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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{Tutoring the four hotties}








Alya took her food and splash on Cameroon’s face too…

“f-__-k!… eyes”An agonizing cry escaped Cameroon’s lips



The maids kept bowing as Anthony made his way into his sister’s mansion,he finally found a couch and sat down with his legs crossed

Raising up just one of his index finger made a maid running to him

“Sir…. what do you want?”The maid asked with her face buried to the ground

“Call my sister”He said and the maid quickly ran out to execute the task,he called for another maid

“Get me wine”Anthony ordered and the maid left immediately

“Come to my room whenever you want to see me next time… I shouldn’t be the one coming to meet you in my own house”Anthony heard Lillian’s voice after some minutes, the maid that went to get the wine came back with it, plus two thumbler, she placed it on the table, before pouring into the cup

“Nah….what if you rape me?”Anthony smirked

“Like you are man enough…. I rather rape a dog”Liliana scoffed and rolled her eyes almost at the same time

“That doesn’t hurt”Anthony smiled

“Really?…. should I tell you what will hurt you?”Lillian smirked

“You can’t…..”

“Chris is on his way back from Italy”Lillian said before sipping from her glass of wine

Anthony expression could tell only one thing immediately he heard that, shock, he’s shocked as f-__-k,he drop the glass of wine he was about sipping from and faced Lillian

(For those who have forgotten, Chris is the twins father)

“You said what?”Anthony asked again

“Chris is coming back!”Lillian yelled this time

“Back for what?…. what’s he back for?”Anthony yelled at no one in particular

“Back to take your position of course”Lillian had another sip from her wine

Anthony gulped down his wine in one go and faced Lillian with a smirk

“Interesting…… let’s see”Anthony said with a smirk playing on his lips

“What… what are you planning?”Lillian asked

“Actions speaks more louder than words”Anthony said and Lillian rolled her eyes

“Your Ɓîtçh of a friend is living in disguise… I came here to tell you that”Anthony said

“Mabel?”Lillian asked

“Who else?”Anthony said

“She’s still obsessed with that poor rat, I guess she’s lives in disguise just to be with him”Lillian said

“You are right….. she did plastic surgery and changed her name”Anthony said

“Her new name?”Lillian asked

“Dunno”Anthony said pouring himself another wine

“You should have found out that too!”Lillian yelled

“Hey, don’t yell at me, am not the one who told her to be obsessed with a poor fool, you should have advised her, isn’t she your best friend?”Anthony said

Lillian furiously smashed the glass cup on the floor and walked out

“That’s one thing I h@ťě about her, that hot temper of hers”Anthony shievered intentionally”she’s scary”He made a scary look


Cameroon went temporary blind same as white, Thiago left Quinn’s side and dragged Alya out of the cafeteria

🗣️ Can’t believe this is a scholarship student!

🗣️ She’s crazy!

🗣️ Cameroon won’t let this slide

🗣️ She just touch the lion’s tail

🗣️ I h@ťě her guts

Thiago walked passed Noah, who was just coming in with Natalia, listening to the rumors, seeing how Thiago left with Alya,also looking at the condition of Cameroon and white,he knew something was wrong

“What’s going on?, seems like you missed an amazing show”Natalia said with a smile but that wasn’t the case with Noah,he wasn’t smiling,he loves drama, yes, but not when that involves Alya

“What happened?”Noah stopped and asked a working class students

“The new scholarship girl defended white, well it’s happened that….”

“I told her not to say or do anything, she’s still the stubborn Alya I know”Noah interrupted running after Alya and Thiago

Natalia frowned, she clenched her fist angrily “Alya!”She muttered under her breath

“Seems like history is gonna repeat itself”Magnolia said behind Natalia

“I won’t let that happen”Natalia said with anger hovering round her words

“Good luck then”Magnolia said

“f-__-k Raynell”Magnolia said when she remembered how Raynell beated her in being the first to rush Cameroon to the restroom to wash his face

White was still there, wailing in his own temporary darkness, no one would help unless you want to incur the wrath of either Cameroon or Quinn

“And Alya… how dare she hurt my Cameroon”Magnolia muttered


“why did you do that?”Thiago asked calmly, trying very hard not to yell at her

“Seriously… you f-__-king asking me that question now,all I did was the right thing,how can you all allow that?, isn’t he someone’s son”Alya yelled as memories of how her step mother maltreat her refreshed her brain

“In this school, you don’t do things because you want to them, you do them to survive, do you know why white is in that position he is today?, because he did what you did,he tried defending his crush which later betrayed him, the poor can never help the poor, don’t you get that?”Thiago half yelled

“Or just because am poor I can’t do what I want, I can’t defend anyone even when he/her is at the edge of death?”Alya yelled and for the first time Thiago saw tears slipped down her eyes

“I don’t mean that way Alya,no one is dying, he just has to endure if he really wants to graduate from this school”Thiago said calmly

“Am out of here”Alya tried walking out but Thiago snatched her phone,

“Hey… give it back”Alya said

Thiago faced the phone to her face and it got unlocked,he saved his number in her phone and called the number,he returned the phone

“What do you think you are doing?”She asked

“That’s my number,call me when you are in trouble”Thiago said and cut his ringing phone, before saving her number

“Who do you think…..”Thiago interrupted her with a short kiss

“My reward”He smiled and walked out of the rooftop

“That jerk!”She said “why is my heart beating faster”She added in whisper

Noah sighed from his hiding place and left, leaving the rooftop, Alya met Cameroon,he was giving her his phone

“What?”She asked “here to bully me?”She added

“Save your number in my phone, it’s unlocked already”He said

“What for?”She asked

“You rendered me temporary blind, can’t you do me this little favour?”Cameroon asked

“f-__-k you!”Alya gave him the middle finger and left, he smirked


Lunch was over and the students were back in the classroom waiting for the teacher to arrived

The classroom was no different with a market because of what happened earlier

“I told you not to say or do anything”Noah said

“Talking like you don’t know me, how the f-__-k do you expect me to watch that without doing anything”Alya said and Noah sighed

“You are still the stubborn Alya I know”Noah said and she smiled

“Seems like you are leaving soon”Alya smiled


“Baby!”Natalia voice interrupted him, before he knew it, she was already dragging him away

Alya sighed when she saw white sitting alone, his both eyes were f-__-king red, both the corner of his both eyes

Alya stood up and walked to sit with him, the school chairs and tables are made for two persons but no one sits with White to avoid being like him, he’s no different with an outcast

No one was allowed to help him,no one is allowed to talk to him,no one is allowed to share a sit with him,no one is allowed to encourage him, everyone avoids all possible ways of physical contact with him, he’s alone in his own world

Meanwhile, Thiago’s eyes was always on Alya at every steps she takes, with Quinn also by his side linking arms with him, to him she is just a pest, who’s blackmailing him with something dear to him, Vince was also staring at her and Cameroon noticed

“Hey”Alya waved at white and sat down beside him

“I never told you to sit, no one is allowed to sit with me”White said

“Everyone else but not me, besides you don’t have to tell me to sit before I sit, it’s a classroom not your sitting room”Alya smiled

“Thanks for what you did earlier but I will be glad if you learn to mind your business, you defending me isn’t a good thing, it’s brings more harm to me”White said

“You should learn how to appreciate…..”

“You can leave now”White interrupted her

“Why….”He stood and left without giving her the chance to say anything

“Why would someone treat a fellow human like him that way”Alya said referring to Cameroon, she could sense the pain and anguish in White’s voice

“You want to know…. actually, Thiago and Cameroon were once best friends and bullies, back then Vincent and Vince was in Italy,it all happened when Jennifer died, two of them became enemies,if not because of Vincent and Vince you wouldn’t be hearing the name silver musketeers”Raynell said behind Alya

“Who’s Jennifer?”Alya asked, not wanting to know who Raynell is….

“Quinn’s twin sister and Cameroon’s favorite Cousin sister”Raynell replied

“Oh… I see”Alya muttered

“I know you already, so let me introduce myself,am Raynell scott….”

“The most popular model in Australia, the face of silverwolrd, your father is the CEO of silverwolrd Automobiles, you are one of the school rulers”Alya completed

“You know me already,guess am popular”Raynell smiled

“Of course you are”Alya said

“Noah was right, she’s kind and jovial”Alya said in her mind

“Can we be friends?”Raynell asked

“We are already”Alya said and Raynell pulled her into a hug

Vince and Thiago smiled from where they are while Cameroon smirk

Piper caught Avery staring at Vince and she smirked

“I would pluck out those eyes of yours”She muttered


This is where the presidents stays, and also as the general CEO of silverword conglomerate in Australia, Anthony’s office is there too

Rose was seen in the waiting room, waiting to be interviewed by the three old men before she could finally get a job at silverwolrd

She was still practicing her speech, preparing very hard for the interview, she have long waited and wished for this, finally she got the chance, she won’t allow it waste

She was still practicing when the door flew open,

“Follow me”Luke said as he came in,he was wearing a dark blue suit, looking so perfect in his new hairstyle

Rose lost her breath immediately,her heart started beating faster like is gonna explode anytime from now,

Even without anyone telling her she knew she fell in love with this young man in front of her, it’s not her first time anyways, she fell in love countless times but it always ends up in heartbreak

He blinked his eyes and that single act made her heart beat more crazier and faster, this man here was sure driving her crazy, but is she going to give her heart to him?

“Miss?”Luke called back her attention and she blinked her lashes twice,

“I just said….”

“I know… I heard you”She grabbed her bag and dash out,

“Werid”Luke said and followed her not without locking the door

(For those that forget, Rose is Alya’s step sister)


Alya was walking down the hallway when a working class students got her attention

“White is in danger…. Cameroon is bullying him again at the empty classroom”He said and took off,

Alya blood boiled immediately before making her towards the empty classroom

Few minutes later, she was opening the door of the empty classroom,her eyes widened in horror when she saw what’s was going,

White was tied to a chair, while Cameroon sat opposite him, few working class students were behind him even the one that gave Alya the information of white being bullied

“Finally, your saviour is here”Cameroon said and threw a white ball at white,it was a hard ball the type used in playing golf,it met with White’s nose and he bled, tears slide down his eyes

“What the hell do you think you are doing?”Alya yelled angrily

“Trying to get your number”Cameroon smirk, offering her his phone

“What?…. You did go that far just to get my number?”She asked

“Hey…”He paused, nodded twice and leaned on the chair, folding his arms”guess you don’t know me, Can actually do more than this”Cameroon said and stood up, bringing out a bat, he hit white with it…

“Ahh.. ….”White cried out in pains, Cameroon hitted it so hard that he thinks his bone might break if he gets a second hit

“Stop that!”Alya yelled angrily, looking at her eyes you could tell her expression that moment,anger, she was about taking a step forward when…

“Take another step forward and it’s his head this time”Cameroon said and she froze, she clenched her fist angrily

“Here save your number”Cameroon smirked, offering his phone again slowly she collected the phone from his hand

<T> <B> <C>

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