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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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A CRAZY LOVE – Episode 157

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©Sir Zach


Nicole shut her mouth, looking at Victor’s not so friendly gesture.

It wasn’t that Victor was unfriendly, but more like he would be cold to everyone except his people, which was only BLACK COMMAND.

So he only knew how to care for them and not for everyone else. To all others, he was simply a cold man who was not much interested in talking.

“You have something to say?” Victor asked once he was done folding clothes, as Nicole was standing in front of him for almost five minutes now, clumsily scratching her head to come up with something.

“Uhh.. no.. no I mean.. yes.. I have-” Nicole was literally stuttering when Victor interrupted her.

“No need to feel awkward or uncomfortable. You can directly tell me wh@ťěver it is.” Victor said, thinking that Nicole must have come here to tell something about Kizy.

“Actually… I need your help.” Nicole said while lowering her head, knowing she had taken a wrong step by mentioning Victor’s name in front of grandpa.

“What is it?” Victor asked, his tone calm.

“I have created a huge problem. But promise me that you won’t scold Kizy for this. It was all my fault, she has no involvement in this.” Nicole said in a low voice.

Victor paused for a moment, confused at Nicole’s statement. But he still decided to listen to it all before reaching the conclusion.

“I am listening.” Victor said, not promising anything about the part of not scolding Kizy.

He needed to listen to wh@ťěver Nicole had to say before deciding his stance.

“So it’s like this. My family was trying to continuously matchmake me with some or the other man through a million blind dates. Finally I was fed up and went to Kizy for some help.

She then scripted a fake love story about me and some random non existing man, saying that I was confused about my feelings for this man. She in fact made this man a secret ki||er to make it more unacceptable, but somehow grandpa was very supportive.

Grandpa was convinced and gave me a time limit of three months to decide upon my feelings and tell him who this man was.

Yesterday our advertisement was released and I don’t know how, but my grandparents were sure that the man acting along with me was the so-called man that I love.

Thus they asked me to meet them this morning. They asked me about the man, and suddenly Kizy appeared there.

Apparently Rose had informed her about my meeting with my grandparents.

She said that the man was exactly the one that she had been loving, but she said that the man didn’t want to reveal his identity. This way she was avoiding to disclose any name.

But grandpa was pestering her and I didn’t want to trouble her time and time again. Thus I ended up blurting your name.” Nicole said and immediately lowered her head, wanting to hear something from Victor.

Meanwhile Victor had this constant expression on his face which showed no change. And this was also the only reason why Nicole was feeling more scared than sorry.

“Hmmmm. So what then?” Victor asked calmly, knowing there was more to it, especially by the way Nicole was describing it.

“Grandpa asked me what my feelings were for him. And I said that I love him. Kizy was shocked at my decision but she had no way out. Thus she didn’t say anymore.

Now the problem is, if grandpa or grandma were to visit Kizy here and find a man called Victor, they would expect him to be the man I love.

I have told that he doesn’t have any feelings for me, but has decided to give me a chance. So could you please act like that man if my grandparents were to ever visit? You don’t have to act loving or caring just be-” Nicole was still speaking when Victor suddenly cut her off.

“Go back to your room.” Victor said before getting up, his voice controlled.

“But Victor, why? You don’t even have to do anything! A few days later, I’ll be telling them that I have broken up with that man and everything will be back to normal. It’s not like I am asking you to love me or act like that-” Nicole was still speaking when Victor finally lost it.

“Get out!” Victor said in a low voice, but it was enough to scare Nicole, knowing Victor was emanating a murderous aura at the moment.

“Victor I didn’t mean to-” Nicole said, trying to walk near Victor, hoping she could cool him off but Victor wasn’t planning this.

,m “Do you want me to throw you out of this room or you will go by yourself?” Victor asked in a thr_@tening voice, making Nicole feel cold shivers down her spine.

“I’ll.. I’ll go.” Nicole said before rushing out of this room, not knowing what went wrong.

She instantly opened and the door and came out, before shutting the door back again.

It had been alright some moments ago, but then Victor’s sudden outburst was illogical in her eyes. He didn’t have to react that way just after knowing that she had used his name.

‘Is he a psychopath? Wasn’ he very caring and polite moments ago? He treated Kizy with so much warmth, making me think that he was some gentleman. But what did he do? He literally asked me to leave. Is he even a human?’ Nicole thought angrily, while standing outside Victor’s room, looking at the closed door.

“What happened Nicole?” Suddenly Nicole heard this voice.

She turned to look at Rose, who was currently eating an apple while leisurely sitting on the sofa.

“Ahhh.. it’s.. complicated.. it’s nothing.” Nicole finally said, thinking it was better to end this topic here and now.

“You went to the First Brother for the act that you have set up about your love? Didn’t second sister warned you to not do that?” Rose asked calmly.

“How do you know?” Nicole asked in surprise, not expecting Rose to know this.

“Of course, second sister told me about it. She had already told me about it in the morning. I was the one who informed her about you leaving to meet your grandparents. Thus she ended up telling all this to me, hoping I would be able to stop you if you were to approach the First brother. But guess I was late.” Rose said, before getting up and walking up and stopping in front of Nicole.

“You want an apple?” Rose said before presenting another apple in front of Nicole.

“No thanks.” Nicole replied curtly, thinking Rose would have similar thoughts to Victor. She didn’t want to cause anymore trouble while staying with Kizy.

“Some drinks then?” Rose asked, knowing that Victor was a harsh person if it came to his baseline.

And Nicole must not have liked it. She must be finding him unreasonable.

“No-” Nicole said and was about to decline Rose’s offer when she pulled her by her hand.

“Come on. A few drinks with me won’t hurt you.” Rose said before pulling her all the way to her room.

She made Nicole sit on her balcony.

“I will go and fetch up some bottles. I remember you have quite a tolerance so it won’t be a problem.” Rose said before turning and going out of the room.

‘She isn’t bad like Victor. At least she is trying to make up my mood. I should not be cold to her.’ Nicole thought, knowing that Rose was doing it all for her.

Rose came back to the balcony within minutes, carrying three bottles of alcohol, two glasses and some snacks to munch on.

She poured alcohol in both the glasses before extending one of them to Nicole.

“Here.” Rose said as Nicole took the glass from her.

Rose was about to sip on her glass when Nicole said.

“Cheers?” Nicole asked while gesturing for Rose to do the same.

Rose smiled before following Nicole, both of them ultimately ended up laughing.

They laughed for quite some time, not even knowing why they were laughing so hard unreasonably. But both of them liked each other’s presence, so they had no problem.

“First brother was a married man.” Suddenly Rose dropped the bomb after both she and Nicole had turned silent.

“What!!” Nicole exclaimed, not believing Rose.

“Yes.” Rose replied in a single word, wanting to make sure that Nicole digests this sudden information.

“Seriously? He is married?” Nicole asked once again to confirm her doubt to which Rose simply nodded her head.

“Then my request must have seemed stupid to him. I was wrong to ask him something like that.” Nicole immediately said, accepting her mistake.

“He isn’t married anymore though.” Rose said and took another sip from her glass.

“Not anymore? He divorced?” Nicole asked, thinking this must be the only reason why Victor isn’t married anymore.

“No.” Rose said before turning towards Nicole, looking all serious.

“I am about to tell you something very confidential and secretive. This story is limited only to our members. But since we are working together, and I don’t want you to misunderstand First brother which will affect our work as well, I felt it would be better to tell you about him.” Rose said before taking the last sip from her glass.

She then once again poured herself a drink while Nicole extended her glass, wanting another one.

“First brother is the first member to join our BLACK COMMAND. Jason only chose those whom he thought were perfect for his ideal team. But he wasn’t intending to let First brother join his team. Jason had simply helped first brother because he felt he should do that.

But because of Jason’s help, the First brother felt indebted to him for his life. Thus he ended up joining BLACK COMMAND, swearing to even give up on his life if the need arose, because Jason was his saviour.” Rose said and paused.

“So what was the help?” Nicole asked curiously, unable to remain calm anymore.

“First brother was a school teacher. He had a very normal life unlike the one he is living right now.

He was enjoying his days when he fell in love with a colleague, Anna.

Anna was a beautiful girl with a pleasant smile forever pasted on her face. This was also the reason why she was a favourite teacher for her students, just like First brother was.

Soon both of them were head over heels for each other, and after dating for two years, they decided to get married.

I haven’t heard of anyone being so in love as they were, except Second sister of course.

Victor had no one from his side, while Anna only had a father. But he was against this marriage. Anna as well as the First brother didn’t understand why Anna’s father was so against Anna marrying the First brother.

But Anna and First brother kept persuading him, until one day he finally told them the reason.

Some gangster had took a liking to Anna and had thr_@tened her father a lot of times. He had even warned that if he was not able to marry Anna, he would ki|| her.

First brother, being courageous since childhood, was ready to fight for Anna. He convinced her father a lot, and finally was able to male her father agree to their marriage.

They had a simple wedding to not attract much attention. Only their friends and close relatives were invited and the wedding was held successfully.

Both of them were enjoying the best time of their life, going to the same school, coming back home to embrace each other, visiting different places during their holidays and having fun.

Jason says that it was Anna who turned the First brother so mild. First brother wasn’t the one who sought happiness in small things, but Anna made him do that.

They had what a happily ever after marriage looked like. In fact, after five months of their marriage, Anna was already pregnant with a baby.” Rose said while a smile was visible on her face, as if she had personally witnessed all those moments.

“Then what?” Nicole asked while filling another two glasses for herself and Rose, completely immersed in Victor’s story.

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