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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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❣️EPISODE 11❣️

Nice place you’ve got Tonia, I must commend.
Morris said immediately he stepped down from the car

Thank you, I replied blushing… Common in I told him as Vicky lead the way inside while I followed behind then Morris

What! Morris exclaimed immediately he stepped into the house

What is it? I and Vicky asked him almost immediately, fear written all over our faces

Isn’t that Mrs Glamour? he asked pointing at the large portrait of my adopted mother in the sitting room

Wait! don’t tell me you’re Tonia Glamour, the only daughter of….. Oh my world! of course you’re Tonia Glamour, my bad! because of how angry I was, I didn’t even look at your face keenly….. Wow! is a pleasure meeting you miss Tonia. He said with a full smile

The pleasure is mine, I replied and looked at Vicky whose facial expressions cannot be read at the moment

Morris, please make yourself very comfortable, lemme get you something to change with while I wash your clothes. I said to him feeling very excited that he recognized me

Cool….. I was very sad when I heard she passed away, she was my biggest motivator and have dreamth of meeting her the same year she passed on. She’s a great woman, so loving and kind hearted. May her soul continue to rest in the Bossom of the lord. Amen

Amen!! I and Vicky said exchanging glances

You’ve been my crush for a few years now Tonia, and it’s so funny coming in contact with my crush and couldn’t even recognize her at first sight….. he said and chuckles

Maybe is because of the hat and the shades coupled with the factors that surrounds our incidental meeting…. I responded feeling very unsure of what to say anymore

I would have listened to Vicky earlier and let this guy go his way, now an not sure of what to make of him anymore. He sounds so strange and weird

Just make yourself very comfortable while we take care of your clothes and offer you something to eat Morris. Vicky said flashing him a fake smile as she dragged me upstairs to my room

Who exactly is that guy Tonia! can’t you see he is just acting all suspicious, his attitudes is freaking me out and I can swear with my life, he is up to no good Tonia! Vicky said looking very worried

You’re right Vicky, I’m beginning to get really scared by his utterances. He knows my mum, he knows me, I’m his crush yet he couldn’t recognize me earlier. I should have listened to you earlier Vic

Vicky ignored me and dashed to her room, she came back in a split seconds with her tab and focused intently on it

What are you doing Vicky, I asked sounding very curious

Just sending bulk messages to you bodyguards just Incase of anything… I’m just scared Tonia, what of if he is sent by Mirabella to come and harm you, Vicky was saying when we heard a voice from the door

Hello ladies…..

I and Vicky was very startled, Vicky pushed me behind her back and pose for a fight.

How dare you come in here, who the hëll are you and what do you want?

Vicky yelled, her voice a little bit shaky but she wasn’t gonna back down or be intimidated

Common Vicky, I’m harmless ok, just felt the need to use the restroom so I came to take permission and to ask you where I can locate it.

And how do you know my name Morris? Vicky asked still in her pose for a fight

Common Vicky! I’m not daft or stupîd, Tonia has called you that in few occasions few minutes ago. He replied with a lopsided smile

Look Tonia! after watching you receive the best model award 6months ago, I fell completely in love with your person, so humble and meek despite your fame and wealth, I felt you’re rare and would love to meet you in person

I didn’t recognize you outside until we got into the house and you remove your hat and shades, coupled with your mum’s portrait and your numerous portraits out there in the sitting room

If I had known that it was my wishful Tonia that plastered her spit on me, I wouldn’t have bothered cleaning it off, I would have gladly wore it all day like a tattoo and an autograph on my body.

He said smiling heartily as he placed his hand on his chest. Look Tonia,I’m speaking from my heart I swear, he added

Who are you, did Mirabella sent you here for a mission? Vicky yelled at him

He chuckles and sat on the bed, can I please kiss you Tonia? that’s the first thing I did say to myself I will do the first time I set my eyes on you, my crush

Who in god’s name are you Morris, you’re freaking us out and I think I will call the police on you right now. I yelled at him stepping out from Vicky’s back.

Wow! there will be no need for that Tonia…. he was saying

Then get your damñ ãss outta my bed and get the hëll out of my house you cunning and pretentious bastãrd! I yelled at him, throwing his shirt at him

You’re so cute even in your anger, he said and stood up from the bed… he took few steps to the door and in a twinkle of an eye, he dashed towards me and grabbed me to himself

My mind skipped with my heartbeat accelerating multiple times, before Vicky could say a word or take any action, Morris already had a gün on my head and warned Vicky to drop her phone and step back with her hands on the air

At first, she didn’t want to but after looking at me for a few seconds with tears pouring down her eyes, she reluctantly drop her phone and put up her hands in the air crying profusely. Please don’t hurt her Morris she pleaded going down on her knees.

Mirabella had this all planned out, that was what was echoing in my head as tears also stream down my cheeks.

Good girl Vicky, you truly loves your friend. Morris said smiling and…..


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