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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Angelo look at his wrist watch before receiving another punch to his face ” I told you, the gold is important, what the hell do you think you’re doing going on dates ”

” Boss” frowning, I look at him, dead in the eyes ” I also have a life, just like you do ”

” What the hell are you saying ”
He growl, chest rising and falling, proving how angry he is.

” You have no idea how Arthur is” I growl ” he is not someone you can just barge into his place and go free!!”

” Did you even try?”

” Try?” Laughing, I move closer ” I search everywhere, every f-__-king place, his office, their hideout….and saw nothing, are you even sure they is gold?”

” Am sure of it ”

” I doubt it ” putting out a chair, I sit down and run hands through my hair ” he is too cautious for his own good, am sure he is aware of all these ” lifting my eyes, I stare at him ” why are you doing all of these anyway? I thought you two are related?”

” Related my foot ” he growl, those dark eyes of his look elsewhere, I stare closely at the mark on the right side of his face, he use his hands to trace it ” he is a bastard, someone who doesn’t care about family, just money ”

” What do you mean ”

“Who do you think gave me this mark? I want him to lose everything ” he clench his hands and exhale ” they is only one more chance, lacey, I want her ” I stood up at the mention of that name.

” What do you mean ”

” Kidnap her, I want her ”

” What do you plan on doing?” Asking, he $h00t glare my way

” I don’t think we are partners Angelo ” he growl, even I fear him most times ” you don’t deserve to know what will become of her, I just want her here, I need her for the rest of my plan ”

” Okay ” I look away ” boss ”

Arthur sit down in the doctor office ” she is fine, but she needs more rest, the major reason for her fainting is thinking, the stress both in her mentally and physically ”

” What do you mean ”

” She needs rest and majorly, she needs to stop overthinking, she has a really fragile heart ”

” But will she be okay?” I asked, my hands clench, he nod and prescribe drugs I should get for her, standing up, I move to the receptionist, get the drugs and back into lacey room, shut the door and sit right next to her, looking at how pale she is, I run my hands through my hair , knowing fully well I caused this, am the reason why she is laying here.

What am I thinking? Asking her to leave? Am sure she didn’t kiss Edwin, the truth is, I know she didn’t, when she cried and told me, I know she said the truth but I was too angry to think clearly.

” Arthur?” Hearing her voice, I lean close and hold her hand, her eyes slowly look at me, still looking half alive ” are you okay?” She look so worried for me while it’s my fault she is in here, I stress her body last night and now also finding out that I stress her mentally too.

” Am sorry ” tears drop from my eyes and she widen hers ” am so sorry lacey, this is my fault, if only I had not over reacted ”

” Arthur, what are you doing?” She sit up and touch my face, cleaning my tears ” what are you crying for? Am I dying? Do I have some kind of rare disease” watching the fear register in her eyes I chuckle then shake my head.

” Of course not ”

” Thank God” lacey exhale then look at me ” why were you crying? Is something wrong ”

” I just feel bad lacey ” touching her face, I smile ” am sorry for treating you that way, I promise not to do that again ”

” You won’t ask me to leave again right” I nod and she smile ” that’s better, I don’t think I can live without you anymore ” I look at her, confused” I like you Arthur, am not sure about love yet but I like you alot ”

” Lacey ”

” You ask me to love you right ” I nod and she kiss my forehead ” I will do just that” looking at how sincere those green eyes of hers seem, I couldn’t help but to feel really happy, this feeling, is really strange.

” Lacey ” I stare right into her eyes and mumble ” this is not what you wish to hear but am obsessed” leaning close, I touch her cheek ” am obsessed with you and trust me, it’s bad for your health ”

” I will handle it ”

“I might treat you worst if anything happened like this again, I might, I might ki|| you ” saying those words, I waited, waited to see fear in her eyes but it never came, she look at me confused and suddenly, out of surprise cup my face into her hands.

” Who keep telling you these lies, filling your head with thoughts of ki||ing someone you like?”she suddenly look angry ” I know you won’t ki|| me, wh@ťěver happens in your past, remains in your past, don’t overthink things, I trust you ”

” Lacey?” It appear you are the one overthinking things, that’s why you’re here….I smile at how serious she seem.

” I have no idea what happened between you and Christine but one thing is for sure ” she lean close ” you’re at fault ”

” What? ” Pouting my lips, I frown ” you don’t even know the whole story ” she let go and lay down.

” I don’t need to know, you’re so stubborn that it has to be your fault ”

” Can’t it be both of our faults?”

” You’re right ” she look at me ” when you want to talk about, tell me, I will wait ” she slowly close her eyes and I smile, what do I do with her? She is so stubborn, saying I can’t ki|| her, she really does believe am kind.

Touching my face, it still shocked me that I cried, I had no idea I would feel so guilty to the point of crying, I do cry but never for the women I sleep with, does this mean lacey means a lot to me?

I do know am obsessed but crying? It has never happened before ” lacey ” I touch her face ” I might have liked you for a very long time….back then when you were sixteen” smiling I chuckle ” to think you don’t even remember me ” her sound breath made me relax, she must be sleeping soundly.

After getting the discharge papers, I helped her into the car and we are back in the mansion, I slowly drop her on my bed, she still look stressed and tired, eyes halfway open ” sleep ” she nod and close her eyes, I pull out my cigarette, light it and place in my mouth.

” You promised to stop smoking” she murmur which got me laughing.

” I sure did” taking out the cigarette, I throw it out of the window and take off my jacket ” let me shower, grabbing my phone, I walk into the bathroom, shut the door and call George.

” Hello ” hearing a female voice, I stop talking for awhile before recognizing the voice ” wait a minute, I will hand it over to him ”

” Monica ” mumbling, I exhale ” don’t break George heart, I might ki|| you if you do ”

” Bastard, who are you planning to ki|| ” hearing George voice I chuckle ” what is it, why call this late ”

” Something has been bothering me George” sitting on the toilet seat, I frown ” pond has been a little too quiet this days, I need you to find him, his location and everything”

” Is everything okay? Why are you suddenly interested in him?”

” I don’t have much enemies, it’s clear that Angelo isn’t working for Edwin but then, who else will want my downfall? If not Edwin then it’s pond ” I exhale, pausing to catch my breath ” pond is the only one that truly despise me”

” Fine, I will do that ”

” How about Edwin location, do you have access to it?”

” Yes, I will send it right away ” I hung up after that, showered, wrap a towel around my waist and walk out of the bathroom I stare at lacey awake, sitting down on the bed, she look lost in thought but I just stare at how beautiful she looks even when sick.

Her lips pink and a little dry, blond hair fall gracefully on her body, eyes open but seem distant ” is something worrying you?”

She look at me and nod ” miss Linda ” her eyes search mine for answers, she catch her breath and exhale ” she seem very strange, asking me to leave you ”

” Oh ”

” Why is she like that Arthur?” Lacey look at me ” it doesn’t seem like she h@ťě you but same time she doesn’t want you to be happy, am sure you’re aware so why?”

” Lacey ”

” I want to know” her eyes pleading ” tell me ”

” Linda despise me ” I smile ” you see, I ki||ed her daughter”

” Her daughter?”

I nod ” Christine ” swallowing, I force the words out ” I ki||ed her”


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