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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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A CRAZY LOVE – Episode 184

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©Sir Zach


Kizy and her team were shifting towards a corner, taking shelter while he could spot two men with bleeding injuries.

“What exactly happened?” Markus asked, his voice dropping by an octave, knowing that Kizy would never let his men get injured for this way, that too after being on land for hardly a minute.

“Ladyboss started vomiting as soon as she stepped on the land, and all others were distracted due to that. Four men were shot simultaneously including Joel sir.” The man informed exactly what he had seen.

‘Joel is injured as well!’ Was the first thought that came to his mind, afterall Joel had been his partner through all his life and death situations, so how could he not care about him.

‘Plus little lamb is not in her healthy state. This can not get any more worse.’ Markus thought as his brain started planning for their strategy.

He was still thinking when he saw snipers from the Imperial nation getting ki||ed one by one in one shot.

‘Jesus! I have never prayed nor asked anything from you. But today I beg you to keep my little lamb safe. Let me be her shield and take every blow which is directed at her. Please keep her safe!’ And for the first time, the cruel, ruthless, slaughter machine named Satan had to beg for something.

Someone had truly said – love changes a person. No matter how reputed or cold or unbreakable you are, once you have someone you love, you no longer remain the same. The ice cold nature starts melting while ruthlessness is replaced by kindness.

And this was no different for Markus as well. No matter how careless he used to be about his own situation but once Kizy entered his life, he slowly started caring for her, unknowingly.

“Team charlie.” Markus called out.

“Yes boss!” The captain instantly stood ramrod straight in front of Markus, ready for any order.

“Ask your team to annihilate anyone who simply aims at any member from Kizy’s team. No matter how far away or hidden he is, ki|| them at any costs.” Markus ordered.

“Yes boss.” The captain replied and immediately left to follow his order.

“Don’t worry, the second sister will be alright. Though she is a little lacking in planning, she will never put your men at risk.” Victor came ahead to explain.

“I am not worried about that Victor. I know she will take care of them till the end. I am worried that she will put herself in danger to save others.” Markus explained.

“Don’t worry, she has a baby to take care of. And I am pretty sure she won’t do anything rash because of that.” Andrew interjected.

“Let’s join her ASAP!” Nicole said from behind.

“Hmmm.” Markus said.

“We are descending.” Markus announced before getting ready with the rest of the teams, getting ready to be Kizy’s shield when the time called for.

And within a minute, his entire troop had landed, only to be stupefied once again.

“Boss, lady boss and others have left already.” One of the men from Markus’s team informed him.

On the other hand, the man left behind from Kizy’s team instantly pressed his bluetooth earpiece.

“Lady boss, Boss and his team have landed.” The man informed, going directly to the point without dilly dallying.

“Okay. He will definitely ask you something. Inform him that all his members are safe so don’t worry.” Kizy informed while signalling the other members to increase their speed even more.

“Yes lady boss.” The man replied and ended the conversation after watching Markus head towards him.

“Why are you here?” Markus asked, knowing something was not quite right. Afterall Kizy will not leave a man from her team behind unnecessarily.

“Boss, we are leaving to join ladyboss.” Suddenly another group joined Markus’s group from behind.

And it was none other than the one which was told to remain behind by Kizy.

Markus looked at them once before turning ahead. The men without delaying anymore left to join Kizy once again.

“Why did you not accompany her?” Markus asked once again.

“Boss, lady boss told me that I have been shot in one of the major arteries. If I remove the bullet, I will lose a lot of blood and risk my life. So I have been asked to wait here for you and your team and get proper treatment. Other members are safe. Lady boss is a great leader.” The man explained.

“Get him treated.” Markus said as two men came ahead to accompany the man.

“Thank you boss.” The man said and bowed a little before limping away with those two men.

“We need to move fast.” Markus said in a flat tone.


After knowing that Markus and his group was already on the land, Kizy and Joel along with their team sped up, reaching the vicinity of the professor’s headquarters.

“Young madam.” Suddenly Joel called out after reaching a safer corner.

“Yes.” Kizy replied, her mind already a little disturbed.

“Don’t you think that they are too quiet right now? After the ki||ing of those snipers, there is no movement from the other side. I think there is something wrong, just that I can not pinpoint what exactly went wrong.” Joel said in an almost inaudible voice, though Kizy was able to clearly hear it.

All of them had been crossing the area at their fastest speeds while looking all around but the calmness in front of them was too unrealistic to happen. No response when their guards were high was definitely not what they were expecting, not from the professor at least.

“I was thinking the same. Let’s-” Kizy was still speaking when suddenly they heard rustling sound.

“Retreat now. It’s a trap!” Kizy yelled, pointing her gun in direction of the sound and $h00ting ahead, knowing exactly what they missed out on.

But it was already too late, and none of the men dared to retreat, not when Kizy was still fighting.

Several men in black uniforms climbed down the trees at their fastest speed while Kizy was definitely unable to take all of them down together.

“Y’all go back right now. This is an order.” Kizy said before throwing one of her used guns away and taking another one out from her black pants, loading it at an invisible speed.

And yet none of them took even a single retreating step, knowing what their original orders from the boss were – to protect Kizy at all costs.

Their entire group was surrounded by men from all sides, who were making them all move further inside.

Kizy’s team kept $h00ting but watching the enemy close in, holding blades, they had to move onto the blades as well, cause guns were useless at such close proximity.

“Protect young madam!” Joel shouted once again, knowing blades was not her forte.

He should have known that the sudden plan changes right from accepting Kizy’s order to overtake others and attack first without any proper preparations to actually entering and attacking blindly, they were bound to face comebacks.

The sudden changes hadn’t even allowed them to wear proper shields, making it even worse. They had only prepared their attacking weapons.

And now that Kizy was made to keep her gun inside and take those blades out, he knew they couldn’t afford to make any more wrong decisions.

Kizy didn’t react to Joel’s statement, but deep down she could understand that he was trying to protect her with all his might.

And true to her expectation, the very next minute, instead of letting others take Kizy’s responsibility, he was already standing beside her to protect his young madam.

She had regretted her stupid plan the very moment thay had stepped on land and were made to take bullets from the enemy side, but there was no turning back for now.

Without any further delay, those men started attacking with those blades, which were deadly poisonous.

They seemed to know that Kizy’s backup wasn’t far away and they needed to hurry up, which couldn’t be any more clear from the fatal attacks they were making on members from Kizy’s team.

But surprising to everyone’s expectations, Kizy instead of being a burden with blades, was fighting on equal footing with her teammates, making the situation slightly less favourable for their enemies.

Yes, everyone knew that she had been practicing and training herself ever since Markus left for the secret underground mission of finding the Professor’s weak points, but none of them expected her to turn this good.

With slashing those blades at neck break speed, Kizy with her dancing jet black hair looked no less than some Greek goddess ruling the winds.

Even on the battlefield, surrounded by powerful men, she looked no less than the most remarkable warrior, not much powerful but fighting impactfully.

And the enemies couldn’t be any more impatient. After all they were supposed to take this team down, with one condition – not to hurt even a single hair on Kizy’s body.

But now, with Kizy’s fighting stance, nothing seemed to go right.

Kizy’s backup was closing in and they had barely managed to injure some men from Kizy’s side.

Two men who were attacking Joel and Kizy looked at each other, instantly understanding that they both were thinking about the same thing.

Thus with the plan in their mind, both of them attacked Joel together, completely leaving Kizy aside.

They had stopped defending themselves against Kizy because they needed to shift their whole focus on Joel to achieve what they were supposed to.

On the other hand, Joel, who was already in pain from the earlier bullet shot, was finding it more and more difficult to keep fighting, not to mention that it was two against one now.

Kizy still tried to attack both of them, but they both seemed to completely forget her and give their all on Joel, forgetting their own exposed bodies as well.

They knew that to succeed in what they had planned, they needed to lose something as well.

Finally, with one strike, one of them managèd to attack Joel directly on his neck, instantly resulting in a bloody fountain spurting from his neck.

“No!!” Kizy shrieked, immediately knowing that this was definitely the most life thr_@tening condition she had seen.

And without wasting any other minute, those two men instantly took hold of Kizy, pulling her towards a blue vehicle which had arrived when they attacked Kizy’s group.

“Lady boss!” Men from her team saw this scene, but were unable to help her.

All of them were engaged in a one on one battle, somewhere even two versus one, making their situation even more pathetic.

Kizy similarly used all her might, but she was still a little gentle, remembering the baby she was carrying inside her body.

And thankfully, though those men were holding her in a tight grip, it was in no way harming the baby.

“Faster.” One of the men signalled to the other, clearly hearing the footsteps that were approaching them.

Both of them increased their pace even more, knowing they were just a step away from their allotted mission.

Meanwhile Kizy tried kicking, punching, slapping and every other stunt she could perform safely to free herself from their grip.

It wasn’t that had given her all, but the moves she knew were somehow making her worried about her baby.

Off course she wanted to protect Markus, but definitely not at the cost of risking their baby.

She had promised to keep herself and the baby safe, hence no matter where these people were taking her, she was bound to not let them harm her baby in any way.

“Stop!” Suddenly she heard a voice, a familiar voice, making her heart race instantly.

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