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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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💲The Billionaire 🚬

😈Boys 🖤

Club 🔞

(Stuck with a billionaire)

THEME: Stuck with a billionaire.


Like, before reading, don’t forget to drop a comment and let us know what you think.

Note: this is a dark romance!!

❤️‍🔥 EPISODES 69 & 70 (Semi-final)❤️‍🔥



Vincent was setting the tables when he felt warm hands wrapped around him from behind.


“Don’t call me that, I don’t like it,” Kourtney released him, a frown on her face.

He pulled her back to him, pressing his body against hers with his palms resting on her âss.

“I will call you wh@ťěver I please,” he leaned down, and that was when she looked up at him so he kissed her nose.

“Vince, I’m afraid my Dad might come around….”

“Don’t worry about him, he knows that am here,” he replied cutting her off.

She looked up at him confused.

“He visited me at the hospital the other day around 1 Pm without bodyguards so, he said he changed his mind…”

“Change his mind?” She moved out of his arm.

“Okay, Kourtney listen! I said those awful things to you cos I was told to stay away from you that you’re off limits and once our child is born, we can share custody. but the other day he came and said that he changed his mind, that we are getting married next tomorrow,” he explained.

“Next tomorrow? Do I even get a say in this? This is my life…”

“Isn’t it cool? We love each other, we might as well be together. Isn’t that what we want?” He asked

She looked at him without saying anything.

“What? You can’t marry me?”

“Don’t be silly…”

“I know you will, now come on, I made dinner with Alice’s help,” he led her to the dining.


Kim and Audrey are currently standing by the door, watching both brothers. Lorenzo wanted to walk out but Khalid stood in the way.

“Move!!” Lorenzo bellowed

“Let’s go see the council…”

“That won’t be necessary…” Lorenzo was still saying but Khalid pushed him back a little bit

“Listen, remember Mom always say they grow up together? She knows something about him…”

“Mom, won’t say anything even if she knows it all,” Lorenzo ruffles his hair.

“Then we should meet the council,” Khalid suggested confidently.

He knows how badly Lorenzo wants this, after their little talk he finally realizes that he has been so hard on his twin brother.

“Let’s go, grandpa is still alive and it will be easier,” he added.



“Hey, Audrey wait up,” Harrison’s father called from behind.

Audrey stopped on her track, looking back only to see him.

“Beautiful morning to you sir,” she greeted politely and he nodded.

“I was wondering….you know what? How is Randy?” He asked instead and she gave him a suspicious glare.

“He’s very well,” she replied.

“Oh, do you have a moment?” He asked

He looked as though he wanted to say something but was holding back.

“I’m sorry, I will pass,” she makes a sad face

“I get it,” he nodded.



“Okay, I get it! I f-__-king get that he’s the leader, but rules are rules, he broke the first rule and we kept quiet so, he thinks he can break another one? What happens to breaking women?” Knight said enraged.

“I don’t get it too. Or Khalid, do you?” Jackson asked turning his head to Khalid.

Khalid was silent so both Knight and Jackson stared at him.

“I dunno why he brought her, he hasn’t said a word about it and the lady doesn’t even know,” Khalid replied simply.

“What the f-__-k are you saying? That we should allow her roam around the street?” Knight scowled.

It’s obvious that he’s infuriated. How dare Lorenzo bring a woman to their gathering.

“If you go after her Lorenzo will come after you and trust me, now is not a good time and it won’t be funny,” Khalid thr_@tened, staring directly at Knight.

He Scoffed

“Are you thr_@tening me??”

“It is what it is!!”


Kim glared at the phone which has been ringing no stop, contemplating whether to pick up or not.

“Are you gonna let it keep ringing like that?” Audrey asked, settling down on the couch next to her.

“Just let her call,” she rolled her eyes.

Minutes later the doorbell rang and they exchanged glances.

“Expecting anyone?” Audrey asked but she shook her head negatively.

Audrey Walked over and opened the door only to see Rainbow standing in the doorway. She raised her brows.

“Hey, is Kim home?” Rainbow asked softly and Audrey looked back.

In the next minute, they both walked into the house and Kim was still watching a movie but immediately she saw them the smile on her face disappeared.

“What are you doing here?” She asked instantly and turned to Audrey “What is she doing here?”

“Kim just listen, okay!” Audrey said softly.

“No,” Kim got up and Rainbow rushed towards her instantly and grabbed her arms, going to her knees.

“Kimberly, I’m so sorry, I don’t know where to start apologizing from, but I know that I hurt you so bad and I’m really, really sorry,” Rainbow pleaded in tears.

Kim was silent.

“Please big sis, I’m sorry.”

Kim blinked, raising her head as she collected herself. She glanced down at Rainbow.

“Get up, I forgive you,” She said softly and Rainbow’s eyes widened.

Audrey wasn’t left out.

“You do?” She asked shocked and Kim nodded gently, Rainbow hugged her instantly.

By the time she pulled away, she wiped her tears with the back of her palm.

“Dominic dumped me, he’s dating a senator’s daughter and he said he never loved me,” she sniffed while picking on her nails.

“I tried to seduce your boyfriend but he’s cold-hearted and didn’t even look at me twice, you should keep him, he’s not a cheat and guys like him are rare,” Rainbow added sweetly, she looked up and Kim flashed a smile.

“What are you? A relationship therapist?” Audrey wanted to say but she held herself.

“Like I said before, I forgive you,” Kim smiled lightly.

“Does that mean I should pack my things over here?”

“Over here?” Audrey nearly screamed, her eyes wide same as her mouth.

“Nah,” Kim mumbled and Rainbow frowned.

“But why?” She whinnied sadly “I got kicked out of our apartment cos the payment was due, I don’t have any money or a job,” she added helplessly.

“I’m sorry, Rainbow! But I think it’s time you go out into the real world, I wish you luck,” Kim smiled.


“No but Rainbow, you should go, will see you around and welcome to the real world, it’s not easy out there so don’t go easy,” She tapped Rainbow gently on the shoulder.



Out of the car came Mr. Washington.

He just finished having a meeting concerning Lorenzo with his father and the council. Lorenzo promised to do anything to redeem himself.

He’s to pass a task that has been given to him and if he falls then it’s game over for him.

Staring back, he saw Vincent and Kourtney coming his way, then he nodded before walking in.

He’d call them so his wife would see that Kourtney was happy with her lover even though he didn’t like Vincent.

Pushing open the door he saw a man’s back view, he seemed to be leaning on someone and he prayed, oh! Good heavens let it not be Veronica.

The person quickly looked back and Mr Washington’s eyes widened.

“Bush!!” He called surprised.

He could see the lipstick stain on his lips.

In the next minute, Mrs Washington’s loud scream filled the whole building, people from far and near could hear it.

Lorenzo was on his way back when he heard her voice and took off. Getting to the door he saw Khalid, Vincent, Kourtney, Audrey, and Kim by the door.

Inside the room was his mother who was standing next to his father who had blood all over his hand as he punched relentlessly at the man laying almost lifelessly on the ground.

“You need to stop him! Washington please, I can explain,” Mrs Washington shouted fearfully.

“Of course, you will,” Mr Washington nodded “But that’s when I’m done!”

“It was me, I kissed him,” she shouted

“Mom!!!!” Kourtney let out a scream.

“Geez!” Khalid looked around him.

“You think I’m an idiot? I have known you right when you were 13, we have lived together as a couple for 28 years and I Know what you can do,” Mr Washington replied

Lorenzo was silent, just staring at his father who was busy with his fist. He’d never see. Washington this furious.

“Someone needs to stop him!!” Mrs. Washington screamed at her kids.

They all exchange glances.

“Sure, someone needs to, but that person is not me,” Khalid rolled his eyes.

“I like what I’m seeing,” Lorenzo mumbled.

By the time Mr Washington let go of Bush, he wasn’t moving.

“He’s dêâd, call an ambulance,” Mrs Washington panicked.

“No one is calling an ambulance for this…” Mr Washington kicked his face, and blood splashed out of his mouth.

Bush groaned weakly.

“Bush, are you okay…”

“Is he okay? Are you kidding me right now? Is he okay?” Mr Washington shouted, glaring at his wife who went to help Bush.

“What the f-__-k do you think you’re doing? I get a blood stain all over my hand and you’re asking if he’s okay? I will show you what okay looks like,” Mr Washington pulled him up by his collar.

“Washington…. Washington please stop this madness, Washington!!! Honey please, you’ll kîll him!!,”

“I walk into my house only to see him kissing my wife and you’re asking him if he’s okay? Okay, with what? The kiss? You wanna give him more? I have blood stains all over my hand and shirt and you’re asking him if he’s okay? Who the h*ll does that?” Mr bellowed.

Bush laughed.

“Your wife? Huh?” He laughed again “The one you stole from me? ” He added

“d@mn!!” Khalid blurred out “Get me a cup of coffee, this is getting interesting,”

“You knew I had a crush on her, I told you to help me get close to her but what did you do? I trusted you but you betrayed me,” Bush spite on Mr Washington’s face gaining a slap.

“You do?” Mrs Washington looked from her husband to Bush “I didn’t know, how come you didn’t tell me?” She asked, now staring at her husband.

“What will you do with that information? Besides we are talking about him kissing my wife not the past,” Mr Washington shunned.

“We have another woman thîêf,” Khalid mumbled, sipping from his cup of coffee.

“You should go Bush….”

“He’s not going anywhere,” Mr Washington cut his wife off.

“Honey please,” she walked over to him, but he grabbed her hands right before she could place them on his chest.

“You should go Bush,” she said gently.

“If you move I will move you! And you, you were asking if he’s okay…”



“Where are you going?” Kim asked, walking into the room.

Lorenzo who was already dressed, stared at her.

“To do what’s asked of me, will you come?” He asked and she shrugged.

“Not like we are best of friends, why didn’t you tell me that woman was your mother?” She said.

He stood up, walking over to her.

“I don’t know how you met her and I was hoping she’ll tell you herself though I’m still wondering how a person with a wide mouth like you could befriend someone like her, she doesn’t speak much,” He replied, pulling her to him and d@mn.

She badly wanted to push him away but got caught in his eyes, they were brown. She could feel her heart racing, her inside melting with needs.

What is it about him that always turns her on? Was it his handsome face? Or perfect body features?

“What is that place you took me the other day?” She slightly pushed him back.

“A secret society, you’ll sign a…”

“None disclosure, I already know that, but why? Why take me there and why are you with them and what is the society for and… Just why?” She asked

A soft knock came on the door before the door went open and Ricky entered.

“They are waiting,” he said, walking out instantly.


Lorenzo stood straight with the help of Ricky and Khalid who were holding onto him on both sides.

He’s currently wearing a coat made of copper, his boots weigh 500 pounds, he can’t lift his leg on his own that’s why Ricky and Khalid are holding onto him.

In the front was his father who sat proudly on his chair, as though he hadn’t dealt with his uncle a while ago, his mother was seated beside him.

On the left and right side were the elders, behind him were the younger ones, women and children.

“Bring him,” His grandfather said.

“Let him walk on his own,” Mr. Washington said almost immediately.

Everyone’s eyes widened, especially Khalid.

The guy was wearing the weight of a car, a f-__-king d@mn car. They go to the gym but come on, this was so heavy that Lorenzo couldn’t stand straight without assistance.

“Washington…” Mr Washington’s father called but Mr Washington walked out of his chair, Standing at least 20 feet from Lorenzo.

“Let him go!” He ordered.

Ricky and Khalid let go of him, they didn’t have a choice, do they?

“Now walk to me,” Mr Washington ordered, his voice rough and cold.

Silence took over the whole room as Lorenzo willed himself before taking a step…

🗣️ One!

🗣️ Two!!

🗣️ Three!!

🗣️ Four!!

He paused, his whole body shaking, this was harder than he thought. It looks like he was pushing a house.

“What are you? A chicken??” Mr Washington roared.

🗣️ Six!!


Lorenzo forced himself to move but couldn’t, normally it was supposed to be ten steps but his father went and stood far away.

🗣️ Eight!!!

🗣️ Nine!!.

👥 He’s weak, someone should help him.

👥 His leg, oh no.

🗣️ Ten!!

Lorenzo staggered, falling to his knees and pain gripped him.

The whole crowd gasped, some standing to their feet while some clasped their hands over their mouth.

Mrs. Washington stared with watering eyes as that was all she could do.

“Go and help him,” Mr. Washington’s father said and Ricky together with Khalid ran forward.

“You’ll disregard that request,” Mr. Washington voiced out making them stop on their track.

“Washington, that’s a lot of brass…”

“It’s spun copper, not brass and the new man who rules the empire must match 20 steps unassisted!” He cut his father off before turning to Lorenzo.

Hot tears mixed with sweat rushed down Lorenzo’s cheek and he closed his eyes.

“God damnit Woman! Move your âss and give me my 20!! If you die now, it’s the closest you’ll ever get to being a hero!!”

Lorenzo forced himself to his feet, his gaze fixed on his father as he took a step forward.

🗣️ Eleven!!

“My son is a leader and not a weakling! If he’s being confronted, he will handle it!! if he’s being attacked, he’ll fight back!! If anything tries to block his territory, he moves it!!!”

🗣️ Sixteen!!!

“If he’s lucky, his name will not be forgotten. Aren’t nobody wanna die young but death has to be afraid of you! Now move your d@mn âss and match up to me boy!!!”

With teeth clenched tightly, he matched the remaining steps toward his father and stood right before him.

Mr Washington smirked with satisfaction.

“Now this is what I had in mind when I was doing it…”

“Everybody down!!” Bush suddenly burst through the door, fully armed.

Mr Washington Scoffed.

“Who let the dogs out? Khalid, throw that dog out of here!”

TBC 😁😀😍💖

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