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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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( Shadow That Dwell In Darkness)



Alucard nod his head at her words ” so you are in support of this alliance? ” I asked while sipping my wine, we are alone in the dining room, she tuck her ear behind her ear then nod.

” yes milord ” she smile ” I think my father knows my type ”

Faking a laugh I mumble ” I will take that as a nice complement, back to business” I drop my glass ” you do know that marrying me means you will be mine and I can do wh@ťěver I wish to do to you right?”

” yes milord ” she look up ” but if you put it that way, it sounds….”

I cut her off ” I do not think men should try hiding how they feel, if you become mine, I want no sort thing like jealousy, I can do as I wish ”

She frown ” but….”

” don’t get this wrong ” I fold my hands, leaning back on my chair” I can have any amount of women I want but you do not dare sleep with another man” my voice turn harsh” if you ever cross that line consider yourself dead ”

” that’s so unfair ” she growl ” if you can do it why can’t I?”

” stop acting like you’re forced into this ” I smile ” you can still pull out ” I watch her carefully, how her eyes widen, sweats forming on her forehead, lips trembling in annoyance ” you truly have beautiful face white” I complement her and just like other girls, i got a blush in return.

Before she could say more Karin walk in ” my lord ” she step closer then bow down ” the waters you said you will take a look on, more news about monsters are coming out of it, we need your help ”

” how many ”

” three milord ” Karin look up ” three water beasts ”

” I see ” standing up I look at my watch ” how long do I have before it arrive in the village ”

” an hour ”

” that’s enough ” my gaze move back to white ” forgive me but I will need to leave now, my second in command red will take you to your chambers”

White bow her head ” thank you for the hospitality milord ”

” hmm” I walk pass her towards the door ” Karin, let’s move ” arriving in the ranch I frown when I notice just one horse ” you will have to ride with me Karin ”

” really ” she look really happy when I nod, I watch her sit on the horse in such a way that when I do sit, she will be able to stare at me.

” are you sure you can sit that way, that’s a odd way of sitting on a horse ” I didn’t waste time to sit down nor did I waste time to hit the horse to start moving ” what is it Karin” I ask ” you have been staring ”

” my lord ” she bite her lower lip ” do you prefer red to me?”

” hmm” looking ahead I shake my head ” of course not Karin, I might have raise red right from a child and gotten use to her but that doesn’t mean, she is better than you ” this however made her smile, she wrap her hands around my waist and relax on my body ” how far to the river ”

” a little further my lord ” she reply, her tongue licking my neck” can I do this to you milord”

” I see no problem in that ”

” can I also wash your back whenever you are bathing ” I look down at her after hearing those words, jealousy dance in her eyes.

” hmm, so you knew about that ” smiling I shrug ” I don’t mind you and red joining me in the bath ”

Her hands move to my face, I watch her leaning close, I h@ťě to stop her from kissing me but we have arrived so I cut it short, I kiss her forehead instead ” kisses on the lips are prohibited Karin “smiling I get off the horse to meet, Leo and Levitt trying their best in fighting off the monster.

” I can see that you two are tired, let me help with that ” pulling out my sword, I match in full speed towards the three monsters and in just one slice they all burn into ashes.

” Lord Alucard ” Levitt run into my arms and I roll my eyes.

” get off me” shoving him aside I frown ” no man hug me in such a way and besides, I need to purify this water ” the moon seem to be really bright this evening, is something special about to happen today?

Dropping the antidote inside the river I exhale, staring at the moon ” my lord ” Karen step closer, I avert my gaze and stare at her, she has this odd colour of hair, pink. But it did make her stand out in the darkness, her green eyes has always glitter with such joy whenever am alone with her.

” what is it Karen ”

” can I sleep with you tonight?”

” No ”

” Why not ”

” I prefer to use the coffin ”

” but beds are more comfortable ”

” Not dark enough ” I turn around towards the horse ” time to head back, I have lots of things to do ”

” like?” Leo asked

” meeting my new personal maid ”

” I thought red covered that ” Leo frown and I chuckle, he still has that crush on her huh ” what’s funny ”

” your childish jealousy ” climbing on my horse I beat Karin to it before she could ” Leo take Karin on your horse” before they could reply I head back to the palace.

women have been all over me, I need some space to think and breath, Karin, red and then white….too many for my likening but then what do I do, am not so sure I can push them away the way I want to without hurting them.

Arriving in the palace I step down and red immediately arrive, proving my point of not being able to breath” my lord, how could you leave with Karin not me ”

” em….”

She didn’t even allow me to talk before speaking ” that wh-_-re might have tried something with you, did she touch you, kiss you ”

” No red ” I growl before walking pass her ” no need to get jealousy ” arriving in the hallway I stop then exhale” where is the maid, I want this to be over as soon as possible ”

” she is in your room milord, already start working”

” fine, I will check her out and I want you to stick around here to make sure everything is fine”

” as you wish my lord ”

Moving to the north tower I made up my mind to send the maid away so that I can have peace of mind, the moment I returned I have been busy, one affair to another.

I need space to think, red and Karin won’t let me.

Opening the door I step in, I wonder how the maid is seeing in this darkness, moving upstairs to my chamber, I open the door only to find her bending down, the maid uniform short, giving me the glimpse of her white underwear.

When she realized someone is behind her, she quickly stand to her feet and turn around, I blink and step back, words couldn’t form in my throat ” snow ” I mumble

I watch her eyes tear up, she look thinner than the last time I saw her, the last time I saw her she was trembling with fear ” Alucard” she took step after another and then hug me tight while crying ” Alucard!!!!” I couldn’t get pass my shock.

I never expected to see her ever again ” snow” I shove her back a little ” what are you doing here, I thought I told you….”

She cut me off ” never to appear in your presence ” she clean her tears ” I can’t do that Alucard, I was hoping my presence won’t displease you” she is still looking dashing as ever, I watch her bite her lips from habit, blue eyes that resemble that of a calm ocean, beautiful red lips I wish to kiss.

” you do not displease me in anyway ” I clench my hands, she must have pass through a lot before getting here.

” I heard you are getting married ” I watch jealousy dance in her eyes, she look cute ” do you like her ”

” and if I did ”

” I will ki|| her ” snow challenging eyes met mine and since weeks I came here I finally laugh, a real laugh this time ” what’s funny ”

” you sweet snow ” unknowingly I move closer to her and touch her face ” you look cute when you are jealous”

” am serious though ” she frown and I nod, her hands move to my waist as she hug me ” my lord ” she look up at me, making me lower my gaze ” will you kiss me ” she lick her lips ” I have missed you ”

And for the second time I blushed.


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