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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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MY HIGHSCHOOL CRUSH – Episode 53 & 54

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(Crazily in love with you)




CHAPTER 53 & 54. . . …

Soon he stopped kissing her as the both of them panted heavily,
“Olivia…will you be mine? “Alex Asked, softly.

Olivia gazed at Alex gobsmacked,
Did he just asked her to be his girlfriend??

“Olivia…be my girlfriend, please be mine” Alex pleaded, softly.

Olivia gave it a thought before giving him a nod,
“Yes…i will be yours ” Olivia muttered, calmly.

Alex smiled and rest his head on her shoulder,
“Oh God…i feel like the happiest man on earth now” Alex muttered, excitedly.


He raised Olivia’s top up and pulled it off, Olivia’s small, firm and portable B-__-b’s came into view since she wasn’t putting a bra.

Olivia blushed when she saw the way Alex was staring at her B-__-b’s, Alex took his hand to one of her B-__-b’s and squeezed it, gently.

Olivia shut her eyes as a soft Mõ@ɲ escaped her mouth,
“Olivia… am going to make you feel things in which you haven’t felt before.. ” Alex stated, hoarsely as he pinched her Ɲīpplë, hard.

“Ah! ” Olivia gasped.

“I am going to show you what pleasure truly is.. ” Alex uttered, hoarsely and his lips met with one of Olivia’s portable B-__-bs.

He sucked on it like a child hungry for Břě@šť milk, he bit and teased her Ɲīpplë with his tongue, his other hand squeezing her other B-__-b, gently.

A soft Mõ@ɲ escaped Olivia’s throat as she grabbed his hair,
After doing justice to her B-__-bs, Alex raised his head up and gazed at Olivia, affectionately.

“You’re enjoying it right? should is still continue? ” Alex asked, softly as he took his hand to her skirt trying to pull it down.
Olivia nodded, shyly.

Alex smirked, he pulled the skirt down and flung it anyway, Olivia was left in her black lace pant.

He pulled her forward and rests his head on hers,
“You’re so beautiful Olivia ” Alex muttered, softly.

“T…thank you” Olivia mumbled as she panted, softly.

Alex shifted her black lace pant and teased her ćƖĩť with his finger,

“A….Alex no– Ah! ” Olivia was saying when Alex pushed a finger into her ćƖĩťoris, A sharp Mõ@ɲ escaped her lips,

Alex continued finger f-__-king Olivia as she Mõ@ɲed, painfully.
Of course it was painful since she was still a virgin.

Alex increased his pace, Olivia shut her eyes as she Mõ@ɲed in ecstasy,

“Ah! Alex! “

“Ouch! “

“Pl….please! “

“Ugh! “

Alex finger f-__-ked Olivia until she cummed,
He pushed her back and his mouth met with her ćƖĩťoris,

“No..! Alex that’s..dirty..Ah! ” Olivia uttered and a loud Mõ@ɲ escaped her throat.

Alex sucked out all her juices and raised his head up, he took off his T-shirt and wore it on her, he brought her down from the counter.

Olivia lowered her head, shyly as she played with her fingers,
Alex chuckled, he touched her chin and raised her head up, he kissed her one last time.

“You have to go freshen up or do you need more? ” Alex teased,
Olivia shook her head and took long strides towards the door, she paused and glanced at Alex,

“Erm! I want to go home…my mom might be worried ” Olivia muttered, calmly.

Alex shook his head as he drank from a glass of water,
“Go freshen up, I’ll take you home” Alex muttered, coolly.

Olivia smiled and left the kitchen,
After freshening up, Olivia wore one of Alex’s jogger pants and a white polo,

“Alex am done! ” Olivia uttered, excitedly as she ran towards the car, she couldn’t wait to tell her diary all that had happened today and she couldn’t wait to tell Adrian too.

Some maids who were watching started to gossip among themselves,

🗣 Is this lady Alex’s girlfriend? She’s even putting on his clothes..

🗣Omo, am so jealous..his girlfriend is so pretty!

🗣Who cares ugh! I don’t want her for our Alex she’s too thin, I’d prefer Lisa

🗣Lisa you say, that Ɓîtçh isn’t even worth Alex’s love, she’s too fake!

🗣Yes and she thinks showing off her body will make all men wants her, she should wait see how Alex will cancel the engagement hah!

“Did you guys came here to gossip or to work?! Get back to work now! ” Miss Jane who had

been listening to their conversation yelled, they all disperse grudgingly.

Miss Jane scoffed, she glared at the car in which Olivia was till it drove out of sight, she left.


Alex parked the car a few distance away from Olivia’s house,
“Thank you for everything.. Alex ” Olivia uttered, gratefully.

Alex nodded,
“Don’t forget to chat me up at night ” Alex stated, coolly.

“Okay, I’ll get going now.. ” Olivia muttered and opened the door, a big and firm hand held hers, she turned and a lips covered hers.

Alex kissed Olivia, gently and nibbled on her bottom lip, soon he stopped as the both them panted, softly.

“As my girlfriend, this is what you will do whenever you want to bid me goodbye” Alex uttered, softly.

Olivia got down from the car, shyly
She released a slight bow and ran away towards where she lives.

Alex chuckled as he bit down on his lip, making him to look so segzy.

The ringing sound of his phone brought him out of his reverie,
He glanced at the phone screen and his gaze, darkened.

He took the phone and swiped to the answer icon,
“Speak up” He ordered, icily.

A slight cough erupted from the other end,
“Well.. Boss we found nothing, the mysterious ki||er didn’t leave any trace” A voice emerged from the other end.

“Was it a suicidal attempt or someone else did it? ” Alex asked, coldly.

“Sir….it wasn’t a suicidal attempt, a human being can’t smash its own head repeatedly, someone broke in and drvgged all the cops” A voice erupted from the other end.

Alex nodded, as he clicked his tongue,

“Hmm, keep searching and make sure you guys keep your eyes on Olivia smith, if anything as a

strand of her hair miss, you all will pay for it! ” Alex stated, icily and hung up.



charlotte strolled into the mansion, tiredly.

She threw her bag on the couch, carelessly and sat down.
A maid quickly took the bag, pulled off Charlotte’s shoes from her feet and took them upstairs.

Violetta strolled down the staircase and sat down beside Charlotte.

“Charlotte baby, are you okay? are you feeling sick? talk to mummy ” Violetta asked, worriedly.

Charlotte sighed, tiredly.
“Am just stressed out, school was hectic ” Charlotte mumbled with a faint smile.

Violetta smiled and caressed her hair, she stood up and started giving Charlotte a head massage,
“This will help a little” Violetta uttered, calmly.

“Mom…what about Vince? ” Charlotte asked, slowly.

“Might be in his room, he didn’t come downstairs today, I had to send his food to his room” Violetta muttered with a pout.

Charlotte forced out a faint smile,
“The mysterious ki||er murdered another lady inside a Jail” Violetta blurted out, sadly.

Charlotte flinched and turned as she gazed at Violetta, shocked.
“R….really?….the governments

should do something about it before it gets out of hand, oh God now am so scared of going out” Charlotte muttered, fearfully.

“Charlotte you have to be careful wherever you go and what about your friend Olivia? I haven’t seen her for days now..” Violetta asked, curiously.

“I…i don’t really know, she hasn’t been in school for days now… ” Charlotte retorted, quickly.

“Really? Have you checked up on her? can you show me where she lives? ” Violetta uttered, worriedly.

Charlotte nodded sideways.
“I…i don’t really know where she stays and she doesn’t have a phone” Charlotte muttered with a nervous chuckle.

Violetta smacked charlotte on her shoulder, carefully.
“Hey! do you even consider her as your friend? you don’t even know where she stays, so annoying ” Violetta pouted and shook her head.

“Mom you look so pretty when you pout” Charlotte quickly diverted the topic.

“Really? Omo, thank you honey” Violetta retorted and giggled..

Violetta took an invitation card which was on the glass table,
“On Saturday is Vince’s birthday though he’s against me throwing a big party for him but me and

your dad agreed to throw a big party for him so I want you to share these cards to your school mates and classmates, tell them

they’re invited and they will be a enough to eat and drink ” Violetta muttered excitedly and shoved the cards into Charlotte’s hand.

Charlotte glared at the cards for a while and nodded, slowly.
“That’s my baby!” Violetta shrieked, excitedly.

“Erm! mom what does Vince likes the most, I wanna get him a gift” Charlotte uttered, all smiles.

“Well…he likes ties, black suit, watch and pretty ladies ” Violetta blurted out, sweetly.

Charlotte’s wide smile faded.
Her face became sour,

“Of course he loves pretty ladies but not just anyhow ladies, I mean the ones that has beauty with brains, good morals, decent

dressings, A-ha! didn’t you see the way he always stares at Olivia? because she has all what I just mentioned in her, am sure my

Vince will definitely fall in love with Olivia. I mean I don’t want any other lady for my Vince apart

from Olivia…. ” Violetta rambled on and on, she forgot to see the dark and angry look on Charlotte’s face. ..

“I’ll be in my room now mom” Charlotte muttered, coldly and stood up to go,

“Are you still feeling pains anywhere?” Violetta asked worriedly as she touched Charlotte’s forehead.

“I said NO! ” Charlotte snapped, irritated.

Violetta flinched and took a step back,
Charlotte shook her head, vigorously when she realized what she just did,

“I….a… Am sorry for that…am just… am just tired” Charlotte stuttered, slowly.

“Goodnight mom” Charlotte muttered and left for her room.

Violetta gazed at her retreating figure and pouted,
“Am I too noisy? Aish my two children don’t even have time for me” Violetta muttered to herself and left the scene.

Olivia who was seated on her tattered, small bed giggled, sweetly.

“Dear diary i finally have a boyfriend, a soulmate and a future husband…..

Olivia ranted to herself as she scribbled it down in her diary, her phone dinged signifying that there was a message, Olivia took the phone and opened the message,

She giggled when she saw who it was,

“Are you sleeping? ” Olivia read and typed her reply.

“Nope am still awake”
Olivia sent hers.

“Hmm, is your mom giving you headache? ” Olivia read and chuckled.

“Of course she isn’t–
Olivia was typing when the door swung open,

“Alright here we go, she’s here now” Olivia typed and sent it.

“You didn’t come back home yesterday, why?? ” Miss Judy snapped as she stood in front of Olivia.

Olivia switched off her phone and sat upright,
“Good evening mom” She greeted calmly.

“I don’t want your f-__-king greetings Olivia! where were you yesterday?! ” Miss Judy snapped, irritated.

“I spent the night at a friends–

Miss Judy didn’t even allow Olivia to complete her statement, she raised her hand up, shutting Olivia up.

“A friends place? or your boyfriends place…Olivia we’re leaving for Korean tomorrow morning so get your things ready” Miss Judy uttered, seriously.

Olivia gazed at her shocked and sprang up from the bed,
“You’re joking…right? ” Olivia stuttered, slowly.

“Does it looks like am joking!? am I a clown? Besides how did you
get a phone? ” Miss Judy asked, confused.

“I bought it with my savings ” Olivia replied, coldly.

“What?! your savings? I thought I told you not to save money! Whenever you need anything just tell me! ” Miss Judy yelled, angrily.

Olivia scoffed, bitterly.
“You know what mom, am done with this conversation please leave my room, I need rest” Olivia uttered, coldly.

Miss Judy quickly softened up as she made Olivia to sit on the bed, carefully.

“Olivia dear am sorry for shouting at you, I just have too many loads on my head” Miss Judy retorted, calmly.

Olivia rolled her eyes,
Here she goes again trying to play the good mother…

“Erm! If you don’t want us to leave for Korean tomorrow then you have to listen to me and do what I say” Miss Judy uttered, seriously.

Olivia gazed at her, waiting to hear what she wanted to say.
“Do you know Charlotte’s mother?” Miss Judy asked, seriously.

Olivia furrowed her brows confused,
“Yes..? is there a problem? ” Olivia uttered, confused.

Miss Judy cleared her throat,
“Violetta Armstrong ” Miss Judy stated the name, coldly through gritted teeth.

“Mom…how did you–

“Stay away from that woman she isn’t who you think she is! ” Miss Judy spat out, coldly.

“But why? And how did you know her? ” Olivia asked, confused.

“Don’t ask me questions and just do what I say! that woman is a ki||er! A murderer! When I gave birth to you she was so envious

and jealous of me because she couldn’t give birth to a female child! she came to me physical and tried to Assassinate me and you, stay away from her! ” Miss Judy spat out, venomously and feigned tears.

Olivia thought about it for a while,
“Wait…i don’t really understand, so the both of you know each other? ” Olivia blurted out, slowly.

“But mom you still haven’t told me why your name is Julie and Judy, I mean what’s the difference–

“I decided to call myself Judy because I never did liked the Julie of a name ” Miss Judy retorted, quickly.

“Will you do as I say? ” Miss Judy asked, coldly.

“Mom it doesn’t –

“Say yes Olivia! will you do as I say?!! ” Miss roared, angrily like a lion.

Olivia flinched,
“Yes mom I will, now leave please I need rest” Olivia muttered with an eye roll.

Miss Judy let out a wide smile,
“That is my Olivia I gave birth to, goodnight sweetie” Miss Judy uttered, happily and strolled out of the room.

Olivia sighed, she stood up and locked the door as she took off her clothes and wore her nightie,

“Yeah as if I would even listen to you, I only said yes because I wanted you to leave my room.

Such a liar” Olivia mumbled to herself and threw herself on the small bed.

Olivia took her phone and viewed the last message Alex sent to her,

“Oh no I didn’t reply, hope he won’t get mad.. ” Olivia uttered to herself and sent a goodnight sticker to him.

She turned off her phone,
“But how did she know about aunt Violetta, is mom spying on me? I’ll have to ask aunt Violetta later” Olivia muttered to herself and shut her eyes.

sleep took over…..


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