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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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LOVE IMPOSSIBLE – Episode 37 & 38

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( Drips Of Pleasure…)


By, Summer Gold R.





“Should we fight? It’s been years already you know?” He asked and Angel’s eyes widened.

‘What is he saying?’ She thought

“Seriously? That’s all you could say? You want to fight me? You haven’t really changed like I thought” Christian said and Royal scoffed.

“No,I’ve changed a lot,coz I’m done keeping quiet with you looking pitiful while I’m the bad guy” Royal said and walked away.

“I’m….sorry. I will see you tomorrow” Angel said and immediately ran after Royal who was already wearing his helmet.


“I’m not in the mood to talk,get on” He cut her off and Angel sighed,she put on the helmet and climbed on the bike,Royal started the engine without saying a word,Angel had to hold him tight because of the speed be was going,but she didn’t say a word and in few minutes they arrived home.

They got down from the bike and Royal went inside,leaving her.

“Royal!” Angel ran after him,she blocked him when he was about climbing the stairs.

“Can you just talk to me?” She asked.

“I don’t want to” Royal muttered.

“I didn’t even hug him yet when you…..”

“But I f-__-king told you not to let anyone touch you” Royal said.

“I know,but I just thought…it’s a hug,just a harmless hug right? Huh?” Angel muttered.

“I guess” Royal rolled his eyes.

“I’m sorry okay? But you shouldn’t pick a fight with Christian,I don’t think he’s someone who enjoy causing trouble” Angel said and Royal scoffed.

“So I’m the one who enjoy causing trouble? How many times have you heard about me causing trouble? Or you just think of me that way” Royal said.

“I didn’t mean to upset you,I just……..”

“Goodnight” Royal said and went upstairs.

Angel groaned and run her hand through her hair,ruffling it.

“Why is he so mad about it?” She sighed and also went upstairs,she wanted to go to Royal’s room but she had to stop herself,what if he doesn’t want to talk to her?

She entered her room and Pepper jumped on her legs.

“Hey girly” Angel picked the puppy up and sat down on the bed,she removed her boots one after the other and then fell on her back.

“Brrrrh” Pepper barked,rubbing her body excitedly on Angel.

“You must have missed me a lot” Angel smiled,playing with her fur.

Her mind moved to Royal and she groaned worriedly.

‘Should I go? Or not?’ She asked herself inwardly but she didn’t come to any conclusion,she was confused.

*No,I’ve changed a lot,coz I’m done keeping quiet with you looking pitiful while I’m the bad guy*

She remember what Royal said to Christian and she bit her lips.

“What does that mean?” She asked no one in particular.

She dropped Pepper and went into the closet room,she took off her clothes and entered the bathroom,after taking a warm bath,she put on her pajamas and left the room. She stopped in front of Royal’s room and knocked gently.

“Come in” Royal’s soft voice rang in her ears and she opened the door,she entered and closed back.

Royal already changed also,he was on the bed staring at nothing in particular.

“Are you okay?” Angel asked.

“No I’m not” He muttered and gestured at her to come closer,she flashed him a smile and joined him on the bed.

“I slept so deeply when you spent the night here” Royal said and Angel stared into his eyes.

“What do you mean? Do you have problem with sleeping well?” She asked.

Royal said nothing and wrapped his hand around her waist as usual,he placed his head on her chest.

“You won’t answer me?” Angel asked.

“I don’t want to talk about it” Royal muttered,inhaling her scent.

“You smell so good” He said.

“You too” Angel said and Royal raised his head,looking at her face.

“What” Angel raised her brows.

Royal said nothing and rest on her chest again.

“What if our parents come home and meet us this way?” Angel asked.

“If that happens any day,I will take the blame……”

“Why would you do that?” Angel snapped.

“That’s the best way…..”

“So you mean I should use you to save myself? Why should I do that? I fell for you first….”

“That doesn’t matter okay? So keep that in mind stop talking about it” Royal said and closed her eyes.

Angel started playing with his hair and soon she started hearing his soft sleepy breaths. She stared at his face and couldn’t help but to smile.

“He’s so cute” She muttered and soon she also closed her eyes and slept off.

Royal opened his eyes after that,his eyes focused on her face without even blinking.

‘Why are you even a step sister? Why?’ He thought and touched her eyebrows,down to her nose and then her lips. He lean closer and placed a short peck on her lips,he covered her body properly with the duvet and moved a little bit away from her before sleeping off.



Kendall was just closing the fridge after getting a drink,she turned and met Robert leaning by the counter staring at her.

“You scared me” She touched her chest.

“You don’t look good,are you okay?” Robert asked.

“I’m fine” Kendall muttered.

“You don’t look fine though” Robert insisted.

“I went to Angel’s room to check up on her and say good morning to her,but she wasn’t there. I went to Royal’s room and there she was,they were sleeping right next to each other” Kendall said and Robert tried to catch up what she was trying to say.

“Then?” He asked.

“I’m just…..I don’t know why that worries me” Kendall muttered.

“I don’t think that should make you worry sweetheart,they probably slept together because they were the only one home until” Robert said.

“Exactly my point,we are not giving them so much attention,yours is accepted,but maybe I should stop coming to your office when I leave mine” Kendall muttered and Robert smiled.

“Can you do that?” He asked.

“I will try,I feel guilty,really guilty. Royal should at least have the feeling of what a mom is like now,but still I’m a workaholic” Kendall said.

“You beat me to it anyway,I was practicing on how to ask if you could quit your job” Robert said.

“Quit?” Kendall asked again.

“Of course,you told me you wanted to run a fashion business once,that slipped my mind and you never remind me again Kendall” Robert said.

“That’s right” Kendall sighed.

“Well I’ve been planning for about a week now,so don’t worry. You can think about quitting your job,I will wait until you make your decision,I won’t force you” Robert said.

Kendall moved closer to him and hugged him.

“Thank you Robert,you’re the best thing that would happen to me” She said and he smiled.

Royal entered and they disengaged.

“Morning” He muttered.

“You okay dude?” Robert asked.

“Yeah” Royal said bluntly,grabbing an apple.

“Where are you going so early?” Robert asked,seeing that he already dressed up

“I’m going out” Royal replied,turning to leave.

“I made breakfast…. ”

“I’m not hungry” Royal said,interrupting Kendall. He used his headset and walked out.

Kendall sighed out.

“Stop sighing that way” Robert said.

“I just feel like…..he still doesn’t like me” Kendall muttered.

“Stop it already Kendall please” Robert groaned.

“But I’m saying the truth,isn’t it obvious?”

“And I told you to give him more time,stop worrying about him” Robert said and Kendall nodded gently.



“I’ve missed this so much!” Ryan said,smiling widely as he picked up an arrow,he faced Royal who was also picking one.

“Why did you suggest this anyway?” He asked.

“You said I abandoned you” Royal muttered.

“Oh wow,talking like we are dating or something,I only said you are drifting away” Ryan said.

“It’s the same Ryan” Royal said and Ryan chuckled.

“Wanna bet on this?” He asked,picking a bow.

“I’m not interested,you’re more better than me” Royal muttered.

“That’s a lie and you know that,stop it” Ryan said and Royal chuckled.

“So do you wanna bet all your money?” He asked.

“No,I’m not interested” Ryan scoffed and they both shot at once.

“Whoa,nine!” Ryan said happily until he checked Royal’s own.

“Is that ten or what?” He asked.

“I’m glad your eyes are doing great buddy” Royal smirked and Ryan scoffed.

“Such pride” He murmured.

They continue $h00ting the arrows for straight one hour.

“I’m hungry” Royal faced Ryan and he smiled.

“Let’s go to a restaurant,on me” He said. “Who is it going to be on if not you?” Royal asked and Ryan laughed.



Alice’s opened the entrance door and she almost gasp when she was Ryan,he smiled at her and entered.

“What are you doing here?” Alice asked after closing the door.

“Sounds like you don’t miss me” Ryan said and faced her.

“I’m just asking” Alice muttered.

“Your mom isn’t home?” Ryan asked.

“She won’t be coming home to…….” Before she could finish,Ryan carried her off her feet.

“Hey!! What are you doing?”

“I missed you all day” Ryan said,climbing the stairs.

“Why are you going upstairs?” Alice’s eyes widened.

“What are you thinking in your head?” Ryan asked mockingly and Alice bite her lips.

“Nothing” She mumbled.

“You can tell me” Ryan winked at her.

“Drop me” Alice scoffed when they entered the room and Ryan dropped her.

He fell on the bed.

“Don’t sleep on my bed like that” Alice snapped.

“Calm down segzy lips,come on” Ryan groaned and Alice scifced.

“Why are you here exactly?” She asked.

“I told you I came because I missed you a lot,how else am I supposed to explain?” Ryan asked.

“Sounds like a tease” Alice said softly.

“But I’m serious this time around tho” Ryan said and grabbed her hand,he pulled her on the bed beside him.

“Tell me you missed me” He whispered.

“Why should I say that?” Alice raised her brows.

“I just want to hear it” Ryan smiled.

“Seriously?” Alice asked and he nodded.

She gently hugged him.

“Is this enough of an answer?” She asked.

“You’re annoying somehow” Ryan muttered and Alice laughed.

“You didn’t meet with any girl today?” She asked.

“What do you take me for?” Ryan scoffed.

“I’m just asking what I know you can do Ryan,don’t take it serious” Alice said.

Ryan broke the hug and touched her face but then stopped,his eyes fell on her lips and he bite his.

“I think I should go” he muttered,his eyes still on her lips.

“Why? You said you missed me” Alice immediately said.

“Of course,but I’ve seen you now right?” Ryan smiled and Alice looked at him sadly.

“Come on,stay a little more longer” She said and hugged him again.

“Don’t go” She added.



Angel sighed out loudly,staring at her phone screen as she finished up the third cup of ice cream. She’s been calling Royal but never got an answer,he didn’t come home all day since he left in the morning and she’s deeply worried,she texted him but still the same.

“I guess I should just leave” She mumbled and took her phone,she stood up and walk out of the shop.

It’s just few minutes from here to their mansion,she walked there and also walking back home.

She haven’t gone far when she discovered someone following her slowly from the back,she swallowed hard and increased her pace but seems like the person also increased his,she immediately brought out her phone and dialed Royal’s number but as she walked,her hands were shaking so the phone dropped from her hand and her heart started beating fast.

She started running but again the person followed her and ran ran after her.

“Ahhhhh!!!!!!!!” Angel screamed as she suddenly stepped on a stone and fell. She closed her eyes,not ready to witness what was about to happen until she heard something like a loud punch and kick and then a fall,she opened her eyes and turned to sew Royal dealing with the stalker.

“Get lost bastard” Royal said,giving him the last punch,the black hoodie man stood up with bloody lips and ran away.

Royal immediately rushed to Angel who was always in tears.

“Doll,I’m sorry…….”

“Why did you ignore my calls?!” She shouted

“I didn’t mean to ignore,I was just……..I’m sorry” Royal said.

“Do you ever get worried about me the one I do? I was waiting for you all day,I missed you a lot,I called you countless times,you saw my text too” Angel said in tears.

Royal squatted in front of her and wiped her tears slowly.

“I’m sorry okay? I just,,wanted to stay away today”

“Why?” Angel asked.

“Because…….my feelings are growing too widely,I’m afraid I might mess up and you will get hurt,I don’t want anything like that to happen,I don’t care about myself but then I can’t stop thinking about you” Royal muttered.

“Are you feeling guilty?” Angel asked.

“No,I’m just regretting why I didn’t meet you first before dad met your mom” Royal muttered and bit his lips.

“And now I’m doing something that will definitely hurt you,I’m confused but at the same time I don’t think I can let you go at this point,I’ve fallen more than I can control myself Angel” Royal said and tears rolled down his eyes.

“I’m….confused,are you going to leave me?” Angel asked looking scared.

“No……I’m saying…..I love you” Royal replied.


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