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Friday, October 18, 2024
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LOVE IMPOSSIBLE – Episode 47 & 48

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“Have séx with me” Angel replied and Royal’s eyes widened.

“What??” He asked in shock.

“You heard me,that’s the only solution now. Getting pregnant…..”

Royal sighed and roughed his hair.

“Angel,that is not going to solve anything,it will make things worse” He said.

“Then what am I supposed to do? Just watch you leave me all alone here? Do you think I’m ever going to survive that?” Angel broke into tears.

“Come here” Royal said and pulled her into a hug.

“It’s okay doll,stop crying please. It’s enough already,you’ve been crying since yesterday,just stop already” Royal said and kissed her hair.

“I can’t stop,until you promise me you won’t go. You can’t leave me Royal,you can’t” Angel said.

Royal said nothing and then broke the hug.

“Do you wanna go out for some minutes?” He asked.

“I don’t mind running away with you” Angel mumbled and Royal chuckled.

“You love me too much” He said and Angel pouted.

“Stop doing that,I’m trying my best not to kiss you doll” Royal said.

“Kiss me already,I missed your lips….”

Royal pecked her lips lightly.

“That’s….” He grabbed her waist and kissed her more deeply before breaking again.

“You’re f-__-king d@mn beautiful” Royal said and Angel smiled.

“Gosh,keep smiling this way,don’t stop” Royal said,stroking her hair.

Angel opened her arms and Royal carried her from her waist,she curled her legs around his waist and her hands around his neck.

“Let’s do a lot of things before I leave okay?” Royal said.

“Don’t talk about leaving,I’m going to follow you” Angel mumbled and hugged him making Royal laugh.

“You know that’s not possible” He muttered.

“Then what? You’re going to fall in love with another girl?” Angel broke the hug.

“What about you?” Royal asked,their eyes locked on each other’s own.

“No,I won’t love anyone else” Angel replied and Royal smiled

“Me too,I don’t fall in love with girls remember? But you broke that” Royal said and Angel kissed him.

“You’re so handsome boo bear” She said and Royal chuckled.

“Boo? Your mom is going to ki|| me this time around” he said.

“Don’t scare me like that again” Angel pouted.


“Telling me to forget about you,I was running temperature yesterday” Angel said cutely.

“I should be punished for that” Royal said and Angel blushed.

Royal dropped her and walked to his closet,he brought out one of his hoodies

“Put this on” He said.


“That’s too revealing” Royal said and Angel checked herself out.

“It’s not really…….”

“Stop” Royal cut in and she bit her lips.

“Okay” She took the hoodie from him and out it on over her bum short.

“Nice this way,let’s go” Royal held her and kissed the back of her hand.

They both walked out of the room.

“Where are we going?” Angel asked as Royal gave her the helmet.

“Where do you wanna go?” Royal asked.

“Somewhere we can be all alone without any interruption,just the two of us…..alone” Angel said and Royal said nothing for some seconds.

“Dad might ki|| me…..but….climb On” he said and Angel smiled,she used her helmet and climbed on the bike.

“You can hold me doll,tight” Royal said and Angel chuckled.

“You don’t have to remind me how sweet you smell” She said.

Royal chuckled and started the engine at once.



Ryan entered the house,he met Christian in the living room and he shook his head as soon as Ryan came in.

“Where have you been?” He asked.

“Is there a problem?” Ryan raised his brows.

“Check your phone dude” Christian snapped.

Ryan brought out his phone and saw countless calls he missed from Christian and Alice.

“Well,your girlfriend is in your room” Christian said and Ryan looked at him.

“Alice?” He asked.

“Do you have another girlfriend?” Christian scoffed.

Ryan went upstairs immediately,he entered his room and met Alice on the bed,she was smiling while checking the picture album.

“Hey” Ryan called and she looked up.

“Babe!” Alice called and quickly closed it,she got down from the bed and hugged him.

“I’ve been waiting,I missed you all day” She muttered.

Ryan wrapped his arms around her waist.

“I’m sorry” He said and Alice smiled.

“It’s okay,I’m not angry” She said.

“Where are you coming from?” Alice asked,sitting back on the bed with Ryan.

“Royal” Ryan muttered.

“Finally you made up” Alice sighed out and Ryan scoffed.

He pulled her closer and kissed her.

“Are you going back home tonight?” He asked,placing his head on her chest.

“Of course,do you know how long I’ve been waiting?” Alice scoffed.

“Can’t you just stay? I will take you home tomorrow morning and wait for you to get ready for school so we leave together” Ryan said.

“I love the way you plan things as if it’s that easy,my mom…….”

“I’m gonna ask for her permission right away” Ryan took his phone and Alice laughed.

“Are you serious right now?” She asked.

“I want you beside me all night,is that too much to ask?”

“Fine fine” Alice said and Ryan smiled.

“Are you hungry? Let’s eat dinner together” he said.

“Let me eat you first” Alice said and Ryan grinned.

“Hey,don’t play with such words. I am crazy in bed,you might faint” he said and Alice laughed.

“Thank you for telling me” She said.

“But I will be gentle since it’s you,should we try it Out?” Ryan asked and started kissing her body all over.

“Gosh Ryan,you’re so naughty!” Alice laughed.

“For you alone right now,I promise,just you” Ryan said and Alice hugged him.

“You better keep your promise,I will ki|| you if I see you with about girl” Alice thr_@tened.

“What the fúck,that’s harsh sweet” Ryan pouted.

“I know” Alice muttered and kissed him.



After almost an hour and a half ride,Royal finally stopped in front of a mansion,he made a quick call and soon the large gate was opened,Royal rode the bike inside and then stopped.

It’s really far from home,this place is like the outskirt of London but the environment is so cool and beautiful.

“We are here” He muttered and Angel got down first,she removed her helmet and looked around,it’s another beautiful mansion but not as big as theirs.

👥 You’re welcome young master

The guards around greeted and Royal replied with a short smile.

“Where’s this place?” Angel asked.

“Family house” Royal muttered.

“Oh” Angel mouthed.

“But too bad we don’t really have families,only granny is staying in one of the buildings” Royal said and grabbed her hand.

“You have a granny?” Angel asked.

“Yeah,dad’s mom. You will see her now,let’s go” Royal said and they proceeded to one of the buildings.

They entered and met a woman in her earlier sixties sitting,some maids helping her massage her legs,the moment she saw Royal,a wide smile appeared on her lips.

“My prince” She called and Royal released Angel’s hand,he walked over to her and hugged her,the maids immediately left.

“Whoa,such an august visitor. Robert didn’t tell me you will be here Prince”

“Please don’t tell me I’m here,it’s a secret” Royal said.

“Really? Trust me” She smiled and her eyes fell on Angel.

“Who’s she?” She asked and Royal looked at Angel.

“Good evening….Granny” she bowed and they granny smiled.

“She’s so beautiful like an Angel” She said to Royal who smiled.

“That’s her name”

“Wait,is she…..your step sister? I’ve heard that name from Robert”

Royal nodded slowly.

“Then……why are you two here?”

“It’s……complicated” Royal muttered and she looked at Royal and then Angel.

“You two…..look like separated lovers” She said.

Royal and Angel exchanged glances.

“Why is she looking so sad,is something going on?” The granny asked and Royal sighed.

“We are into something impossible granny…….dad is sending me to Russia,I will be leaving in less than six weeks” Royal muttered.

“Something impossible? Hope it’s not what I’m thinking” Granny sat down well.

“Probably it is” Royal said.

“Wow….my prince. You still have that boldness in you” She said and Royal looked at her.

“Aren’t you going to curse at me? I’m about to destroy your son’s second love life” Royal muttered.

“Honestly…..I’m not in support of his marriage with that lady” Granny said and Angel looked at her.

“Why?” Royal asked.

Granny looked at Angel.

“It’s okay,you can go on and talk” Angel said.

“At first,when he introduced her to me…..I thought this way,she’s only here for my son’s money” Granny said and Angel bite her lips.

“But when I found out she has a daughter,maybe my thought changed about her” She added.

There was silence after that.

“Nevertheless………I hope you make the right choice prince,you’ve always stick on your decisions without changing your mind so I will trust you this time also” Granny said and Royal smiled.

“Aren’t you cold? I will inform the maids to get you a hot soup,go in already” She said.

“Thank you granny,you’re the best” Royal said and grabbed Angel’s hand.

They walked out of the building.

“Where are we going?” Angel asked.

“My private precious suite” Royal winked

“You said you want to be alone with me” He added an Angel smiled.

“I can’t believe this” She muttered

“I told you I will do anything for you” Royal said and Angel blushed.



“That brat” Robert groaned as he called Royal’s number for the umpteenth time and it’s switched off.

Kendall came downstairs also,she has also been calling Angel but same

“Thank goodness they didn’t take anything out,I thought they ran away” Kendall said and sat down.

Robert roughed his hair and faced Kendall

“You knew Angel also has feelings for Royal?” He asked.

“I…..I’m sorry,I just thought it’s not necessary” Kendall muttered

“Not necessary? I’m sending Royal away specifically because I thought he’s the only one Kendall,you know that” Robert said.

“Honey I’m sorry,but is this the time to argue right now? We don’t know where they went to” Kendall said.

“They are going to be safe wherever they are” Robert muttered.


“I want to be alone Kendall,we can resume looking for them tomorrow” Robert said and went upstairs.



Angel came into the bedroom wearing the night robe,she just finished having her bath,her hair was still wet,she was using a towel.

“There’s an hair dryer…..”

“No,it’s okay” She said and fell on the bed beside Royal.

“I’m so full already,but I’m seriously craving for ice cream” Angel pouted.

“I can send someone to get it right away…..”

“No,don’t leave my side” Angel said and quickly climbed on him,she slept on his chest.

“Thanks for bringing me here,its so comfortable.” She muttered.

“I’m sure they are looking for us already” Royal said.

“I’m ready to face anything when we get back home” Angel said and Royal smiled

“I will take all the punishment,so don’t worry about it” Royal said and kissed her hair.

Angel raised her head.

“Boo bear” She called.

“Are you seriously going to keep calling me that name…….” Angel cut him off with a kiss,a deep one.

Royal held her waist and responded to the kiss,he turned them around and he got on top instead.

The kiss grew more intense,Royal’s hand slides into her robe and captured her B-__-bs. She Mõ@ɲed into his mouth,he kept on touching her while the kiss became more hotter and deeper.

He removed the night robe tie,revealing her naked body then he broke the kiss.

“I don’t think I can control myself anymore at this moment doll” Royal muttered,their breaths hitting each others faces.

“Do anything with me,I don’t care…..Anything” Angel said and pulled him back into the kiss.

Royal broke the kiss and went down on her,Angel bit her lips hardly knowing what he was about to do.

“The room is soundproof” Royal winked at her and a minute later,Angel felt his tongue inside her hot p**sy.

“Fúck……Royal” she Mõ@ɲed with her eyes shut.


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