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Friday, October 18, 2024
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A CRAZY LOVE – Episode 176

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©Sir Zach


“Hmmmmmm. Gooodd morninnng everyone.” Suddenly they heard a sleepy voice greet them.

“Sid??” A man said, surprised to see Markus crawl out from a bed in their room.

“Hello.” Markus said in a weak and embarrassed voice, something totally opposite to his actual behaviour.

“What are you doing here?” Another one asked.

“Guess I fell asleep over here.” Markus said while scratching his head.

“Pfft. Sid, you are so funny.” A man said while laughing hard, while others followed the suit.

“Now go quickly. We all are late. It’s 5 am already.” The first man said while looking at the wall clock again.

“Yes. Yes. I’ll go now.” Markus said hurriedly before fleeing away, making them laugh once again.

‘Good. Now I made them laugh at myself. Great Markus!’ Markus thought while entering his room.

He patiently waited for the next four days, doing his regular job to not let anyone suspect him.

Meanwhile he also paid attention to chats between other people, just in case he could find some useful information. He even befriended one of the guards leading his group.

Another week and he was completely ready for executing his plan. The reason why he had been waiting this long was to make sure that he was well prepared.

He had secretly observed all the nearby places around him during nights. One could say that he had already drawn a mental map of the entire place and knew all the areas through and through.

He knew that this was not some random match where he could get another chance. He had to give it his all to make sure that it was a one strike attack without giving much time to the opponents.

Thus finally on his 46th day, he was more than ready to ki|| that grandpa and then leave this place at once.

As usual he had random talk with the other four men from room no 4, had a meal with them and like last time, he mixed a little of valerian root for them to fall asleep.

After almost half an hour, those four men were already sleepy. Markus waited patiently for them to sleep while the other two roommates were still away, eating in the area they were allotted.

Once he was sure, he quickly went towards the bed, sliding beneath it before opening the lid.

‘Little lamb, wait for me a little more.’ Markus thought before climbing down, knowing he had no time to waste.

Unlike last time, he was now fully prepared. Wearing a black outfit, with headlight and weapons, Markus started his journey down the tunnel.

Thanks to his duty as a bodyguard, access to weapons and other devices like headlights, body armour became way too easy for him.

He was quick to climb down, crawl and climb up as well. Once near the lid, he took a deep breath, closing his eyes for a second.

He knew what awaited next. Little time, and a lot to do. And he couldn’t even afford to make any minute mistake or waste even half a minute.

‘Kizy, always remember – I love you.’ Markus thought about Kizy one last time before eventually opening his eyes, slowly pushing the lid a little to peak outside.

Fortunately there was no one seen in front of him, plus with the pitch black darkness, unlike last time’s little dawn glow, Markus couldn’t be anymore thankful to his lady luck.

He slowly lifted the lid from other sides as well, observing all four sides in full alert mode. And he could see two men walking away from him while one on the right side was walking towards his direction.

Markus immediately got rid of the cover before climbing out of the tunnel and running towards the window.

“Hey you! Stop right there.” The guard who was walking towards his direction yelled, gathering the attention of all other guards as well.

But Markus definitely was not going to stop now. He kept running while keeping a watch on his back, to make sure that no one could attack him from behind.

He was running his fastest, completely breathless, covered in cold sweat, his heart beating erratically, to reach the window in front of him.

He slightly turned around, only to see all those guards following him, while a few were removing their guns, a bad situation for Markus.

He instantly turned ahead, watching the window which was hardly ten metres away. Just when he was five metres away, he jumped in the air, entering the room with a loud crash, breaking the window glass while doing so.

Simultaneously, a gunshot was heard, both the sounds alerting everyone.

After a microsecond of silence, everything was back to action, like that of a movie.

Markus, who had bent down after the crash, got up, directly running towards the door on the left side, knowing this must be the adjacent room.

Within 5 seconds, he was already inside the room, finding the main switch. He could clearly hear the hurried approaching footsteps, along with a few more gunshots to scare him, though that was completely unnecessary and useless.

Once he found the main switch, he was quick to turn it off. He instantly took out his blade, cutting a few more wires, buying himself more time.

And before anyone could spot him in this room for the light connection, he left the room, running a little before pausing in track to not make any noise.

He started walking with light steps, relaxing a little after turning the switch off. He looked around, wearing the goggles which were given to them for training at night time, easily watching everything around him.

Right now, he was in the hall, standing behind a pillar safely, while inspecting the whole area.

‘That seems like dining room. There are three more doors. One must be grandpa’s room and after all this chaos, he would most probably come out of his room. Should I wait here patiently or search for him by myself?’ Markus was still thinking when he suddenly felt a cold and sharp object at his back.

It hardly took a second for Markus to realize that a blade was placed at his back as someone had discovered him.

He stood motionless for a moment, giving the impression that he had given up.

But the next second, he flipped forcefully, holding the hand of his attacker firmly while a murderous aura emanated from his body.

He only had one thought in mind – ki||. Afterall he could not afford to let this man shout and gather all others, destroying his plan.

Just as he was about to twist that person’s hand, so that the blade would be facing him and he could stab the person right back, the man spoke in a low voice.

“True to your name – Satan.” The man said in a low voice, but his voice held no animosity instead it was amusement.

Markus was momentarily shocked to have someone recognise him so fast, but he was quick to recover. Hence just as he had originally planned, he twisted the man’s arm, turning the blade towards him ready to stab him right in the eye.

“If you keep standing here, you will be caught soon. We should move to a place I know.” Tha man said calmly in a low voice, as if no blade was being pointed in his direction, ready to ki|| him any moment.

“Don’t try to fool me.” Markus spat in a low voice.

“Why should I fool you? I could have directly ki||ed you if I wanted. Even now, I have all the reasons to scream and gather all those men, but what am I doing?” The man asked, making Markus pause a second.

“Why are you doing this then?” Markus asked.

“Do you mind if I answer this after we move to some safe place? The guards will discover us here soon, and both of us will be in deep trouble.” The man asked.

But Markus kept standing there with no movement.

“Oh you can keep pointing that blade towards me. The moment you feel that I am suspicious, you can ki|| me. Easy?” The man said, as if his life meant nothing to him.

“Who are you?” Markus asked again.

“Let’s move somewhere safe before I answer all your questions, also we have very less time as the entire Imperial Nation has been alerted. So let’s make this quick.” The man said.

Markus was still thinking when the man grabbed his arm and silently pulled him towards one of the doors, moving with quick but light steps.

Markus silently followed the man, trusting his gut instead of brain. He knew he could be in for a major trap, but something about this man said the opposite. Thus he decided to give it a try, anyways he could ki|| the man any moment he wanted.

Both of them walked through the door, before climbing some stairs, taking a lot of turns in between, but Markus was sharp enough to memorise the entire path.

After almost two minutes of walking, the man stopped, letting go of Markus’s hand.

Markus turned to look that the place or more appropriately the deserted room was eerily quiet, unlike other places they came across while reaching here. All other places were completely disturbed, men running here and there, shouts coming from other directions and it was all so chaotic. But this place felt as if it hadn’t existed together with the rest of the place.

“I am the Imperial Doctor.” The person answered without even Markus asking.

Soon a knowing expression was seen on Markus’s face, while the Imperial doctor spoke once more.

“I know you must have heard about me from Diamond.” The Imperial doctor said.

“Why?” Markus said only one word, but the Imperial doctor immediately understood what he meant.

“To save you.” The Imperial doctor answered honestly.

“But why?” Markus asked again.

“Only you can save Diamond, her group, and all those poor people who are made to forcefully work here for illegal drug dealings.” The Imperial doctor said.

“Ain’t you professor’s friend?” Markus asked.

“Yes I am, but he isn’t the same person I befriended anymore.” The Imperial doctor explained, masking sadness which wasn’t missed by Markus.

And Markus didn’t ask more about their friendship or why the Imperial doctor was doing this. Afterall he had helped Kizy escape from the professor once, so he could be trusted.

“So what’s your plan?” Markus asked.

“You are here to ki|| grandpa, right?” The Imperial doctor asked while Markus simply nodded.

“How did you know that though?” Markus still asked his doubts.

“I had seen you that day when you came through the tunnel. Though I didn’t know that it was you. Since that day, I have been waiting for that person’s arrival, knowing full well that he intended to ki|| grandpa.” The Imperial doctor answered.

Markus just nodded, understanding how the Imperial doctor had found out about his plan.

“Nobody will search for you here as this place is not known by many, just the professor, grandpa, me and two more higher ups.

Look over there, if you climb down, you will directly end up in front of grandpa’s bedroom. He won’t leave his room until the Professor arrives. But it will take some time. Grandpa and professor’s wings are at a great distance, giving you an advantage.

If you climb down right now, ki|| all those men along with grandpa within the next five minutes, you can leave this place safely. Professor usually needs ten minutes to arrive here, but if he knows of the attack, he will be here in five minutes.

Once done, go right out of that door and take the third door then. Climb stairs, take the first left-” The Imperial doctor was still explaining when Markus cut him off.

“I know the route back here. How many men should I expect?” Markus asked before walking towards the edge, knowing he had less time.

“Twenty in the least. And thirty five at the most.” The Imperial doctor said while sitting on the ground of this empty room, waiting for Markus’s arrival back here.

Markus just nodded at him before directly jumping down, grateful for having the Imperial doctor find him.

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