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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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….(Charms of love..)

By: Terri Savage 🖊️





Bianca slowly looked up at Leonardo and he looked back at her, they exchanged glances before he faced her parents.

“Ok” He muttered after dropping her on the floor.

The chairman walked away and he followed. He looked back and saw her staring at him. She smiled reassuringly, and he nodded with a smile.

“Do you really love him that much after everything he did to you?” Chairwoman asked.

“Everybody is bound to make a mistake, I guess that was his mistake. What matters right now is that he loves me insanely and he won’t hurt me again, I can’t control my heart mum, I’m coming here to officially step down from the CEO position” Bianca replied.

The chairwoman looked at her but said nothing.

The chairman stopped walking after a minute, and he faced Leonardo who quickly looked down.

“Look at me” He said sternly, and Leonardo slowly looked up.

Chairman Marco stared expressionlessly at him, and Leonardo swallowed hard.

“You don’t deserve my daughter at all but there’s nothing I can do. I thr_@tened to step her down from the CEO position but she still chooses you over the company. I knew how she was willing to sacrifice everything to maintain that position and she choosing you over it means she deeply loves you despite you hurting her. I don’t want to forgive you and I won’t forgive you so easily but I’m not going to remove her from that position. She’s the last child but she’s more capable than her elder brothers and the only one to handle the company. I’m not kicking against your relationship with her, it was an arranged marriage but things turned around beyond our imagination, I will not forgive you so easily” Chairman Marco said, and he started leaving immediately without giving him a chance to apologize.

Leonardo looked at him and sighed softly.

Chairman Marco got to where Bianca was with her mum.

“I’m not going to be against your relationship with him but we are not going to forgive him easily, and about the company you are still in control of it” Chairman said.

“Have a happy marriage life with him” She said after the chairman.

They got in the car immediately after that statement, and the driver drove out of the company.

Bianca quickly rushed to where Leonardo was standing, he was staring into space, looking so lost.

“Sweetheart” She grabbed his hands immediately, and he looked at her.

“It’s fine, at least they are not against it, let’s hope they forgive you” She said with a pretty smile, and he nodded.

“I love you” He said passionately.

“I love you” She replied, kissing him.

Leonardo wrapped his hands around her waist, giving her lips segzy bites. He nibbled on her lower lip and she Mõ@ɲed softly.

He lifted her up again, and the first place her hands went to was on his neck. She smiled and relaxed in his arms, placing her head on his chest.

“Take me in, baby” She said, winking.

He smiled and started going in with her.

👥 Good morning boss
👥 Boss and her husband
👥Mr Leonardo
👥 They are cute

The workers started gushing as Leonardo got to the last floor with Bianca.

Leonardo was smiling at the workers, and Bianca waved at the workers, surprising them.

They got into the office and met Benita already waiting.

“Boss, sir Leonardo” Benita bowed respectfully.

“Benita” Bianca called after coming down from Leonardo’s arms.

She walked to Benita and hugged her, taking her by surprise.

“Boss” Benita gasped shockingly.

“Thank you for managing the company” Bianca said, and Benita smiled.

“I’m giving you a free day today and I’m going to credit you, enjoy” Bianca said.

“Thank you boss” Benita said.

She bowed one last time before walking out of the office.

“I love the new you so much” He said, hugging her from behind.


He turned her around and carried her up, putting her on the table.

“What do you want to do?” She asked naughtily.

“Acting naughty is dangerous, I might f_ck you here”

“I don’t mind” She smiled, and he poke her forehead.

“Sweetheart” She pouted.

“Stop acting naughty now” He said, and she held his shoulders.

“I don’t want Emiliana to be our maid again” She said.


“There’s no need having her around, we will do everything together now”

“Are you saying this because you are jealous?” He winked.

“Okay, you catch me” She replied, and they laughed.

“I was thinking of that too, I have a gift for her”

“What is it?”

“Let’s get her a mansion and a car” He replied.

“Let’s do it” She smiled, and they locked lips.


Adriana removed the glasses from her eyes as she came out of the building, she was about to walk to her car when she bumped into someone, she started falling but the person’s hands slipped around her waist. Her nose caught the whiff of a familiar perfume and she looked up quickly. Her eyes widened.

“Barry” She called, and he smiled handsomely.

“Adriana, long time” He said, and she quickly released herself.

“What are you doing here and when did you come back?” She asked.

“I came back yesterday” He replied.

“Why are you back in Italy?” She asked.

“I’m back to win your heart this time around” He said with a wide smile.

“You couldn’t last time, do you think you can this time?” She asked, looking at him.

“I don’t give up and I won’t give up until I will win you, I’m back because of you” He replied confidently.

“Let’s see you try” She smiled.

“So your number” He said.

“Your phone” She said.

Barry gave her his phone and she typed her number before giving it back.

“Bye” She said and walked away.

“I love you Adriana” He shouted loudly. She looked back and smiled at him before getting into her car. She drove away.

Barry looked at her number and smiled, “I can’t lose this time”.


Leonardo, Riccardo and Lorenzo were already seated in the VIP drinking area.

They decided to meet here since they haven’t sat together like this.

“Our lives have changed beyond our expectations,” Riccardo said.

“I never knew I would get a girlfriend this year” Lorenzo smiled.

“I don’t have anything to say” Leonardo said, and they faced him.

“We understand”

“I registered Emiliana into Salvatore university” Lorenzo said.

“Wow!” Riccardo smiled.

“You went ahead of me, she deserves all the best things in this world” Leonardo said, pouring a drink.

“Alessia is the best girlfriend in the world” Riccardo bragged.

“Emiliana is the best, Alessia will come second” Lorenzo said.

“You are wrong” Riccardo shook his head.

“I will take my sister back if you want to argue” Lorenzo said, and they started laughing.

“That’s cheating” Riccardo said.

“Bianca is the best woman in the world and there’s doubt about that” Leonardo said.

“Agreed” Riccardo and Lorenzo said, and they laughed again.

“The CEO award is coming next month” Lorenzo said.

“And we already know the winner” Riccardo said, and they looked at Leonardo.

“What?” He laughed.

“You are winning this year too”

“I want Bianca to win it” Leonardo said.

“Wow!!” Lorenzo and Riccardo exclaimed.

“Let’s drink guys, toast to many good things in our lives” Riccardo raised his cup, and they clinked the cups before drinking.


Lorenzo brought Emiliana downstairs in his arms, and the moment they landed, he started kissing her face.

“Baby” She started giggling.

“I got a surprise for you” He said, kissing her face again.

“I prefer it to be on the lips” She said.

“No, you would get tired if I start early” He smiled

“What is the surprise?” She asked.

He put her down, and smiled.

“Close your eyes” He said, and she blinked.


“Just do it, stubborn brat” He said, and she pouted before closing her eyes.

He smiled and brought out the paper, he opened it and turned it to her face.

“Baby, can’t I open my eyes yet?” She whined cutely.

“Wait a little” he replied.

“Open your eyes now” He said.

She opened her eyes and the first thing she saw was the paper on her face. She started reading what was in the paper and her eyes widened as she finished reading.

She covered her mouth with her palms.

“Baby, you got me admitted into Salvatore university”

“It’s time for you to go back to school” He smiled, and she jumped happily on me.

“I love you so much” She said and tears of joy came out of her eyes.

“I love you so much, more” He replied, hugging her tightly.

“What a good sight” Leonardo came in with Bianca.

Lorenzo and Emiliana turned their eyes to them.

“You have finally snatched my maid” Leonardo said jokingly.

“Sir Leonardo, Mrs Bianca” Emiliana smiled.


“Emiliana, we are here to present our gift to you and you can stop working for us. I have transferred 50m to your account and here are the keys to your new mansion and new car” Leonardo said, showing her the keys.

Her eyes came wide again, and her eyes rolled funnily.

“I’m dreaming” She said and fainted.



“When are you going to be free?” He asked as they ate breakfast in the dining hall.

“Around 2pm” She replied.

“Let’s go out on a date” He smiled.

“Really?” She grinned, looking at him.

“I’m serious, I wanna spoil you today” He said sweetly.

“You are so sweet”

“You are sweeter” He winked, and she blushed hotly.

“Let’s visit the Mon first” She said happily.

“You are so excited”

“It’s my wish to go there with my boyfriend” She replied prettily.

“Do you have a wish list?” He asked, and she shook her head.

“Then let’s make one together and fulfill it together” He said romantically.

“I love you….I love you more” They said at the same time.


The hall was filled with people of high class and it was sparkling with richness, even the floor was screaming of luxury.

It’s the ceo award tonight, and different ceo of different companies were in attendance waiting for who would be called as the winners. They were drinking as they chatted together.

Lorenzo and Emiliana walked in and they received standing ovations as all attention went to them, Riccardo came in with Alessia, they were matching the same outfits and it was kinky.

Adriana came in with Barry, linking arms, they started dating a week ago, he finally won like he said.

“Wow, you are looking so handsome tonight” Alessia hugged Lorenzo.

“Your brother is always handsome” Lorenzo said, and they laughed.

“Babies” Alessia said happily, and hugged Emiliana before hugging Adriana.

Barry shook hands with the guys.

“Where are the power couples?” Adriana asked.

Leonardo and Bianca came in at that moment and all attention went to them.

They were glittering as they walked side by side, linking their fingers together.

Other ceo started cheering for them, the spotlight was on them till they got to the front.

Adriana hugged Bianca immediately.

“Barry” Bianca said, slightly hugging him.

“You finally win her over” She said, and he smiled.

“You are so gorgeous tonight” Emiliana hugged her, and she hugged her back.

“Alessia” Bianca smiled and they hugged.

🎤 It’s time to announce the winner

The announcement came and everyone’s attention went to the stage.

👥 Leonardo is going to win!!!

🎤 The winner of this year’s award, the best ceo goes to Bianca Adalberto

Loud screams filled the hall immediately, and Bianca couldn’t believe it.

She turned and faced Leonardo who was smiling at her.

He lifted her up and started walking with her to the stage.

👥I need a man in my life too
👥So romantic

He got to the stage with her and she collected the award, she waved at everyone and they waved back.

A microphone was handed over to her to give a speech.

“Thank you everyone, I never believed I was going to win this award, this is my first time winning it. I’m so happy thank you everyone, I dedicate this award to the love of my life” She said happily, and everyone started clapping.

“I love you” He whispered.

“I love you too” She replied, and kissed him there.



Lips on lips, Leonardo and Bianca came home straight after the award, and they started kissing downstairs till they got to their room.

Desire was taking over them and they were in great heat, lust over them. His hands were squeezing her butts as she kept Mõ@ɲing into his mouth.

They fell on the bed together, and he broke the kiss staring affectionately at her.

“I love you, Sunshine” He said with deep affection.

“You know I love you so much, sweetheart” She replied affectionately, and their hearts linked affectionately.

“I’m making you this promise tonight, I’m going to treat like a queen,pamper you like a baby, love you more than anything in this world, I’m going to be the best husband to you, I’m going to make up for the times I hurt you, I will give you all my attention and I promise never to hurt you even at the slightest, I will love you forever” He said romantically, and her started thumping so hard.

“I will be the best wife to you, I want you now” She said, lust in her eyes.

“Let’s make babies” He replied, giving her a wistful look.

“Take me already, I’m wet for you” She replied impatiently, hanging her arms on his neck.

“I’m horny for you, sunshine” He smiled affectionately.

“I love you- I love you more” They whispered, and their lips linked together.

What came next was a steamy hot thing, and sweet sensational Mõ@ɲs.

THE REJECTED HUSBAND finally turns to ACCEPTED HUSBAND… that’s the power of love…!! At last true love won.


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