

“Why?” Samara asked.

“Dunno, let’s just find her first” he replied.


“You’re a witch, you should know” he replied,
and she sighed before cutting a piece of her

She left it on her palm and closed her eyes,
reciting a spell.

The hair began floating, leading the way while
they followed.

It’s a long walk till they got to the old smoky

“I smell her already” Orion said, locating the
door immediately.

He broke it down with his eyes, and it fell

They were met with six hefty humans, and Orion
switched to his vampire form before grabbing
the first one.

He broke his neck in two, and when the second
one charged forward, he shoved his hand into
his tummy, bringing out his heart.

He threw the heart at the wall, and his eyes
glowed when the remaining four came at him

“Take care of them” he told Samara and sped in.

The first one was able to give Samara a kick
which sent her to the ground, but immediately
she stood, She glared at them, and migraine
stormed their heads.

Her eyes were glowing gold as they started
groaning in pains, holding their heads.


Orion met three others inside when he got in,
and he smirked when he saw Sheila in the cell.

The burns on her body is gone since it’s dark
already, but she looks too weak as a result of
the insane hunger.

“Who’s he?” One of the men said and was about
to come out to him when Orion broke down the
door with his eyes just like he did to the main

He sped into the room and grabbed two of the
men at once, twisting their necks easily.

The remaining one fell fearfully, and Orion
opened the cell with a kick.

Sheila stood and sped to that one, grabbing him
by the shoulders.

She sank her fangs into his neck and drank as
much as she wants from his blood before
letting him go.

He fell unconscious on the ground, and she
wiped her lips .

“That energized me” she said energetically and
faced Orion.

“I knew you’d come for me, little brother” she

“Why were you captured so easily?” He asked.

“I was vervained, and they said I ki||ed some
people I have no idea about. Someone used my
face, from the Institute obviously” she replied.

“Sheila!” Samara rushed in.

“Whoa , when did you two get this close?” Sheila

“You can handle the rest by yourself” Orion

“What do you mean?” Sheila asked, and Orion
took Samara’s hand.

Before she knew it, they teleported from there,
landing in his room at the Institute.

His backhand stars began shinning again, and
she shifted back when he came close.

“What?” She asked in confusion.

“The moon is out now, I have to do the
cleansing” he said bluntly, and her eyes widened
when she remembered the old witch’s words

The breathless kiss!

Orion took a step closer, but she took two steps

“Wait!” She shouted.

*Don’t wait* the voice in Orion’s head replied,
and he kept going after her.

Samara tried teleporting, and it worked, but
instead of landing in her room, she landed on
Orion’s bed.

“No!” She gasped shockingly.

“Even better” Orion smiled creepily and
teleported to her, pinning her hands down to the
bed before bringing his lips down to hers…


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