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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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DEEPER THAN HELL – Episode 23 & 24

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( Shadow That Dwell In Darkness)



I woke up with a cry on my lips or was I still dreaming? I blink in the darkness, is he still here, in the darkness, or was it merely a shadow cast by the moonlight.

Heart pounding, mouth dry, I stare into the darkness of my room ” my lord?”

” go to sleep sweet snow ”

” let me see your face ”

” you will not like what you see, sleep now, sleep, go to sleep ”

I struggle to stay awake but could not resist the hypnotic sound of his voice, my eyelids refuse to stay open ” please come to me ” though it was an effort to think and speak ” I know you’re there ”

” this is only a dream snow, only a dream ” could it really be a dream if he was telling me to go to sleep.

And then I was asleep or was I merely dreaming I was sleeping? By the time I woke up determine to see him again, he was gone but this time I know what I have to do.

The next day evening I dress carefully for my journey, the gown I choose was on a royal blue velvet, the bodice has a square neck, the sleeves were long and fitted, the skirt was bell shaped, the hem trim with black fur, I let my hair down.

I took a last look on the mirror before leaving my house, into the carriage and to Alucard castle, I can think of all that might happen, Alucard pushing me away, asking me to leave his castle.

Am I doing the right thing?

I might get hurt again.

He might scattered my heart into pieces once again.

Will it be safe to turn back now.

It was a bit frightening riding through the night to Alucard castle, the trees cast ominous shadow on the road, I felt my heart jump at the sound of an owl.

Dark clouds gathered over head, shutting out the moon and the stars, a cold wind rush down from the mountains and suddenly the carriage came to a stop ” what’s wrong?” I asked the coach man while getting off it to notice that we have been corned by huge white wolfs that looked angry and hungry.

” my lady ” the coachman mumble ” please run ”

” but …”

” run, find help” doing as he said I run into the forest, looking back I notice three wolfs after me, my feet was starting to get tired, the dress dragging me back.

Having no other thoughts I try jumping over a huge branch which prove wrong, sending me to the ground and rolling till my back hit another tree.

Trying to stand I stare at the wolfs eyes, they keep drawing close while salivating, my body won’t stop trembling ” help ” my voice came out like a whisper before the wolf attacked.

Before one could lay its claw on me, Alucard stood right in front and cut off their head with just his nails, he truly isn’t human, gathering enough energy I stand to my feet, he turn around, looking ” what are you doing here snow “he asked, his voice carefully controlled, his eyes held my gaze.

” I…that is…I” I couldn’t speak, couldn’t think properly with him staring at me like that.

I lick my dry lips while studying him, he look so angry, so ominous, standing there he wore white, he loves white and yet he is a man of darkness, have I made a mistake in coming here, was I mistaken in the ball.

Perhaps it wasn’t Alucard that night.

He walk towards my direction, slowly closing the distance between us ” I told you never to come here ”

I nod ” so you did my lord ” stepping closer I frown” this is a forest not your castle, aren’t you just being preposterous that I was heading to your castle?”

” then why are you here ”

I lift my chin refusing to let him intimidate me ” i have decided to meet lord Beelzebub, thanks for your….”

” stay away from him ”

” why?” I frown ” does it bother you?”

He didn’t hesitate to answer ” yes ”

” you asked me to move on, marry someone else ”

” I did ”

” Beelzebub is a good man ” murmuring to see his reaction, nothing change, his face remain expressionless but his fits are clenched together ” I will stay with him ” at that thunder strike and little rain drops begin.

” come with me ” he step close then lift me up in a bridal style, placing my hands around his neck I stare at the face I have missed so much, his beautiful eyes and lips.

” do not think of it sweet snow ” he stare down at me, biting my lips a smile rose in the corner of his lips ” what did I say about that ” hearing that my face redden and I stopped but then I asked myself why I stopped.

I did want him to kiss me

This man has always been able to make me shy.

I had no idea he has been running, when I look around I notice we are in his castle, my bedroom, how did we get here so fast, no rain even dropped on my body ” spend the night and then tomorrow morning you are to leave ” he drop me on the bed.

Swallowing I try thinking of words to make him spend more time with me ” if you didn’t wish to see me why come to the masquerade? Why kiss me?” He turn to my direction, before he could deny it I beat him to it ” I know it was you, no need to deny it ”

” snow ”

” I have missed you my lord ” mumbling I stand to my feet, moving my legs seem to be a hassle, I watch his fits tighten, his eyes watching my every step ” I had hoped you miss me too”

” this conversation is irrelevant ”

” do my presence displease you my lord ”

” you have no idea what your presence does to me ” a wintry smile appear on his lips, he sit on the only chair in the room, leaving me alone to stand ” over the five years you had no idea how I burn for your touch ”

” why do you keep sending me away ”

” I care for your safety snow” he look at me with gaze that frightens ” I fear you are not safe here”

” I am ”

He chuckle at that but no humor in the sound” you certainly do not know what will happen if I was to embrace you” he stand to his feet, eyes darkening” this is a hunger am trying to suppress ”

” why don’t you let it out”

He smile, stepping close and caressing my cheek” silly snow ” his hands move to my neck ” what the town people gossip about is real, is true….have you ever stop to think why any woman I marry dies, why no woman step out of this castle after coming in ” I said nothing, I lost the ability to speak while he keep looking at me and then I notice how pale his face is ” your dreams are real snow”

” what do you mean” I asked, he use that opportunity to place two of his finger in my mouth, must this be a chance of shutting me up completely.

” I speak of it no more ” he smile ” sleep well and let none of this bother you, it is irrelevant since I wish not for your presence in my castle ” he take off his fingers, turn around to leave.

” then I will marry Beelzebub ” he stop at my words, shoulders tensed, hands clench into fist, he didn’t turn around, just remain still for few seconds before nodding.

” do as you wish sweet snow ” and just like that he left, the thunder strike once more, reminding me of the heavy rain pour.

What a night it has been.


Waking up I look around before everything begin to flow back into me, the memory of last night, the wolfs, Alucard saving me, bringing me here and asking me to leave the next morning which definitely is today.

Sitting up I try standing to my feet but my legs hurt, my gaze lower to take a look at my situation before I realize its swollen, it must have dislocated when I fell down in the woods last night.

Nevertheless I stand to my feet, use the bathroom, change into a short and simple blue dress ” Alucard didn’t throw the clothes he bought for me, everything is still in here ” I mumble while staring at the mirror, confused as to why he left it this way.

They always say the best way to forget about someone is to burn all their belonging if any is in your disposal but Alucard left them, was he hoping for my return.

Tying my hair into a ponytail I open the door and walk down the stairs, Leo is no where to be found, I didn’t even see him yesterday, could it be he no longer stays here.

Moving to the dining room, food is already placed there, someone seem to be eating, moving closer I stare at the little girl, she lift her gaze to meet mine but didn’t smile ” who are you?”

” I should be asking you that ” she frown ” lord Alucard was disturbed last night and I think it was your doing ”

” my doing?”

She nod ” you have the big Břě@šť I don’t ” she frown ” must be why he won’t marry me ”

” marry you?” I frown ” you’re too young for such talks ”

” am fifteen ”

” that’s young ” shaking my head I pull out a chair, take my seat and begin to eat, where did Alucard find this child from, why is she talking about marriage, who is she to him.

Wait, don’t tell me he likes small children, is that why he won’t touch me, he is into kids? ” miss please stay away from my lord ” her eyes turn pure white ” your fate doesn’t meet, you’re not meant for one another, you will only put him in danger ” her voice also seem deeper ” I have look into your future, a confessor like yourself can not stay with the Dracula, the ruler of all …..” Before I could get a hint of what Alucard is her eyes turn back to her normal colour and she went back to eating.

Am going to put him in danger?

But how? How is that going to happening?

Losing my appetite I stand to my feet and stagger slowly, out of the castle, he won’t show until evening so I have to wait for him, moving to the library I stare at the books, I didn’t even get to read enough novel before I left.

Moving to the middle of the library, I find a note, it looked old, sitting down I open it, written with ink, Alucard wrote this.

The moon is my sun

Night is my day

Blood is my life

You’re my prey

Her touch has rendered me helpless

Her trust weakens the chains of my past

Dare I believe in the love she offers

Have I find an end to this darkness at last ?

She is like the sun, a sun I can not touch even if I desire it the most.

Turning to the next page I read aloud ” should I hold unto her hands? Should I pull her close even after knowing my embrace might render her dead? Is it right for me to love another?” Turning the page to the last sentence I gasp ” Flower that bloom in darkness can only ease in darkness”

Dropping the book I look through the window and frown, how long did I take to read these, why is the sun going down.

” don’t over think it sweetheart ” hearing that voice I quickly turn my gaze to my left to stare at a strange man standing there, he has long black hair, tied in ponytail, dressed in all black ” it is you ” he lean closer while I stand to my feet and walk back ” you are the one hindering my master ”

” who are you ”

” forgive my rudeness ” he smile, his grey eyes glittering ” am Levitt the third” he bow his head.

” what business do you have with me?”

” nothing much my lady ” he step closer ” I heard a rumor of you causing my master pains, are these claims true ”

” No ”

” I heard he loves you” I watch Levitt frown” is this true?”

” No” I squeeze my hands ” he asked me repeatedly to stay away from him ”

” oh ” Levitt lick his lips, he look fascinated, his gaze move from my face to my body then back to my face ” why are you here then”

” because I love him and I won’t move from his side ”

The door of the library burst open, revealing an annoyed Alucard ” Levitt!!!!! Cutting my slumber short isn’t what I need from you ”

” my lord, the sun was too harsh to travel here so I mess with time a bit ” Levitt bow his head ” surely you’re not angry with your humble servant ”

” I see ” Alucard fold his hands ” I still find it surreal you came here to act like my servant ”

” Leo left you ” Levitt lift his head and smile ” at least I should serve you now ” within a blink of an eye he is standing next to Alucard” maybe with the aid of my services your death will be sooner ”

” blast that thought ” Alucard grin ” for centuries your silly tricks prove irrelevant and now you come with another ” Levitt isn’t has tall as Alucard, he also has this feminine appearance but am sure that’s a man.

I frown when he lean close to Alucard that their body is touching one another ” you know I desire you ”

” you know I like my female with Břě@šť not a flat chest and some Ďïčk ” Alucard growl but Levitt seem to smile ” get away with your perverted thoughts you disgrace to manhood ” Alucard shove him away.

” where is my room”

” I don’t care where you stay ” and with that Levitt left me alone with Alucard who is running his hand through his hair, his gaze rest on the book in my hands and his eyes widen.

” snow ”

I quickly drop it down ” I didn’t mean to read it ”

” it doesn’t matter ” he smile ” just a silly poem ” avoiding his gaze I nod, words left my mouth, even men love him too, I wonder how many men loves him ” what is it ”

” Levitt ” I bite my lips ” is he your Boyfriend? ”

Alucard rise his brows ” you think am into men?”

” you don’t touch me”

He chuckle loudly, but no humor in it ” sweet snow ” I watch him step closer that our face is an inch apart ” I touch you every night, your lips, neck, Břě@šť and stomach ” my cheek heat up ” i love Břě@šť so much snow, I can’t f-__-k a man, I like to hold someone soft ”

Last night he wasn’t this carefree ” you confuse me lord ”

” with what”

” your change of mood” I frown ” last night it didn’t look like you want me here ”

” I don’t ” the smile vanish from his face ” I just realize you’re injured and live alone, I see no way a spinster as yourself could take care of these wounds ”

” pardon?”

” stay here till you heal ” he step back ” I will take care of you ” I couldn’t help but to smile at those words.

” you always confuse me ” he turn and stare at me ” but I still love you ” from that I watch his cheek redden a bit.


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