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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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IMMORTALS HIGH – Episode 81 & 82

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(War Of Hearts)


By,Ella N.










“Emma….” She heard him call her weakly, coughing also as he tried to get up.

Emma sprang up immediately, her eyes wide, her heart thudding louder than it ever had. Although she was sitting right next to him, but she didn’t know when she flew to his body, hugging him like she was going to swallow him whole. She didn’t even mind the wound on his chest and his wrists.

Right at that moment, she couldn’t think of anything, but her Tempest!

“Emma? Wh…what happened….

Tempest wasn’t allowed to speak any further because Emma placed her finger on his lips, shutting him up and preventing him from talking.

“Please don’t, I don’t want you to stress yourself. Don’t talk, okay? Please” Emma said as she hugged him even tighter, her eyes welling up in tears and blinding her vision.

The tears were just rolling down freely like they were paid to do that. Her heart just couldn’t contain the joy.

She couldn’t believe her Tempest was back to her. She couldn’t believe she heard his voice again, and she was hugging him.

“Temp….I’m so sorry, so so sorry for the pain you had to go through. I’m sorry I couldn’t stop you….

Emma couldn’t complete her statement as she felt too emotional, she just couldn’t help it.

Everyone else was just staring at them in amazement. They all couldn’t believe what they had just witnessed.

Tempest coming back to live after Belphegor had sacrificed his own for him. If not that they all saw it with their own two eyes, no one would have actually believed it.

Belphegor? The most vicious demon ever known? Same one who tormented and caused so many lives?

Indeed, blood is thicker than water.

The Masters appeared at that moment and when they explained what had happened, they then understood everything as their questions were eventually answered.

Godmother Dimitra just couldn’t stop smiling at Emma who looked so happy.

It was funny how everything got twisted that way, in such a way that no one, not even godmother Dimitra saw it beforehand.

Belphegor indeed was the greatest father. That sacrifice was a huge one, a very huge one that only one with that kind of heart he got, could do such a thing.

He was such a great father, but unfortunately, he couldn’t stay alive to bear that tittle of a great father.

Tempest still didn’t understand what was going, he looked utterly confused. The only thing he could do at the moment, was to hug Emma back warmly.

After they pulled away from the hug that was like forever, Tempest stared at his cut wrists and frowned. Not only that, he felt pain on his chest and he looked down, only to see that his chest had lots of blood stains. He frowned even harder as he raised his head up and stared at Emma who was smiling happily, but still tearing. She knew the questions floating in his head, and that gave her a bittersweet feeling.

Tempest’s eyes then moved to his side and he was shocked at who was lying beside him; Belphegor!

He moved a bit so quick,and continued to stare at Belphegor’s body in confusion.

Everyone who was happy that Tempest was back, was now sΓ d as they stared at Belphegor’s lifeless body.

He may have been a very bΓ£d man, but he changed just at the last moment and did the greatest thing anyone could ever do.

They all forgot about the atrocities and all that he had, and just felt pity for the poor man.

When Tempest was told what happened, right from the shoving of dagger into his body, to Belphegor sacrificing his life for him, he couldn’t believe his ears!

He just couldn’t believe what Belphegor actually did for him. So, he considered him as his son? He loved him to that extent? He actually thought about it when he went to confront him? He believed him, and was happy to find out that he had a son?

Tempest was so happy, but extremely heartbroken to learn that his father who showed him love at the very last moment, was actually gone.

He wasn’t there for him to call him father over and over again. He wasn’t there to show that happiness of having a son, he wasn’t there to show him more of that love that he showed at the very last moment.

Tempest was so devastated and felt so broken. He had thought that Belphegor was going to be like his mother. He even thought that Belphegor would be worse than his mother. But he was wrong, and that squeezed his heart in pain.

It would have been better if Circe dìed instead.

He wished Belphegor didn’t diΓ©, he thought that having Belphegor as his father he was going to have the best days of his life with him, if he hadn’t dΓ¬ed.

Nevertheless, he was happy that his father loved him that much to give up his life just so he (Tempest) could leave. Something his mom would never ever do.

Tempest was happy to be back to live. He was happy to be back to his Emma.

He knew and was sure that even his father would be extremely happy to see that he was happy and alive.

“I’m so sorry, Temp. Sorry for your loss, he was such a great father” Emma spoke as she held him into a very warm hug, pulling his head to chest to rest it there. She began to rub his back soothingly, and like she had performed some magic, Tempest instantly started to feel better.

After staying that way for a while, Emma pulled away and cupped his face with all the tenderness in her. It felt like his face was the most fragile egg that she didn’t want to break.

“Do they hΓΉrt so much?” She asked softly as she held his wrists, then touched his stabbed chest.

“Not so much, Emma” Tempest replied and managed to smile sweetly at her.

Emma could only nod and sigh. She could also feel the pain he was feeling.

Seeing the guilt, worried and sad look on Emma’s face, Tempest shut his eyes, then opened them and pulled her into his warm embrace.

“Emma, I am fine, okay? These will heal on its before the end of today” Tempest spouted out, though he didn’t know what he just said.

How did he know his body could do that?

What the h.e.l.l did he even say? He was utterly confused, but when he remembered what Emma told him that his father had given him his powers before giving him his life, Tempest couldn’t help but to smile.

More powers had been added to the ones he already had. So cool!

However, while they were all still there, Emma suddenly started to glow like the goddess she was.

Before she knew what was going on, she was raised up in the air as she beautifully began to float, her hair floating beautifully too.

The clothes she wore were changed into a long beautiful crystal color dress, with a little touch of her gray-blue eyes color. Her slender and s.e.x.y body clung tightly and beautifully to the dress, revealing all her beautiful features.

“Whoa!” Everyone gasped in awe, except for the Masters and Dimitra who didn’t expect to see less.

They were all happy.

Emma looked so beautiful, very much beautiful than she was. She was radiating like the sun, she was mesmerizing, Emma was breathtaking! So much that Tempest couldn’t take his eyes off her.

He was totally rendered speechless as the only thing he could do at that moment was to stare at his beautiful woman. The most beautiful woman he had ever set his eyes on. The one that melts his his heart and takes away all his pain and frustration with just her warm hugs.

The one that heals his broken soul just with her presence and voice.

Emma stared down beautifully at all of them, before her gaze focused only on Tempest. “I Love You”, she whispered, but loud enough for the owner of those words to hear.

Tempest smiled and whispered back, proudly.

Emma then began to move, still in the air. A white staff appeared in her right hand and she smiled, before she continued to move.

As she did so, she stood at a particular angle, raised the staff and kept it upright.

She then moved her left hand, as if she was wiping away some dirt on something, and as she did so, she waved the staff up, down then sideways. After which she waved the staff again together with her left hand, and everywhere become clear, very bright.

The weather became so bright, all the rogue creatures that were lying dΓ©ad everywhere, all disapeared into thin air.

Every damaged place came back to its place and everything looked the way they were before.

The beautiful sun immediately came out, but it was suddenly followed by rain. It began to pour down sweetly on everywhere.

Belphegor’s body had already been taken away and Circe and Black tiger were taken away too, back to the underworld where she could be dealt with mercilΓ©ssly because Emma wasn’t done with her yet, with them!

Everyone else was gone, except for Tempest who stood and waited for Emma to land back on the ground, getting drenched by the rain.

In few seconds, Emma flew down and smiled at Tempest, before running into his arms, with her dress floating behind her as she got drenched too.

Tempest carried her immediately in bridal style, and began to spin around with her like he was carrying some weightless object, the rain falling sweetly on them.

Emma’s giggles and laughs filled the air as the joy in her was overflowing. Her hands were flying in the air as Tempest span around, still carrying her like that.

After a while, he stopped spinning, but Emma was still in his arms.

Before her mouth could open to say anything, Tempest leaned in on her, and placed his warm lips on hers.

A passionate, cold, yet warm kiss was initiated as they both kissed each other in the rain like it was the first time they were doing it.

Their lips tasted too good and sweet. Did they add something to them that made them taste that sweet, or was it the overflowing joy and rain that was causing that?

They didn’t know, all they cared was the happiness flowing and playing the sweetest melodies in their hearts as they beat loudly for each other.

“You look so beautiful, Emma. The most beautiful goddess I’ve ever seen. I love you so much.” Tempest said and Emma smiled heartily.

She didn’t even need him to tell her how much he loved her, because she knew he loved her as much as she loved him too.

“I love you, my demigod” Emma said as she caressed his face gently as ever.

He already put her down, so they were both standing and facing each other as they gently bumped their foreheads.

After they stayed like that for a while, Emma urged Tempest to go home so he could go freshen up and change.

She needed to go free her family from the protective mist she put them in, and there was no way Tempest could go with her.

He needed to change and have some rest too.

Tempest didn’t protest, he just nodded and did as she said.

β€’βˆšβ€’βˆšβ€’SNAKES ISLANDβˆšβ€’βˆšβ€’βˆšβ€’

Since Emma wanted Tempest to have the much rest he needed, she didn’t go to his place just yet. She stayed with her family for while before she decided to go check up on him.

She smiled cheerfully when she appeared in the room and found him still sleeping like a cute little baby.

Emma’s smile grew wider, seeing him sleeping soundly and peacefully, with the blanket covering him, protectively.

It was literally still raining since that time it started pouring down, and the downpour was heavy this time, so the weather was actually cold.

She walked straight to the bed, and climbed on it, hoping to join him and sleep too, since she also needed it.

She laid beside him, pulled the blanket to cover her too. She ran her hands on his chest as softly as ever, before wrapping them around his waist. She then gave him a quick kiss on the lips and was about pulling away when a hand underneath the blanket, pulled her closer and deepened the kiss.

Emma was shocked! Wait, he wasn’t sleeping?!

His eyes were still closed like one who was still sleeping, but d@mn! This Tempest!!

Tempest was silently chuckling as he read all the things she was saying in her mind.

He let go of her lips and their lips made a clicking sound as they pulled away.

“Stop stealing kisses from me, Emma. If you want to kiss me, do it passionately like you own the lips. Well, apparently, you do. So, kiss and sΓΊck them till you can no more ” Tempest began to talk dirty with his s.e.ductive voice and Emma’s legs instantly felt wobbly.

“You weren’t sleeping?” Was all that Emma could say as she stared into his eyes.

“Mn….I was waiting for you”

“Waiting for me? Don’t tell me you didn’t have any sleep, Tempest”

“Hmm? The weather is cold, Emma, don’t you think?” Tempest asked instead, ignoring what she just said about him not having any sleep.

Gosh! This guy!!

“Yeah, it’s really cold. What about your wounds?” Emma asked, concerned.

“They are healed already” He answered and showed her his wrists, then took off his shirt and showed her his chest too. Emma smiled excitedly, and subconsciously began to caress his smooth chest. She couldn’t help it, he was just too beautiful.

There wasn’t even any scar on where the dagger had penetrated. Everything just disappeared as it healed.

“You’ve awaken my sleeping little brother, Emma” Tempest said, jolting Emma out of what she doing.

“Hmm?” Confused Emma said, before she could say any other thing, she found her lips in Tempest’s own, kissing her wild and passionate.

It seemed like Tempest’s last string of restrain was finally cut off, because he couldn’t hold it any longer. He wanted her badly.

He was so turned on with just that little caress on his chest from Emma. How could just her touch alone do that to him?

Maybe he’d start staying away from her sometimes, but h.e.l.l no! He was never going to do that!

Staying away from her even for a second, would be as bΓ£d as dying. So he wasn’t ready to do that.

The kiss intensified, with Tempest’s hands roaming all over her soft body already.

Like he wasn’t getting enough of it, Tempest’s pulled the blanket that was being a barrier, getting it away from their body and got on top of her.

The kiss got more intense and wild as he began to trail kisses all over her body, sending her those usual cold shivers. Emma could feel his hard throbbing little brother rub against her and she swallowed.

Why was it so hard like a rock?!

However, Emma was enjoying the steamy moment they were having. Her hands found their way to his hair, where she delved in as his touches and kisses began to drive her nuts.

He kissed the space between her two cherries, before going to her neck, breathing warmly on it, before licking it like a vampire about to suck his mate’s blΓ΄od.

However, Tempest’s wet tongue licked and sucked on her neck until he left a visible hickey before he left her neck and went back to her lips.

The moment their lips met again, a spark of light flashed and they both felt it. It was the best feeling ever.

The slow and passionate moment was now done so fast, yet still passionate. Emma wanted him as much as he wanted her.

“Emma…” Tempest huskily called her, but Emma didn’t answer. She was too enjoying the moment.
“Emma….touch me…please” He finally said what he wanted to say

Emma took her hand from his hair and began to caress his chest. But that wasn’t actually where he wanted her to touch him.

So to cool his hot body quick, he took her hand by himself to where he wanted her to touch him; his member.

He instantly shut his eyes the moment her hand touched it. He began to swim in a pool of joy.

Emma on the other hand, gasped when her hand touched him.

That was the first time she ever touched a guy’s s.e.x. She couldn’t tell what she felt like when her hand made contact with it. And she really didn’t know what else to do, until Tempest spoke.

“Rub it, Emma, same way you rub my chest, okay? Please” He begged like he was going to dΓ¬e if she didn’t.

Sensing that he badly wanted her it, Emma didn’t hesitate to that for him.

“D.a.m.n!” Tempest hissed, his brain almost exploding in too much pleasure. She was performing some magic just with what she was doing, and that was it. Tempest lost it!

In a split second, he had already taken off her top, his hand crawled to her back and unhooked her b.r.a, setting her twin peaks free.

Without wasting even a second, he captured one into his warm mouth, while playing and spueezing the other, erΓΈtically. He was sΓΉcking and squeezing her sweetly like he actually went to school to study that.

“Oh, Temp….hm” Emma began to let out his favorite music.

Her hand left his member and went back to his head, pulling him closer to her cherry as if she wasn’t getting enough of what he was doing already.

Tempest left her b.r.e.a.s.t, and trailed kisses down to her tummy. And from there, he began to lick her like that from her tummy, back up to her b.r.e.a.s.t and captured the one he hadn’t sΓΌcked on before, doing justice to it.

He kept eating her up, while his hands kept roaming all over her body, touching her in the most sensual way, heating her body up and getting her body ready for the the activity ahead.

His hand crawled down to her below, and he effortlessly took off the clothes down there.
Sliding his finger inside her, his finger was greeted with slippery moist that got him more hard. She was so d@mn w.e.t and ready to take him in.

From the expression on her face, Tempest could tell how much she badly wanted to feel him. And knowing that she was very ready to take his little monster in, he paused for a moment and took the last piece of clothe off his body, and his little brother sprang up in excitement.

Once again, Emma gasped at the sight of it. She hadn’t seen it physically, she only saw it while it was still in his b.o.x.ers the other day.

“Why…why’s it so big, Temp?” Emma couldn’t help but ask, stammering.

“I don’t know, nature just gave me this. And you made it become this big” Tempest flashed a mischievous smile, before laying back.

He parted her legs and went in between her. “I’m going in, Emma” He told her and Emma gave him the go ahead.

Tempest began to kìss her again, distracting her from the incoming pain as he gently and slowly began to push himself in.

Even though she was w.e.t enough to take him, Emma mΓΆaned in his mouth due to the pain she felt.

Tempest immediately stopped going in when he heard her mΓΈan. He instantly pulled out of her, scared that he must have really hΓΉrt her.

“Are you okay?” He asked tenderly, his voice so full of care and worry. “do you want me to stop?” He asked again, without letting her answer the first question.

“No, don’t” Emma answered.

Giving him the go ahead, Tempest hesitantly started going in again, making sure not to hΓΉrt her like the first time.

His length was half way in when he stopped moving, but was still inside.

He just kept planting soft kisses on her body, especially her forehead, and saying sorry. He continued to do that until he was sure she had adjusted to his size.

“I’m going to move now, Emma” He told her again and Emma only nodded. With that, he began to move back and forth slowly, which he was forcing himself to.

Only God knew how fast and hard he wanted to make love to her, but he didn’t want to hΓΉrt her.

However, he was increasing the pace at each thrΓΉst, until he started hearing her mΓΈan in pleasure.

The rain outside increased, thunder and lightning blinding their eyes as it shone so bright. It seemed even mother nature was happy they were having that intimate moment together.

“Oh…Gosh, Temp!…” Emma mΓΈaned louder as he thrΓΊsted deeper, pushing all his length in, his stimulating her c.lit and Emma went nuts!

Her fingers dug on his back. Uhm, no! She left his back and gripped the bed sheet tight!

“MΓΈan my name, Emma, in full” He said.

“A…zrael….ahh!” She MΓ΅@Ι²ed and her grip on the bed sheet tightened.

That name she called him made him go insane!

He had never liked that name until he heard Emma mΓ²an it so sweetly.

“Mm…I think I need to pee, Azrael, please” She begged, innocently, and Tempest smiled, knowing she was going to Com soon. And with one last deep thrΓΉst, Emma exploded, and began to gasp for breathe.


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