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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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❣️EPISODE 20❣️

I was very panicky since Vicky texted me that Morris number is switched off, since then I have been trying to reach her but she ain’t taking my calls.

It’s been 3 hours now and I’m even more scared for Vicky, hope nothing bad has happened to her, God please protect her and Morris. I prayed amidst tears.

About an hour later, Vicky finally called me on video, she was crying and her voice was shaking.

Hello Vicky! what is it, what happened, why are you crying, are you okay?

Tonia, is Morris….

Morris! what happened to him? I asked jerking up from the bed

He was shot by Mirabella, we are in the hospital now and Morris has been wheeled to the theater for surgery

Oh my God! oh my God!! which hospital is that? I asked her quickly putting on my shoes

It’s Doctor Fred’s, just hold on Tonia, the guards are coming to pick you okay, listen is not that serious he’s gonna be fine so don’t over stress yourself. Vicky assured me but that won’t stop my anxiety

Vicky how about you, hope you are not hurt by that bïtch in anyway?

Nope, I’m okay, it’s a long story I will tell you everything once you gets here.

When I got to the hospital, I saw an ambulance driving into the hospital, I brought out my phone to call Vicky and know exactly where she is, just then the nurses carried a young girl covered with blood inside the hospital

Hello Vicky, where are you?

I’m at the reception she replied and asked if I was already in the hospital

Yah, I’m coming there right away, I told her and made my way to the reception

Vicky! I called out and ran to her immediately I sighted her and we both embraced ourselves

How are you Tonia? look at your eyes, don’t tell me you’ve been crying. She said smiling

Nah, not really, I lied turning my face away from her

You must really be in love with Morris, Tonia, wow! my sister is in love she said dancing around smiling

Come off it Vic, you’re embarrassing us, I told her blushing so hard

Where is Morris?

Come lemme take you to his ward, the surgery was successful and thank goodness the two shots was at his hand so don’t worry girl, your prince charming will be fine. Vicky assured me as we walk through the hallway to Morris ward

I gasped as I saw him lying on the bed with his hand and head bandaged, oh my goodness, I rushed to his bedside and gently sat besides him. He was fast asleep and I watch for a split second as his breath rises and falls, he looks so adorable

I’m so sorry you had to go through this pains because of that ruthless spoilt brãt Mirabella, can’t wait for you to wake up and smile back at me. I love you too Morris, I said without even knowing.

Vicky smiled and gently placed her hand on my shoulder… Let’s go outside Tonia before you break down in tears and wake him up

I simply nooded my head like a baby wiping my tears as we both step outside

What happened Vicky, I asked her immediately we sat down at the hallway

After you told me that Morris went to meet with Mirabella, I tried calling his number, first it was been busied after a while it was switched off. I was worried that something might be off so I started tracking Mirabella’s phone.

I headed back to the police station and told them my suspicions, there were a little skeptical at first but after much persuasion and also playing of the conversation between Morris and Mirabella for them, that was when they decided to mobilize their team for the operation.

When we got to the location, Tonia, you need to see the kind of crib she and her thugs stays in carrying out their evïl operation. I marvelled at the realization that it’s my fellow girl that’s their leader. Menh! that girl gat guts I swear, Vicky said

Yah, she’s always been ruthless and brutal from childhood so I’m not surprised. I said concurring with Vicky

So as I was saying, Vicky continued… I guessed they noticed our presence and opened fire at us. It was a brutal exchange of fire but the police prevailed and shøt down four of her men while Mirabella and one of her man took to their heels. It was then we found Morris groaning in pains at a corner.

Shît! so that wïtch escaped yet again? I said bitterly

Yah she did but I guess they have finally caught her, and I think she sustained lots of injuries, Vicky said

How did you know Vic? I asked her very curious to know

The ambulance that drove in before you called me….

Yah, I saw the ambulance and noticed a young lady was wheeled out but I didn’t bother to look who was the casualty, I told Vicky

That was Mirabella and right now she’s in the theater undergoing surgery

Oopps! I hope she survives it, I said feeling pity for her

Vicky chuckles, Tonia of the pure heart! she praised, after everything that bïtch did to you you’re still wishing her to live lol. Anyways, I wish she lives too so that she will face her punishment, that girl is a hardened crimiñal.

I know Vicky but… I was saying when a nurse called for our attention.

Excuse me ladies, is any one of you here for Mr Morris please ?

Yes ma’am, we both chorused standing to our feet

Alright, he’s awake now so you might go check on him. She said, smiled and walked away.

I and Tonia went into the ward cheerfully, On sighting Morris, I happily run towards his bed and cupped his mouth with mine, we both got entangled in the most sensational and passionate kîss I have ever had in my entire existence.

I saw a new beginning, a future and enternity as we ravish this heartwarming kïss with Morris. As we both pulled away to catch our breath… Morris smiled and said

“Tonia, please be my wife”

I was momentarily lost in his beautiful sea blue eyes but nah, I’m not gonna fall for this.

Please don’t say no, he added when I wasn’t saying anything

Hey Mr lover boy, you don’t meet a woman today and asked her to marry you the next day, who does that, I said tapping him lightly on his cheek
And why is Vicky not saying anything, I wondered only for me to check if she’s still there and surprisingly found her and Doc Fred hugging each other.

Oh wow! there’s really love in the air this afternoon, I said giggling.

They are perfect match, don’t you think Morris?

Yah they are a lovely match just the way we are, he replied smiling. I hope the doctor is a good man because Vicky is a great lady and deserves the best and to be happy for the rest of her life. Morris added

Yah, she truly deserves the best of the best, I said smiling

Can you do me a favour Tonia? Morris asked taking my hand into his

yah sure, I replied

Can you please stay in my house till I’m completely healed? he asked pouting like a child.

We must be telepating because I have already decided within me that I was gonna stay with you till you’re completely healed my love.

I heard that, Vicky said grinning from ear to ear

And I saw you, I replied smiling as we both hugged each other and let out an amusing laughter.

The Lord did it, I whispered to her

Yes, the Lord answered our prayers, she replied


I, Vicky and Morris visited Mirabella in her ward, She wasn’t in a good shape at all, both her hand and leg was bandaged and hanging up

She was so shocked when she saw me like she literally was frozen with mouth agape

Just close your mouth Mirabella, it’s me Tonia! alive and healthy in flesh and blood girl I told her..

You got played by your own game girl, Vicky added smiling in victory

Right from childhood, you kept chasing after me and trying to kïll me for no just course but my God has been fighting for me effortlessly and now see where you’ve landed yourself to.
Anyways you got what you deserves. I told her

You will rot in jail miråwitch! Vicky yelled at her rolling her eyes at her in disgüst

Thank you for making me meet my future wife Mirabella, God turned out my situation to a favourable one, thank God and thank you too.
Morris said smiling in his wheelchair

He is my murdérer that I fell in love with, thank you for sending him my way Mirabella, at least through your struggles to eliminate my life, something sweet and lovely came out from it.

I said blew her a kîss and turned to walk away.

I’m so sorry Tonia, please forgive me, Mirabella finally said.

Apology accepted, I said with a smile and motion Vicky and Morris to take our leave .

Mirabella was sentenced to 25 years imprisonment with hard labour as she was guilty of all the charges against her

My love story with Morris was a rare and amazing one, and I’m super grateful for every single huddles I faced in life, it only made me keep getting stronger and wiser.

Vicky is a friend and sister to keep forever and I’m glad that she is happily in love with doctor Fred.

Everyone finally got what they truly deserved.

The End🌹❣️

I am a ceaseless flow of inspirations that will never run dry it’s a gift from God 💫

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