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Friday, October 18, 2024
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THE END:THE NEW MAID – Episode 33 & 34

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🥀🔥 THE
{… His Crazy Disguise…}

THEME; Heart Felt Roses.


Gbemi Writes ✍️



{ Shocking Revelation }


“You must be joking right? I mean how can I possibly be related to Elsa?”Vance asked not wanting to believe but the doctor brought out a piece of paper which he gave to him.

“That’s the DNA result which we got. It’s a ninety nine percent match, you are related to Elsa”

“If am related to Elsa like you claim then am also related to Tracy and Angela, right?” Vance asked and the doctor nodded.

“It can’t be! It just can’t be!” He muttered as he got up.

“About you being a male, Is this just a get up or…”

“Am sorry doctor but I have to leave” Vance said and left his office.

His mind was in a daze, he has always known that his parent is out there somewhere but what he didn’t expect is that his parent will be Mr Martin.

He has to confirm this info and the only way to do that is by going to the orphanage home.

Vance took a taxi which drove him all the way back to his home town. He stopped at an hotel where he got himself male clothes.

With a cap fixed on his head, he trek the distance to the orphanage home where he grew up.

As always mother Rosa was enjoying her free time under the oak tree.

When he was little, he had always found her under the tree and she always welcome him into her laps and would pat him until he slept.

She must have felt his presence because she opened her eyes and on seeing him, she got to her feet.

“Is that you? Is it really my dear boy, Vance” she called as tears welled up in her eyes.

“It is me” Vance answered and quickly went to give her a hug.

“What have you been doing? At first it was James death and now the police are after you, when I didn’t hear anything about you, I thought something bad had happened to you. Am so glad you are safe, I really am glad that you are okay ” She said as Vance wipe the tears off her face.

“Are you staying? I can keep you safe here and…”

“Am not here to stay mother Rosa. Instead, I came to ask about my real family” Vance began.

“I found out something and I would like to know more about it”

“I knew this day will come and have been waiting for it, come here” she said,walking him back to the wooden chair she had been sitting on a while ago.

“It was eighteen years ago when I open the door and found you tucked up in a basket. I did my best in tracking your parents but found nothing but then a few months ago, a lady came to see me”

“Apparently she was one of the nurse who helped your mother give birth. She told me that on the day of your birth, you were switched with another child ”

“She had no say in it since she was just a newbie. They were going to ki|| you but then she brought you here and told me everything that happened” Mother Rosa added.

“Do you have any idea where the nurse is? I would like to talk to her” Vance said.

“Once in a month, she always check up on you but she hasn’t showed up for a year now ”

“A year? Do you think she’s been ki||ed?” Vance ask making mother Rosa scared.

“Never mind mother, I have to leave now but I will surely come back to see you” Vance promised.

“Take care of yourself my child, the death of James is already suffocating, don’t let me lose you too” she said and he gave her a hug before leaving the orphanage.


“Am so glad you are okay now” Elsa said to Angela who was looking like the most healthy person on earth.

“I heard you guys donated your blood, thanks a lot” Angela said but Tracy who kept on calling Vance phone was too preoccupied to listen.

“What’s wrong with her?” Angela asked.

“Sarah is missing, I told Tracy here that she might have gone back home but she wouldn’t listen ” Elsa explain.

“If she was going home then, she would have told me, I can’t help but to worry” Tracy said just as her phone began to ring and immediately, she answered his call.

“Okay, I will be there. Don’t think of leaving the hotel” She said and after explaining to her sisters, Tracy left the hospital going to Vance hiding place.

“Do you need me to get you something?” Elsa asked Angela who told her that she wants water.

As soon as Elsa left to get the water, Maddox arrived.

“Am so glad you are doing well” He said giving Angela a hug.

“When I heard about the incident, I came straight away. Am sorry for not being by your side when it happen” Maddox said taking hold of her hand but Angela pulled away.

“And why should you have been by side when the incident occured? It’s not like am your girlfriend ”

“When I heard about you being hurt, I realised that have not gotten a chance to tell you how I feel about you. Angela I…”

“Maddox, I know what you are going to say and let me tell you now that I don’t feel anything for you” Angela said cutting him off and unknown to them, Elsa stood at the door way watching the both of them.

“Am sure that if you search enough, you will find a sweet girl who will…”

“And who could this sweet girl possibly be?” Maddox asked cutting her off.

“It’s Elsa. She loves you a lot and am sure that I…”

“Love? I knew about Elsa feelings for me, I knew how she felt about me from the very beginning but I don’t love her” Maddox suddenly said shocking Elsa who had thought that she had hid her feelings well enough.

“Don’t you want to give it a try?”

“To heck with Elsa and her love. It’s your love that I want, I don’t need Elsa love infact let me make it clear to you now that I won’t ever look at anyone else except for you and so Elsa can keep her…”

“Shut up, Maddox ” Angela caution, having notice Elsa standing by the door way.

“Am just stating my mind and even if I see Elsa, I will tell her…”

“Shut the f-__-k up, Elsa is standing right there for Pete’s sake! ” Angela yelled.

Immediately, Maddox turn to stare at Elsa, shocked about her having heard what he said.

“Elsa you…”

“Here’s the water you asked for, I need to get back to the camp to assure the teacher that everything is fine” Elsa said and hurriedly left the room.

“Go after her!” Angela yelled at Maddox who went after Elsa but he was too late since she had gotten into a taxi which is taking her back to the camp ground.

^^ HOTEL ^^

As soon as Vance open the door, he was engulf in Tracy’s hug.

“Are you okay? Why did you leave without saying a thing?” Tracy asked.

“It’s just that I found out something” Vance muttered hesitating a little but then he ended up spilling the whole thing to her.

“So…you are saying that you are my fathers son and that you got switched at birth which means that one of us isn’t our father’s daughter” Tracy said, looking pale from the revelation.

“This is crazy. If it happens to be true just like you claim then the bastard amongst us is likely to be me since am the same age as you” Tracy added.

“Let’s not jump to conclusion Tracy. I think it’s best we wait and find out the truth than to….”

“Why wait when we can get the truth right now. Take your things Vance, we are going back home” Tracy ordered looking very distant and serious.


“This had better be something important cause am meant to be at the hospital with my daughter” Mr Martin yelled at his private investigator as soon as he walk into the room.

“Have a look at this sir” The investigator said as he handed an envelope to him.

“What’s this?” mr Martin asked as he open the envelope to check out the content.

“Is this what I think it is?”

“Yes sir. That document confirms that Tracy isn’t your daughter” The Investigator said destroying everything Mr Martin have ever believed in.

“I thought it was a joke when I received an anonymous letter some months ago,I thought it was a lie and ignored it but it turns out to be the truth. If Tracy isn’t my daughter then where is my real child?”

“While having the DNA test done, I further did some investigation and I found out that on the day your late wife gave birth, your child was switched with another child and it was done by someone very close to you” The investigator told him and brought out his tab.

“It’s a CCTV footage of what took place years ago. It was hard acquiring it but somehow I got help from one of the nurses who was present during the incident, she told me that she also knows the whereabout of your real child”

Mr Martin quietly watched the footage and when it ended, he hit his hand hard on the table.

“How can she be so cruel? What the hell did she gain by taking my daughter away from me!” Mr Martin yelled.

“Am afraid to tell you that your missing child isn’t a girl but a boy and currently he is being pursued by the police for the death of his close friend”

“My son ki||ed someone?”

“Am not sure about the details, if you want me to, I will investigate more on that” the investigator offered.

“Please do but first, I have to meet the devious being who started this” Mr Martin said as he left his office with his Investigator trailing behind him.

Tracy and Vance chose that moment to walk into the house.

“We need to talk, Dad” Tracy said.

“Not now, I have to do something very important” He said but Tracy held onto his hand.

“This is also important too. It’s about me, about my real identity ” Tracy said and that gave her his full attention.

“What exactly do you know?”

“I only know about the switch and nothing else. Is it true? Am I really not your daughter?” Tracy asked and by now some of the maids had stood to watch.

Lady young who walked in was surprised by the scene in front of her, what’s going on…she thought starring at everyone.

“Answer me dad”

“Yes. I also just found out about it” Mr Martin replied.

“But how….how can it be? Who would be so cruel as to do something like that? ” Tracy said reeling from the shock.

“I was also going to ask the culprit but now that you are here, why don’t we just ask her together ” Mr Martin said and stared at lady young who was watching them in horror.

“Why did you switch the children? Why did you try to ki|| my child after he was born and what on earth did you hope to gain by making me believe that Tracy is my child when she’s yours!” Mr Martin yelled at a trembling lady young startling everyone except for his investigator.

NOTE: Lady Young is the head housekeeper in the Martin mansion.

Some of you might have forget which is why am reminding you who she is.


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