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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Arthur ended up leaving the mansion before lacey get ready, my thoughts these days have been flooded by Christine but I wonder why? After my conversation with Linda, she left, vanish out of my life, is it for good?

” Arthur ?” George gasp the moment he open the door ” you look dead ” ignoring him, I walk in and he shut the door ” what’s wrong, you look pale, like supper pale ”

” Do you believe in curses or black magic?” I asked, I have think of many scenarios in my head and that is the only thing I could come up with, am sure this isn’t normal.

” That’s absurd ” George fold his hand and stare at me ” for two weeks you have been absent from work, even lacey called and ask if you truly went to business trip ”

” Oh that?”

” What is going on Arthur?” He step closer ” you have to tell me, you look really horrible ”

” I think my sins have caught up to me ” running my hands through my hair, I exhale ” I keep seeing Christine everywhere, even when I wish to kiss lacey ”

” What do you mean?”

” It started after I had a dream about Christine and then she keep popping up everywhere, in my head, Infront of my eyes…..every god d@mn place ”

” Arthur ” George suddenly look serious ” before that night did you take anything? Drink or eat anything?”

” Of course not ” I mumble then pause, Linda words hit me in my head ” every morning before Linda leave she always made me breakfast and same with lacey but afterwards I was get a glass of milk from her, that night it seem heavy, thicker than before ”

” And you didn’t suspect anything?” George growl ” this will be the hundredth time, I told you to fire her ”

” What do you mean”

” She could be planning to make you insane, that way you will confess ”

” You are joking ” I fake a laugh ” you think drinking a milk will make me insane? This has to be a curse at work ”

” We are going to the hospital ”

” What?”

” And am calling lacey ”

Looking at how serious he seem, I manage to stand to my feet, I wonder why he keeps getting worked up” it’s fine, I don’t need to be hospitalized”

” What are you saying ”

” Maybe this is my punishment ” I growl ” for ki||ing her, this could be my punish…..” I couldn’t complete my sentence before he punch me, sending me to the floor, sometimes, this boy forget the fact that am his boss.

” Punishment? You almost ki||ed yourself after days” he growl, getting angry ” if not for me, you could have been dead along side her, are you insane…’s obvious that Linda is responsible for this ”

” George”

” Keep quiet, we are going to the hospital” he help me up and to the car ” any other side effects?”

” Dizziness, high temperature and loss of appetite ”

” Why didn’t you say anything to lacey?”

” She is not my wife ” I growl ” nor is she my mother ” closing my eyes I lean on the passenger seat, to be sincere, I just don’t wish to bother her, she will worry for no reason and I don’t wish for that to happen.

” Tell me why you kept Linda close to you”

” Hmmm”

” Am sure you knew her hatred towards you ”

” I did ”

” So why?”

” She is like a mother to me ” I give him same reply I gave to lacey, they is no turn about to it, the truth deep down was the fact that I kept praying she poisoned me, even after traveling out of the country, I had tried different ways of ending my life.

That was before I got hold of lacey again, I thought I might never see that girl that invade my dreams, but finding her, I surprisingly stop thinking about Christine, I wanted to live.

” We are here ” getting out of the car, we heard towards the doctor office, i had to give them some of my blood to run test ” we have the test results ” sitting down, I stare at the doctor, how his eyes look at the paper with shock ” this has to be the reasons for the hallucinations ”

” What is ” George eager voice cut through

” Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) is a name of a drug that promotes hallucinations, of course it doesn’t work immediately, but too much of it is capable of making one go insane ” the doctor meet me in the eye ” what surprise me is the fact that you also took other hallucinating drugs, such as Ketamine and Peyotes, the fact you’re alive and well is a miracle ”

” Is they any way to clear his body system from it?”

” Of course, I will write down the drug, you should get and the side effects you will experience from them ”

” Thank you doc” George mumble but before I could say anything, lacey open the door and I stare at her, those eyes of hers red from crying.

” Are you okay?” She rush towards my direction, touching my face, Christine face keep flashing in my eyes but I try to act neutral, I don’t want to push her away ” doctor how is my husband” I blink at her words.

” He will be fine, since you’re his legal guardian, why don’t you sign this papers ” she collect them while I stare at her, how worried and composed she seem at same time, I didn’t expect George to actually call her.

” Doctor” I finally mumble ” what kind of hallucinations do this drug actually make one see ”

” It depends on each individual, could be faces of one of your loved one or of someone you acted wrong towards” our eyes meet and I know what he meant, someone I regretted ki||ing.

So I did regret ki||ing her.

After getting the drug, George left us alone, lacey refused taking me back to the mansion either, I look back and stare at our belongings ” were are we heading ”

” New apartment” her voice cold

” Why ”

” Miss Linda must have added that drugs in other things too” running my hands through my hair I exhale.

” I can’t leave my mansion ”

” Why not?”

” They is something I can’t leave, let’s go back….we will just throw everything in the fridge and kitchen away ” she look at me and I plead ” please ”

” What is it that you can’t leave?”

” Gold ” I reply ” my d@mn gold ” from the way she talk and look at me, one could tell how angry she is, she turn the car around and I sleep off…the same nightmare hunt me again, keep repeating my hurtful feelings.

I woke up with tears in my eyes and lacey crying ” lacey?” I sit up and realize am on my bed, how did I get out of the car? Am sure lacey can’t lift me up.

I feel my back hurt a little which only means that she drag me on the floor” lacey?” I force the words out of my mouth.

” Arthur?” She look at me ” your awake, I was so scared, you kept crying but won’t wake up, no matter how hard I try to …..” I notice lacey keep speaking but what I was hearing was far different, Christine was right there, standing behind her.

Her words clear ” you ki||ed me so that you can live with her? You ki||ed your child, how could you!!!!!” I watch blood flow from her eyes and I clench my hands to my chest, the pain is unbearable

I shake my head ” I didn’t mean to, I had no idea it was truly my child!!!!!”

” Arthur?” Lacey high-pitched voice drag back to present ” here, take your drug, you should start now ” nodding my head, I did as she said, drink the drug and within no time I fall asleep.

This time the dream was different, I found myself floating, floating on water ” Arthur!!!” I heard Christine voice as she approach ” what are you doing in there? You’re leaving, the water is taking you far away ”

” That shouldn’t happen?” I look at her, but no matter how many times I try swimming towards her, it seem like I just keep moving to the other side

” Don’t leave me!!!!!” Lacey voice made me look at my right, she is crying ” come back to me, I deserve you, no body else but me”

” Lacey” I mumble.


I woke up with a soft slap on my cheek ” you need to wake up like a normal person, stop making me scared ” lacey look at me while she clean her tears ” it’s already evening, you slept the whole day ”

” Am sorry ”

” Why didn’t you tell me ” she look really hurt ” can’t you even trust me?”

” I just didn’t want to bother you, I was sure I could handle everything that’s happening”

” Can you stop trying to fight things alone?” She yell ” why do you think am here for you, I didn’t leave you when you told me how you ki||ed someone, you thought if you told me about the hallucinations I will go?”

” Lacey ”

” Why do you keep pushing me away? Why can’t you see how much I love you ” more tears flow from her eyes but the moment she said the last sentence we both sit still, no words, just silence, she look away and then lift the soup she prepared.

Lacey cleared her throat ” I went to the grocery store and got new item, I prepared this soup, you should eat ”

” I don’t want to”

” Do you prefer beating?” She $h00t glare my way and I swiftly shake my head ” open your mouth ” I watch her feed me, she look so serious that it got me smiling, plus she is really bad at cooking, the soup hardly have taste.

” Am full ” mumbling, I lay down back on the bed, feeling weak and tired ” am sorry lacey, I haven’t been in my right senses for awhile now ”

” Hmmm” she said nothing, just drop the plate while I hold her hand, gaining her attention she look at me

” Thank you ” I smile ” thank you for loving me ”

Linda sit down at the edge of the bed ” are you sure it’s already taking effects?”

” Yes ” mumbling I look at her, how well she has grown ” am sure he won’t be able to stop thinking about you, I mean I stayed there for months after he returned from his travel, the drugs should take effects”

” What if he goes to the hospital” she look at me, worried ” how long will it take for the drugs stop working in his system after he begin medication ”

” It should take about a week ”

” A week?” Her voice remain calm ” mother, I can’t wait that long, I wish to see him, I want to….”

” Christine” I pat her head ” he just finished remembering about you, with time, with time you will go back into his life and show him the hell he showed you ”


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