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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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MY HIGHSCHOOL CRUSH – Episode 69 & 70

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(Crazily in love with you)




CHAPTER 69 & 70. . . …

“Maybe or maybe not” Lily retorted, calmly…….


Olivia’s eyes snapped open as she gazed around her environment,

She struggled to stand up from the bed as she winced in pain, it

felt like her legs and waist was dislocated.

She put her feet on the ground and stood up from the bed as she dragged her feet towards the bathroom.

The door burst open making Olivia to jerk,
Alex strolled in and halted as he gazed at Olivia with a small smile.

“G…good….” Olivia muttered and paused as she took her gaze to the wall clock,

She gasped when she saw the time,
“How long have I been sleeping?!” Olivia shrieked.

Alex chuckled as he took long strides towards her,
He pulled her nose,

“You’ve been sleeping since yesterday till today, it’s morning now” Alex muttered, softly.

Olivia blushed as she lowered her head,

“Don’t worry I won’t blame you, I’ve already mixed your bath so you can go in and bathe except you want me to that for you ” Alex uttered with a dirty smirk.

Olivia quickly dragged her feet towards the bathroom and locked the door.

Alex’s phone rang and he smirked when he saw the number, he swiped to the answer icon,

“Hmm..? ” He hummed, lazily.

📱You promised to send the number to me ” A cool voice emerged from the phone.

Alex chuckled, lazily.
“I did? but I think now I changed my mind…get the number yourself ” Alex retorted.

A loud slamming sound was heard from the other background,
📱You cheated! you’re supposed to send it to me since I did what you asked of me! ” An angry voice emerged from the phone.

Alex clicked his tongue,
“But I just changed my mind now..? ” Alex mumbled sarcastically.

📱You cheater! stay the f_ck away from my sis–

The person was saying when Alex hanged up, he chuckled as he shoved his into his pant pocket, lazily.

The bathroom door opened and Olivia limped out with a towel on,
She flinched when she saw Alex inside the room,

“Y…you’re still here? ” Olivia muttered, surprised.

Alex chuckled as he took long strides towards her and pulled her into a hug,

“You’re still feeling pains down there…right? ” Alex asked, softly.

Olivia nodded, shyly as she relaxed and rest her head on his chest,
“You’re heartless…you promised to go easy on me… ” Olivia whined childishly.

Alex let out a soft laughter and held the tip of the towel,
“How about we do it again, I promise to be gentle this time” Alex said teasingly.

Olivia quickly disengaged the hug,
Alex chuckled as he raised his hand up as a point of surrender.

“Dress up quickly, we are going for a family dinner ” Alex retorted seriously.

Olivia frowned,
“What family dinner? at where? ” She asked, confused.

Alex smirked,
“Don’t ask much questions curious cat and just dress up, I’ll be waiting for you downstairs ” Alex muttered, gave her a small smile and left the room.

Olivia gave it a thought and shrugged, she quickly opted for a red rubber gown and a black heels,

She put on her blonde wig and her glasses after that, she stared at herself in the mirror,

Ever since she started staying with Alex, she has really gained a lot of weight

She wasn’t thin like before again. Olivia smiled at her reflection in the mirror before walking out of the room.

“What do you mean am pregnant?! I’ve never had segz before! ” Lisa screamed angrily.

Doctor Coleman scoffed as he glared at her up and down,
“Are you really sure about that miss? ” He asked, seriously.

Lisa roughed her hair as she thought of what to do,
“C…can you help me? I want to abort it” Lisa retorted, seriously.

“It won’t be possible miss, you’ve been to this hospital more than ten times whenever you want to

abort a baby so if you try to do it again am afraid you won’t survive it” Doctor Coleman uttered, politely.

Lisa bit down hard on her lips as she strolled out of the hospital angrily.

Lily and Lana quickly stood up and followed her,
“What did he say? ” Lana asked, curiously.

“Is it possible to abort the child? ” Lily asked.

“It’s not possible…guys am doomed, my future…everything is gone…” Lisa muttered, helplessly.

“Hey you have to calm down, if this pregnancy is for Chris then I’ll advice you to tell him” Lana retorted, thoughtfully.

Lily nodded.
“Chris won’t accept it, he has always told me about how he h@ťěs children..besides I did asked him what he would do

when I would just announce to him one day that am pregnant, he said that he would tell me to abort it, that he doesn’t want a child.” Lisa muttered, tearfully.

“What are you going to do now? that means you won’t be able to get married to Alex anymore ” Lily uttered, slowly.
Lisa sniffed as she roughed her hair, madly.

“I need a drink first, you guys should not follow me” Lisa retorted and left.

“What? she wants to drink even with the pregnancy? Is she okay?” Lana screamed in horror.

Lily sighed, tiredly.


“This $h|t is so annoying…i pray this bastard dies inside my f_cking womb! ” Charlotte blurted out, drunk.

“Hey you?! two more bottles! ” She ordered and the bartender quickly handed it over to her.

She hissed as she opened it and drank from it,
A girl who was drunk and was heading for the restroom staggered and mistakenly hit Charlotte who was seated on a stool,

“You unwanted ingrate! how dare you touch me–

Charlotte was saying but paused when she saw who it was,
“Oh? so even the famous L3’s also visit clubs? well am not so surprised.. ” Charlotte mumbled and chuckled.

Lisa scoffed as she wiped her gown with her hand,
“And I never did know that a snake in green grass visits a club

too or she’s tired of hanging with her one and only friend haha! ” Lisa retorted with a sarcastic laughter.

Charlotte scoffed and stood up from the stool as she staggered,
“That Ɓîtçh can never be my

friend, if I have the chance I won’t mind shoving a knife down her f_cking throat! ” Charlotte retorted, coldly.

A thought suddenly popped into Lisa’s head and she smirked,
“How about we do something interesting?? ” She asked as she sat down and Charlotte joined her with a huff.

“Why don’t we collaborate and take that Ɓîtçh out of the picture? you see that Ɓîtçh has been dragging the attention of all the guys in brake

bills highschool, Alex and Adrian now h@ťě each other because of that Ɓîtçh. Because of that tiny rat Alex cancelled our engagement!

he doesn’t want me anymore, that snake destroyed our relationship!” Lisa screamed tearfully.

Charlotte let out a bitter laughter,
“And now she’s trying to take my Vince away from me…that slut…my Vince… ” Charlotte muttered to herself and sobbed.

“Vince? I even saw her today with Vince, they were having lunch together in a restaurant! ” Lisa added, spitefully.

Charlotte screamed as she threw a glass and it smashed on the floor with a loud crashing sound,

The bartender just glared at them and shook his head,

Lisa let out a triumphant smirk,
“Let’s put our heads together Charlotte and end that Ɓîtçh, we have to take what belongs to us! ” Lisa retorted, seriously.

“Then I want to join you so we’ll end that Ɓîtçh together.. ” Charlotte retorted, seriously and burped, loudly.

“But my Vince…would he still want me again? that am…now that am pregnant.. ” Charlotte mumbled and sobbed.

Lisa flinched as she gazed at Charlotte, surprised.
Which means she isn’t the only one who is pregnant!

“H…how did you get pregnant? ” Lisa asked, curiously.

Charlotte scoffed,
“I don’t know.. I do f_ck with guys so this is just an unwanted pregnancy. If anyone hears about this, then you’re dead! ” Charlotte warned, coldly.
Lisa nodded,

“I won’t tell anyone after all am also pregnant too.. ” Lisa retorted, coolly.

“For who? Alex? or you’re just a worn out slut like me… ” Charlotte mumbled lazily as she drank from her bottle of alcohol.

Lisa frowned,
“Well the owner doesn’t want it…so am thinking of who to put the blame on” Lisa retorted with an eye roll.

Suddenly an idea popped into Charlotte’s head and she smirked evily,
“Well I’ve always thought of having Vince’s Ç0çƙ inside my p@zzy..” Charlotte muttered, mischievously.

“What do you mean? ” Lisa asked, interestingly.

“Well…i have an idea” Charlotte muttered, Evily…..


Miss Judy coughed and coughed endlessly, blood was splattered on the bed,

“I….i.. d..don’t think….i can…make it… ” Miss Judy muttered as she put her phone on record..

“H…hello..t..this is…Julie…i..i think karma came for me…me dying is a payback….for all the evil and wicked….things I’ve done… “Miss Judy muttered and coughed.

“A…am a murderer..that day at the Armstrong’s villa…the birthday party…i was the one who poi…who poisoned the foods….i.. I did it because…i didn’t wanted V

to find me…and her…and her lost daughter….” Miss Judy uttered and coughed again…

“Yes…am Julie…the one who stole Violetta’s child…her name is..her name is Olivia smith…no Olivia Armstrong…. ouch my

chest hurt…i deserve to be stoned to death for all my evil deeds…” Miss Judy muttered and chuckled bitterly.

“And one…more thing…i didn’t wanted to mention her name…but It would seem…unfair” Miss Judy uttered and let out a painful laughter.

“All this things I did…i wasn’t doing it on my own…someone helped me and was also among… the thing is that, she’s more dangerous than me…she’s…her name is…P–

Her words were cut short when the door burst open, Miss Judy flinched making her phone which was on her body to drop on the floor,

Miss Judy strained her neck to see who it was,
“O…Olivia honey…is that you? ” Miss Judy asked, softly but got no response.

She heard slow and steady footsteps which screamed danger coming towards her direction till she felt a presence behind her,

She struggled and glanced back as she winced in pain,
She flinched when she saw who it was,

“Oh..? so it’s you…she sent you to come and end my miserable life..? Lady with veil” Miss Judy muttered and hissed.

The figure who was putting on an all black and covered its face with a black Veil just stared at Miss Judy, weirdly.

Its raised the hammer up and slammed it hard on miss Judy’s head,

It slammed the hammer on miss Judy’s head continuously even when she was already lifeless.

Soon it stopped, by now miss Judy’s head was scattered all over the bed and looking so unrecognizable.

The figure in veil who had no idea that Miss Judy was recording something brought out a phone and dialed a particular contact,

“The deed has been done” The figure uttered, coldly and hanged up before walking out of the shabby house quietly.

“Alex…what are we doing here? ” Olivia asked, confused as she got down from the car.

“We’re here to see someone important ” Alex muttered, lazily.

He held her palm as he caressed her cheek,

“Olivia…no matter what happens in there don’t freak out okay? ” Alex muttered softly and Olivia hesitated before releasing a slight nod.

Alex smiled,
“Alright, let’s go in” He mumbled and they strolled into the building.


“Ma’am I think your guests are here” A maid announced to Violetta who was arranging the different plates of foods on the big table.

“Oh my gosh so fast! ” Violetta mumbled and dismissed the maid.

She sighed as she glared at the number of foods on the table,
“Will she like it? Is she allergic to any of these? she doesn’t eat

shrimps, lobster, crabs and what again…? Oh gosh am so nervous.. ” Violetta mumbled to herself nervously.

“Vince?! Michael?! they’re here! ” Violetta called out and quickly ran to get the door.

When she opened the door, she froze when she saw Olivia glaring at her, surprised.

She suddenly felt like crying,
Olivia quickly embraced Violetta.
Violetta went stiff,

“I miss you so much mom, I thought I won’t ever get to see you…am so glad I’ve finally found my mom” Olivia muttered as she sobbed.

Violetta sniffed and hugged Olivia back.

“Aunt? Aunt? are you okay? ” Olivia called worriedly bringing Violetta out of her thoughts.

“Ugh? ” Violetta muttered as she glanced around her surroundings.

“You were deep in thought aunt, is everything alright? ” Olivia uttered again.

“Aunt? ” Violetta muttered to herself and it dawned on her, she was only imagining things…………


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