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SOUL SWITCH – Episode 6

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⚜️⚜️ Soul
Switch 🔱🔱

By: Rosemary O.

° Episode 6 °

Miles!!!, Ace screamed immediately he entered Miles’ house. But of course there was no reply

He rushed to his room but he wasn’t there, he immediately went to his music room and as expected he was there playing the piano.

Didn’t you hear me, Ace snapped but he didn’t also reply. That was when he noticed he was wearing an earpod.

He went closer and smacked his head immediately. Miles removed the earpod and glared at him

I have been calling you since but you didn’t reply, Ace snapped

I was busy didn’t you see that, I was……

Are you seriously still busy even after everything, Ace asked

Or don’t tell me you are really dating Chelsea, Ace added. Miles glared at him again

Don’t look at me that way, it’s everywhere, Ace snapped

If it’s about what happened. She came at me and it was unexpected, She will take care of it because it’s her mess, Miles said

Are you talking about the press conference she held to tell them that you are in a relationship, Ace asked. Miles furrowed his brows.

What are you talking about, he asked

You didn’t watch it?. I thought you will be interested I mean it’s a scandal, Ace scoffed

I was watching it before I hurried here, Ace added

Miles snatched his phone and looked at it.


So are you really in a relationship? Because I don’t really know what you are up to nowadays, Ace said

I am going to crush that girls bones, he suddenly screamed. Ace flinched in fear.

Drive me there immediately, he ordered.

As what?, Your driver?, Ace scoffed

Miles snatched Ace’s keys from his pocket and rushed out

Hey wait. I will drive I swear, Not my baby please Miles. My keys! I will drive you for life if you want. Just give it back, Ace screamed


👤 When did you start dating?
🗣️ What about Kimberly, is she just a friend?
👥 Are you really saying the truth?

Dami couldn’t breathe again because of the questions. The reporters got violent when she didn’t say anything and tried getting close to her but the securities intervened. Chelsea’s manager took her away

Immediately they entered the private room, the manager started pacing around

What have you done?, Why did you lie, she snapped at her

She really didn’t know when she said that but she regretted it because everyone wanted to chew her. She just moved from frying pan to fire.

I wasn’t thinking well, I was angry at Kimberly, Dami said truthfully

This is the real trouble because Miles won’t take it lightly and even if he does, his management won’t. Infact Miles might murder you before his management starts taking action, the manager said. Dami bit her lips

Miles is really crazy, in as much as he looks cool he is really crazy. Stay away from him for now, she continued

And you are like a different person, I mean the Chelsea I know would never do this, she added.

Of course I am a different person, Dami mumbled

What did you say, the manager asked

Can I just go home, maybe I should stay away for sometime, Dami sighed

Yeah you should, let’s go, the manager said and carried her bag.

They both made their way out but as soon as they stepped out, a black Porsche Carrera 4S drove in roughly. Miles jumped out before the car even stopped.

He was about to rush in when he saw her. Their eyes met.

Dani’s heart skipped a beat. Some how she knew that she was doomed.

He signaled her to come, she gulped and moved backwards

Come here Chelsea, he said calmly.

The calmness that comes before storm, she mumbled. Then she remembered what the manager had said.

Miles is really crazy, in as much as he looks cool he is really crazy. Stay away from him for now.

Run away from trouble, you must run away from trouble, she chanted and then she picked race.

Whattt! You are running away? You want to play it that way right, he screamed. She didn’t even stop or try to turn back.

You are dead if I finally get you, he screamed and ran after her.

Dami ran down the hallway, Miles followed. She entered the cafeteria, he still followed

Dami stood behind a table, he stood in the opposite side

Come here, he snapped

No, she said

No?, What No?, Should I grind your bones into powder, he screamed loudly

Dami and everyone in the cafeteria flinched

Come here now, this is your last chance p, he yelled. Dami shook her head

Fine let’s see how it ends, he yelled and climbed the table. Everyone gasped

Dami ran out of the cafeteria and entered the elevator. She immediately pressed the door close button and it started closing slowly

Miles came out of the cafeteria and started running to the elevator


Dami started pressing the door close button continuously and luckily just before he got to the elevator it closed.

Chelsea I use the stairs and I will murder when I get you, she heard him scream

He immediately started climbing the stairs.

She went straight to the rooftop. She didn’t want to near a rooftop again but she had no choice

He probably won’t find her if she goes to the rooftop, because it will be hard to go there if you are using the stairs.

She sat on the ground panting as she got to the rooftop .

d@mn that guy is crazy. Did he seriously run after me, she scoffed

I can’t believe I ran. My head hurts, she said holding her head

She stood up and sighed

I am f-__-king thirsty. How do I even go back, she groaned

There you are, she heard someone say

Don’t tell me it’s……

She turned slowly. She fell to the ground in shock immediately

How did you find me, she stuttered

Is that a question, my IQ is 190 do you think I a fool, Miles snapped

Look it’s not what you think, she said. He started coming close to her

You can tell that to the dead when you join them, he snapped

Miles please let me explain okay, I have a reason, she screamed. He stopped walking and looked at her

Let’s hear your reason, why did you embark on a journey of no return, he asked

What is she going to say?

Don’t think about what you will say. Just say the truth, he said as though reading her thought

She gulped hard

In 5, 4, 3, 2………

Because I wanted to get more popular, she said without thinking. He scoffed.

f-__-k, why did I say that, she asked herself

Urhm what girl won’t like to date you for fame, I felt like I will get popular if I said we were dating. I am really serious, why else would I do that, She said.

He chuckled and moved closer to her

I would have believed that if I did not know you Chelsea, you are not the type to do such. Or was it because I was away for long. You look like a different person, he said.

She gulped hard

And secondly, did you lose your memory or what?, you are very famous. Now cut that crap and tell me the real reason or else you will be smelling the incense of your funeral, he said dimming his eyes.

She gulped hard.

You have 5, 4, 3……

Well it’s because Kimberly, she screamed. He stared at her

That Ɓîtçh slapped me twice and pulled my hair, and I was mad. So I decided to do it, she continued.

Ɓîtçh?, He looked at her. She stood up and stared at him

I wasn’t thinking, I am sorry. When can say we broke up after two weeks, she said.

Are you kidding me, you should be preparing for a lawsuit, he snapped.

For what? Am I the only one who’ve done that, some are even married to you already, do you know how many wives you have, she snapped.


I am talking about your fans, they all said they are in a relationship with you, I am not different. I am a fan, she snapped.

He scoffed

So can’t you help me, I promise I will stay away from you, she pouted.

Fine then I will tell them you said that because you are my fan, he said.

No wait. Miles can’t you help. You will ruin my career if you do that, she said.

But you said…..

Fine, I am sorry, I wasn’t thinking, she said looking at the ground.

He scoffed and started leaving

Are you helping me, she asked. But he ignored her and walked away

That jerk!!!


Why didn’t you tell me that, I would have gone after her immediately, Ryan said after Chelsea told him what the woman told her.

Didn’t I? You were slow so we missed her, Chelsea scoffed.

Are you seriously kidding, Ryan snapped. Chelsea rolled her eyes.

Let’s just go home, I am tired already, Chelsea mumbled

🗣️ Chelsea is dating Miles? That’s crazy
👥 When did they even start the relationship, Miles just came back
👤 Maybe she’s lying but the Miles would have said so if she is
🗣️ If it’s so then what of Kimberly?

Ryan and Chelsea look at themselves

Ryan brought out his phone and went online

Why am I not surprised to see this, he mumbled. Chelsea snatched the phone and stared at it.

You might want to ki|| her later, I will supply you with weapons, Ryan said.

I know right, I need a bomb, Chelsea mumbled


The car dropped Dami in front of her gate. She stared at the house and sighed . She was back in her main house, Chelsea asked her to come over.

She might be the one to murder her, she mumbled

It’s not even up to a week and she was already feeling suffocated. She had to cover her face well so she won’t be recognized.

Infact she saw really tired of that celebrity life. Hopefully those two found a solution.

She sighed and made her way into the house

Her grand ma was in the living room and dhe rushed to hug her immediately. She really missed her.

Who are you, Granny asked in surprise

I am Dami, she imagined herself saying. She pulled away and smiled at her.

I am Dami’s friend, she replied

Dami? I didn’t know she had any friend, and why did you cover your face, Granny asked

Ryan and Chelsea came out of the kitchen when they heard Granny talking to someone.

Dami stared at them and scoffed

Granny it’s time for you to take your drugs, Ryan said

That’s right, she said and stood up. She smiled at Dami before leaving for her room

In as much as you are not me, isn’t it weird for you to play love I mean, you shouldn’t try to sleep with each other or kiss other in my body, Dami said

Are you really kidding, your face is a turn off. You are not my type sis, Ryan scoffed. Dami threw her bag at him immediately.

He is also not my style, I can’t date a college kid, Chelsea said. Ryan scoffed.

We are the same age. Infact I am even older than you, I just started late, he snapped

It doesn’t matter, and it’s doesn’t change the fact that you are a college kid, those kids are really not ideal types, Dami said

Says a person who didn’t go to college, Ryan hissed

I will ki|| you for real. I swear, she screamed

You may be dying first, why did you say you are in a relationship with Miles, Ryan said

Oh that, she paused and looked at Chelsea

We already ordered bombs, Ryan said

Well I did it because of Kimberly, that girl was very annoying. I just wanted to make her upset, Dami said

What did Kimberly do, Ryan asked

She slapped me and pulled my hair. I just met her today but I realized that she’s faked. She’s a mean bully, Dami said. Ryan looked at Chelsea.

I am happy you did that. I guess that’s what the woman meant, Chelsea said

What woman, Dami asked

Kimberly is really mean, she bullied me a lot. She always got mad whenever someone tried to do more than her. She loves being the center of attention. She is cruel, so please avoid her. Once she tried pouring acid on my face, Chelsea said


Didn’t you report her?, Dami asked

Kimberly is her dad’s girl and you know who her dad is. Plus she knows that my mom won’t even batt an eye even if I die, Chelsea said

Why won’t your mom care, no mother can h@ťě her child that much, Dami said

She h@ťěs me more than anyone h@ťěs the devil. To her I am the real devil. I ruined the family and caused my sister’s death. So it’s normal, Chelsea said

Still that’s crazy, Dami sighed

Dami suddenly heard a voices outside and smirked

What are you up to, Ryan asked

Do you want to play a little, Dami asked Chelsea.

What pl…..

Dami dragged Chelsea before she could finish talking

She took her out of the house and entered the next street

I want you to meet some people, they just passed my house now, they will be passing here next, Dami said.

Are they the ones that tried to ki|| you, Chelsea asked. Dami nodded

I shouldn’t….. Dami pushed her out before she could finish talking

Isn’t that Dami, One of Monica’s friends asked immediately they saw Chelsea.

Monica peed on herself when she saw Chelsea.

Did something happen between the both of you, another of her friend asked.

Is that urine, another one asked

Chelsea suddenly screamed. They all flinched

She jumped up and started twisting herself like an evil spirit.

Monica stood there shivering, she peed on her self again

Then Chelsea spranged forward and rushed to her

It’s a ghost. run!!!, Alice screamed and ran away. Her other friends also took off

Monica fell down to the ground in fear.

She would have peed again but her bladder was empty.

Chelsea opened her mouth and began to twist her body.

Dami almost died of laughter.

Please!!!!, Monica screamed and burst into tears

I am sorry, she cried Chelsea 😂😂


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