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Friday, October 18, 2024
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Time move quickly and soon it was her last night in the castle, after the evening that he spent reading to me I had expected lord Alucard to seek me out, but he never did.

That night at supper I asked Leo if he was home.

” I believe so miss ”

” would you take me to him?”

” am afraid that’s impossible ”

” why?”

” because it is ”

” but am leaving in the morning, I just want to tell him good bye and thank him for his kindness ”

” I know milady, am sorry ” he meant it, I could see it in his eyes, hear it in his voice. Leaving the table I went outside, I would miss this place, I thought as I wandered through the gardens, I have been happier here, far happier than I have ever been, did her father think of her, even after selling her did he even feel sorry.

And yet been sold to Alucard, turn out far better than I expect, I have long forgiven my father for selling me, Alucard have been kind and undemanding.

Hardly aware of where I was going I walk into what look like a maze, many road leading to a different path, I didn’t stop walking until I reach what look like a man piercing his teeth into another, a statue that look horrid.

Lord Alucard was there, staring at it and when he turn around to my direction, he slanted me a wary grin ” no mortal have ever creep up on me like that before ” he remarked.

” a mortal” I asked, confused by his odd choice of words, silence fell and I decided to break it ” am leaving tomorrow ”

” I know ”

” why are you sending me away”

“Its for the best”

” best for who?”

” for you, for me ”

” I don’t want to go ”

He turn around, towering over me, his blue eyes glowing, he was tall and masculine, his shoulder broad, I notice a little cut on his cheek, funny. I have never seen that before.

Following an inexplicable urge, I race the line with my fingertips, felt a catch in my throat as his hands cover mine.

” snow ”

” please Alucard, please don’t send me away ”

” my sweet snow, I would keep you with me forever if I could ”

” and I will stay, only ask me to stay and then I would ”

” tempting but no ”

” my lord ” I try blinking back the tears ” I know I did something wrong, forgive me ”

” sweet snow ” he smile leaning close and kissing my forehead ” you should forgive me for the wrong things I have done, I should have never bought you”

” my lord ” my words suddenly turn harsh ” you should regret nothing, am pleased you bought me ”

” I bring only sorrow to you ”

I shake my head ” please ask me to stay ”

” No ”

Alucard hand tighten on hers as tears swell in her eyes and trickle down her cheeks, in the moonlight her tears spark like flawless diamonds but they were far more precious to him than jewelries, they donated caring and affection, willingly given and for that I will always love her and because I love her, I will let her go.

” someday you will thank me for this sweet snow”

” No ” she said sobbing

She twitched away from me, her blue eyes fill with tears ” I will never forgive you ” she cried and then she was running away from me, taking the sunlight from my life, leaving me in vast darkness, alone as i have always been.

I contemplated leaving the castle, certain that I can not live here, could not walk in the rooms she had stayed, breath the air she had breath while knowing I will never see her again.

I would have to leave as soon as possible, I had overheard the men in the village, talking about me, wondering why they never see me during day time, why i never join them for dinner, why my appearance never change, why he doesn’t age.

And yet even knowing I should go, I know I could not, the castle is filled with her essence and as painful it will be to be reminded of her, it is better than forgetting.

I laugh softly, bitterly, As if he could never forget.

” letting her go will harm us in different ways ”

” I do not wish to harm her ”

” you have harm hundreds of other confessors, now that she knows nothing of her powers is the good time to strike her, young and ignorant ” Leo growl ” I worked as a butler for nothing?”

” do not lie Leonard ” I turn to frown at him ” you have taken a likening to her, that’s why you keep trying to help her”

” she is a nice girl ” he glare ” the others were also nice so I don’t see a problem here ”

” the problem is that I like her ”

” and Elizabeth? ”

” your sister is dead ” I turn away from him ” you need to accept that fact and I need you to forget about that ”

” then what about me ” Bevin growl ” this might be the time I get to be human again, with her as the last ritual….all our dreams will be fulfil ”

” Bevin, we will find some other confessors ”

” it might take centuries ”

Walking out of the maze I shrug ” I don’t care, am not ki||ing snow and that’s the end of things ”

Leo interject ” what will mother say ”

” I do not care ”

“Care about what?” Hearing that familiar voice we all turn around, startle to find the very women I despise ” mother ” I growl, her blond hair still shiny as always, she still look pretty young even after given birth to thousands.

” Mother ” Bevin and Leo growl and at the same time fall to their knees but I remain standing, my gaze not moving from her

” where is your bride?”

” I sent her away ” mumbling I watch how her eyes widen ” I wish not to ki|| her anymore, I have taken a likening to her ”

” I want to see this confessor that have trap Dracula heart, preventing the ritual”

” she is no longer here ”

” mother ” Leo stand to his feet ” she Is in her chambers, I will be honoured to bring her to you ”

” Leo ” I growl but his gaze didn’t meet mine

” bring her Leonard ”

” yes mother ”

Bevin stand up ” mother you should move to the castle ” she nod before moving close to my direction, her eyes glitter as she touch my face ” still looking perfect Dracula ”

” is Alucard now ”

” nonsense, I forbid that ”

” I call you mother because you ask me to, so now I forbid you from calling me Dracula ” I growl, her fingers still touching my face with tender care, my gaze move to Bevin, jealousy fill in his eyes .

Everybody wants affection from her but it seems she only likes to get reaction from me ” I told you trivia, I do not feel affectionate to women who sleep with her children ”

” now that’s just preposterous ”

Getting hold of her hand I step back ” I suppose you will think that but the truth remains the truth and the fact that I wish not to marry that girl remain same ”

” you love her ”

” I will not call it love ” I growl, hands clenching ” I do not wish to harm Someone who have done nothing to me ”

” but you harm other confessors, you felt nothing so why now ”

” I guessed I have changed ” my words seem to be getting harsh before Leo and snow step closer, the garden suddenly feel tensed and overcrowded.

” oh” trivia eyes glitter ” I see why you like her ” she move close to snow, lean close and out of nowhere kiss her, just from that my anger boil to the fullest before shoving her off snow ” she taste sweet ”

” my lord ” snow voice tremble, she look scared ” what’s happening ” watching how scared she look I lift her up in my arms, she hide her face in my chest and I walk out of there, ignoring their growl.

” this is why I asked you to leave ” I growl, pissed ” you do not fit in my world ”


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