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HomeFIRE & ICEFIRE & ICE – Episode 38

FIRE & ICE – Episode 38

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Jove and Alice got down from the car,Alice beaming with smiles

“Thanks Jove,,I enjoyed my whole day thanks to you again” Alice said

“I will walk you to your room” Jove said

Alice was about to reply when Kingston walked to them

“No thanks,,I’m taking her from here” Kingston said and glared at Jove

“Hey Kingston,,,,” Jove called but he ignored him and grabbed Alice’s hand and left with her.

Jove sighed staring at Alice,,,maybe he shouldn’t but he was happy when Alice didn’t turn out to be Kingston’s mate and now he’s slowly falling even more for her.


“Where are you two coming from?” Kingston asked after he stopped walking

“We went to have fun,,” Alice replied

“After pushing me away,,,”

“I only wanted you to stay with your,,,,”

“She has a name for f-__-k sake” Kingston groaned and Alice rolled her eyes

“Why are you suddenly trying to avoid me??” Kingston asked

Alice sighed

“Kingston isn’t it obvious? We are not meant for each other,,you even have a mate now and I am sure you will eventually fall in love with her,,I don’t want to be in the middle of all that” She said

‘But,,,Moon is the one in the middle’ Kingston thought

“Let’s stop all these Kingston,,,it won’t end well”

“I love you,,,I don’t Care about mate,,you’re the one I love and nothing can change that,so please stop holding back from me,,I can’t take that” Kingston said and hugged her

Alice didn’t talk,she hugged him back,she wanted to tell him about his mom but he couldn’t bring herself to say it out.

Kingston broke the hug

“Will you stay with me tonight?” She asked and Alice’s eyes widened

“What,,I won’t touch you. I can’t,,I promise” Kingston said

Alice shook her head

“I told you I can’t sleep without you” Kingston muttered and Alice smiled

“Tomorrow okay? I need to go” Alice turned

Kingston immediately followed her



Jove was busy with his phone when Linus entered,he didn’t even notice since he’s really engrossed in it

“What are you looking at?” Linus asked and Jove immediately hid his phone

Linus raised his brows

“Are you watching porn?” He asked

“Disgusting,,I don’t do that” Jove scoffed

“I know,,then why are you hiding your phone?”

“It’s not your business okay?” Jove said

He was actually looking at Alice picture,,he took her pictures yesterday and they are really cute that he wouldn’t stop looking at it each minute.

“I think something happened,,master Zung called for Kingston minutes ago” Linus said


Linus nodded

“You really won’t show me what you’re looking at?” He asked and Jove roll his eyes



“We need to help them” Master Zung said and Kingston faced him

“Do you think they are the same people who attacked the park?” Kingston asked

“Isn’t it obvious? The dark institute” Master Zung said

“But why are they ki||ing innocent humans?” Kingston asked

“That’s why we need to stop them,,,I’ve selected some names of students going on this mission,,you can Have a look” Master Zung said showing the list to Kingston

“What is Moon doing there?” Kingston looked up

“She’s a witch,,”

“We don’t need a witch for the mission” Kingston snapped and almost canceled her name

“Come on,,she’s strong. We need to do this as fast as possible,,” Master Zung said

Kingston saw Alice’s name too

*Are you worried about our mate? So sweet* Aline said in his head

*No I’m not worried,I just don’t want her there* Kingston snapped and there was silence



“Alice,,have you heard about what happened in the city last night?” Odette asked

“What is it?” Alice asked sitting down

“Humans were attacked in their own houses,,some supernatural beings did that,,I heard it’s all over the news and right now humans are scared to,,,”

Alice stood up immediately,,visible fears on her face

“Are you okay?” Seraphina asked but Alice rushed out of the room

“What’s wrong?” Persephone muttered

Kingston was just coming out of master Zung’s office when he saw Alice running,,she seems to be crying. He immediately ran after her and caught up with her

“Alice,,where are you going?” He asked and hold her hand

Alice looked up in tears

“What happened?” Kingston asked

“Kingston,,,,my mom,,,call her right away,,,please” She said

“Stop crying,,she’s fine” Kingston said but Alice wasn’t moved by that until Kingston dialed her mom’s number and hand over to her

Her mom answered the call

“Mom? Are you okay? Nothing happened to you right?” Alice asked

“Of course I’m fine,,is anything wrong?”

Alice sniffed and exhaled

“I missed you” She muttered

“Oh,,baby me too.”

“Please be fine,,it’s great to hear your voice” Alice said

They talked for some minutes before she hanged up

“Here” She gave it back to Kingston

“Are you okay now?” Kingston asked and she nodded

“You can call her anytime you want ”

She nodded again

Kingston wiped the little tears left in her eyes and their eyes met,,Alice stared at his lips and lick hers.

Kingston didn’t waste time before grabbing her waist,,he connected their lips immediately.

*I’m enjoying this,,so delicious*Botis said excitedly

*You should be kissing Moon,not her* Aline snapped

*Bet Moon isn’t as delicious as,,,* Before Kleio could finish,Kingston shut them off to enjoy his kiss in peace.

Alice broke the kiss

“What if someone is watching,,,,” She was still saying but then stopped when she found them in Kingston’s room

Kingston immediately kissed her again,this time around,more deeper and faster. Kingston lifted her up and dropped her on the table still not breaking the hot kiss. Kingston began to unbutton her shirt as they kissed,he succeeded in doing that and she was left with her br*

Kingston broke the kiss and kissed her neck,she let out a soft Mõ@ɲ immediately,he kissed her neck down to her chest.

“Tiger,,,” Alice Mõ@ɲ and Kingston stopped

It’s been long he heard that from her

Alice also opened her eyes,Kingston pecked her lips while smiling,as soon as she reciprocated,it became hot again.

Kingston’s hand moved to her B-__-bs squeezing them gently,,Alice had to break the kiss when she couldn’t hold her Mõ@ɲs as he touched her,her eyes closed. Kingston carried her and proceeded to the bed…


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