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Friday, October 18, 2024
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( Shadow That Dwell In Darkness)



The mirror Leo delivered the following day was quite the most exquisite thing I have ever seen, a full length looking glass set in a frame of burnish oak and in the top corner, etched in spidery script.

” oh its beautiful ” I mumble while running my hands through the wood.

” lord Alucard will be pleased that you love it ” Leo reply, giving his usual fake smile.

” oh I do, is he home? I must thank him”

” he is unavailable my lady ”

” he is never here during the day ” I pout my lips ” where does he go?”

” am not sure I know miss ”

” you don’t? ”

” No miss ” the hesitation in his voice told me he is lying ” will you be coming down for dinner miss ”

” No” I sit on my bed ” I think I will take a nap ”

” very well miss ” with a slight bow Leo left the room while I move to the window, staring down at my flowers, I have stayed here over a month and now I have realized that he doesn’t come out during the day.

Why did Leo lie? Where is Alucard, maybe the east tower where am not meant to go.

Curious I move to the door, open it and peeked out, no sign Leo, tiptoeing out of my chamber, I made my way out of the corridor, the moment I step towards the east tower direction I bump into the very man I know I shouldn’t see right now.

Not ready for him to see my face I tighten my hand around his waist ” snow?” His voice fill with confusion ” are you alright ”

” of course my lord, I just need to hug you ” at that he push me back, looking down at me with a frown ” my lord?” He step back the fold his ways.

” if someone is thinking properly, he will say you were off to the east tower ”

” I will never do what am told not to ” forcing a smile I watch him nod his head ” but my lord, I have been meaning to ask ”

” go ahead ”

” am I allowed to kiss you whenever I wish?” My question seem to have made him step back, eyes widen in surprise ” that is if it will please you ” smiling he suddenly clear his throat.

” you shouldn’t be that straightforward sweet snow ”

” why not ” I furrow my brows ” I once read a book where its told that men love girls who aren’t shy ”

” hmm” he nod ” I like them shy sweet snow”

” why is that my lord ”

” because ” he step closer, our face an inch apart, heat move into my cheeks ” I like it when they burn from embarrassment, just like now ” he lick my ear before withdrawing, making my head feel dizzy ” you want to kiss me but feel this way whenever am close to you ” he murmur the moment when I fall into his arms ” you’re such a confusing creature sweet snow ”

” my lord?”

” I will lift you up, wrap your leg around me okay” I nod and did exactly as he said, I had to also wrap my hand around his neck while his hands are close to touching my arse.

At that mere thought my whole face heat up to my neck, the fact that our face is this close is making it all worse ” what are you thinking sweet snow ?” Hiding my face on his neck while he move to God knows where I shake my head.

” nothing my lord ”

” hmm” his voice deep and rich ” tell me how your day went ”

” I got the mirror my lord ”

” did you like it ”

” oh yes, my lord…very much ” I lift my head and look at him ” I also got the dress I will use to the ball tomorrow, it was beautiful”

” glad you like it sweet snow ” he open a door then drop me down, turning around I look around the room, the music room, the piano neatly clean ” would you play it for me?”

” my lord, am still not good in the piano, I haven’t mastered it ”

” am sure you aren’t that bad sweet snow ”

” if you insist my lord ”

He chuckle ” you are the most biddable creature ”

“My Lord” I called, not knowing if he was praising or insulting me ” your words confuse me ”

” go ahead and play sweet snow, am listening”

Alucard remain standing while he watch her play, the sound incredible to my ears, her eyes closed and before I knew what’s happening she begin to sing, her voice like pure heaven, even Lucifer will feel ashamed to sing along side her.

” my lord ” she mumble the moment she stop ” was it okay, I know I shouldn’t have sing a song but ….”

” is okay sweet snow ” moving close to her, I tuck her hair behind her ear ” I will like to pick the dress you will wear to the ball, I want it matching your eyes, blue like the sky ”

” my lord, that won’t be necessary ”

” I insist sweet snow ” I smile ” your voice is amazing sweet snow” she smile, looking shy.

” thank you my lord ” silence fall between us as I stare at her, I know its affecting her and that only made me to say nothing, few minutes pass she tuck her hair behind her ear before biting her lower lip ” what did I say about biting sweet snow ” she quickly let go.

” th…that I …I should call you to….” Her face seem to be bringing out some hot smoke making me chuckle ” my lord, surely this isn’t funny ”

” it is sweet snow ” I sit next to her ” you look so flush, what is it, you don’t want me biting your lips ”

” No my lord ” she cover her face with her hands ” just give me a moment to gather myself ” watching her exhale several times, she lower her hands then turn to my direction, she was about kissing me before Bevin step in.

” my lord ” that made her to stop mid way and retreat back quickly as she did making me smile at her shyness ” a word my lord ”

” will be there ” Bevin walk away after that and I stand to my feet ” sweet snow”

” Alucard ” she call my name after standing to her feet ” where are you off to”

” am sure it has no business with you ” my voice harsh and I shake my head ” go to bed, tomorrow will be a great day show ”

” my lord ” she hold my hand ” I like you ” she smile and I nod.

” then you will marry me ?”

” of course my lord ” looking at her I suddenly feel bad but why, its not like I love her or anything, yes her company is great but I need to do this, this is the last soul I need to make my plan come true ” will you escort me to my chamber milord?”

I nod my head and quietly walk her to her bedchamber, I refuse stepping in knowing that a mirror is in there ” good night my lord ” she turn to face me then surprising me with a kiss on my lips.

Didn’t last long before she withdrew, she remain standing as if waiting for my reply ” good night ” I smile caressing her cheek before forcing the next word out of my lips “you’re beautiful ” her eyes glitter from my words.

At least I should make her happy before taking her soul.


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